Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
GF and GWF can defintely be very strong if geared/played well, but that doesn't mean TR is weak. You might say First Strike+SE is all TR has, once you survive that, they dont have much left, which is quite true in many cases, BUT remember, most of the players do not have enough HP to survive the first hit, and some classes have no way to dodge the first hit, do you know what that means? That means its game over to them on first hit anyway, what difference does it make if the TR only deal little damage after that?
and NO, people are not advocating to nerf TR, they are advocating to make ADJUSTMENT to the class, such as boosting the damage on Normal Attacks and/or Encounters, instead of relaying all attacks on one daily.
The fact? I have fought pretty much all TRs from major PvP guild, including some moderate ones, and what do I find? 90% of the TRs follows the common heavy attack SE build (Stylin being one of the hardest hitters)
5% of the TR are more technical fighters, they excel in COMBOs, CCs, excellent timing on combining attacks/encounters and COMBO DAILY (no, I am not gonna give more details, but Tardii is one of those)
5% of the TR, which is also very uncommon, excels in MELEE COMBAT, they do moderate damage, do not need much stealth but its VERY HARD to kill them even whacking FACE TO FACE with my GWF.
3rd type of TR is the one that changed my point of view on TRs being squishy, no, they are NOT, they are SUPER TANKY, but only if you are willing to explore the class and not just copying someone else' build without knowing exactly how the build works.
Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
GF and GWF can defintely be very strong if geared/played well, but that doesn't mean TR is weak. You might say First Strike+SE is all TR has, once you survive that, they dont have much left, which is quite true in many cases, BUT remember, most of the players do not have enough HP to survive the first hit, and some classes have no way to dodge the first hit, do you know what that means? That means its game over to them on first hit anyway, what difference does it make if the TR only deal little damage after that?
and NO, people are not advocating to nerf TR, they are advocating to make ADJUSTMENT to the class, such as boosting the damage on Normal Attacks and/or Encounters, instead of relaying all attacks on one daily.
The fact? I have fought pretty much all TRs from major PvP guild, including some moderate ones, and what do I find? 90% of the TRs follows the common heavy attack SE build (Stylin being one of the hardest hitters)
5% of the TR are more technical fighters, they excel in COMBOs, CCs, excellent timing on combining attacks/encounters and COMBO DAILY (no, I am not gonna give more details, but Tardii is one of those)
5% of the TR, which is also very uncommon, excels in MELEE COMBAT, they do moderate damage, do not need much stealth but its VERY HARD to kill them even whacking FACE TO FACE with my GWF.
3rd type of TR is the one that changed my point of view on TRs being squishy, no, they are NOT, they are SUPER TANKY, but only if you are willing to explore the class and not just copying someone else' build without knowing exactly how the build works.
Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
that´s the point, if I go to mid -node 2 at the beginning of the fight, every half orientated TR with first strike is looking for the warlock, in case it´s a TR with enough power this means onehit since my HP is 119k, so back to camp and again, mounting ... node (since TR is out of fight, first strike comes into account) wush onehit,-->back to node, mount ...."common mount, faster to reach node" hope his daily is not up again ... wush, onehit... this happend exactly 4 times and I quit game sorry mates TR is far from being weak tbh, no it´s all about build and playstyle, you can stand for long in case you put some effort in deflect
That´s a MI Sab i think, he nearly onehit´s a BIS GF infight (no firststrike)....not squishy at all imo TR got 4 mega dodges + ITC,+ 75% defelctseverity, can´t see what his deflect is like but i bet it´s a higher ammount so timing his smokebomb+SE and using his dodges+ITC+ Bloodbath he seems to be nearly immune to damage
GF and GWF can defintely be very strong if geared/played well, but that doesn't mean TR is weak. You might say First Strike+SE is all TR has, once you survive that, they dont have much left, which is quite true in many cases, BUT remember, most of the players do not have enough HP to survive the first hit, and some classes have no way to dodge the first hit, do you know what that means? That means its game over to them on first hit anyway, what difference does it make if the TR only deal little damage after that?
and NO, people are not advocating to nerf TR, they are advocating to make ADJUSTMENT to the class, such as boosting the damage on Normal Attacks and/or Encounters, instead of relaying all attacks on one daily.
The fact? I have fought pretty much all TRs from major PvP guild, including some moderate ones, and what do I find? 90% of the TRs follows the common heavy attack SE build (Stylin being one of the hardest hitters)
5% of the TR are more technical fighters, they excel in COMBOs, CCs, excellent timing on combining attacks/encounters and COMBO DAILY (no, I am not gonna give more details, but Tardii is one of those)
5% of the TR, which is also very uncommon, excels in MELEE COMBAT, they do moderate damage, do not need much stealth but its VERY HARD to kill them even whacking FACE TO FACE with my GWF.
3rd type of TR is the one that changed my point of view on TRs being squishy, no, they are NOT, they are SUPER TANKY, but only if you are willing to explore the class and not just copying someone else' build without knowing exactly how the build works.
Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
I think...TRs are using SE mainly vs GWFs and SWs? Because 90% of thinking TRs i have met in pvp both on my CW and GF were using Perma Courage Breaker and spamming this daily even faster than encounters?
About tanky TR- look at Baldek- i think he is most tanky TR in whole game- 50%+ dr + 75% deflect... such numbers for stealhed class with the 4 longest dodges and ITF....o_O
PS. @xsayajinx1- i didn't notice, but i know TR can deal 140k dmg with SE without ITF
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
I have fought with Tweeti on two occassions in the past, each fight lasted 10~15 minutes 1 on 1. There were 2~3 occassions where either of us' HP dropped to around 20%, but most of the time we maintained 50%+HP, at the end, neither of us can kill each other, even fighting face to face, he is one of the 3rd type TR I refer to, they are NOT squishy, and thank you for linking the video
GF and GWF can defintely be very strong if geared/played well, but that doesn't mean TR is weak. You might say First Strike+SE is all TR has, once you survive that, they dont have much left, which is quite true in many cases, BUT remember, most of the players do not have enough HP to survive the first hit, and some classes have no way to dodge the first hit, do you know what that means? That means its game over to them on first hit anyway, what difference does it make if the TR only deal little damage after that?
and NO, people are not advocating to nerf TR, they are advocating to make ADJUSTMENT to the class, such as boosting the damage on Normal Attacks and/or Encounters, instead of relaying all attacks on one daily.
The fact? I have fought pretty much all TRs from major PvP guild, including some moderate ones, and what do I find? 90% of the TRs follows the common heavy attack SE build (Stylin being one of the hardest hitters)
5% of the TR are more technical fighters, they excel in COMBOs, CCs, excellent timing on combining attacks/encounters and COMBO DAILY (no, I am not gonna give more details, but Tardii is one of those)
5% of the TR, which is also very uncommon, excels in MELEE COMBAT, they do moderate damage, do not need much stealth but its VERY HARD to kill them even whacking FACE TO FACE with my GWF.
3rd type of TR is the one that changed my point of view on TRs being squishy, no, they are NOT, they are SUPER TANKY, but only if you are willing to explore the class and not just copying someone else' build without knowing exactly how the build works.
Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
that´s the point, if I go to mid -node 2 at the beginning of the fight, every half orientated TR with first strike is looking for the warlock, in case it´s a TR with enough power this means onehit since my HP is 119k, so back to camp and again, mounting ... node (since TR is out of fight, first strike comes into account) wush onehit,-->back to node, mount ...."common mount, faster to reach node" hope his daily is not up again ... wush, onehit... this happend exactly 4 times and I quit game sorry mates TR is far from being weak tbh, no it´s all about build and playstyle, you can stand for long in case you put some effort in deflect
That´s a MI Sab i think, he nearly onehit´s a BIS GF infight (no firststrike)....not squishy at all imo TR got 4 mega dodges + ITC,+ 75% defelctseverity, can´t see what his deflect is like but i bet it´s a higher ammount so timing his smokebomb+SE and using his dodges+ITC+ Bloodbath he seems to be nearly immune to damage
1 - But as i can see on other videos or in other data, BiS players dont remove their gear to make the fight even more balanced and funnier for pugs/newbies... but well, these are "semantics", so allow me go straight to my point: What i'm watching at right now by reading some of you, BiS players, is players justifiying an BIG aberration. You can use BiS gear that make fights "unfair" but when other players are using certain gear to make it ALSO unfair, you complain. Or, just for asking, how many times did you corpsejump'd on an "ambush ring" user?
2 - And i told you that the only class who can not avoid enter PvP wearing other enchants besides Fey and Negation is GWF class AND my challenge was this: A BiS GWF entering PvP without either Fey or Nega vs other players wearing those enchants.
3 - Then, you agree that Lostmauth has the same benefit (damage "peaks") on GWFs as on all other classes.
1. Even doing so having 1,6k GS your 2x8k SH boons + 4k axebeak will make you stomp them since most player beside the bigger guilds got stables 3-4, and it will take very, very long time to make these guys competetive again (mod 20 i guess) So they just can stay outside PVP thank to this marvellous module 7
-->no chance to compete against a player with 8k+ defense and 8k+arp + axebeak, having 3k+ defense/arp <-- you are 14k+statpoints below, that´s 20 rank 12´s , noone can strip that much gear, you can play naked instead misconception in first degree
3) it maybe a lot higher in pve than pvp but when most classes add a free strike for 2k, a gf or a gwf adds a strike in between 5k and 20k depending on personal buffs. It may seem low to you but its still 1/5 - 1/6 of most players HP
Youre playing against no one, get over it and yourselves, stop stomping noobs and trying to justify it @metalldjt, these attempts of yours to justify the behavoir that has basically destroyed pvp in this game is too sad to continue to see. Youre competing against no one. 40 people doesnt make sustainable pvp in ANY setting. To think that people that are just starting the game and have no idea the idiots theyre gonna meet in dom shouldnt queue cause they dont have the gear to hang with you guys? Cmon, do you think that business model works for cryptic? Thats why theres no point in them even bothering to fix anything. You guys havent spent a dime of real money on zen purchases for years. Buying ad from 3rd party sites doesnt count. Whereas a new player thats just starting his first 6months will be more apt to spend money on zen because they arent botting yet and will be apprehensive about 3rd party AD sellers. Who do you think they want here? 40 dudes(being generous with that number) that think somehow no one should queue for pvp because theyre not worthy? Truly delusional. Probably time for the moderator to shut this thread down too.
It´s free will to strip gear doing so, loosing necklace, 2 rings, belt, 2-3 artifacts you will stay at <2k GS, your HP is near the same, your stats will drop a bit, but the effect is not that big. facing a 2-3k player with low SH-boons and without a mount, you will go on stomping him in a row. Again, it´s the SH-boons and the mount, wich decides everything atm. That´s a much bigger deal and prevents PVP from being competetive.
You legit grinded the rp to be BiS? Ever since mod 2 with every change? Just lol. And with a 1000+posts in the forums i think someone else has a problem with crying in the forums when theyre supposedly out grinding their HAMSTER of for their gear. Just saying.
1 - Why should anyone take off his hard earned gear (playing since late mod2 - my items are all legit grinded) for some PuGs who spend more time in PE chatting or crying in forums instead of gearing up? Just on a side note...
2 - I grind off my HAMSTER to literally dismiss the items as soon as I meet a lazy player in pvp, yea keep dreamin'!
1 - Because we are talking about "fair game" and, IMO, it means that both parties have the same chance of sucess based on "numbers" ( =/= skill) ... and "numbers" says that a player with 4k IL will kill a 2k IL player for sure because the 2k IL will not harm at all that forementioned 4k IL player (That's the reason you disproved yourself, btw). WARNING, with this, i don't wanted to mean i disagree with you, i do agree with you in fact, but we are talking about "fairness" from a player complaining about "ambush ring on BiS ranks" while stomping pugs...
2 - I dont do it either. I already stated that i dislike ambush ring (together other stuff) but if that ring helps that 2k face me when i wear my PvP gear, then, i dont have the right to ask him to remove it.
please, there is no agreement about drains no ways players will downgrade to enemy levels. yesterday i was pugging just like always, for once comps were balanced and could have been a fun match BUT 2 enemies (3.5k+) were wearing rank 1 drains. i dont like drains and not liking them i m definitely not going around with wards in the bag. Just nice red glyphs. i asked politely to unslot them, once, twice, they refused it. I asked to the enemy party to tell something... they didnt. Slot drains and ruin their life? ofc i did. And got blamed by those same guys + one poor eoa which i would like to say sorry but i m now on its ignore list and that btw wasnt really unhappy of the advantage he was getting thanks to those 2. so 3 players werent able to find an agreement on the usage of drains but you are asking 10 players to downgrade to "a well not defined item level". Who decide that level? a forum poll before everyone go to a node?
the solution is only one:
the gear is there? yes is working as stated on the tooltip? yes
feel absolutely free to use it. You will ruin people experience? probably are you a 4k gf / cw / tr /gwf wearing an ambush ring ? At least tell me that right inside you, you feel ashamed and a joke of the nature. Said so, feel free again to use it but not complain about me slotting drains to end this bs invisible bunny hopping then. right?.... obsy?
said so complaining about the random 2.2k guy in your party / enemy party wearing an ambush ring isnt absolutely right... you have the power to kill him anyways and at least it helps capping. Then again a 2.2k player, ambush ring user, abusing that item to troll around deserves punishment like all other trolls in game.
Anyone who doesn't think that this mod favors the tanks is living in a dream world. Take your pick, GF/GWF/Pally. All are very very strong, with GF and GWF having insane damage to boot. If yours is not excelling it is either built incorrectly or not geared yet.
Don't believe me, how many dom matches have you been in that feature 2 GFs on each side recently? it is every match for me. These are people's alts that are now their mains due to the advantage the class has.
Its getting comical to see people still trying to get TRs nerfed more.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
and NO, people are not advocating to nerf TR, they are advocating to make ADJUSTMENT to the class, such as boosting the damage on Normal Attacks and/or Encounters, instead of relaying all attacks on one daily.
The fact? I have fought pretty much all TRs from major PvP guild, including some moderate ones, and what do I find?
90% of the TRs follows the common heavy attack SE build (Stylin being one of the hardest hitters)
5% of the TR are more technical fighters, they excel in COMBOs, CCs, excellent timing on combining attacks/encounters and COMBO DAILY (no, I am not gonna give more details, but Tardii is one of those)
5% of the TR, which is also very uncommon, excels in MELEE COMBAT, they do moderate damage, do not need much stealth but its VERY HARD to kill them even whacking FACE TO FACE with my GWF.
3rd type of TR is the one that changed my point of view on TRs being squishy, no, they are NOT, they are SUPER TANKY, but only if you are willing to explore the class and not just copying someone else' build without knowing exactly how the build works.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
if I go to mid -node 2 at the beginning of the fight, every half orientated TR with first strike is looking for the warlock, in case it´s a TR with enough power this means onehit since my HP is 119k, so back to camp and again, mounting ... node (since TR is out of fight, first strike comes into account) wush onehit,-->back to node, mount ...."common mount, faster to reach node" hope his daily is not up again ... wush, onehit...
this happend exactly 4 times and I quit game sorry mates
TR is far from being weak tbh, no it´s all about build and playstyle, you can stand for long in case you put some effort in deflect
That´s a MI Sab i think, he nearly onehit´s a BIS GF infight (no firststrike)....not squishy at all imo
TR got 4 mega dodges + ITC,+ 75% defelctseverity, can´t see what his deflect is like but i bet it´s a higher ammount
so timing his smokebomb+SE and using his dodges+ITC+ Bloodbath he seems to be nearly immune to damage
I think...TRs are using SE mainly vs GWFs and SWs? Because 90% of thinking TRs i have met in pvp both on my CW and GF were using Perma Courage Breaker and spamming this daily even faster than encounters?
About tanky TR- look at Baldek- i think he is most tanky TR in whole game- 50%+ dr + 75% deflect... such numbers for stealhed class with the 4 longest dodges and ITF....o_O
PS. @xsayajinx1- i didn't notice, but i know TR can deal 140k dmg with SE without ITF
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
So they just can stay outside PVP thank to this marvellous module 7
-->no chance to compete against a player with 8k+ defense and 8k+arp + axebeak, having 3k+ defense/arp <--
you are 14k+statpoints below, that´s 20 rank 12´s , noone can strip that much gear, you can play naked instead
misconception in first degree
doing so, loosing necklace, 2 rings, belt, 2-3 artifacts you will stay at <2k GS, your HP is near the same, your stats will drop a bit, but the effect is not that big.
facing a 2-3k player with low SH-boons and without a mount, you will go on stomping him in a row.
Again, it´s the SH-boons and the mount, wich decides everything atm.
That´s a much bigger deal and prevents PVP from being competetive.
yesterday i was pugging just like always, for once comps were balanced and could have been a fun match BUT 2 enemies (3.5k+) were wearing rank 1 drains.
i dont like drains and not liking them i m definitely not going around with wards in the bag. Just nice red glyphs.
i asked politely to unslot them, once, twice, they refused it. I asked to the enemy party to tell something... they didnt. Slot drains and ruin their life? ofc i did. And got blamed by those same guys + one poor eoa which i would like to say sorry but i m now on its ignore list and that btw wasnt really unhappy of the advantage he was getting thanks to those 2.
so 3 players werent able to find an agreement on the usage of drains but you are asking 10 players to downgrade to "a well not defined item level". Who decide that level? a forum poll before everyone go to a node?
the solution is only one:
the gear is there? yes
is working as stated on the tooltip? yes
feel absolutely free to use it.
You will ruin people experience? probably
are you a 4k gf / cw / tr /gwf wearing an ambush ring ? At least tell me that right inside you, you feel ashamed and a joke of the nature. Said so, feel free again to use it but not complain about me slotting drains to end this bs invisible bunny hopping then. right?.... obsy?
said so complaining about the random 2.2k guy in your party / enemy party wearing an ambush ring isnt absolutely right...
you have the power to kill him anyways and at least it helps capping. Then again a 2.2k player, ambush ring user, abusing that item to troll around deserves punishment like all other trolls in game.