With the profession cap raise in addition to rank 12s, 120 artifacts, ect. coming next mod, I figure it is time for me to start training leadership on all my characters. From someone who knows little about professions and bought 20 weapon smithing, what is the quickest way to get to leadership 20 with new alts? (Aside from straight buying it with rush training, but I'm still willing to dump some decent AD in (~5-10M AD maybe))
1. Unlock as many profession slots as you can.
2. Buy footman. Training them yourself takes ages
3. Only do the training assignments that only give XP and nothing else.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
With the profession cap raise in addition to rank 12s, 120 artifacts, ect. coming next mod, I figure it is time for me to start training leadership on all my characters. From someone who knows little about professions and bought 20 weapon smithing, what is the quickest way to get to leadership 20 with new alts? (Aside from straight buying it with rush training, but I'm still willing to dump some decent AD in (~5-10M AD maybe))
There are tasks at each tier that reward about twice the leadership XP as normal ones, (Martial Training, Tactical Training, & War Games Training). Also, there are tasks which yield a better XP/time ratio - for example, Patrol the Mine gives 120 Leadership XP and is only a 4-hour task - plus it gives mining claims, which are really useful.
I'd rather invest in green, blue, or purple leadership workers before I spend ADs to complete tasks early.
Also consider using cheap workers/tools from other professions to open up more profession slots.
Other than the above, just keep your nose to the grindstone.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Thanks, good stuff so far. Do you know roughly how long it takes without rush training to get to 20 and/or how much it would cost to simply rush all the way to 20?
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Thanks, good stuff so far. Do you know roughly how long it takes without rush training to get to 20 and/or how much it would cost to simply rush all the way to 20?
On one of my recent characters, I went the route of running tasks with the best XP/time. Now, keep in mind that I don't have the time to keep on top of professions at all hours. That being said, I was able to get to level 20 leadership in about 40-45 days.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
kilden1234Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 42
I figured there would be more tactics than just doing the largest xp ones and using speed assets, but if that's it I suppose it isn't too bad. Thanks guys.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
I figured there would be more tactics than just doing the largest xp ones and using speed assets, but if that's it I suppose it isn't too bad. Thanks guys.
Leadership is about the long-term, big-picture payoff. If getting to max level ASAP isn't your main concern, you can even get a trickle of XP, potions/kits, etc and just take your time to 20...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
to unlock an extra professions slot right away buy 2 Putrple leadership dudes, each gives a 50% speed boost. The overall profit from having these slots and these assets is huge and pays for the investment in a very short time. Run a task like feed the needy (5min) with both slotted. Uppon completion it will open up the 100% speed crafting slot. then send them in the mail to your next alt. unlocking this early makes a huge difference in leveling professions in general.
After that, the advice given above is solid. Good luck and dont get discouraged rank 18 and 19 take seem to take forever but you will get there It will all be worth it when you run your first set of destroy enemy camp.
Edit: If you are in a guild that trusts you someone may let you borrow theirs for a day. I do it for my trusted guildies when they start an alt.
Ara Atheanes GWF
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
to unlock an extra professions slot right away buy 2 Putrple leadership dudes, each gives a 50% speed boost. The overall profit from having these slots and these assets is huge and pays for the investment in a very short time. Run a task like feed the needy (5min) with both slotted. Uppon completion it will open up the 100% speed crafting slot. then send them in the mail to your next alt. unlocking this early makes a huge difference in leveling professions in general.
After that, the advice given above is solid. Good luck and dont get discouraged rank 18 and 19 take seem to take forever but you will get there It will all be worth it when you run your first set of destroy enemy camp.
Edit: If you are in a guild that trusts you someone may let you borrow theirs for a day. I do it for my trusted guildies when they start an alt.
That is the kind of stuff I thought there might be to help the process. Thanks
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited January 2015
You would be much better off buying 4 blue alchemy workers - they can accomplish the same thing AND help level alchemy to level 3, so you can try the mass-potion task, which could unlock yet another profession slot if you get the rank 3 result, (need at least 1 purple and 3 blue alchemy tools in that case, though 4 purple tools are best).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The fastest you could possibly level leadership without using AD to complete tasks is 12 days, you can expect to spend anywhere between 20-60 days leveling leadership depending on how much AD you spend initially on assets. You can earn some AD, character XP, and/or you can earn sellable items while leveling the profession. The time it takes can be simultaneous across any number of characters, so you can level 20 characters' leadership professions all at the same time and still only take 20-60 days.
If you really want to use leadership you need to spend some AD/zen. First on assets, 6-9 man-at-arms and 6-9 mercenaries per character you're working leadership on, preferably heroes/adventurers if you can afford them. Second on extra character slots. You'll also need to put some effort into unlocking the other profession task slots, which requires additional assets.
Get all your characters to at least level 11, then you'll have to set a login routine, preferably twice or more per day. During which you invoke, collect old task rewards, and queue up new tasks on each character. You can expect this to take at least a minute or two per character, and you'll likely want to space the logins at least 6 hours (probably more like 9) apart, so decide what you're willing to do for the sake of AD self-sufficiency.
And as far as that goes, you'll eventually be capable of making at least ~15k AD/day/character, up to around 30-40k AD depending on how willing you are to use the AH (which can add a large chunk to the time you spend doing all this). So you can expect that 20 characters = 1.5 hours (45 minutes twice)/day work: earnings = 400k AD (800 zen)/day. It's worse than a minimum wage job, but if you're ok with the tedium...it's the fastest way to legitimately make AD in the game really.
Note that all of this may be changing soon depending on the changes to Leadership in mod 6.
Don't Panic.
Okay, Panic.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2015
Levelling Leadership efficiently involves doing the same tasks over and over and over again. The amount of time it will take depends a great deal on how much you're willing to invest in the personnel for speed boosts, and whether you're able to change tasks frequently. But if you can't change tasks frequently, fast dudes are basically a waste of money.
I won't repeat advice about unlocking slots and stuff.
Starting out, do Guard Duty, then Protect Caravan. At level 5, do Explore Local Area as much as you can... there's a reason for favoring this over Protect Caravan. Martial Training is good when you can't change tasks as often, or have slots to fill. At level 7, you get Tactical Training. This is still not more Leadership XP per hour if you can stay on top of switching short tasks, but is much better if you need to do things like working or sleeping.
At level 9, you get Chart Region. Now, we crunch maps. And crunch maps. And crunch maps. Keep the cycle of maps going as much as possible.
At level 13, you get War Games Training and Patrol the Mines. These are pretty much the sum total of tasks you'll use for training. Crunch maps and gather mining claims when you can change tasks a lot. Do the tasks that only give leadership XP when you can't. Feel free to spend some mining claims on Protect Diamond Shipment if it shows up in your rare tasks.
With this plan and Adventurers, you can get to 20 in under 2 months. If you swap in tasks that give more AD, it will take longer. Fight Off Spellplagued isn't terribly less XP than Martial Training once it unlocks, so that's your call.
At 20, you have a tidy supply of mining claims for Diamond Shipments and district maps for Collect Taxes. Collect Taxes and Destroy Enemy Camp are now the core of your leadership income. Seek Out Maps when you see that in rare tasks, as you'll be using a lot of them. They also drop frequently from the Spellplagued barrels. These are the two resources that you need to monitor your supply of. Anything else is personal preferences.
The small boxes from Collect Taxes drop a lot of local maps. Keep those for the next character that will need to crunch maps, and crunch maps, and....
Cool thanks. 1 more question though. Say I bought 50 characters. How long would it take to cycle through them on professions in-game or gateway? (I heard gateway is faster?)
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
Cool thanks. 1 more question though. Say I bought 50 characters. How long would it take to cycle through them on professions in-game or gateway? (I heard gateway is faster?)
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
It takes me about 1 minute per char but it can go faster if you collect trough gateway and have a nice internet connection and fast PC.
But be carefull, it can become extremely annoying, I have 12 chars and once in a while I take breaks and don't use leadership for weeks.
Plus, more and more people go for leadership with many chars...I have this feeling that soon they're going to 'do something about it'.
Cool thanks. 1 more question though. Say I bought 50 characters. How long would it take to cycle through them on professions in-game or gateway? (I heard gateway is faster?)
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
By far, fastest way I've found to do the Gateway, if you are able to, is on a Windows tablet/touchscreen PC. The mouse gets kind of unpleasant when you're moving and clicking over and over, but the touch screen on windows (I use Chrome but Firefox worked well too) is by far the easiest, fastest way to do professions. It is NOT nearly as fast on an iPad, sadly. I've tried. It's actually slower than a desktop browser for some reason.
It takes me about 20 minutes (if I'm going really fast) to get through 28 characters. You get better at it the longer you do it. However, sometimes the Gateway kinda hangs and doesn't respond properly. You can tell when it's starting to happen, the character name in the corner will be displaying the previous character instead of the one you changed to, it says "loading" forever when you click on a profession... when this happens, I close my browser and log back in again. For some reason it frees it back up and it works normally again.
Focus on always doing something that's fast and the highest amount of XP you have available, so when you get to 80/120 XP per task, I focus on picking stuff that takes 6-8 hours. Definitely, definitely get your other slots unlocked as soon as possible... IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SPEED SLOT UNLOCKED, don't unlock it with Leadership! The purple Heroes aren't really worth what they cost to buy or make, you're better off buying four blue workers for any other profession and using them on a deep gathering mission to unlock the speed slot.
For me having 3 heros (purple leadership dudes) was worth it. On my main I am doing destroy enemy camp at 3 times a day and I send them to my newest alt to level their leadership faster. ITs a dramatic decrese in time needed to level. Started two toons at the same time, one had all 3 purples and hit 20 in about 40-45 days, the other toon without the purples was only at 17. In leadership thats a huge difference. 18 to 20 takes about as much time as 1 to 18. If you have some AD to burn they are about 330k each.
I usually only add one alt at a time and I am currently rolling through 7 toons two to three times a day. It takes me less than ten minutes each sitdown and is usually my morning routine while drinking coffee before I get my day started. Personally I know my limit for redundant clicking will cap out at 10 toons I dont plan on having any more than that. and really the only reason I have more than 5 is just friends starting the game so I made alts to level with them. I was rather comfortable with the AD income of 5 toons.
Ara Atheanes GWF
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Cool thanks. 1 more question though. Say I bought 50 characters. How long would it take to cycle through them on professions in-game or gateway? (I heard gateway is faster?)
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
Depending upon the computer and connection I'm on, and assuming I am just collecting completed tasks and setting new ones, (not opening the various profession or daily chests), it should take about 1 minute per character. Also note that in some rare instances, a task will not reappear in the list until you switch to a different profession, (then come back to leadership), or switch to another character...
I also like to cycle through the daily CTA rewards on all my characters, as it can give things like additional profession resources, refining items, of potions/medkits.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Levelling Leadership efficiently involves doing the same tasks over and over and over again. The amount of time it will take depends a great deal on how much you're willing to invest in the personnel for speed boosts, and whether you're able to change tasks frequently. But if you can't change tasks frequently, fast dudes are basically a waste of money.
I won't repeat advice about unlocking slots and stuff.
Starting out, do Guard Duty, then Protect Caravan. At level 5, do Explore Local Area as much as you can... there's a reason for favoring this over Protect Caravan. Martial Training is good when you can't change tasks as often, or have slots to fill. At level 7, you get Tactical Training. This is still not more Leadership XP per hour if you can stay on top of switching short tasks, but is much better if you need to do things like working or sleeping.
At level 9, you get Chart Region. Now, we crunch maps. And crunch maps. And crunch maps. Keep the cycle of maps going as much as possible.
For the most part I agree with everything Beckylunatic wrote, except...
I would not recommend doing the local maps task. Unless the AH market has changed quite a bit, local maps sell for significantly less than 100 AD each, so you're better off running protect the caravan during those low levels and buying the maps.
And while checking in often on your characters during those first 5-8 levels of leadership can really help you power through them quick, it will burn you out VERY fast unless you have a very high tolerance for tedium and are able to casually pop into the gateway client many times over each day.
So most players are going to want to move into 4-8 hour tasks with 15-30 XP/hr rewards as soon as possible. And while chart regions is definitely the fastest XP/hr task at 40 XP/hr, I would not recommend it as a task you focus on doing beyond the occasional "I'll be around for awhile" situation, checking tasks every 1-2 hours is just not sustainable in my opinion.
Cool thanks. 1 more question though. Say I bought 50 characters. How long would it take to cycle through them on professions in-game or gateway? (I heard gateway is faster?)
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
The gateway client is faster, no load-in time really and you can use the typical IE keys such as page up and page down to scroll quickly. But you'll still want to log in to the characters at least once a day to get the AD/XP/coins from invoking as the benefits of those things scale well the more characters you have.
With that time limit I'd suggest 10 or fewer characters. While it's certainly possible to run 20 characters through in 20 minutes, you really need to be able to do TWO run-throughs each day, spaced far enough apart to eventually be completing 2 sets of destroy enemy camp tasks, to come close to maximizing AD gain. And that level of manic tedium, with 20+ characters consistently everyday in around 45 minutes, is going to be a problem for most people.
To give you an idea, I'm pretty good with tedium being relatively OCD, but there's no way in heck I could stand 50 characters. At most I was only able to run 25 consistently for awhile.
But that's also one of the selling points of this way of gaining AD...You don't HAVE to do it everyday, you can take a break, switch to running fewer characters, and regardless the characters will still be there for you later, still capable of earning the same amount of AD/day with relatively low amounts of effort...not really a good thing for the game itself, but meh.
Don't Panic.
Okay, Panic.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2015
My thing with the maps is definitely dependent on an individual's tolerance for repetitive tasks and ability to be parked at a computer.
I am at a computer all day doing various short tasks, in a place where my browsing habits aren't an issue as long as the work gets done, so I can Gateway a lot more than a lot of people can.
As for the costs of local maps... there do not seem to be a lot of people selling them cheaply at the moment.
It takes me 20ish minutes to do a big task changeover on 12 characters with 9 slots each, which includes getting a daily dice roll reward in SCA. It's a lot of loading and clicking. Max characters, I think most people would only want to deal with once per day. But that's a lot of pocket money if it's all in the interest of supporting a single "main".
Leadership is the only profession which quality assets [Basic Infantry Weapon] and [Basic Infantry Armor] only come in green (no blue or purple) and are thus far mostly useless. With Leadership cap will increase to Level 25, I think these assets are very likely come into play with possible upgrades to blue/purple asset and tiered reward tasks.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2015
The only difference anyone has ever been able to detect that the uncommon leadership tools made was that they got more gold from their tasks. It doesn't work like any other profession, and there's no reason to believe that tiered rewards would be implemented.
2. Buy footman. Training them yourself takes ages
3. Only do the training assignments that only give XP and nothing else.
There are tasks at each tier that reward about twice the leadership XP as normal ones, (Martial Training, Tactical Training, & War Games Training). Also, there are tasks which yield a better XP/time ratio - for example, Patrol the Mine gives 120 Leadership XP and is only a 4-hour task - plus it gives mining claims, which are really useful.
I'd rather invest in green, blue, or purple leadership workers before I spend ADs to complete tasks early.
Also consider using cheap workers/tools from other professions to open up more profession slots.
Other than the above, just keep your nose to the grindstone.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
On one of my recent characters, I went the route of running tasks with the best XP/time. Now, keep in mind that I don't have the time to keep on top of professions at all hours. That being said, I was able to get to level 20 leadership in about 40-45 days.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Sounds about right. Leadership cant really be "rushed". Just takes alot of time - OR - I guess with enought AD you could do it in 10 min
Of course it is rather doubtful that the extra time at 20 you get by rushing is making you more AD than the cost of rushing it.
Leadership is about the long-term, big-picture payoff. If getting to max level ASAP isn't your main concern, you can even get a trickle of XP, potions/kits, etc and just take your time to 20...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
After that, the advice given above is solid. Good luck and dont get discouraged rank 18 and 19 take seem to take forever but you will get there
Edit: If you are in a guild that trusts you someone may let you borrow theirs for a day. I do it for my trusted guildies when they start an alt.
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
That is the kind of stuff I thought there might be to help the process. Thanks
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
If you really want to use leadership you need to spend some AD/zen. First on assets, 6-9 man-at-arms and 6-9 mercenaries per character you're working leadership on, preferably heroes/adventurers if you can afford them. Second on extra character slots. You'll also need to put some effort into unlocking the other profession task slots, which requires additional assets.
Get all your characters to at least level 11, then you'll have to set a login routine, preferably twice or more per day. During which you invoke, collect old task rewards, and queue up new tasks on each character. You can expect this to take at least a minute or two per character, and you'll likely want to space the logins at least 6 hours (probably more like 9) apart, so decide what you're willing to do for the sake of AD self-sufficiency.
And as far as that goes, you'll eventually be capable of making at least ~15k AD/day/character, up to around 30-40k AD depending on how willing you are to use the AH (which can add a large chunk to the time you spend doing all this). So you can expect that 20 characters = 1.5 hours (45 minutes twice)/day work: earnings = 400k AD (800 zen)/day. It's worse than a minimum wage job, but if you're ok with the tedium...it's the fastest way to legitimately make AD in the game really.
Note that all of this may be changing soon depending on the changes to Leadership in mod 6.
Okay, Panic.
I won't repeat advice about unlocking slots and stuff.
Starting out, do Guard Duty, then Protect Caravan. At level 5, do Explore Local Area as much as you can... there's a reason for favoring this over Protect Caravan. Martial Training is good when you can't change tasks as often, or have slots to fill. At level 7, you get Tactical Training. This is still not more Leadership XP per hour if you can stay on top of switching short tasks, but is much better if you need to do things like working or sleeping.
At level 9, you get Chart Region. Now, we crunch maps. And crunch maps. And crunch maps. Keep the cycle of maps going as much as possible.
At level 13, you get War Games Training and Patrol the Mines. These are pretty much the sum total of tasks you'll use for training. Crunch maps and gather mining claims when you can change tasks a lot. Do the tasks that only give leadership XP when you can't. Feel free to spend some mining claims on Protect Diamond Shipment if it shows up in your rare tasks.
With this plan and Adventurers, you can get to 20 in under 2 months. If you swap in tasks that give more AD, it will take longer. Fight Off Spellplagued isn't terribly less XP than Martial Training once it unlocks, so that's your call.
At 20, you have a tidy supply of mining claims for Diamond Shipments and district maps for Collect Taxes. Collect Taxes and Destroy Enemy Camp are now the core of your leadership income. Seek Out Maps when you see that in rare tasks, as you'll be using a lot of them. They also drop frequently from the Spellplagued barrels. These are the two resources that you need to monitor your supply of. Anything else is personal preferences.
The small boxes from Collect Taxes drop a lot of local maps. Keep those for the next character that will need to crunch maps, and crunch maps, and....
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Really I'm just looking to spend ~45min per day max on this, but I'm not sure where that would fall character # wise
It takes me about 1 minute per char but it can go faster if you collect trough gateway and have a nice internet connection and fast PC.
But be carefull, it can become extremely annoying, I have 12 chars and once in a while I take breaks and don't use leadership for weeks.
Plus, more and more people go for leadership with many chars...I have this feeling that soon they're going to 'do something about it'.
By far, fastest way I've found to do the Gateway, if you are able to, is on a Windows tablet/touchscreen PC. The mouse gets kind of unpleasant when you're moving and clicking over and over, but the touch screen on windows (I use Chrome but Firefox worked well too) is by far the easiest, fastest way to do professions. It is NOT nearly as fast on an iPad, sadly. I've tried. It's actually slower than a desktop browser for some reason.
It takes me about 20 minutes (if I'm going really fast) to get through 28 characters. You get better at it the longer you do it. However, sometimes the Gateway kinda hangs and doesn't respond properly. You can tell when it's starting to happen, the character name in the corner will be displaying the previous character instead of the one you changed to, it says "loading" forever when you click on a profession... when this happens, I close my browser and log back in again. For some reason it frees it back up and it works normally again.
Focus on always doing something that's fast and the highest amount of XP you have available, so when you get to 80/120 XP per task, I focus on picking stuff that takes 6-8 hours. Definitely, definitely get your other slots unlocked as soon as possible... IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SPEED SLOT UNLOCKED, don't unlock it with Leadership! The purple Heroes aren't really worth what they cost to buy or make, you're better off buying four blue workers for any other profession and using them on a deep gathering mission to unlock the speed slot.
I also have a team of Articiphers and Weaponsmiths.
It generally takes me 60 days or so to level Leadership to 20 and open all 9 slots.
I usually only add one alt at a time and I am currently rolling through 7 toons two to three times a day. It takes me less than ten minutes each sitdown and is usually my morning routine while drinking coffee before I get my day started. Personally I know my limit for redundant clicking will cap out at 10 toons I dont plan on having any more than that. and really the only reason I have more than 5 is just friends starting the game so I made alts to level with them. I was rather comfortable with the AD income of 5 toons.
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
Depending upon the computer and connection I'm on, and assuming I am just collecting completed tasks and setting new ones, (not opening the various profession or daily chests), it should take about 1 minute per character. Also note that in some rare instances, a task will not reappear in the list until you switch to a different profession, (then come back to leadership), or switch to another character...
I also like to cycle through the daily CTA rewards on all my characters, as it can give things like additional profession resources, refining items, of potions/medkits.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
For the most part I agree with everything Beckylunatic wrote, except...
I would not recommend doing the local maps task. Unless the AH market has changed quite a bit, local maps sell for significantly less than 100 AD each, so you're better off running protect the caravan during those low levels and buying the maps.
And while checking in often on your characters during those first 5-8 levels of leadership can really help you power through them quick, it will burn you out VERY fast unless you have a very high tolerance for tedium and are able to casually pop into the gateway client many times over each day.
So most players are going to want to move into 4-8 hour tasks with 15-30 XP/hr rewards as soon as possible. And while chart regions is definitely the fastest XP/hr task at 40 XP/hr, I would not recommend it as a task you focus on doing beyond the occasional "I'll be around for awhile" situation, checking tasks every 1-2 hours is just not sustainable in my opinion.
Okay, Panic.
The gateway client is faster, no load-in time really and you can use the typical IE keys such as page up and page down to scroll quickly. But you'll still want to log in to the characters at least once a day to get the AD/XP/coins from invoking as the benefits of those things scale well the more characters you have.
With that time limit I'd suggest 10 or fewer characters. While it's certainly possible to run 20 characters through in 20 minutes, you really need to be able to do TWO run-throughs each day, spaced far enough apart to eventually be completing 2 sets of destroy enemy camp tasks, to come close to maximizing AD gain. And that level of manic tedium, with 20+ characters consistently everyday in around 45 minutes, is going to be a problem for most people.
To give you an idea, I'm pretty good with tedium being relatively OCD, but there's no way in heck I could stand 50 characters. At most I was only able to run 25 consistently for awhile.
But that's also one of the selling points of this way of gaining AD...You don't HAVE to do it everyday, you can take a break, switch to running fewer characters, and regardless the characters will still be there for you later, still capable of earning the same amount of AD/day with relatively low amounts of effort...not really a good thing for the game itself, but meh.
Okay, Panic.
I am at a computer all day doing various short tasks, in a place where my browsing habits aren't an issue as long as the work gets done, so I can Gateway a lot more than a lot of people can.
As for the costs of local maps... there do not seem to be a lot of people selling them cheaply at the moment.
It takes me 20ish minutes to do a big task changeover on 12 characters with 9 slots each, which includes getting a daily dice roll reward in SCA. It's a lot of loading and clicking. Max characters, I think most people would only want to deal with once per day. But that's a lot of pocket money if it's all in the interest of supporting a single "main".
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia