Hey CW Community,
As I mentioned
here, I have been working closely with Chem (
@chemboy613) to transform the feedback I have been collecting into constructive solutions. We have developed reworks for feats in the Heroic, Oppressor, Thaumaturge, and Renegade paths that we hope will address the concerns of the community and restore or add features that you want to see in your CW. Coming soon, a similar thread will be created addressing all powers -- Class Features, Encounters, Dailys, and general mechanics like Chill, Teleport, etc.
As an Advocate, I have passed on your feedback such as "give Oppressors more control" and as a community we have seen that translate into the destruction of a great class feature, allbeit Oppressor was given control. Witnessing that and other examples of reworks gone poorly (no offense GC, we appreciate all your time and effort), I want to solicit feedback not only on *what* the problems are, but also on *how* to fix them in an attempt to help Crush see what we would like CWs to do. Essentially, I would like this thread to culminate as a plan for each feat path that, if implemented, our only complaints would be about how hard our choices have been made.
The reworks for feats in each path are detailed below in separate posts and have been created with the future in mind since the current state on Live will be history in three weeks, so take that into consideration when posting your comments. Each suggestion is accompanied by a summary of the feedback I have read, which elaborates on the issues you have pointed out and why you would like it to be changed. Going forward, I would like you all to:
- Vote on reworks that you would like to see in-game
- Tweak reworks that you would not be happy with to your preferences
- Post your own reworks!
From your responses, I will update the OPs with a
tally of votes for each
rework and I will add your reworks as well. Please limit your discussions to the feat paths themselves, as a discussion on suggested changes for powers will be started in another thread. Also, responding with things like "your rework is dumb or broken OP" doesn't help anyone so be constructive and respectful, please.
Huge shout out, credit, and thanks to Chem for letting me pick his brain and bounce ideas off him!

Big thanks to you all as well for your continued feedback and involvement!
Take Care
Basically, all I can stress is that we stay patient while TRs and DCs have their time in the sun. I've included everything in my reports -- things ranging from feedback on ugly robes and walk animations to hot topics such as Rene changes, Storm Spell, target caps, and the like. Several of my reports have been 3 PMs long (PMs are 5000 characters) so the Devs have a lot of information to work with, it's just a matter of when they are able to devote resources and which items they identify as high priority.
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
October 9th
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
- 30% Critical Chance
- 30% Critical severity
- 30% Combat Advantage Damage
When taking damage, you have a chance to apply one of the following Defensive buffs for 10 seconds:twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
Ok, if the chill stack effect is to be removed from sudden storm,then the chill immunity of targets,after they unfreeze,should be reduced to 1-2 seconds from 3 secs,to compensate,or leave it as is but move it up the Oppressor tree from tier 2 to tier 3 or 4,so it's not accessible to other trees (Thaum-Renegade)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Everything you need to know about CW:
Wasn't Nightmare Wizardry moved?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Alternate suggestion: Increase stamina regeneration by 2/4/6/8/10%
Alternate suggestion: Increase the amount of bonus control resist granted by Wisdom by 1/2/3/4/5% - similar to Learned Spellcaster
Some comments on the Oppressor feats
Alternate suggestion: 0.6% per rank per arcane mastery stack. (Maxed out it would be 15%)
Some comments on the Thaum feats
Second, I think a good idea is that all or near all the paragon feats modify spells directly like chilling control. This gives the most versatility to make more different and competitive builds and is easy to "tweak". But this need much more work and ideas.
My feedback:
Heroic Feats: I agree with all the reworks, very nice work.
Paragon Feats
I agree with all the changes except:
- Chilling Control: I like the "arcane control" variant, but I think this should be in 3rd tier (even if we keep chilling control).
- All the debuff feats should be "not stackable" with other CWs
- Shatter strike should increase the orb of imposition bonus by 30% and orb can be 15/30/45 so is usefull for all the paths but more for oppressors
- Energy Recovery: This should have an internal cooldown or we can have a problem with our multiproc powers.
- Unrestrained Chaos: I dont like the actual maelstrom. Maelstrom should have other effect, like random daze, prone, push, freeze effect, less damage and should not have ap loss in his base, so this feat bonus is not needed, I suggest that this feat increase maelstrom damage or target cap or area(as suggested), but the base power needs a rework.
-Critical Advantage: Too powerfull. I suggest 1/2/3/4/5% flat crit increase but not attached to chilling presence.
-Chaos magic: I liked the rework idea, but seems extremely powerful on paper to me.
Will make more suggestons when I have time.
Thank you very much for doing this (and Chem), the game (and the CW community) really needs people like you
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
GF requires 10 points invested into Protector to get +5 AC from a tier 2 paragon feat.
On Gateway, my GF shows 36 AC. He has this feat but I think Gateway can't reflect build choices, only gear.
My CW is 17 (likewise SW and TRs are 17 or 18), DC 22, GWF 29.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
6AC = 3% dmg reduction seems very good but not overpowerd to me, if you pick this you are not taking other damage feats
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
NO to Far Spell, DO NOT touch it please.
Since I'm not an Oppressor, I don't have much interest in these changes, but I think Chilling Control is their Nightmare Wizardry. It should be moved up the tree, out of reach of Thaums. (Renes can't really take it because of our T2s).
I'm not a Thaum either.
I am, however, a Renegade so these interest me greatly.
I agree wholeheartedly with this.
I like this, and agree that our risk should be rewarded, but I do most of my damage up close. Steal Time, Icy Terrain and Sudden Storm, for instance, all force you to be close. I get close to cast these and usually stay close, until I'm forced back. For Lostmauth, Garakas and Syndrith, I'm always in melee range. It's probably too powerful for a T1.
If it's buffed, it doesn't really need to be moved.
No opinion. I don't use MoC and don't care about this feat, as long as I have one good T2.
If Energy Recovery is buffed into something useful, then the weaker of these two powers should be T2. Assuming of course that PD works.
This might make me drop EotS. I think I like it, but testing would be required.
I like the first rework. It's better than what we have now and what we are soon to have. The second rework I don't think I understand. It looks like you'd get one set if dealing damage or one set if you're taking damage. We take and dish out at the same time. I don't know how this would work.
I would like to add that Arcane stacks should be more plentiful and/or last longer.
try proposing something reasonable that the devs might actually consider.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Wizards are supposed to have the worst armor. We should not have AC that rivals leather or even chain mail. We wear cloth robes. That is because we defend ourselves using our wits. That is why INT is our primary ability score. If anything, we should have a defense mechanism that allows us to pierce through control immunity if only for a limited time. That is more consistent with what wizards ought to be able to do.
I like the rework to Controlling Action and Fight On.
I am indifferent to the proposed change to Battlewise. There is no way I would pick this feat anyway so I don't care.
The devs just nerfed Arcane Enhancement, so I doubt they would be willing to buff it back up. But I would be okay with changing it to be a buff to WIS instead. That would provide an option for the high-Recovery build.
I do agree that Chilling Control probably ought to get a nerf. But I am not sure if a daze is what it ought to change to. Thinking about what the corresponding MoF power is (Twisting Immolation), I might suggest that the Chilling Control feat might be changed to something that buffed Maelstrom of Chaos. And then in the Renegade tree, that paragon-specific feat might be used to buff Storm Spell in a way that benefits high crit chance SS wizards (not by freezing them!).
Controlled Momentum: I would be careful with increasing the target caps of *everything*. Maybe just a select few, like Arcane Singularity/Furious Immolation.
Drifting Embers: I still think almost no MoF would pick this feat even if reworked.
Snap Freeze: I like the idea but I think the values ought to be reworked in order to not make it stupidly OP for a 2nd tier feat.
I do like the idea behind the change to Far Spell.
I am wondering if anyone ever picks Energy Recovery. Maybe this feat should be just eliminated entirely and replaced completely with something useful.
I would reconsider your thoughts on Chilling Advantage especially if the proposed changes to Chilling Presence make it to live. I think Chilling Presence would become the new hotness (no pun intended!).
I do think that Chaos Magic requires some more thought as to what a Renegade CW is supposed to do. Quite frankly I think the capstone feat of a Renegade CW should be something that buffs CW single target abilities. Because when I think of a Renegade CW, I think of basically a TR who wears robes and casts spells. Renegade should be the preferred CW build for PVPers who want to just melt targets, and Oppressor CW hsould be for PVPers who want targers to be perma-controlled. (And Thaum CW should not be reasonably chosen by any PVP CW, only in PVE would it be a viable choice.)
Just my 0.02 AD worth.
We're also supposed to have all kinds of fancy spells, many of them defensive in nature, such as Invisibility, Mirror Images, Ethereal Visage or Stoneskin yet we don't have them.
Many times our defenses are actually from our CC/attacks, which are again lacking SEVERELY in this game:
- Hold person/monster
- time stop
- confusion
- Dispel
- flesh to stone
- Power Word: Stun
- Spell Mantle
- Mass Charm
- dominate
- true seeing
I am just enumerating classic D&D spells (possible I mispelled a few, but you must have gotten the idea) that make a Wizard what it should be and are completely nonexistent here.
So yes, we are definitely not supposed to be armored PCs, but we are however supposed to have a LARGE amount of spells at our disposal with a significant amount of self-buffs and debilitating effects for our enemies, all of these mechanics being very limited in this game to the point of negatively affecting the class.
That is why, if there is going to be some sort of defense rework, it should be in the form of piercing CC immunity (for a limited time).
But absolutely no to giving us wizards better armor.
This is based on dnd 4th edition. Not dnd 3.5
Actually no,they moved the renegade specific feats up and down the tree just fine ,when they wanted to,so they can do the same for chilling control. Also capstone feats are tier 5 so moving chilling control to tier 3 or 4 is very possible,since it wont affect the positioning of tier 5 feats.
the paragon TREE feats they moved.
I do think NM Wiz was a bit OP to take as thaum - but i do miss it
Everything you need to know about CW:
Arcane enhancement, I would prefer the damage.
An improvement to fight on would be ok
No one is going to want brisk teleport either way but the 6 seconds makes more sense because oppressors are probably doing more chillstack stuff.
I'd rather the chiling control stay the same. I've only ever feated it for solo stuff. Its not a big dps thing thought that may change with the fun and games announced with chiling presence. I'd certainly prefer to see how that shakes out before nerfing it. It isn't going to be seen in pvp anyway so its not going to annoy a lot of people anyway.
In general I don't like change to glacial movement because of where its coming from. Anyway one thing an oppressor gets is faster popsicle men. That's like their thing. If that goes to the other feat that's ok. Not sure how much less damage per stack really means so I don't care about it, like in pve its who cares nothing hurts that much anyway and in pvp the people who can hurt you most have ways of shaking them off.
I did want the daily powers target caps to increase to bring back singularity but I'm probably not going down oppressor to get it. Like the selfish move to me is just casting oppressive and doing singularity is generous to the gwfs and others but going all the way down there for it is really really going out of my way. The regular aoe change would be a really big damage increase. Like suddenstorm and terrain hit everything but if steal time hit 10 things thats going to be huge especially counting stormspell procs. Put conduit it on top of it and its good night and good luck.
Snap freeze became a pvp thing for me, like it makes a really strong opening argument. Getting on average 3% damage buff is kind of not interesting in comparison especially compared to bitter cold which gives you a flat 5%.
Far spell is again a pvp thing, everyone wants it because you want to start hitting stuff from as far away as possible before it comes in and opens its bowels and sprays intimidation everywhere. I don't want to give that up at all.
I don't like the assailant nerfs that are incoming but I also don't want to be like the destroyer frantically chasing stacks. Functionally who know it might be stronger than assailant now because it only hits one thing but we also have the pvp to worry about. People don't like assailant as a proc but it happens. it is a thing that goes. Other people also have a means of disengaging if things go poorly for them but not us and they come back when they feel better like when the stacks drop off. Who knows if the devs do them like chillstacks that people can remove if they want. I want a thing that happens like a straight up effect like the 15% mitigation decrease. This would put us in the bracket for resistance ignored that everyone else achieves with ease but if I can't have that I'd rather have the proc that actually happens not something I can kiss goodbye if the tr says no thanks I'm going to run in a circle more. Also like 20 stacks? What lives long enough to get that far? Its like the old dc thing of having 4 divine pips. If you ever have they many you messed up.
I don't mind energy recovery being moved further up to give people something to take. That's fine. If nightmare wizardy remains a 5% thing not so much. If you have a guy who wants to be on the other side giving you combat advantage that great but it doesn't always work out like that. 5% is low enough that it never happens in an encounter. Kind of like wasted points a lot of the time with that and energy recovery if you don't have a dude going the other side.
Chilling advantage might well be plenty strong given the just announced changes. Wait and see on that one.
I've always hate the randomness of the renegade capstone. You need one thing you get a different thing. The results in some cases seem absurdly strong in the new version. The arp might end up redundant in pve but like 30% chance to crit? Add that to a base of call it 35% and eots and it seems like no scenario where you won't just dump crit endlessly. Like 75% bonus damage by default by .3 is 22.5% more damage we are going to get when that's up, not counting stormspell comedy. Throw a perfect vorpal into the mix and you get people making some interesting choices about when they want to stop and fight and a lot of air sucked through the teeth of other classes. Like even if you don't get a crazy crit bonus its 30% more damage which is also nuts. If that went up with eots, yeah.
What would save it normally is the garbage you have to take to get there. If nightmare wizardry doesn't switch on you have a lot of wasted points but masterful Arcane Theft is on the way up, chilling advantage got a weird *** buff. And I guess the healing version will mean nothing to pve people. They will chug a pot or stand next to the sw now I guess and wait for the thing they want. I still don't see this lasting long.
I will give it a go on live for a while but I don't really want to play with more randomness.