In my humble opinion, all the hunter who do a rotation of encounters and stances can do almost the same damage. I think great weapon fighter do more damage because they are always hiting 3, 4 or more enemies at the same time, with every single hit, the hunter in the other way only have a few Aoe powers. I think the damage of the hunter is fine: you can have 9 encounter powers, 4 daily. plus the 4 at will, in general enemies are dead before you run off on encounters powers. The dodge is fine too, mainly for a close range figther, you can avoid an attack an still be in range to attack him from the back, you can use 2 shifts to avoid aoe damage if you need too.
I have been played with an archer since i started (i have 2700 on equipment items) and has always been the same problem: you drop two shoots and a second later you are sorrounded by enemies fighting in hand to hand. I use a lot of roots with my archer, but sadly they only root the enemy 1 or 2 second, it`s so important for an archer to keep the enemy away, but you dont have the tools because the feat to increse the root rotation is far deep in the trapper tree.
The two main feature of the ranger are they roots and the two stances: The problem is in the trapper tree because as a combat or as an archer you can take a single feat of the trapper tree because the first ones involves changing stances
Solution: .put the "more root time" feat at the beginning of the trapper tree (or put another feats in the beginning of the trapper tree that dont involve improving the changes stances) (this is the most important)
.About the split the sky: its very bad for an archer: you put a big cloud, and a second later all the moobs under te cloud start chasing you. its an aggro magnet, and you dont want to be running away, you want to be shooting
.The hawkeye shoot: the aimed shot do more damage at long range, and any other encounter power do more damage at short, plus the animation is to long. I would love to have a long range, big damage encounter power, but this is not the case.
The best HR was still the Mod 2 hybrid - now that was fun, constantly moving in and out of combat, while being effective in both stances. But then Cryptic went and obliterated our best feats from both the Archer and Combat trees and gave us HAMSTER replacements instead.
And please, don't bring up the 9-encounter argument again. One of the two versions of most of our encounters are pathetic (read: not even worth using). I may use 5 of the 6 encounters on my Archer when they occasion calls for it, but my Combat HR uses all 6. Problem is our base damage and weapon damage on OH, which is abysmal. And 4 dailies??? I don't even...
Btw Split the Sky should not be used for soloing. It is for group content only, unless you have a really good tanking pet, which as an Archer, you should imo - it just makes things less stressful.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Which encouters power you dont like, lirithiel? (on your archer)
I agree most encounters powers doesnt do a lot of damage, but still they do more damage that ours at-will, they are fast, we have plenty of then, and we have feats in the archery tree who improve then...I have so many that i almost dont use my at will powers. Things are diferent with my rouge and guardian: i have to use the at-will a lot much more with then
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
The best HR was still the Mod 2 hybrid - now that was fun, constantly moving in and out of combat, while being effective in both stances. But then Cryptic went and obliterated our best feats from both the Archer and Combat trees and gave us HAMSTER replacements instead.
Amen. I fell in love with the class at that time. Trapper to some extent gives you the same feeling but is basically limited to a few powers since without roots it's basically useless, meaning that most encounters are useless anyway...
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
I main an HR since the class came out (currently 3,2k PvE, trapper). DPS looks ok compared to other classes providing control as only GWF and SW outdamage me usually but they pretty much only bring DPS to the table (and I don't even use Lostmauth). Survivability looks good for the Trapper if Lifesteal is high enough and I see no problem in doing anything solo (I can take most large heroic encounters by myself without big issues, except Beholders at the Stronghold). But Trapper is really limited in scope. You are forced to use certain encounters, at-wills deal less damage than Boo (except Careful Attack which is another boring auto-proc) and dailies are mostly utilities. Module 2 HR was much more fun. Combat is basically useless as damage is too low (where's my Cascade of Blades?) and struggles to survive where trapper walks through in a breeze. Archer also is pretty boring and at low EL has low survivability.
As Lirithiel says there's plenty of powers that don't make sense anymore. We still have all the Nature's path buffing powers but without the feat-tree they're simply too weak to be of any use, except Fox's Cunning which is still an amazing power.
What I would like to see is:
Archer: go back to the module 2 archer, which was a damn effective damage dealer moving in and out of the fray. Lower overall damage than a combat (which is forced to stay in melee and take risk) but high mobility and ability to deal damage to monsters that are spread over a vast area. Combat: this should be a top-tier damaging tree, similar to Destroyer GWF or Fury SW. Keep in mind that even in the D&D edition this game is loosely based on (4th) the Melee Ranger was the best class at damage dealing (both sustained and spike). Trapper/nature: a mixed control/buff/utility. Keep the roots but enable more powers to use them with the right feats. Reduce damage compared to archer and combat but increase buff/debuffs (imagine granting extra damage and extra lifesteal to all party members hitting a rooted target). Move Crushing roots from being a passive to being a feat in the Trapper's tree and rebalance it. Add a Daily power that grants spike damage (did I mention Cascade of Blades already?)
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
HRs despite there gear can't compete with GWFs or SW in PvE, and if they do beat them it's because they can't play there class. PvP we tickle GWFs, Pallys, and Clerics. Against rogues we can't do anything. CWs and SW are the fairest fight other than our own class. We need more damage on all of our powers, at will, encounters, and dailes. Visual bugs such as aspect of the serpent not displaying Critical chance need fixed. Items not displaying action points need fixed. We need faster animations on all of our abilities. Feats need reworked and tested. Control Bonus on our roots despite buffs never seem to work. Plant growth needs to be lable as a grasping root of some kind preferably strong. Cruel recovery needs fixed too doesn't work. Rapid shot interrupting Contricting Arrow needs fixed. After we cast our encounters we should be able to shift and it actually not interrupt our encounters. Our deflection severity needs up to 75% like every striker class gets. So so many things that could make this class great.
i recently tried to pvp again after a while with my hr... nothing. damage is 0 on gwfs, 0 on trs, 0! and the thorned root damage is not reliable anymore...1/2 ticks for 3.8k if crit and stop.
crush is no more with us, i dont think we will get fixed anytime soon if ever.
Then don't play other MMO games. In games like wow there are 20% dmg difference between dps classes at BIS level...
When a destroyer GWF or a fury SW will bring 20% less CC than a CW, a CW will be able to deal only 20% less DPS than them.
Right now, CWs bring 100% more CC than a Destroyer or a Furt SW (both bringing 0 CC or utility).
What you want to ask is for your AoE CC powers to be NEEDED again in dungeon runs. Which means, basically, a fix to "immortality" provided by some classes/ paths, bringing back the need of either a GF tank aggroing mobs OR a good CW controlling groups of mobs and dealing some damage, while the DDealers kill them. If a CW path, such as MoF, is designed to bring 0 CC or anything else except DPS, then that path can get a boost to deal the same damage as DPS-only paths/ classes.
A class bringing 100% more CC or Utility and dealing only 20% more damage would simply leave DPS-only paths out and un-needed. Unless you compensate the other way, giving those DPS-only paths some useful utility or CC to help the group.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Then don't play other MMO games. In games like wow there are 20% dmg difference between dps classes at BIS level...
When a destroyer GWF or a fury SW will bring 20% less CC than a CW, a CW will be able to deal only 20% less DPS than them.
Right now, CWs bring 100% more CC than a Destroyer or a Furt SW (both bringing 0 CC or utility).
What you want to ask is for your AoE CC powers to be NEEDED again in dungeon runs. Which means, basically, a fix to "immortality" provided by some classes/ paths, bringing back the need of either a GF tank aggroing mobs OR a good CW controlling groups of mobs and dealing some damage, while the DDealers kill them. If a CW path, such as MoF, is designed to bring 0 CC or anything else except DPS, then that path can get a boost to deal the same damage as DPS-only paths/ classes.
A class bringing 100% more CC or Utility and dealing only 20% more damage would simply leave DPS-only paths out and un-needed. Unless you compensate the other way, giving those DPS-only paths some useful utility or CC to help the group.
Ok, besides the fact that all of this stuff is horribly offtopic, can I just point out pando that if they make CC relevant again, content will be difficult, which means more QQ/nerf dungeon threads, which means it will be made irrelevant again. Its not that I disagree with you pando, its just that it will never happen.
i recently tried to pvp again after a while with my hr... nothing. damage is 0 on gwfs, 0 on trs, 0! and the thorned root damage is not reliable anymore...1/2 ticks for 3.8k if crit and stop.
Same here, I pvp on my newish TR for a few matches, then swap to my HR just to try for a win for the SH fight to the finish quest.
It's putting down your sniper rifle and picking up a twig.
What you want to ask is for your AoE CC powers to be NEEDED again in dungeon runs.
No! I want my Thaumaturgy CW can be decent dps again as it should be and promised in the description! I want pve balance in this game!
I have GWF/Sw. I use them. I am uninterested in them! They bore me. I don't like things overrewarding for skilless ppl. This 100% more CC is more than exaggeration! Of course you are using glass cannon Gwf build and probably never heard about powers like Front line Surge and roar or Avalanche.
Another typical exaggeration. Oh and btw I remember we used 3-4 GWFs in old Dwarf King instances. Whose missing bringing other classes to parties exactly?
These words exist only in your narrow-minded vocabulary built for lobby lacking a gamer intentions. Do you think you will survive next nerf with "compensation" again? Noone will compensate you nothing this time! "DPS-only paths"? Again. don't play other mmo games! Every class has a right and a paragon tree to do dps!
But idk why am i wasting my time reading your broken record like answers which probably popular in your surrounding or wherever.
Sorcerers are coming and will nuke you away.
Post edited by commanderdata002 on
stock and stone I can master, but there's a Wizard to manage here!
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
Sorry.... but I changed my mind! you guys are right!, the main problem in the hunter archer path (and combat) is the low dps.
I compared the at-will and encounters powers base damage with the others classes and I found that the hunter do half damage because we have doble powers. Trappers can do fine because they can take the most of both stances (Imo trappers are fine).
So, cryptic can not raise the base damage because is going to improve the 3 paths, trappers is going to be still the best dps.
I think that the best way is to make a feat in the archer tree like this "improve ranged damage 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% while decresed the melee damage 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%"
and the same in the Combat tree: "improve melee damage 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% while decresed the ranged damage 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%"
In this way the major features and the feeling of the hunter ranger keep untouched, while the now "no viable" paths are improved
As someone who has played an HR since being introduced to NW, I agree with the OP. Although in PVE, the HR is decent, in PVP they are the weakest class. At the moment, the only thing an HR can do against classes of equal gear is "kite" them, or tank them in other words. HR vs. TR, tank the TR. HR vs. CW, hope your heals save you. HR vs. GF, carefully dodge their 1-rotation and you may live. HR vs. GWF, there's no hope at all... you cannot tank nor kite nor do anything vs. a GWF. You'll die. HR vs. SW, same game plan as you'd fight a CW, tank/kite them. HR. vs DC/OP, yeah, nothing you can do there. The utmost important fix that HRs need right now is better dodges. Every class has a better dodge than us. HRs only move 1 feet per dodge, as opposed to TRs roll, DCs dodge, CWs dodge, etc. I can be fighting a GF and be spamming dodge to avoid crescendo and their 1-rotation, yet I still get caught. Right now, HRs don't belong in domination at all, besides being a support class. Even so, in premades, the HR is ALWAYS and easy kill for anyone. Hence the reason why there's a lack of HRs playing in domination from any guild, EoA, Absolute, etc. -Wonder Ranger; Essence of Aggression
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
Hr is terrible at pvp, but there are still HRs who can permastun even well geared people, so there are ways but noone of them share
Hr is terrible at pvp, but there are still HRs who can permastun even well geared people, so there are ways but noone of them share
It depends on the 'well-geared people.' There are 4k+ CWs I can take out in a few seconds because they are bad players with bad builds and there are 3.2k CWs who almost completely ignore the effect of roots and Disruptive Shot. There is no secret HR build that allows permastun against players with the right builds and guild boons.
Okay, so I broke down and respec'd my HR to the Trapper Path after watching a few YouTube vids on this HR specialization. Everything said about this being the only viable path is 100% correct. The Archer and Combat Melee Paths are worthless. If anyone wants to play HR and hopes to make it slightly playable let alone survive they must go Trapper. It's unfair. Its not right. But that is what it comes down to.
One more thing, of all the classes of all the deficiencies (i.e. low hit damage, squishiness etc) the one thing the devs could address that could turn the HR around by mod 9 is speed. The HR should be as fast as the TR if not faster (only the monk class should be the fastest and that's not in the game). The HR should have inherent speed bonuses to out run stupid crabs in the Drowned Shores, for example or pokey Trolls. The point is, just as fast as the HR can get itself in trouble it should be able to get itself out of trouble. Its a real shameful portrayal of the HR that it is supposedly equipped with light armor (leather), and a fighter in full clad-metal armor can sprint and out run the HR. That is so dumb. I wonder if any devs play HR? Just as a suggestion, I say a level 70 HR should have a 40% to base movement for maybe a duration of 8 sec (cool down for 30 sec or less depending on recovery or from Con) as a feature for EXPEDITIOUS STRIDE!!!!!!!! Yes, that's a HR feature under D&D v4, Player's Handbook Chapter 4, page 108, and its left out in this game (like many other things). It should also break the combat posture to show the HR in a run animation, which would also mean it can interact ( F key) with objects. That means exiting a dungeon or getting an object even when agro-ed.
I beg to differ about the only viable path. I'll post on this later on. What perplex me is the lack of debuff of the class. That is unjust and can be taken care of by modifyng appropriately just one daily, Disrupting Shot.
Commanding Shot. Thorn Ward.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
We have looked into reports of players experiencing connection problems and have been unable to identify any server, data center, or client-side issues. We believe this may be ISP related.
longstrider's shot is also a good buff. Oh, and fox's cunning is a party wide dodge for 1 incoming hit which is very useful. Slasher's mark is another very good party buff with it's stamina restoration. Careful Attack is another debuff. hawk eye is worth 7.5% bonus damage on a teammates next strike (the ranged version Hawk shot isn't good for anyone but archers though)
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Longstriders is a great buff, but very short lasting (in the same manner as TR's wicked reminder, for example, only a few seconds) - but as it's a huge radius, the bigger the encounter (i.e. large scale pvp or pve) the more useful it becomes.
The issue with some of our encounters, aside from low base damage which we all know is an issue, is that the opposite stance's encounter is absolute rubbish. Commanding shot was mentioned above - and I'm sure it's quite useful, but I'll personally never slot it because Stag Heart is horrible, which means instead of having 6 encounters to play with, I only effectively have 5. Same with Binding Arrow - I could probably find some usefulness on Trapper for it, but Oak Skin makes it not worth slotting.
And with the almost necessity to spam all of our encounters to make up for their low base damage, it means that we're actually quite limited in what we can choose in order to optimize damage since every poor encounter really affects our dps.
As has been mentioned in other threads, I'd have to agree after quite a bit of HR testing in the past month or 2 that we could use some base damage improvements, better dailies, better at-wills, a few changes to the paths to make them more viable (Combat and Archery, I'm looking at you), improvements to what triggers Lostmauth (or change it for the other classes to allow for consistency), a better dodge with a slightly longer immunity window, larger AoE circles (Rain of Arrows specifically), and so on.
Trapper isn't in an overly terrible position - we're generally at least somewhere in the same ballpark as the other dps specs, except for GWF which is in a league all its own - but could still use some minor first aid to get it up to par; Combat and Archery, however, need CPR.
architect40Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 20Arc User
edited January 2016
I play a close to BIS HR trapper PVP build with high crit and severity with life steal at 22%-27% depending on stance. I use crit severity and CA increase companions. In PVE I do very well in all the stats (damage/heal/damage taken etc.) The only classes that typically beat me in damage are GWFs and well geared CWs. Once in a while a TR or a full PVE build archer will beat me in damage. I contribute this some what to my very aggressive playstyle. Trapper tree is viable in PVE, but the problem is I get 40%-50% of my damage from roots and about 5% from lostmauth set. While other classes are getting 40%-50% from the lostmauth set. Nerf the lostmauth set and HRs would do well in the trapper tree. I'm not saying nerf the LOL set, but fix where the HR gets there damage from. Overall damage for HR needs to be increased significantly while nerfing the root damage some.
In PVP while the trapper build is the only viable build we absolutely suck against equally geared classes. There are some 2.5k TRs that can destroy me on a node because I can't see them, I'm CCed all the time and when I do see them and not CCed I hit for very little damage (mainly due to ITC and permastealth). Although, on the other hand there are some 4k TRs (Whisperknife builds) that I can go the distance with and have a chance at winning because they don't have permastealth. HRs need higher burst damage, an increase to our deflect severity, and better dodges.
Pve ok, though we're restricted to only those powers you mentioned, and even some of our avenues of dps or buffing - CA and esp. Slashers have the problem of causing lag on heralds runs and tiamat... Not to mention gushing wound and the offhand loop which is almost impossible to keep up out of solo... we can get by. In pve. But tbh. Who cares..? Its not like even a great PVE HR makes anymore difference to the outcomes of a dungeon run, ie. The party succeeds, than substituting any other decently built and geared striker/cc class. PVE is easy atm. It's actually more difficult to fail than it is to win, with regard to dps alone. It's just a difference in time, can we kill tiamat quick enough to do a fresh instance, can we kill 10 dragons or more in one heralds... It's a joke. No wonder the rewards for even the supposedly most difficult content are poor.
Whether people want to face it or not, the endgame is pvp. And in pvp, where it matters most, our damage is pitiful our control marginal, our agility sloth-like and our utility to the team, beyond interrupt and stamina/AP drain support while some other class clears a node, effectively zero.
And please, don't bring up the 9-encounter argument again. One of the two versions of most of our encounters are pathetic (read: not even worth using). I may use 5 of the 6 encounters on my Archer when they occasion calls for it, but my Combat HR uses all 6. Problem is our base damage and weapon damage on OH, which is abysmal. And 4 dailies??? I don't even...
Btw Split the Sky should not be used for soloing. It is for group content only, unless you have a really good tanking pet, which as an Archer, you should imo - it just makes things less stressful.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I agree most encounters powers doesnt do a lot of damage, but still they do more damage that ours at-will, they are fast, we have plenty of then, and we have feats in the archery tree who improve then...I have so many that i almost dont use my at will powers.
Things are diferent with my rouge and guardian: i have to use the at-will a lot much more with then
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
DPS looks ok compared to other classes providing control as only GWF and SW outdamage me usually but they pretty much only bring DPS to the table (and I don't even use Lostmauth).
Survivability looks good for the Trapper if Lifesteal is high enough and I see no problem in doing anything solo (I can take most large heroic encounters by myself without big issues, except Beholders at the Stronghold).
But Trapper is really limited in scope. You are forced to use certain encounters, at-wills deal less damage than Boo (except Careful Attack which is another boring auto-proc) and dailies are mostly utilities. Module 2 HR was much more fun.
Combat is basically useless as damage is too low (where's my Cascade of Blades?) and struggles to survive where trapper walks through in a breeze.
Archer also is pretty boring and at low EL has low survivability.
As Lirithiel says there's plenty of powers that don't make sense anymore. We still have all the Nature's path buffing powers but without the feat-tree they're simply too weak to be of any use, except Fox's Cunning which is still an amazing power.
What I would like to see is:
Archer: go back to the module 2 archer, which was a damn effective damage dealer moving in and out of the fray. Lower overall damage than a combat (which is forced to stay in melee and take risk) but high mobility and ability to deal damage to monsters that are spread over a vast area.
Combat: this should be a top-tier damaging tree, similar to Destroyer GWF or Fury SW. Keep in mind that even in the D&D edition this game is loosely based on (4th) the Melee Ranger was the best class at damage dealing (both sustained and spike).
Trapper/nature: a mixed control/buff/utility. Keep the roots but enable more powers to use them with the right feats. Reduce damage compared to archer and combat but increase buff/debuffs (imagine granting extra damage and extra lifesteal to all party members hitting a rooted target).
Move Crushing roots from being a passive to being a feat in the Trapper's tree and rebalance it.
Add a Daily power that grants spike damage (did I mention Cascade of Blades already?)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
nothing. damage is 0 on gwfs, 0 on trs, 0! and the thorned root damage is not reliable anymore...1/2 ticks for 3.8k if crit and stop.
crush is no more with us, i dont think we will get fixed anytime soon if ever.
Game were fine in mod1, mod3 when GWF weren't top dmg!
Then don't play other MMO games. In games like wow there are 20% dmg difference between dps classes at BIS level...
Right now, CWs bring 100% more CC than a Destroyer or a Furt SW (both bringing 0 CC or utility).
What you want to ask is for your AoE CC powers to be NEEDED again in dungeon runs. Which means, basically, a fix to "immortality" provided by some classes/ paths, bringing back the need of either a GF tank aggroing mobs OR a good CW controlling groups of mobs and dealing some damage, while the DDealers kill them.
If a CW path, such as MoF, is designed to bring 0 CC or anything else except DPS, then that path can get a boost to deal the same damage as DPS-only paths/ classes.
A class bringing 100% more CC or Utility and dealing only 20% more damage would simply leave DPS-only paths out and un-needed. Unless you compensate the other way, giving those DPS-only paths some useful utility or CC to help the group.
It's putting down your sniper rifle and picking up a twig.
I want pve balance in this game!
I have GWF/Sw. I use them. I am uninterested in them! They bore me. I don't like things overrewarding for skilless ppl.
This 100% more CC is more than exaggeration! Of course you are using glass cannon Gwf build and probably never heard about powers like Front line Surge and roar or Avalanche. Another typical exaggeration.
Oh and btw I remember we used 3-4 GWFs in old Dwarf King instances. Whose missing bringing other classes to parties exactly? These words exist only in your narrow-minded vocabulary built for lobby lacking a gamer intentions.
Do you think you will survive next nerf with "compensation" again?
Noone will compensate you nothing this time!
"DPS-only paths"? Again. don't play other mmo games!
Every class has a right and a paragon tree to do dps!
But idk why am i wasting my time reading your broken record like answers which probably popular in your surrounding or wherever.
Sorcerers are coming and will nuke you away.
I compared the at-will and encounters powers base damage with the others classes and I found that the hunter do half damage because we have doble powers. Trappers can do fine because they can take the most of both stances (Imo trappers are fine).
So, cryptic can not raise the base damage because is going to improve the 3 paths, trappers is going to be still the best dps.
I think that the best way is to make a feat in the archer tree like this "improve ranged damage 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% while decresed the melee damage 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%"
and the same in the Combat tree: "improve melee damage 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% while decresed the ranged damage 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%"
In this way the major features and the feeling of the hunter ranger keep untouched, while the now "no viable" paths are improved
-Wonder Ranger; Essence of Aggression
One more thing, of all the classes of all the deficiencies (i.e. low hit damage, squishiness etc) the one thing the devs could address that could turn the HR around by mod 9 is speed. The HR should be as fast as the TR if not faster (only the monk class should be the fastest and that's not in the game). The HR should have inherent speed bonuses to out run stupid crabs in the Drowned Shores, for example or pokey Trolls. The point is, just as fast as the HR can get itself in trouble it should be able to get itself out of trouble. Its a real shameful portrayal of the HR that it is supposedly equipped with light armor (leather), and a fighter in full clad-metal armor can sprint and out run the HR. That is so dumb. I wonder if any devs play HR? Just as a suggestion, I say a level 70 HR should have a 40% to base movement for maybe a duration of 8 sec (cool down for 30 sec or less depending on recovery or from Con) as a feature for EXPEDITIOUS STRIDE!!!!!!!! Yes, that's a HR feature under D&D v4, Player's Handbook Chapter 4, page 108, and its left out in this game (like many other things). It should also break the combat posture to show the HR in a run animation, which would also mean it can interact ( F key) with objects. That means exiting a dungeon or getting an object even when agro-ed.
Slasher's mark is another very good party buff with it's stamina restoration.
Careful Attack is another debuff. hawk eye is worth 7.5% bonus damage on a teammates next strike (the ranged version Hawk shot isn't good for anyone but archers though)
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
The issue with some of our encounters, aside from low base damage which we all know is an issue, is that the opposite stance's encounter is absolute rubbish. Commanding shot was mentioned above - and I'm sure it's quite useful, but I'll personally never slot it because Stag Heart is horrible, which means instead of having 6 encounters to play with, I only effectively have 5. Same with Binding Arrow - I could probably find some usefulness on Trapper for it, but Oak Skin makes it not worth slotting.
And with the almost necessity to spam all of our encounters to make up for their low base damage, it means that we're actually quite limited in what we can choose in order to optimize damage since every poor encounter really affects our dps.
As has been mentioned in other threads, I'd have to agree after quite a bit of HR testing in the past month or 2 that we could use some base damage improvements, better dailies, better at-wills, a few changes to the paths to make them more viable (Combat and Archery, I'm looking at you), improvements to what triggers Lostmauth (or change it for the other classes to allow for consistency), a better dodge with a slightly longer immunity window, larger AoE circles (Rain of Arrows specifically), and so on.
Trapper isn't in an overly terrible position - we're generally at least somewhere in the same ballpark as the other dps specs, except for GWF which is in a league all its own - but could still use some minor first aid to get it up to par; Combat and Archery, however, need CPR.
In PVP while the trapper build is the only viable build we absolutely suck against equally geared classes. There are some 2.5k TRs that can destroy me on a node because I can't see them, I'm CCed all the time and when I do see them and not CCed I hit for very little damage (mainly due to ITC and permastealth). Although, on the other hand there are some 4k TRs (Whisperknife builds) that I can go the distance with and have a chance at winning because they don't have permastealth. HRs need higher burst damage, an increase to our deflect severity, and better dodges.
Whether people want to face it or not, the endgame is pvp. And in pvp, where it matters most, our damage is pitiful our control marginal, our agility sloth-like and our utility to the team, beyond interrupt and stamina/AP drain support while some other class clears a node, effectively zero.
HR burst damage needs a huge buff. End of story.