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Regarding to the ArPen needed in the campaign maps

lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
Since Mod6 was released, there has been a long debate between 1) Players who think that the content is very difficult/boring (takes long time to kill a mob) and 2) players who think that the content is not really that hard. Now, this post isn't to discuss who's right or wrong in that debate so please try to avoid that conflict.

For those who are finding the game difficult/boring due to the long grinding in the Spinward Rise area and the campaign maps, you might find interesting this information:

Most players that are struggling a lot in the campaign maps like Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, etc is because they are avoiding or ignoring one of the most important offensive stats in the game: Armor Penetration. Every enemy that you will find at lv 70+ have a specific Damage Resistance that will reduce the incoming damage. If you want to deal full damage to them, you need to stack ArPen. However, you can't ignore more than their maximum damage resistance.

Example: If your foe have 30% DR and you have 0% ArPen, your damage will be 30% lower. If you get at least 10% ArPen, against the same foe you will deal only 20% less damage. If you have 30% ArPen, you will deal 100% of your damage to your opponent.

Check your total resistance ignored in your character sheet below "offensive and healing" ratings.


So, what's the DR of the enemies in the campaign maps?

Find below the most common enemies, also the stronger ones.


Regarding to Spinward Rise: The Noble giants in the Thunderhead Reach area, which are among the toughest foes in this map, have a damage resistance of 32% so if you want to deal full damage to them, you need 32% of ArPen. The other enemies have less DR.
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Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance


  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Sweet. Useful information! Meaningfully compiled, too! Thanks a lot!

    How did you find that (out?) ??? Titration?

    On a side note: The vocabulary used before was ArPen for the stat, and Resitance Ignored (= RI, ResIgn) for the DR bypassed...
  • wentriswentris Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Woah, zone mobs with 55% DR? I never measured that, because Im over that cap anyway, but dont T1 bosses have 40% DR? And T2/Tiamat 60% DR? I didnt think zone mobs could have more than 30% DR.

    P.S. Any chance you have a list of T1/T2 mobs armor penetration? I always wanted one, but I must admit I was too lazy/couldnt find party that wanted to experiment
    Post edited by wentris on
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    This should be stickied.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    The forums suggested at least 40% with tiamat at the top with 60% ( i have read) so i shoot for 60% on dps classes :D
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Nice job on the article and chart but people should be able to do at least sharandar and dread ring with t1 blue gears.With GFs t1 gear reaching 2k(20%) arPen is no easy job.Lets say new player put 4 rank 7 arPen enchantments to its offense slots so it made only 27% arPen but then you lost so much from either power or critic. If I remember correctly they said they made daily mini-dungeons a little bit harder to improve group play when this mod came online but with these stats even doing daily quests require either 5 men/women group or 2k+ chaperone.Doing 4 scenario missions with this form group do quests go another zone make another party cycle must take insanely long and these scenarios go on at least a month withouth doing anything else.

    By the way have any of you checked ToD dragon zones.Rothe Valley and Whispering Cavern dragons sit there by themselves.I think people gave up on boons and just went to Tiamat to get overgeared enough to blow these scenario mobs out of the water

    I am just glad I finished everything on my main and my gwf alt before this mod came online and I wont touch other alts for a long time with these stats
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    wentris wrote: »
    Woah, zone mobs with 55% DR? I never measured that, because Im over that cap anyway, but dont T1 bosses have 40% DR? And T2/Tiamat 60% DR? I didnt think zone mobs could have more than 30% DR.

    P.S. Any chance you have a list of T1/T2 mobs armor penetration? I always wanted one, but I must admit I was too lazy/couldnt find party that wanted to experiment

    The enemies DR depends on their lvl and their rank. Syndrith i.e have only 25.5% DR Boss Lv 71 and the critters with lower rank in that instance have even less. I had the luck to get inside ToS alone (gj queue system) and tested it. However, last time I checked the heralds (Boss Lv 73) they have 59.5%, Tiamat's Heads are very probably the same.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Some classes are wildly stronger than other classes and some players are wildly more geared than other players. What do you think the value is of advice from the strongest geared playing the strongest class to the the peasants? It sure is swell of you to carry them though.
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    Some classes are wildly stronger than other classes and some players are wildly more geared than other players. What do you think the value is of advice from the strongest geared playing the strongest class to the the peasants? It sure is swell of you to carry them though.

  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Some classes are wildly stronger than other classes and some players are wildly more geared than other players. What do you think the value is of advice from the strongest geared playing the strongest class to the the peasants? It sure is swell of you to carry them though.

    I see a player making the effort to help the people who don't have the time or resources to find these things out. Unlike you.
    Post edited by kieranmtorn on
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    Some classes are wildly stronger than other classes and some players are wildly more geared than other players. What do you think the value is of advice from the strongest geared playing the strongest class to the the peasants? It sure is swell of you to carry them though.

    I see a player making the effort to help the people who don't have the time or resources to find these things out. Unlike you.

    But he has a point.Saying have this much arpen to do this only shows that how easy things for old players that actually understands the system.But getting to that point is the main problem for new or casual players(or peasants what he called).For example not many people is willing to play with lower geared players even when they enter dungeons randomly.There is another problem is how much these mobs hit.Most of the classes in the game has already decent dps to clear some of scenarios but survivability is whole another issue with these places.I am really curios how much arPen these mobs have because tuern or kessell mobs sometimes can one hit me even with 12k+ defense and 5k+ deflect.
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    What some people doesn't seem to understand is that I'm just telling what's the amount of ArPen that you require vs specific enemies in certain maps. How is that related to my GWF or his gear? That's something that only makes sense in some people's head. Btw, I play every class and not only my GWF is fully geared but lazy-minded players love to assume things.

    Now that you know the ArPen needed, it's up to you to go for it or not. If you think that's too much or you simply don't like that, then complain to the Devs.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I'm not really annoyed with you and that came off harsher than I felt it should.

    My point is that the new players have so many problems that getting the right amount of arp is just the smallest thing. I'm also very geared but I don't tell new players what to do because they don't have a real chance in the game and it feels cruel. I was over emphasising it when I mentioned your class because the truth is there are worthless pve classes. What can you do but tell them to reroll if they want to play pve or pvp dependng on their preferences. Its hardly your fault its just the way the game is. Sorry to take my irritation with it out on you.
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Maybe you dont but I am.Lazaroth666 maybe is most well-known player in the game.People are watching what he/she post/say or watch the videos made by Lazaroth666.Just look how much this post visited. I know you like to help newer players with your builds and videos.

    "Now, this post isn't to discuss who's right or wrong in that debate so please try to avoid that conflict.

    You say this and I said "hey it is time that someone actually show the ropes about scenarios for new players without no other thought".Then you spit this:
    Most players that are struggling a lot in the campaign maps like Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, etc is because they are avoiding or ignoring one of the most important offensive stats in the game: Armor Penetration. Every enemy that you will find at lv 70+ have a specific Damage Resistance that will reduce the incoming damage. If you want to deal full damage to them, you need to stack ArPen. However, you can't ignore more than their maximum damage resistance.

    You actually blamed low-geared players for Cryptic's lousy attempt to make scenario maps more party based for players.Before this mod a person can do most of the scenarios by themselves and there were people who like to solo who has no guilds and likes to randomly enter dungeons for fun and enjoy the game. They killed most of them with mod 6 and they are out to get rest of them with this you can get BIS gears only on the strongold rule.

  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    dsn1118 wrote: »
    "Now, this post isn't to discuss who's right or wrong in that debate so please try to avoid that conflict.

    You say this and I said "hey it is time that someone actually show the ropes about scenarios for new players without no other thought".Then you spit this:
    Most players that are struggling a lot in the campaign maps like Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, etc is because they are avoiding or ignoring one of the most important offensive stats in the game: Armor Penetration. Every enemy that you will find at lv 70+ have a specific Damage Resistance that will reduce the incoming damage. If you want to deal full damage to them, you need to stack ArPen. However, you can't ignore more than their maximum damage resistance.

    You actually blamed low-geared players for Cryptic's lousy attempt to make scenario maps more party based for players.Before this mod a person can do most of the scenarios by themselves and there were people who like to solo who has no guilds and likes to randomly enter dungeons for fun and enjoy the game. They killed most of them with mod 6 and they are out to get rest of them with this you can get BIS gears only on the strongold rule.

    Perhaps I didn't use the right words when I made the post but I will try to explain a bit more why I wrote it in that way. Many players are always asking me things about the game everyday both new and BIS players. The new players are usually asking why the content is so hard in low lvls and how can they do their daily quests faster. I invite them to party then I switch to their instance and I check their character. Since I already know the enemies DR I usually tell them: "Hey, you need more ArPen, at least xx% more" also if you have survivability problems go get more HP and Lifesteal. A couple of days later they write back and say: "hey, your advices were great, thanks for that. I feel it a lot easier now!". That's why I wrote "most players that are struggling a lot" because that's my own direct experience with them.

    I'm not blaming the players for what Cryptic have done. When I wrote that this is not a place for debate is simply because there are already many threads about how difficult is the game and there are a ton of players who dislike the changes. Here, I just want to help those who accept the reality and are looking to improve their experience with a couple of tips that will be useful for them. Asking for changes, that's a good thing. However, they won't come immediately and meanwhile some players are still playing regardless the difficult.

    I hope I explained it properly and thank you for your comments.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I only had time to enter and check if I was really wrong about high damage on the mobs because I never entered scenario maps since this nerf damage buff health patch so I took my 2k gwf and entered tower of celadaine.I made this character just for hack/slash fun so I am not sure about its build but nearly all of his boons are open(half of dragon boons).I had a little bit low damage but it was okay until I reached boss room since I was overgeared for sharandar norms.I died until I can clear little mobs near celadaine.I entered the room again and burst almost half of its health easily without little fellas.Then second wave appeared behind me so another instant death.

    I had 75k health when I entered the room.I lost 20-25k before celadaine transformed.Third time this happened so I gave up.

    [Combat (Self)] Celadaine deals 28632 (41962) Necrotic Damage to you with Fomorian Transformation.
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Indomitable Strength deals 31249 (30636) Physical Damage to Celadaine
    [Combat (Self)] Powrie deals 6509 (8012) Physical Damage to you with Melee Attack.
    [Combat (Self)] Powrie deals 7535 (9276) Physical Damage to you with Melee Attack

    Now I know you arent supposed to do this place alone but still how can someone with sharandar gear can survive this combo since I had mix of t1s and elemental burning pvp gear with 3k def and 2k deflect.And why the hell Cryptic open 70+ scenario maps to 60 level characters.Am I the only idiot who goes to help new players every time someone gets stuck in Dread Ring bossfights.
  • vyperdrivevyperdrive Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Thank you very much for this information. As someone who almost exclusively does campaign content solo, I have been wondering how much ArPen to have. Having around 5.5k with my current set up was making me consider whether it would be better to drop 500 or so for other stats - this info is very useful in helping me clarify my ideas on that.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    Read the thread; ignoring all it; @OP: Three thumbs up for an excellently-written post.

    It is NOT a crazy wall-o-text, which makes it approachable for wall-o-text-aversion types. You use a couple very simply graphics to help illustrate your point. You also suggest, albeit very briefly, *how* someone might improve their ArPen rating and where to look for it.

    All in all a freakishly EXCELLENT post.

    To everyone else whining and moaning about new players versus old players versus BiS players versus "peasants': Please just go away. I mean really?

    THIS is an excellent post because the OP does not show-off his prowess at unGodly pwrz!!!11! And he does not talk-down to the reader. Also, the OP does not say "this is the best way to do it!!!11!!" and neither does the OP say "THIS way or the DIE WAY!!!11!!".

    The OP's post was simple, precise, easy to read. It did not suggest "thiz iz hau U dooit" - it simply states:
    • Here is something you should *know*.
    • Here is how you find-out about it.
    • And here is how you affect it.
    That's it. That's all it is. How can that be any kind of wrong in any kind of way?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    All in all a freakishly EXCELLENT post.

    To everyone else whining and moaning about new players versus old players versus BiS players versus "peasants': Please just go away. I mean really?
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Question for OP, I normally play GWF or CW, and I noticed that Deep Gash doesn't seem to be effected by ARP, so have started using 1 point in it as a ARP monitor in ACT. Is Deep Gash truely not affected by ARP?
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Read the thread; ignoring all it; @OP: Three thumbs up for an excellently-written post.

    It is NOT a crazy wall-o-text, which makes it approachable for wall-o-text-aversion types. You use a couple very simply graphics to help illustrate your point. You also suggest, albeit very briefly, *how* someone might improve their ArPen rating and where to look for it.

    All in all a freakishly EXCELLENT post.

    To everyone else whining and moaning about new players versus old players versus BiS players versus "peasants': Please just go away. I mean really?

    THIS is an excellent post because the OP does not show-off his prowess at unGodly pwrz!!!11! And he does not talk-down to the reader. Also, the OP does not say "this is the best way to do it!!!11!!" and neither does the OP say "THIS way or the DIE WAY!!!11!!".

    The OP's post was simple, precise, easy to read. It did not suggest "thiz iz hau U dooit" - it simply states:
    • Here is something you should *know*.
    • Here is how you find-out about it.
    • And here is how you affect it.
    That's it. That's all it is. How can that be any kind of wrong in any kind of way?

    HEAR! HEAR! BRAVO! AMEN! YOU GO (insert gender)!
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    WTF Laz.

    Don't apologize for this. Tell them to eat a bag of ***** and go along their merry way.
  • xaeiownuxxaeiownux Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 24 Arc User
    i too think it is a good post for new and casual players. if I hadn't already known this I would love to stumble across this. i dont think anyone should take insult to how this is written (i wouldnt have if i was undergeared in that aspect).this should help out a lot of people that want to take a lil time as I did to learn how to play a game they enjoy and do it well. thanks laz for the great job and well written post.
  • eyceaethereyceaether Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    Getting 32% armor penetration isn't hard. You can literally pick through level 62-64 gear that has armor penetration on it and get that easily.
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Ok.I see that most IWD mobs have less than 60% DR.Let me ask you this.How much arPen an endgame player needs.You focused on arPen so much you are missing the point that this game is not build on just dps-givers and there are buffers debuffers.Theere were even some idiots wants more than 50+m damage for buffer/debuffer GFs or DCs in Tiamat.Lazaroth has 66.3+3% arPen.Tiamat has the most biggest baddest damage resist out there for now.How much defense does it actualy have.Have you noticed people(clerics or tanks) are putting defense debuffs for DPS classes so you dont end up wasting your so precious power or crit chances for arPen.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    As a PVE GWF (not sure about the other class), getting ArP is easy because you can get ArP for most gear and Artifact. The challenge is to switch the excessive ArP to something else.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    dsn1118 wrote: »
    Ok.I see that most IWD mobs have less than 60% DR.Let me ask you this.How much arPen an endgame player needs.You focused on arPen so much you are missing the point that this game is not build on just dps-givers and there are buffers debuffers.Theere were even some idiots wants more than 50+m damage for buffer/debuffer GFs or DCs in Tiamat.Lazaroth has 66.3+3% arPen.Tiamat has the most biggest baddest damage resist out there for now.How much defense does it actualy have.Have you noticed people(clerics or tanks) are putting defense debuffs for DPS classes so you dont end up wasting your so precious power or crit chances for arPen.

    Debuffs are applied AFTER your ARP. At least that is how it has been since the beginning of NW Time. So to maximize DPS, you have to maximize ARP up to negating the resistance of the MOBs you are fighting. Debuffs then become direct damage increases. THis is why the past High Visor and High Prophet sets were BIS for so long.

  • eyceaethereyceaether Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    What debuffs really do is give everyone who hits them a damage bonus :P
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    I'd really like to know what the DR is on the tomb spiders that can spawn from the Caravan Documents quest in Icewind Pass. I saw a couple of them lurking around the crates and thought I'd clean them up as a favour to the public, since I was on the GWF and figured it would be quick... well, I spent more time whomping one spider than it takes to kill two frost giants. My character has 56+% RI.

    If anyone wanted to test it, it's a Ten Towns daily at the higher rep tier, and the crate right by the entrance to Biggrin's Tomb always has a spider instead of being randomized.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    Just get 60% RI and call it good. No matter what your class. Ignoring as much resistance in pve as possible is always good.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    jugger71 wrote: »
    Just get 60% RI and call it good. No matter what your class. Ignoring as much resistance in pve as possible is always good.

    Huh? Wasteful in most circumstances...

    Honestly, the slight loss of damage dealt to the occasional tough brute or endboss isn't necessarily worth the loss in DPS you'll incur by not upping your Crit or Power. What, however, might make sense is to have a set of fully ArPen-boosting stuff in your backpack, for the bossfight, but slot more DPSy stuff for the field.

    OverArPenning is of just as little use as overhealing...
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