In Mod3 they kinda promoted having alts with adding new content where you had to have another lvl 60 to enter, ice wind dale.
Then Mod4 came arround and having multiple alts was IMPOSSIBLE due to the long waiting times with the dragon timers etc. Well not impossible, but leaves you with no time to play the actuall game because of the dailys.
So i am confuzed to wether they want us to have alts or no. But imo all campaigns should be @ account now because there are so many of them, and more incoming
This is exactly how I feel.
They encouraged us having alts then discouraged it...leaving some of us confused.
I just play less now.
luxarkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Honestly I dont know why you are even discussing this - the campaigns are not going to change. As someone who has done DR, Shar and IWD on 6 characters, plus TOD fully on one char and mostly done on several others, I do not support this idea. If you dont want to do the daily's, don't do them - no one is forcing you and its not like they are exactly essential to do dungeons.
This game is all about making your character(s) stronger. That makes those campaigns a MUST because of those boons.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited October 2014
Like Bio's idea.
I don't mind this either but it seems too easy then no?
Honestly I dont know why you are even discussing this - the campaigns are not going to change. As someone who has done DR, Shar and IWD on 6 characters, plus TOD fully on one char and mostly done on several others, I do not support this idea. If you dont want to do the daily's, don't do them - no one is forcing you and its not like they are exactly essential to do dungeons.
I love the "I did it, you should to" attitude. Based on the characters you attach to your post, it seems to me that you completed the campaigns probably as they were released, likely because there was nothing else to do. Completing them that way is logical and somewhat reasonable. Complete 1 on x characters, then do other things. New one comes out, finish it, do other things.
Look at it from a newer players perspective (you know, the players who are replacing those who are quitting due to the campaigns, dailies, lack of content and horrible RNG streaks). If someone dings 60 today, they have DR/SR/TOD and IWD dailies waiting for them all at once.
I am not for totally allowing you to just unlock them for all characters - that is overkill....but I think a reduction in the time it takes to do them isnt a terrible idea if you've done them once already.
I'll agree though, there is little incentive to believe they would actually make anything easier without spending money. Perhaps a zen store token that resets the daily timers?
Honestly I dont know why you are even discussing this - the campaigns are not going to change. As someone who has done DR, Shar and IWD on 6 characters, plus TOD fully on one char and mostly done on several others, I do not support this idea. If you dont want to do the daily's, don't do them - no one is forcing you and its not like they are exactly essential to do dungeons.
That's the whole point. Most people aren't going to do it and this basically means they won't be playing alts. If that is the goal, then mission accomplished. If that's not the goal then they need to consider some quality of life improvements.
I fully endorse the OP's suggestion, or at the very least make the Zen campaign unlocks account wide as opposed to single character.
Honestly I dont know why you are even discussing this - the campaigns are not going to change. As someone who has done DR, Shar and IWD on 6 characters, plus TOD fully on one char and mostly done on several others, I do not support this idea. If you dont want to do the daily's, don't do them - no one is forcing you and its not like they are exactly essential to do dungeons.
You do not support the idea because....? The campaigns are bad; they're constant repeating of the same thing over and over until you do not have to do them.
Up to Mod 2 it was easy to participate in new content (MC, VT) but with mod 3 you had to do dailies to participate, and I'm not talking about 3 boons requirement, and not 3 or 5 dailies but 20 (days). In ToD it's 19+ days to be able to unlock either skirmish or campaign so before you can actually paricipate in new content you have to get through meaningless dailies.
On one char, sure, I can bear the pain of daily boredom but simultaneously doing it on all characters would make me crazy (well "crazier").
All I ask Devs for is make progress (and dungeon/skirm) account wide unlock for all alts that are lv 60: no boons, no alternative unlocks like in IWD (hook, line and skiver and the other one) no keys or weapon from ToD just progress and dungeons/skirmishes to be account wide unlocked (or make them unlockable for alts for AD price) so I can unlock them on one char and be able to go in on another char and help people or to have fun with other class when I get bored with my CW (and though of doing dailies just to get to dungeon/skirmish on other char does not encourage playing the game in my opinion).
Heck while were at it why not just make every alt you make be at lvl 60 already, i mean i already lvled one char once so why do it again... :rolleyes:
So lets put leveling to 60 in the same category as the campaigns when you can level a new character to 60 faster than you can even do 1 boon normally in any of the campaigns?
You do not support the idea because....? The campaigns are bad; they're constant repeating of the same thing over and over until you do not have to do them.
Up to Mod 2 it was easy to participate in new content (MC, VT) but with mod 3 you had to do dailies to participate, and I'm not talking about 3 boons requirement, and not 3 or 5 dailies but 20 (days). In ToD it's 19+ days to be able to unlock either skirmish or campaign so before you can actually paricipate in new content you have to get through meaningless dailies.
On one char, sure, I can bear the pain of daily boredom but simultaneously doing it on all characters would make me crazy (well "crazier").
All I ask Devs for is make progress (and dungeon/skirm) account wide unlock for all alts that are lv 60: no boons, no alternative unlocks like in IWD (hook, line and skiver and the other one) no keys or weapon from ToD just progress and dungeons/skirmishes to be account wide unlocked (or make them unlockable for alts for AD price) so I can unlock them on one char and be able to go in on another char and help people or to have fun with other class when I get bored with my CW (and though of doing dailies just to get to dungeon/skirmish on other char does not encourage playing the game in my opinion).
Actually I joined game just as mod 2 came out. So I was doing DR and shar on several characters daily as well as gearing them. When IWD came out - I finished it on one character then started on the others. ToD - Again done with one character first and now im working on it with other characters - the difference is I do not see what the rush is. The campaigns and your characters are not going anywhere so why spend 6 hours doing dailys on 6 characters? Do them on however many character that isnt boring for you. Also, I actually enjoy doing dailys xD
And I do not support it because though I see WHY you asking for it I do not agree - the only campaign that is in any way onerous to complete is ToD. But as usual people (not sayig you necessarily) want it now without any effort xD
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
I'm fully willing to put forth the "effort", but how about after a campaign isn't even from the current module, opening up the time gates a bit?
Personally if I was all done with all boons, I don't think i would mind if someone could put forth the same amount of EFFORT, but spent less time waiting to put forth said EFFORT.
So current module campaign, time gated as normal. Previous modules campaigns, reduce or eliminate the time gate. Again, this would be the exact same amount of EFFORT - it would just eliminate the waiting.
Actually I joined game just as mod 2 came out. So I was doing DR and shar on several characters daily as well as gearing them. When IWD came out - I finished it on one character then started on the others. ToD - Again done with one character first and now im working on it with other characters - the difference is I do not see what the rush is. The campaigns and your characters are not going anywhere so why spend 6 hours doing dailys on 6 characters? Do them on however many character that isnt boring for you. Also, I actually enjoy doing dailys xD
And I do not support it because though I see WHY you asking for it I do not agree - the only campaign that is in any way onerous to complete is ToD. But as usual people (not sayig you necessarily) want it now without any effort xD
+1, i also enjoy doing dailies and in most areas the tactic i use it to pickup dailies every day and do them every other day that way you in essence kill 2 birds with 1 stone, plus don't always have the time. I feel like the dailies give me a purpose to log on even tho i might not accomplish them, it compels me to keep coming back, otherwise i might not play for days/weeks because of lack of interest. At least with the dailies theirs a goal at the end and a certain feeling of accomplishment being x days closer. Plus once i finish the dailies on a char i usually play that char a lot less so with all dailies accomplished from one char i would feel little incentive to play other less attractive alts. I also feel like the dailies gives you time to hone your skills, and play with builds, on that char/class once you have done all of dailies you know how your rotations work and what powers you want to use and how to use them effectively. Its an MMO dailies are the bread and butter, just cuz you guys get burnt out trying to do them all at once and are in some rush to get to the end to complain about not having enough content doesn't mean you should try to take away what others find entertaining. If you really hate them that much you can always pay the $50 to skip them, which is also ridiculous imho, begging the question... How much can i pay to not have to play at all?
I don't see it breaking the roleplaying aspect at all. Similar to unlocking class artifacts, you are simply gaining some benefit from having a "friend" or "family member" (whatever you want to call your alts) assist you.
Perhaps instead of making it so that the alts don't have to do the campaigns, I think it would be better if the requirements were reduced the more times you have run it.
Say the first time through per account it is 100% requirements, next time its 75%, next time its 50%....numbers strictly pulled from the nethers but the idea is it gets easier.
However, as people above has said, running the same content repeatedly seems to be the status quo for this game in order to avoid making new content, so good luck seeing anything get easier without having to pay.
Unlocking class artifacts was ridiculous as well - it also does not fit into a true role-playing model.
This stuff is catered to the power gamer, not the role-player.
But it is what it is. I still like the game as a whole.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
power gamer ? a game with 0 end game content ? dafuq lol
if the game was made for power gamers we wouldnt be running content made for 13k gs with 20k gs characters
Yeah, I struggle to understand the intended audience for the last few modules. They have have had some good things, but on the whole I don't see who would like the way it was implemented. I mean sure you'll always get the 1 or 2 players that would be happy even if you had to click a button every day and you win, but fir the rest of us that actually have standards...
imho the mod4 was made for ppl who have 2 monitors and can watch movies while doing dailies
Dual monitors ftw! Though some games don't support borderless windowed mode which kind of sucks. It's definitely been helpful to have my game up and browser on another screen, or web pages on both, or chat windows etc etc.
I disagree. In my opinion, a power gamer wants to get as much done efficiently, wasting as little time as possible.
Giving other-class artifacts to other characters on the same account serves that purpose (basically a free artifact for a character that did not earn it personally). The proposed account-shared campaign progress also serves the same purpose: other characters get credit for "completing" content that the character did not really complete.
It's my opinion. Say what you will. It is still ridiculous to me.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I disagree. In my opinion, a power gamer wants to get as much done efficiently, wasting as little time as possible.
Giving other-class artifacts to other characters on the same account serves that purpose (basically a free artifact for a character that did not earn it personally). The proposed account-shared campaign progress also serves the same purpose: other characters get credit for "completing" content that the character did not really complete.
It's my opinion. Say what you will. It is still ridiculous to me.
it helps ppl who have alts to reduce the grind needed, all my alts are stuck with max 3 dread boons and few sharandar boons, because grinding dailies is boooooooooooriiiiiiiiiing
free artifacts reduce the insane ad requirements to get alt to at least somewhat useable state, imagine if u had to stick a 2~3 mil worth artifact in each of the 2 free slots(after lvl 20quest artifact) for all your alts(on top of pets, enchants, gear etc.)
power gamers want challenge and according rewards, here only luck and having too much free time is rewarded
it helps ppl who have alts to reduce the grind needed, all my alts are stuck with max 3 dread boons and few sharandar boons, because grinding dailies is boooooooooooriiiiiiiiiing
free artifacts reduce the insane ad requirements to get alt to at least somewhat useable state, imagine if u had to stick a 2~3 mil worth artifact in each of the 2 free slots(after lvl 20quest artifact) for all your alts(on top of pets, enchants, gear etc.)
power gamers want challenge and according rewards, here only luck and having too much free time is rewarded
OK. Sounds like my idea of a power gamer is different than the crowd . . . Maybe there is a better word to use . . .
I feel the pain of multi-character grinds as well. I was running 6 characters through all boons in DR and Shar. Then the dreaded IWD hit and, being a casual gamer, I could no longer pull all 6 characters through that grind - took much longer to complete those dailies than DR and Shar. I initially started working on 3 in IWD, but it turned into only 2 very quickly, due to lack of gaming time.
With ToD hitting much too quickly for a casual gamer like myself, I have only been running my main (TR) through ToD. My poor CW has completed IWD but not even started ToD. My HR is about 3/4 done with IWD, as I tried to play him a little, but have grown very sick of the IWD dailies.
In spite of all of this, I still don't support giving campaign credit to every character on one account. It is simply a matter of basic role-playing principles to me. I can't help it that I am an old-school first edition AD&D junkie. . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
In spite of all of this, I still don't support giving campaign credit to every character on one account. It is simply a matter of basic role-playing principles to me. I can't help it that I am an old-school first edition AD&D junkie. . .
from role playing principles it would be wrong, but its necessary for simply keeping ones sanity we have 7 classes now, 8 in mod6, its just too much work
i dont understand why ppl hate IWD dailies , for me its the best from quest standpoint, really likedthe 2~3 man HE to take my mind off of grind, though it was too long for multiple characters
Paladin Master Race
luxarkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Heck while were at it why not just make every alt you make be at lvl 60 already, i mean i already lvled one char once so why do it again... :rolleyes:
Would not be that bad of an idea since the levelcontent in this game is pretty useless anyways. Except for that one crafting-reward in neverdeath and now the ToD-Campaign starting at level 30. They should really implement more stuff into the levelcontent that injects into "endgame".
I agree that the boon system is absolutely garbage for players just starting, its a big heap of HAMSTER just to get decently powerful.
However why have we been bickering about the dailies? Every MMO supports repeating the same aspect of the game until you get a desired outcome. There is absolutely no way to release enough content to keep the masses happy unless you want some more generic copy & paste dungeons with a different boss and name for the dungeon itself.
Every single MMO comes down to three things when you're at the end of the progression; Personal (character) strength/effectiveness in combat, Repeating the same content for loot, PVP.
If you don't like this structure of "end-game" then you may want to consider that an MMO type game may not be your cup of tea.
Although one thing I do agree with y'all about is that the RNG system in this game is god awful. I can understand having to run a dungeon and the same content dozens of times to obtain that last piece of your gear is alright, it's a model that works in almost every single MMO to date, but with the drop rates being so so low, you run the risk of never being able to obtain something which would be alright if they offered you an alternative to getting it such as the auction house, but with most things like the dreaded black ice gloves being bind on pickup completely ruins any chances of that.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable.
A Tool used by those with power to stay in power. I object to your objection
luxarkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I agree that the boon system is absolutely garbage for players just starting, its a big heap of HAMSTER just to get decently powerful.
However why have we been bickering about the dailies? Every MMO supports repeating the same aspect of the game until you get a desired outcome. There is absolutely no way to release enough content to keep the masses happy unless you want some more generic copy & paste dungeons with a different boss and name for the dungeon itself.
Every single MMO comes down to three things when you're at the end of the progression; Personal (character) strength/effectiveness in combat, Repeating the same content for loot, PVP.
The problem with Neverwinters modules is just, that they basically only consist of a few very poor designed dailys and thats mostly all the content there is.
If i compare that to the patches of, lets say, World of Warcraft, thats incredible ... well, not good.
And i think Cryptic could actually do REAL content if they had the time and are not forced to push out some crappy module every six months.
Maybe they should try for once to do a game in a own universe and not another licence-product.
from role playing principles it would be wrong, but its necessary for simply keeping ones sanity we have 7 classes now, 8 in mod6, its just too much work
That's a point, actually. If every mod brings an ever more obnoxious grind, each new class becomes more impossible to bring "up to speed". They're painting themselves into a corner through poor design.
The problem with Neverwinters modules is just, that they basically only consist of a few very poor designed dailys and thats mostly all the content there is.
If i compare that to the patches of, lets say, World of Warcraft, thats incredible ... well, not good.
And i think Cryptic could actually do REAL content if they had the time and are not forced to push out some crappy module every six months.
Maybe they should try for once to do a game in a own universe and not another licence-product.
A better comparison would be to the eq2 AA system. Which ALSO takes a lot of invested time to "catch up". The reason it is a better comparison is that they both permanently increase your characters power. And compared to eq2s AA system the catching up in this game is MUCH faster. Added to which you can buy the unlocks anyway if it really gets to you that much. All world of warcafts dailys gave you was rep to get some gear you didn't need by the time you get the rep anyway...
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
luxarkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
A better comparison would be to the eq2 AA system. Which ALSO takes a lot of invested time to "catch up". The reason it is a better comparison is that they both permanently increase your characters power. And compared to eq2s AA system the catching up in this game is MUCH faster. Added to which you can buy the unlocks anyway if it really gets to you that much. All world of warcafts dailys gave you was rep to get some gear you didn't need by the time you get the rep anyway...
Iam not talking about the dailys alone. I never played EQ2 for long, but i doubt, that their patches also consist only of a single area with a few boring dailys and maybe a dungeon and a skirmish while recycling quite a lot of stuff.
There is just not much of REAL gameplay that you do not know from their previous modules already. You do a few dailys, click on a button in the campaign screen and repeat that the next day. Thats it.
A better comparison would be to the eq2 AA system. Which ALSO takes a lot of invested time to "catch up". The reason it is a better comparison is that they both permanently increase your characters power. And compared to eq2s AA system the catching up in this game is MUCH faster. Added to which you can buy the unlocks anyway if it really gets to you that much. All world of warcafts dailys gave you was rep to get some gear you didn't need by the time you get the rep anyway...
Similar but not really comparable to EQ2s AA system. The AA system there runs alongside levels, that game still increases the level characters earn. Here it seems they've completely replaced leveling post-60 with boons. A closer example might be DCUOs feat system. Its a game where its easy to hit max level, but you spend forever getting the skill points you need to make your character stronger.
The difference between here and both EQ2 and DCUO is that they have options. To get the boons we have to do the daily quests from the campaign. That's it. No other options. However you have multiple ways to get AA in EQ2. And the same in DCUO - there are so many points available, that you can skip some feats you absolutely hate. BUT... Neverwinter is still pretty new. Perhaps in a year or two we'll have enough campaigns that you'll just pick the ones you want to do.
This is exactly how I feel.
They encouraged us having alts then discouraged it...leaving some of us confused.
I just play less now.
This game is all about making your character(s) stronger. That makes those campaigns a MUST because of those boons.
I don't mind this either but it seems too easy then no?
But as it is it's a bit too much grind.
Something like shared currency is a good idea.
Everything you need to know about CW:
I love the "I did it, you should to" attitude. Based on the characters you attach to your post, it seems to me that you completed the campaigns probably as they were released, likely because there was nothing else to do. Completing them that way is logical and somewhat reasonable. Complete 1 on x characters, then do other things. New one comes out, finish it, do other things.
Look at it from a newer players perspective (you know, the players who are replacing those who are quitting due to the campaigns, dailies, lack of content and horrible RNG streaks). If someone dings 60 today, they have DR/SR/TOD and IWD dailies waiting for them all at once.
I am not for totally allowing you to just unlock them for all characters - that is overkill....but I think a reduction in the time it takes to do them isnt a terrible idea if you've done them once already.
I'll agree though, there is little incentive to believe they would actually make anything easier without spending money. Perhaps a zen store token that resets the daily timers?
That's the whole point. Most people aren't going to do it and this basically means they won't be playing alts. If that is the goal, then mission accomplished. If that's not the goal then they need to consider some quality of life improvements.
I fully endorse the OP's suggestion, or at the very least make the Zen campaign unlocks account wide as opposed to single character.
You do not support the idea because....? The campaigns are bad; they're constant repeating of the same thing over and over until you do not have to do them.
Up to Mod 2 it was easy to participate in new content (MC, VT) but with mod 3 you had to do dailies to participate, and I'm not talking about 3 boons requirement, and not 3 or 5 dailies but 20 (days). In ToD it's 19+ days to be able to unlock either skirmish or campaign so before you can actually paricipate in new content you have to get through meaningless dailies.
On one char, sure, I can bear the pain of daily boredom but simultaneously doing it on all characters would make me crazy (well "crazier").
All I ask Devs for is make progress (and dungeon/skirm) account wide unlock for all alts that are lv 60: no boons, no alternative unlocks like in IWD (hook, line and skiver and the other one) no keys or weapon from ToD just progress and dungeons/skirmishes to be account wide unlocked (or make them unlockable for alts for AD price) so I can unlock them on one char and be able to go in on another char and help people or to have fun with other class when I get bored with my CW (and though of doing dailies just to get to dungeon/skirmish on other char does not encourage playing the game in my opinion).
So lets put leveling to 60 in the same category as the campaigns when you can level a new character to 60 faster than you can even do 1 boon normally in any of the campaigns?
Not an apples to apples comparison :rolleyes:
Actually I joined game just as mod 2 came out. So I was doing DR and shar on several characters daily as well as gearing them. When IWD came out - I finished it on one character then started on the others. ToD - Again done with one character first and now im working on it with other characters - the difference is I do not see what the rush is. The campaigns and your characters are not going anywhere so why spend 6 hours doing dailys on 6 characters? Do them on however many character that isnt boring for you. Also, I actually enjoy doing dailys xD
And I do not support it because though I see WHY you asking for it I do not agree - the only campaign that is in any way onerous to complete is ToD. But as usual people (not sayig you necessarily) want it now without any effort xD
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Personally if I was all done with all boons, I don't think i would mind if someone could put forth the same amount of EFFORT, but spent less time waiting to put forth said EFFORT.
So current module campaign, time gated as normal. Previous modules campaigns, reduce or eliminate the time gate. Again, this would be the exact same amount of EFFORT - it would just eliminate the waiting.
+1, i also enjoy doing dailies and in most areas the tactic i use it to pickup dailies every day and do them every other day that way you in essence kill 2 birds with 1 stone, plus don't always have the time. I feel like the dailies give me a purpose to log on even tho i might not accomplish them, it compels me to keep coming back, otherwise i might not play for days/weeks because of lack of interest. At least with the dailies theirs a goal at the end and a certain feeling of accomplishment being x days closer. Plus once i finish the dailies on a char i usually play that char a lot less so with all dailies accomplished from one char i would feel little incentive to play other less attractive alts. I also feel like the dailies gives you time to hone your skills, and play with builds, on that char/class once you have done all of dailies you know how your rotations work and what powers you want to use and how to use them effectively. Its an MMO dailies are the bread and butter, just cuz you guys get burnt out trying to do them all at once and are in some rush to get to the end to complain about not having enough content doesn't mean you should try to take away what others find entertaining. If you really hate them that much you can always pay the $50 to skip them, which is also ridiculous imho, begging the question... How much can i pay to not have to play at all?
Unlocking class artifacts was ridiculous as well - it also does not fit into a true role-playing model.
This stuff is catered to the power gamer, not the role-player.
But it is what it is. I still like the game as a whole.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
power gamer ? a game with 0 end game content ? dafuq lol
if the game was made for power gamers we wouldnt be running content made for 13k gs with 20k gs characters
Yeah, I struggle to understand the intended audience for the last few modules. They have have had some good things, but on the whole I don't see who would like the way it was implemented. I mean sure you'll always get the 1 or 2 players that would be happy even if you had to click a button every day and you win, but fir the rest of us that actually have standards...
"Power gamers" want endgame content which was sorely lacking the last module. It was directed to cater to people who enjoy doing dailies.
Dual monitors ftw! Though some games don't support borderless windowed mode which kind of sucks. It's definitely been helpful to have my game up and browser on another screen, or web pages on both, or chat windows etc etc.
+1 to this as i do and its awesome!
Giving other-class artifacts to other characters on the same account serves that purpose (basically a free artifact for a character that did not earn it personally). The proposed account-shared campaign progress also serves the same purpose: other characters get credit for "completing" content that the character did not really complete.
It's my opinion. Say what you will. It is still ridiculous to me.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
free artifacts reduce the insane ad requirements to get alt to at least somewhat useable state, imagine if u had to stick a 2~3 mil worth artifact in each of the 2 free slots(after lvl 20quest artifact) for all your alts(on top of pets, enchants, gear etc.)
power gamers want challenge and according rewards, here only luck and having too much free time is rewarded
OK. Sounds like my idea of a power gamer is different than the crowd . . . Maybe there is a better word to use . . .
I feel the pain of multi-character grinds as well. I was running 6 characters through all boons in DR and Shar. Then the dreaded IWD hit and, being a casual gamer, I could no longer pull all 6 characters through that grind - took much longer to complete those dailies than DR and Shar. I initially started working on 3 in IWD, but it turned into only 2 very quickly, due to lack of gaming time.
With ToD hitting much too quickly for a casual gamer like myself, I have only been running my main (TR) through ToD. My poor CW has completed IWD but not even started ToD. My HR is about 3/4 done with IWD, as I tried to play him a little, but have grown very sick of the IWD dailies.
In spite of all of this, I still don't support giving campaign credit to every character on one account. It is simply a matter of basic role-playing principles to me. I can't help it that I am an old-school first edition AD&D junkie. . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
from role playing principles it would be wrong, but its necessary for simply keeping ones sanity
i dont understand why ppl hate IWD dailies
Would not be that bad of an idea since the levelcontent in this game is pretty useless anyways. Except for that one crafting-reward in neverdeath and now the ToD-Campaign starting at level 30. They should really implement more stuff into the levelcontent that injects into "endgame".
However why have we been bickering about the dailies? Every MMO supports repeating the same aspect of the game until you get a desired outcome. There is absolutely no way to release enough content to keep the masses happy unless you want some more generic copy & paste dungeons with a different boss and name for the dungeon itself.
Every single MMO comes down to three things when you're at the end of the progression; Personal (character) strength/effectiveness in combat, Repeating the same content for loot, PVP.
If you don't like this structure of "end-game" then you may want to consider that an MMO type game may not be your cup of tea.
Although one thing I do agree with y'all about is that the RNG system in this game is god awful. I can understand having to run a dungeon and the same content dozens of times to obtain that last piece of your gear is alright, it's a model that works in almost every single MMO to date, but with the drop rates being so so low, you run the risk of never being able to obtain something which would be alright if they offered you an alternative to getting it such as the auction house, but with most things like the dreaded black ice gloves being bind on pickup completely ruins any chances of that.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication
or other information which may be considered objectionable.
A Tool used by those with power to stay in power.
I object to your objection
The problem with Neverwinters modules is just, that they basically only consist of a few very poor designed dailys and thats mostly all the content there is.
If i compare that to the patches of, lets say, World of Warcraft, thats incredible ... well, not good.
And i think Cryptic could actually do REAL content if they had the time and are not forced to push out some crappy module every six months.
Maybe they should try for once to do a game in a own universe and not another licence-product.
That's a point, actually. If every mod brings an ever more obnoxious grind, each new class becomes more impossible to bring "up to speed". They're painting themselves into a corner through poor design.
A better comparison would be to the eq2 AA system. Which ALSO takes a lot of invested time to "catch up". The reason it is a better comparison is that they both permanently increase your characters power. And compared to eq2s AA system the catching up in this game is MUCH faster. Added to which you can buy the unlocks anyway if it really gets to you that much. All world of warcafts dailys gave you was rep to get some gear you didn't need by the time you get the rep anyway...
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Iam not talking about the dailys alone. I never played EQ2 for long, but i doubt, that their patches also consist only of a single area with a few boring dailys and maybe a dungeon and a skirmish while recycling quite a lot of stuff.
There is just not much of REAL gameplay that you do not know from their previous modules already. You do a few dailys, click on a button in the campaign screen and repeat that the next day. Thats it.
Similar but not really comparable to EQ2s AA system. The AA system there runs alongside levels, that game still increases the level characters earn. Here it seems they've completely replaced leveling post-60 with boons. A closer example might be DCUOs feat system. Its a game where its easy to hit max level, but you spend forever getting the skill points you need to make your character stronger.
The difference between here and both EQ2 and DCUO is that they have options. To get the boons we have to do the daily quests from the campaign. That's it. No other options. However you have multiple ways to get AA in EQ2. And the same in DCUO - there are so many points available, that you can skip some feats you absolutely hate. BUT... Neverwinter is still pretty new. Perhaps in a year or two we'll have enough campaigns that you'll just pick the ones you want to do.