Hi, just want to give some feedback of my last experiences in pvp matches.
Gauntlgrym is not fun anymore, it is boring and having the NPC spamming everywhere and hitting a lot is annoying.
Then we have the matchmaking awfully as always. I see people leaving matches, i dont know if they are penalized for that, but i guess a reason is for how boring it is.
Broken boons, such as the heal for 20k, the damage for 20k are so broken, they kill the fun in those matches, they hit so hard that whoever wins is the first who hits. So now, not only rogues and wizards are op, but everyone. Healings are so bad in this state, as a tank cleric, when i receive these hits, if im not killed by it i am killed by the followed (daily or heavy encounter), not leaving time to HoT or even a direct healing. This happens in a 60-69. when hitting 70 would be worse for those stat curves.
I think it is good that there is not more delzoun and luskans, randomly que'd. but allowing premades (pvp guilds) to que they will appear in 1 side, and wont need much effort from the rest of their allies cause they will melt the enemy in seconds.
I have a suggestion of not letting premades to que. of course, this has been suggested before. But i have to say something, ive never felt so bored before doing pvp matches. broken things, op classes. not fun anymore.
5 man TR premades FTW. I got instagibbed by 150k SE. 96k Dazing Strike. Seems like fun. And yeah, you're not getting the leaver penalty for leaving GG, it's a good thing.
And it was THE FIRST TIME EVER I left a PvP match not even caring about 30 min penalty
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Domination is like who strike the first who win (world of CW and TR). GG is like you just run here and there but suddenly you found out u are losing or winning. TRs in GG is irritating anyway.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited April 2015
I went on my CW yesterday, sadly without the queue you never know what your going to get.. my team was terrible, I dont even know if they got the concept at all.
Its seems a bit haphazard atm, Im sure it will calm down eventually. I miss the old GG, they shouldve just double the hours you could play it instead of revamping it the way it is now.
I played a couple GGs and one domination on my CW yesterday. I had some points saved from XP rewards so I was able to get rank 3 disintegrate at lvl 60. Basically every fight lasted 2 seconds, either I get one shotted or they get 2 shotted, a few times it was mutual destruction and we would both die at the same time and just sit there staring at each others dead bodies waiting to respawn. Damage is way too high at 60 scaled to 69, but I'm thinking at lvl 70 with the new PVP armor that much damage may be necessary given how much tenacity and HP we will all be sporting.
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited April 2015
Last time I saw so empty GG was when 36/40 players got a massive DC. Now, 90% of the GG i just running from one spot to another.
No fun at all. GG is dead now. RIP.
Last time I saw so empty GG was when 36/40 players got a massive DC. Now, 90% of the GG i just running from one spot to another.
No fun at all. GG is dead now. RIP.
Agreed. You have to ignore the points and go looking for a fight just to find any combat in GG now, and what you will usually find is a 10v1. if you are trying to cap points you will literally never even see anyone on the other team because they are all in one group together rotating the same direction that your team is.
maybe it will change when hitting 70, not having 3k arp and crit to the sky , more HP, more tenacity, less damage in lev 70 PVP hope will correct this crazy damage?
60-69 lvl bracket seems to be broken too. The lower lvl you're, the harder you hit and the less likely your opponent will be able to do anything against you lol Oneshot a well geared PvP CW with just one FLOURISH a couple of minutes ago. Asked him he told me he is lvl 68 while I was 60. That's not even serious, it's not even broken balance, I just don't know what that is. And I thought opvp was the most broken thing ever
^ that is so broken.
As some said, premade of rogues queueing in pvp. Module of the rogues and wizards, wizards got buffed like a lot!.
They did ruin gauntlgrym pvp, sad and well.. we cannot do anything at all.
My suggestions would be like:
*Toning down some powers, because we have to admit how OP they are.
*Toning down by a lot those broken boons from sharandar, dread ring and ice wind.
*Not letting premades to queue in any match. Allowing random queues.
*Allowing (domination) 1 player of unique class per team; (gauntlgrym) 2 players of a class per team.
I wonder if those are hard to fix. But, giving feedback is pointless at the end, since devs barely take them and do something about.
Maybe when everyone is 70 is different. But same OP powers, broken Boons will still be and kill the few fun that was left in these matches.
At least it's easier now to farm GG caimpaign 1k NPC does not sound like a pain any more, especially if you team up with 3 other premades and just start farming them buuuut that smells like an cheating indeed :P
Did as much pvp as I could last night. On HR, TR, GF and CW. All of these right around 15k in mod 5 except the CW. The CW was NINE K. I got it to 60 right before mod 6 dropped and didnt have the time to properly gear it and so forth but wanted to get a taste of "the new pvp" on it anyways.
HR- This sucked. Got some kills but it is squishy. Most likely a build issue, probably a rusty me issue, haven't played on this guy for months.
TR- Match was a against a geared premade. I back capped like crazy but kept getting one shotted by a skilled and geared GF. Yes, one shotted on a tanky TR build right through stealth.
GF- This worked. Specced full on conquerer so it seemed a bit squishy vs CWs. This class seems really solid now and I wil be interested in seeing the builds people come up with for it.
CW- specced renegade. performed far better than any of the other ones I tried, but then again, this is the class I have been playing the past month, the most.
Honestly, I don't think we can draw many conclusions about domination pvp until everyone has a dozen or more matches in.
Oneshot a well geared PvP CW with just one FLOURISH a couple of minutes ago. Asked him he told me he is lvl 68 while I was 60.
You answered your own complaint. You are level 60. You haven't hit the new curves yet. Once you hit 61, you will be as nerfed as the rest of us.
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
maybe it will change when hitting 70, not having 3k arp and crit to the sky , more HP, more tenacity, less damage in lev 70 PVP hope will correct this crazy damage?
Agree, I believe module 6 was made with Lv70 in mind although 60-69 is also important and it is a long way to go.
OMG NERF that ****. Wait, this numbers are from my 3k IL CW with 4th rank power on TRAINIG DUMMIES in PE and my 2.5k TR with 3th rank power (preview). First one with 5 leg. companions, HV and pure vorp.
Seriously, I can create any numbers I like and post them here. They are meaningless without more information. Let me group up with a DC and a GF and I can post you 200k+ hits with most of my chars.
Who, with what kind of gear, lvl, class and spec, hits whom, with what kind of gear, lvl, class and spec for how much dmg. That would be information. This has no value imo.
They gave the undodgable trapper roots a daze effect... freakin bunch of monkeys.
The "undodgable" argument still doesn't make any sense. I don't see how to change it without changing the whole HR class. Has it occurred to anybody that there is another way besides the nerf hammer? Roots, to me, is the logical TR counter. Certainly, TR is the class that has the most to lose by it.
Lol at a healing DC now... every class can almost 1 shot you, but your bastion of health only does 5k healing, (12k) crit, with 15 second cool down. Also, every class has stuns/knockdowns so you are basically just entering the game, walking to a point, and stunned\floored until your gift of faith runs out and dead
idk if it was pointed out somewhere but the gg pvp double and triples seem to be broken,no matter how fast i did them not even doubles counted not to mention that its harder with less players. If this was meant to be right then shouldn't it be removed from campaign,i was sure that i had gotten the last ones but later i noticed that nothing changes.
As far as dom, it is far better. The level scaling makes things weird, but aside from that class diversity in party is becoming a good thing.
I am noticing people from every class are saying they have problems, and then they say every other class is op. "HR's are soooo op omg" then a thread five minutes later by an hr saying he feels useless in pvp. Same for most classes.
Lol at a healing DC now... every class can almost 1 shot you, but your bastion of health only does 5k healing, (12k) crit, with 15 second cool down. Also, every class has stuns/knockdowns so you are basically just entering the game, walking to a point, and stunned\floored until your gift of faith runs out and dead
DC is not real healer, because it can deal quite decent dmg and got pretty good survivality. Real healer would deal no dmg at all and be 1-2 shot material even for undergeared tons.
And it was THE FIRST TIME EVER I left a PvP match not even caring about 30 min penalty
Its seems a bit haphazard atm, Im sure it will calm down eventually. I miss the old GG, they shouldve just double the hours you could play it instead of revamping it the way it is now.
No fun at all. GG is dead now. RIP.
20-30K right now in normal state.
50-60K if the target is frozen
WTB Class Reroll please
As some said, premade of rogues queueing in pvp. Module of the rogues and wizards, wizards got buffed like a lot!.
They did ruin gauntlgrym pvp, sad and well.. we cannot do anything at all.
My suggestions would be like:
*Toning down some powers, because we have to admit how OP they are.
*Toning down by a lot those broken boons from sharandar, dread ring and ice wind.
*Not letting premades to queue in any match. Allowing random queues.
*Allowing (domination) 1 player of unique class per team; (gauntlgrym) 2 players of a class per team.
I wonder if those are hard to fix. But, giving feedback is pointless at the end, since devs barely take them and do something about.
Maybe when everyone is 70 is different. But same OP powers, broken Boons will still be and kill the few fun that was left in these matches.
WTB Class Reroll please
HR- This sucked. Got some kills but it is squishy. Most likely a build issue, probably a rusty me issue, haven't played on this guy for months.
TR- Match was a against a geared premade. I back capped like crazy but kept getting one shotted by a skilled and geared GF. Yes, one shotted on a tanky TR build right through stealth.
GF- This worked. Specced full on conquerer so it seemed a bit squishy vs CWs. This class seems really solid now and I wil be interested in seeing the builds people come up with for it.
CW- specced renegade. performed far better than any of the other ones I tried, but then again, this is the class I have been playing the past month, the most.
Honestly, I don't think we can draw many conclusions about domination pvp until everyone has a dozen or more matches in.
not as balanced as the king of balance aka tr
i dont even know why im talking. f this mod 6
You answered your own complaint. You are level 60. You haven't hit the new curves yet. Once you hit 61, you will be as nerfed as the rest of us.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Agree, I believe module 6 was made with Lv70 in mind although 60-69 is also important and it is a long way to go.
TR: LB dealt 100k dmg.
CW: Disintegrate dealt 140k dmg with all stacks.
OMG NERF that ****. Wait, this numbers are from my 3k IL CW with 4th rank power on TRAINIG DUMMIES in PE and my 2.5k TR with 3th rank power (preview). First one with 5 leg. companions, HV and pure vorp.
Seriously, I can create any numbers I like and post them here. They are meaningless without more information. Let me group up with a DC and a GF and I can post you 200k+ hits with most of my chars.
Who, with what kind of gear, lvl, class and spec, hits whom, with what kind of gear, lvl, class and spec for how much dmg. That would be information. This has no value imo.
I am noticing people from every class are saying they have problems, and then they say every other class is op. "HR's are soooo op omg" then a thread five minutes later by an hr saying he feels useless in pvp. Same for most classes.
DC is not real healer, because it can deal quite decent dmg and got pretty good survivality. Real healer would deal no dmg at all and be 1-2 shot material even for undergeared tons.
EDIT: perma daze