what about making the reward for iwd dependent on the size of the he. As it currently stands, the large encounters are being largely ignored in favour of the tiny ones.
Could we please have a journal entry saying what rewards are available from each encounter ?
info under the iwd tab would be nice.
edit: another option is increasing the loot drop and slowing down the spawn rate of he's if you are trying to prevent players from running around the map like a kid in a candy store.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited June 2015
Please tell me you fixed some of the many pally bugs and just forgot to mention it, so many of them are horribly lag inducing as well as OP (pun intended) that they need to be addressed.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited June 2015
We finally had a legit way to honestly farm our way to epic / legendary artifact gear and now you are taking it away from us is that right ?
Icewind Dale: Heroic Encounter rewards have been reduced.
Srsly what is this?
Cant u maybe i dont know.... make the great succes harder to obtain ?
Smth like u have to play the HE until the very end and leaving the zone of the HE gives u 0 reward.
Or cap the max number of Players per instance down to 30 ?
But no.
This is very disappointing.
We finally had a legit way to honestly farm our way to epic / legendary artifact gear and now you are taking it away from us is that right ?
Icewind Dale: Heroic Encounter rewards have been reduced.
Srsly what is this?
Cant u maybe i dont know.... make the great succes harder to obtain ?
Smth like u have to play the HE until the very end and leaving the zone of the HE gives u 0 reward.
Or cap the max number of Players per instance down to 30 ?
But no.
This is very disappointing.
Reduced does not mean abandoned or removed. Perhaps it might be wise to see that the new rewards will be, before engaging in hysteria.
If I cast one steal time I see at least 5+ storm spell proccs which crit, now I will see 1 yellow one... ****, the damage will drop really hard.
Long due, tbh. Was getting sick of 20-40k storm spell crits in PvP that melt anyone like ice. And hey, weren't CWs complaining about GWF intimidation procs hitting too hard last mod? Karma, I guess.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited June 2015
Reduced means to the point of not worth investing your time any more such as happened with dragon hoard or similiar methods. which were abused. But now we have a really decent reward/time spent ration with iwd, if they were to implement suggested changes.
Lets see how this turns out. Maybe they will change their minds about it.
just bought tons of cheap aquamarine. Now I can only hope they reduce it drastically!
And because of similiar BIS geared ppl who dont want others to even catch up a little bit and screaming in the forum "Nerf this IWD Drop its unreasonable and i dont want others to have some decent gear" we will never see a good reward/time spent ratio again i guess ?
Storm Spell: This class feature now has a .5 second ICD and can no longer critically strike
So you decided to take the damage off our encounters and buff stormspell in return, now you nerf stormspell. I'm very annoyed about this. What are we supposed to do now? You can't cc t2 mobs for much and now we won't hit hard, even though we didn't hit as hard as gwf at all.
After tomorrow its likely see you guys after the next rebalance because I'm not interested in roleplaying an anchor.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited June 2015
And thats why u want to nerf the IWD drops for ppl who enjoy playing the "grind your way to top" at a reasonable reward / time spent ratio right ?
You did not consider how much time it actually takes to max out 1 of those artifact gears ?
PVP: Armor Penetration Resistance now correctly works as expected against players.
Tenacity: Armor Penetration Resistance is now multiplicative. Base Armor penetration resistance is now 20% to compensate.
Tenacity: Damage Resistance and Critical Resistance from Tenacity are now correctly multiplicative.
WOOHOO!!! Thanks guys, this is HUGE! GREAT WORK!
Now my ONLY request is that you make Negation only stack 5 times and therefore make the Inc healing and recov 2% per stack (up from 1) AND!!!! On the same layer as REGULAR DR so that it can also be mitigated by ARP and RI.
Long due, tbh. Was getting sick of 20-40k storm spell crits in PvP that melt anyone like ice. And hey, weren't CWs complaining about GWF intimidation procs hitting too hard last mod? Karma, I guess.
You know there is such a thing as PVE. What you say makes sense for PVP but this is BS for PVE.
what does "multiplicative" mean? - 20 arpen resis was needed? so us tanks, are gonna be piece of cake again? Dps classes hit really hard.
CW who complain now. Warlocks main source of dmg was taken off "creppind death and accursed set", now suffer our same pain!.
I think he meant that base arpen resist now is 20% and not 40%. But I may be wrong, will hop on test server later to confirm. In case it's additional arpen resist... then that would be worse than it was this whole week. As we'd be looking at 100% arpen resist so not even bis players would benefit from stacking arpen.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Could we please have a journal entry saying what rewards are available from each encounter ?
info under the iwd tab would be nice.
edit: another option is increasing the loot drop and slowing down the spawn rate of he's if you are trying to prevent players from running around the map like a kid in a candy store.
Also... (Inb4 CW complaints about SS nerf.)
zomg, that's amazing.
Icewind Dale: Heroic Encounter rewards have been reduced.
Srsly what is this?
Cant u maybe i dont know.... make the great succes harder to obtain ?
Smth like u have to play the HE until the very end and leaving the zone of the HE gives u 0 reward.
Or cap the max number of Players per instance down to 30 ?
But no.
This is very disappointing.
Reduced does not mean abandoned or removed. Perhaps it might be wise to see that the new rewards will be, before engaging in hysteria.
Long due, tbh. Was getting sick of 20-40k storm spell crits in PvP that melt anyone like ice. And hey, weren't CWs complaining about GWF intimidation procs hitting too hard last mod? Karma, I guess.
Lets see how this turns out. Maybe they will change their minds about it.
Thats just great
Is this because of some pvpers...?
Great Succes now gives a Peridot instead of a Aquamarine.
And because of similiar BIS geared ppl who dont want others to even catch up a little bit and screaming in the forum "Nerf this IWD Drop its unreasonable and i dont want others to have some decent gear" we will never see a good reward/time spent ratio again i guess ?
Any explanation of this? This means 20-30% dmg drop at the safest estimation.
CWs can forget Lostmauth as well.
So you decided to take the damage off our encounters and buff stormspell in return, now you nerf stormspell. I'm very annoyed about this. What are we supposed to do now? You can't cc t2 mobs for much and now we won't hit hard, even though we didn't hit as hard as gwf at all.
After tomorrow its likely see you guys after the next rebalance because I'm not interested in roleplaying an anchor.
You did not consider how much time it actually takes to max out 1 of those artifact gears ?
WOOHOO!!! Thanks guys, this is HUGE! GREAT WORK!
Now my ONLY request is that you make Negation only stack 5 times and therefore make the Inc healing and recov 2% per stack (up from 1) AND!!!! On the same layer as REGULAR DR so that it can also be mitigated by ARP and RI.
HOW about we fix stuff for a change? Like you know Transcendent Vorpal and Terror being worse than a perfect?
What about the SF bug where you take damage if SF saves you and you have res sickness?
You know there is such a thing as PVE. What you say makes sense for PVP but this is BS for PVE.
CW who complain now. Warlocks main source of dmg was taken off "creppind death and accursed set", now suffer our same pain!.
But can you inspect people from afar again? The change 100% doesn't matter unless you can.
Is a fix for trans/vorpal coming? Just posted a couple of logs, it's still defintiely NOT working and debuffing the user. You can see it here.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
I think he meant that base arpen resist now is 20% and not 40%. But I may be wrong, will hop on test server later to confirm. In case it's additional arpen resist... then that would be worse than it was this whole week. As we'd be looking at 100% arpen resist so not even bis players would benefit from stacking arpen.