Hey peeps, I'm finding the feedbacks truly confusing and surely not "agreeing" with each other, so I'd rather ask for some more opinions in the proper HR section: what do you think about how HR will perform in PvP once module 4 finally hits?
So far this is my thought:
- Set wise considering the profound nerf, the new overloads and etc. the ideal suit to go with might be 2 pieces Corrupted 2 pieces BI, in order to mix and match the stats properly (Corrupted boots & arms, Purified armor & hood)
- Path wise trapper feels just annoying and archery is a glass cannon which offers no survivability, therefore combat seems the only proper way to go, altough I'm not understanding yet how badly WM has been nerfed and how it works against the new High spike damage dealing skills CWs, GFs and GWFs have been provided with.
- Encounters wise Constricting Arrow doesn't seem worth slotting anymore, so I was thinking about the old loadout swapping it with Boar's charge in ordere to provide some sort of CC, but with the recent changes to Fox Shift I'm also debating wether I should switch it with Marauder's.
- Last but surely not least, DPS wise the class altogether feels weak, less crits, less net damage, but I've been told that the dots hurt badly.
Sum-up: In my opinion the class feels way more human than before, but it also seems (on the paper) to be undertoned compared to everyone else: not enough healing to whitstand spike damage, not enough spike damage dealing on its end to properly compete in 1v1s and no good CCs to hold its own a little bit longer when outnumbered.
I honestly hope to be wrong, mostly because 90% of this "report" is sheer theorycraft, so I'm standying by for you guys' opinions.
Bonus silly proposal: What about using full tenacity gears (rings with bonus included) to allow the employment of Royal Guard Armor? HP loss aside the stats look fine, and the effect might be a pretty decent replacement for Archery's module 3 path 4th feat. If you're going for the extra mile try to give me an opinion about this too, thanks.
Robbin' In Da Hood - HR stands for "Hate (is) Real"
7 years old PC, connection laggy as sh--, be afraid & get rekt
I think HRs are in for a world of pain in mod4. GFs and CWs will be able to take them easy, and in group fights HRs fold under any focus once CC'ed. TRs will be much more challenging without as much healing as we have now and without fox shift spam.
No constricting arrow is icing on the cake.
I dusted off my CW today and started running boons. It's honestly ridiculous what they've done with them, but if you can't beat them, join them.
As to your last question, I fought someone on preview who was using Royal Guard and it was really effective. Disrupting shot was available for him more often as was boar's rush.
Anyway, we'll know soon enough exactly how it shakes out but I just can't see HRs doing much. It might even be better to just go Archery and try to snipe with Aimed Shot.
My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
I think HRs are in for a world of pain in mod4. GFs and CWs will be able to take them easy, and in group fights HRs fold under any focus once CC'ed. TRs will be much more challenging without as much healing as we have now and without fox shift spam.
No constricting arrow is icing on the cake.
I dusted off my CW today and started running boons. It's honestly ridiculous what they've done with them, but if you can't beat them, join them.
As to your last question, I fought someone on preview who was using Royal Guard and it was really effective. Disrupting shot was available for him more often as was boar's rush.
Anyway, we'll know soon enough exactly how it shakes out but I just can't see HRs doing much. It might even be better to just go Archery and try to snipe with Aimed Shot.
Constricting arrow is the worst of it, I think we all knew some of the healing would be dialed back, but what was the point of this?
I think HRs can still do well in pvp with all the changes, but you will have to devote your HR 100% to pvp spec. I will be changing to halfing and stacking as much Con as I can. You will have to go combat for WM. WM is still in a pretty good place for healing over time.
It will take much more skill to do well in pvp. We can no longer facetank at all, so one or two mistakes will cost you a death most likely.
Remember, we are still the most mobile class and that is the going to be more key than ever in Mod 4.
zinsncabsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited August 2014
How was profound armor nerfed? Just curious as about to start buying it. Thanks.
Fixed to respect healing depression, but also nerfed to add an internal cooldown.
As far as healing depression goes, that just means it functions the way all other armor does in PvP - so I don't see that as a significant downside to the Profound armor set. But the ICD - how does that work and is it unique to Profound? Just trying to understand so that I don't invest in Profound needlessly (though - tbh - not really sure what else I'd spend my accumulated glory on). Thanks in advance for the input.
I prefer the feats the way they were before. Could of dialed back the deflect/heal issue but overrall still felt good most of the time. Constricting gone is a bummer and no real explanation every given. Things like this feel personal, especially when we havent heard any reason why other than generalities. Overrall the changes are pretty abysmal and feel incomplete.
Im with hamletswords. CW and GF are working on Boons, and my HR's will probably go into semi retirement for awhile or I will move on to another game. Sort of up in the air atm.
bensupremacyMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited August 2014
Hi guys,
I think combat is the way, the only way for PvP. WM is very nice imho.
I think that HR is better than mod 3.
Constricting arrow is the worst of it, I think we all knew some of the healing would be dialed back, but what was the point of this?
I'm not sure what you mean. What is the point of my reply? I don't know it's my opinion.
If they had just dialed back healing and kept everything the same, we'd still be in bad shape. I'm not sure people realize the mega-buffs GF and CW received. Throw on constricting arrow nerf/no fox spam and it gets pretty bad.
Remember, we are still the most mobile class and that is the going to be more key than ever in Mod 4.
Combat is also the only melee oriented class without a cc-break or immunity besides dodge. To make use of the bleeds, you have to get in close, and when you get close you're going to get CC'ed. You can do that on live because you can heal through almost anything. Can't on Mod4.
Defense-wise, you're effectively a TR without stealth or ITC, with a little bit of healing and a little bit of mobility.
Combat is also the only melee oriented class without a cc-break or immunity besides dodge. To make use of the bleeds, you have to get in close, and when you get close you're going to get CC'ed. You can do that on live because you can heal through almost anything. Can't on Mod4.
Defense-wise, you're effectively a TR without stealth or ITC, with a little bit of healing and a little bit of mobility.
My thought exactly here, I couldn't have explained it with better words. Right now when you do the dots routine on anything you're exposing yourself to CCs, and even tough you're healing most of the pain you're positioning yourself in a way very vulnerable to other players' rotations. Doing it on a GWF means most of the time getting at least 1 cc, which ends up in the full rotation taking away half your life, altough with the current healing you're just going to fix yourself soon enough not to consider that a real issue.
On Mod 4 tough with lesser continued healing, Lone Wolf changes and no CC I think we're going to be very vulnerable to heavy cc+damage rotations.
Plus no profound means no more speed bonus -> even less mobility.
Robbin' In Da Hood - HR stands for "Hate (is) Real"
7 years old PC, connection laggy as sh--, be afraid & get rekt
Read through the preview thread, and pvp-wise, generally the mood has gone from initial horror - the pvp set nerf, and holy HAMSTER what happened to AOTLW - to guarded optimism - okay wild medicine might make us viable again - to now a deep sense of hopelessness. The only option seems to be a pve-like glass cannon, negating the thing that to me made me love my HR more than any of the other classes I play ( CW pve death machine, and GWF for the sigil nondescript alt ), the melee/ranged options. The whole dive in/dive out.
I don't really want to trade that for pew-pew run away.
Anyway, this, and the stupid high prices of everything, not to mention Turkey's current lag/disconnect problems mean a time out for me. The fun factor vs. The grind factor needs 'balancing'.
If mod4's arrival is anything like mod3's, I guess the lag problems won't get better anytime soon. I'll give it a week or so for the dust to settle.
Good luck with your new builds.
No idea what my toon is now.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited August 2014
i am little bit shocked. i hear about damage increase and some nerf to pathfinder. is it really so bad from stormwarden position? i play pvp as stormwarden, only bow, mainly use split-aimed shot, forest ghost-disrupting shot, foxshift-hindering-conscription. will i be affected?
i am little bit shocked. i hear about damage increase and some nerf to pathfinder. is it really so bad from stormwarden position? i play pvp as stormwarden, only bow, mainly use split-aimed shot, forest ghost-disrupting shot, foxshift-hindering-conscription. will i be affected?
No, you'll be fine unless...
1) you depend on constriction for cc, or spam fox for cc immunity.
2) a CW sees you.
2a) there's a TR behind you.
3) you try to hold a node on your own.
4) someone hits you a couple of times.
I really hope I'm exaggerating.
No idea what my toon is now.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited August 2014
well i am a little bit straightforward for my archery. use that skills for quick burst dmg. maybe that after so many nerfed abilities, it will only usable option, when we get that damage buff overall
just echoing some of what's been said, most of this is PvP observations. Range tree means I die super fast, instead of normal-fast like before. Melee means I die super fast because CC. I figured I would do the Trapper tree ... and ... Yeah. I really don't know what to do with my HR anymore. Trapper seemed the lesser of the evils, but I wouldn't even call what I'm doing chip damage. Marauder's rush does maybe a 1/12th of a bar of damage and then it's all I can do to run away. I *loved* playing as hybrid, take a few shots, rush in, stab things, back out, shoot again, dodge .. It was fun and twitchy and anxiety-inducing edge of my seat play. Now I just ... die. There's no hybrid build to be made out of this that's useful, which is (at least what I THOUGHT) what the HR was intended to be.
I think the HR is now just Rogue w/ a bow. I just said this in another thread: Hunters are supposed to be controllers as much as DPSers, but all the control Encounters were removed. The DPS is out of control. I'm doing way too much DMG. I'm getting triple kills back to back. It's totally ridiculous how much DMG I'm doing. It's also ridiculous that I can no longer escape anybody because though I may hit them with 2 Hindering Shots, a Binding Arrow, AND a Constricting Arrow, NO ONE has shown any ostensible hindrance in running up on me. Not even with all that together. Used to be just a Hindering Shot slowed them down.
Yes, you will be affected. Hindering shot doesn't hinder anybody anymore. You can't hold them off. I us HS, CA and BA as my Encounters and all-together they do nothing to hold anybody off.
Lol, I just went full archer feats, swapped 2 pieces of profound archer with grim archer for 450 more arpen, and destroyed the opposition in pvp dom. Came top of the result board, and flattened a gf like a soggy hankerchief. gwfs are seriously squishy now too.
Tbh though - no-one focussed me, and their team had no CWs so... Bit early to judge.
EDIT: lol, just met my first mod4 CW. And despite my 34khp, decent def, and decent deflect... up in the air and dead in less than 10 seconds.
In short - we are glass cannons now. Combat is most survival But MW will not stack more then 5-6.
Unless you got lucky and you will get very idiot CW that will be constantly spamming you with frozen beem only. so in this case you can get WM to healing you well enought to stay at that spot untill somebody smarter will come and kill you ) This was proved by one "milky" CW before on preview and works both in theory (math) and live )
Long responce below
Constructive arrow, hindering, binding arrow is useles for archer and melee now. If you do get to apply it wil last 0.5 second and 1 second max - on tenancy armor person. pvp effect is halfs them in first place. plus add to it CC resist and tenancy. So useless. Period.
Fox shift is nerfed so bad that - was only possible way for get any perma TR - now you will not even see him. Majority of TRs will first put as much of knifes as they can on you -then will backstab -pretty much close to death state. Even before on live they could get you good.
Now we come to nerf of profound and healing. Fixing it as just fix for heal on damage deflected was right, as long as it is system wide fix for "fix on deflect". What killed profound - was ICD. Same thing that killed WM - 1 sec ICD too. Lets don't forget about heal depression -so only 2.5% of heal. If you think on getting profound for glory - better get artifacts rather then armor if you have black ice already.
Lets not forget about - you gain AP only in combat now. So you can not raise your AP for 25% for Disruptive ready by just using self aspects of Fox,Boar, Mara, Healing and so on. Only in combat now.
New AofLF is more Pve opriented even thought its still so-so.
HR got 40% of base damage as piersing - this is a second hit after main. But we lost 10% of base damage nerfed to 5% in 25 feet only. And no more 10% crit in melee.
Add to it that we don't have 10% of extra deflect in melee. only 2.5%. So you are bounded to have AofLF in class features active.
Stormstep actions - now has ICD - also pssible minus 1 good class feature - still need live testing.
But they increases AP for Cold steel huricane - daily even useless in pve no word abount pvp lol. Visible for anyone who played HR somewhere else than top secret dev server. Apparenly where they test all while using cheats for everything.
Ive not seen nerfs for pathfinder - was mostly testing stromwarden to get extra damage in pve and pvp on preview with different builds. Strom is now even worse. PVE wise - nerfed Slit the sky.
And the top of all this nerfes -they could be survived - but we lost all cooldowns for Archer and Melee. And PRAY an FLURRY are triggered only by ranger for PRAY and melee powers for FLURRY. And they apply only to 1 target) See what it meens already? Now you are in 1 stand - only 3 encounters is cooled and is your main 80% of time. And you need to keep 2 at least of them as offencive to get pray of flurry going.
Now look at the ranger offencive encounters as example - Costructive, Hindering, Binding, Hawk. Why do I say only 1 target powers? Cause pray does not gatied to apply on Rain - only if places right above target. Not when target enters already placed rain. Thorn - pretty much same thing. Excepts that it sets pray only on first target. Not always jump to another one when first target is killed. I had talked about roots powers before.
Hawk may benefit from distance damage increase -10%. If somebody will allow you to do this. Remeber that CW have bigger hit radious that HRs with falcon?
Thron now takes longer time for recharge. So you will not be able to get throne after throne. Unless you cap recovery or int -least important stuff for HR
Pretty much same thing is for combat with Flurry. Just little better due to some survivabilty that combat HR are used to stack in first place.
And T1 feet -life steal or coldown of power on shift for 0.5 sec.
As for me worst is that we lost all of out synergy between swtiching stances as archer and combat. No cooldown, No bonus damage. No real "shark" atacks.
Trapper does have switch stances mechnics. But this CC is a joke in comparation for CWs/GF and even DC. And to it low damage as base and no survivabilty.
On top of all - no CC at all for hunter.
so yes right now only combat has some chances in pvp. Not because it is so good. Just because 2 others are worst.
Other side - archer is only good and useful in pve teams.
As you can see - we now back to state were you are either pvp or pve. But now we are not pvp kings -CW then GF. Nor of real use in pve - CWs then GF then SW then CD then GWF.
Enjoy it)
PS what kills me is that devs have read all this. As they sad today- give us feedback and kick us. But they still did not care. Even to answer.
Constructive arrow, hindering, binding arrow is useles for archer and melee now. If you do get to apply it wil last 0.5 second and 1 second max - on tenancy armor person. pvp effect is halfs them in first place. plus add to it CC resist and tenancy. So useless. Period.
Unfortunately those three encounters were my entire play style, and 90% of my game time is in PVP. I played a supporting roll to the DPSers. I was pretty much a glass cannon before. Now I'm just broken glass. Don't have much time to get off the cannon. So after playing all day, I'm mailing all my enchants to other chars to auction off. I'm going to keep my HR for a while in hopes of some sort of fix, but after a while I'll delete it to open up the slot for my sister, so she can have access to my mount. Sux. Was my favorite char. Looked forward to coming home and playing it all week.
Well, considering I fought mostly HRs last night, you are still very, very effective.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Depends on play style. If you play it like a Rogue w/ a bow, then yes. I do more DPS than I did before, but I already did enough. That's all it is now. DPS. Not much room for creative play or team support, which is my style.
Constructive arrow, hindering, binding arrow is useles for archer and melee now. If you do get to apply it wil last 0.5 second and 1 second max - on tenancy armor person. pvp effect is halfs them in first place. plus add to it CC resist and tenancy. So useless. Period.
Unfortunately those three encounters were my entire play style, and 90% of my game time is in PVP.
It's kinda funny for newcomers though. "How come Hindering Shot doesn't hinder, Constricting Arrow doesn't constrict and Binding Arrow doesn't bind?" lol
If you do depend on Hindering, Constructive, Binding - you best call would be Trapper. At least in this case you can get strong roots work for 5 sec in pve or 2.5 sec in pvp as a max. Plus do damage - 50% - to control resist targets. At least something....
If you do depend on Hindering, Constructive, Binding - you best call would be Trapper. At least in this case you can get strong roots work for 5 sec in pve or 2.5 sec in pvp as a max. Plus do damage - 50% - to control resist targets. At least something....
I appreciate it. I looked into it, but I never really use my blades. I played all day yesterday and a little today. I'm pretty set in my decision to whack my HR.
Haha. I tried it. I switched all my feats to trapper, entered PVP, nailed the first TR I saw with 2 Hindering Shots, a Binding Arrow, and a Constricting Arrow. and he was running circles around me. The whole match--nothing. Zero CC.
I just switched back to my old SW rotation but on my pathfinder, fox, mr and hindering, disruptive and forest med. Full archer sniper feats, and pathfinder action/lonewolf. Decent deflect bonus. As long as the other team isn't full of CWs, I come top.
No constricting arrow is icing on the cake.
I dusted off my CW today and started running boons. It's honestly ridiculous what they've done with them, but if you can't beat them, join them.
As to your last question, I fought someone on preview who was using Royal Guard and it was really effective. Disrupting shot was available for him more often as was boar's rush.
Anyway, we'll know soon enough exactly how it shakes out but I just can't see HRs doing much. It might even be better to just go Archery and try to snipe with Aimed Shot.
Constricting arrow is the worst of it, I think we all knew some of the healing would be dialed back, but what was the point of this?
It will take much more skill to do well in pvp. We can no longer facetank at all, so one or two mistakes will cost you a death most likely.
Remember, we are still the most mobile class and that is the going to be more key than ever in Mod 4.
Silas - 60 Human Trickster Rogue
Ganking is good for the soul~
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
As far as healing depression goes, that just means it functions the way all other armor does in PvP - so I don't see that as a significant downside to the Profound armor set. But the ICD - how does that work and is it unique to Profound? Just trying to understand so that I don't invest in Profound needlessly (though - tbh - not really sure what else I'd spend my accumulated glory on). Thanks in advance for the input.
Silas - 60 Human Trickster Rogue
Ganking is good for the soul~
Im with hamletswords. CW and GF are working on Boons, and my HR's will probably go into semi retirement for awhile or I will move on to another game. Sort of up in the air atm.
I think combat is the way, the only way for PvP. WM is very nice imho.
I think that HR is better than mod 3.
I'm not sure what you mean. What is the point of my reply? I don't know it's my opinion.
If they had just dialed back healing and kept everything the same, we'd still be in bad shape. I'm not sure people realize the mega-buffs GF and CW received. Throw on constricting arrow nerf/no fox spam and it gets pretty bad.
Combat is also the only melee oriented class without a cc-break or immunity besides dodge. To make use of the bleeds, you have to get in close, and when you get close you're going to get CC'ed. You can do that on live because you can heal through almost anything. Can't on Mod4.
Defense-wise, you're effectively a TR without stealth or ITC, with a little bit of healing and a little bit of mobility.
My thought exactly here, I couldn't have explained it with better words. Right now when you do the dots routine on anything you're exposing yourself to CCs, and even tough you're healing most of the pain you're positioning yourself in a way very vulnerable to other players' rotations. Doing it on a GWF means most of the time getting at least 1 cc, which ends up in the full rotation taking away half your life, altough with the current healing you're just going to fix yourself soon enough not to consider that a real issue.
On Mod 4 tough with lesser continued healing, Lone Wolf changes and no CC I think we're going to be very vulnerable to heavy cc+damage rotations.
Plus no profound means no more speed bonus -> even less mobility.
7 years old PC, connection laggy as sh--, be afraid & get rekt
I don't really want to trade that for pew-pew run away.
Anyway, this, and the stupid high prices of everything, not to mention Turkey's current lag/disconnect problems mean a time out for me. The fun factor vs. The grind factor needs 'balancing'.
If mod4's arrival is anything like mod3's, I guess the lag problems won't get better anytime soon.
Good luck with your new builds.
No, you'll be fine unless...
1) you depend on constriction for cc, or spam fox for cc immunity.
2) a CW sees you.
2a) there's a TR behind you.
3) you try to hold a node on your own.
4) someone hits you a couple of times.
I really hope I'm exaggerating.
Tbh though - no-one focussed me, and their team had no CWs so... Bit early to judge.
EDIT: lol, just met my first mod4 CW. And despite my 34khp, decent def, and decent deflect... up in the air and dead in less than 10 seconds.
Unless you got lucky and you will get very idiot CW that will be constantly spamming you with frozen beem only. so in this case you can get WM to healing you well enought to stay at that spot untill somebody smarter will come and kill you ) This was proved by one "milky" CW before on preview and works both in theory (math) and live )
Long responce below
Constructive arrow, hindering, binding arrow is useles for archer and melee now. If you do get to apply it wil last 0.5 second and 1 second max - on tenancy armor person. pvp effect is halfs them in first place. plus add to it CC resist and tenancy. So useless. Period.
Fox shift is nerfed so bad that - was only possible way for get any perma TR - now you will not even see him. Majority of TRs will first put as much of knifes as they can on you -then will backstab -pretty much close to death state. Even before on live they could get you good.
Now we come to nerf of profound and healing. Fixing it as just fix for heal on damage deflected was right, as long as it is system wide fix for "fix on deflect". What killed profound - was ICD. Same thing that killed WM - 1 sec ICD too. Lets don't forget about heal depression -so only 2.5% of heal. If you think on getting profound for glory - better get artifacts rather then armor if you have black ice already.
Lets not forget about - you gain AP only in combat now. So you can not raise your AP for 25% for Disruptive ready by just using self aspects of Fox,Boar, Mara, Healing and so on. Only in combat now.
New AofLF is more Pve opriented even thought its still so-so.
HR got 40% of base damage as piersing - this is a second hit after main. But we lost 10% of base damage nerfed to 5% in 25 feet only. And no more 10% crit in melee.
Add to it that we don't have 10% of extra deflect in melee. only 2.5%. So you are bounded to have AofLF in class features active.
Stormstep actions - now has ICD - also pssible minus 1 good class feature - still need live testing.
But they increases AP for Cold steel huricane - daily even useless in pve no word abount pvp lol. Visible for anyone who played HR somewhere else than top secret dev server. Apparenly where they test all while using cheats for everything.
Ive not seen nerfs for pathfinder - was mostly testing stromwarden to get extra damage in pve and pvp on preview with different builds. Strom is now even worse. PVE wise - nerfed Slit the sky.
And the top of all this nerfes -they could be survived - but we lost all cooldowns for Archer and Melee. And PRAY an FLURRY are triggered only by ranger for PRAY and melee powers for FLURRY. And they apply only to 1 target) See what it meens already? Now you are in 1 stand - only 3 encounters is cooled and is your main 80% of time. And you need to keep 2 at least of them as offencive to get pray of flurry going.
Now look at the ranger offencive encounters as example - Costructive, Hindering, Binding, Hawk. Why do I say only 1 target powers? Cause pray does not gatied to apply on Rain - only if places right above target. Not when target enters already placed rain. Thorn - pretty much same thing. Excepts that it sets pray only on first target. Not always jump to another one when first target is killed. I had talked about roots powers before.
Hawk may benefit from distance damage increase -10%. If somebody will allow you to do this. Remeber that CW have bigger hit radious that HRs with falcon?
Thron now takes longer time for recharge. So you will not be able to get throne after throne. Unless you cap recovery or int -least important stuff for HR
Pretty much same thing is for combat with Flurry. Just little better due to some survivabilty that combat HR are used to stack in first place.
And T1 feet -life steal or coldown of power on shift for 0.5 sec.
As for me worst is that we lost all of out synergy between swtiching stances as archer and combat. No cooldown, No bonus damage. No real "shark" atacks.
Trapper does have switch stances mechnics. But this CC is a joke in comparation for CWs/GF and even DC. And to it low damage as base and no survivabilty.
On top of all - no CC at all for hunter.
so yes right now only combat has some chances in pvp. Not because it is so good. Just because 2 others are worst.
Other side - archer is only good and useful in pve teams.
As you can see - we now back to state were you are either pvp or pve. But now we are not pvp kings -CW then GF. Nor of real use in pve - CWs then GF then SW then CD then GWF.
Enjoy it)
PS what kills me is that devs have read all this. As they sad today- give us feedback and kick us. But they still did not care. Even to answer.
Constructive arrow, hindering, binding arrow is useles for archer and melee now. If you do get to apply it wil last 0.5 second and 1 second max - on tenancy armor person. pvp effect is halfs them in first place. plus add to it CC resist and tenancy. So useless. Period.
Unfortunately those three encounters were my entire play style, and 90% of my game time is in PVP. I played a supporting roll to the DPSers. I was pretty much a glass cannon before. Now I'm just broken glass. Don't have much time to get off the cannon. So after playing all day, I'm mailing all my enchants to other chars to auction off. I'm going to keep my HR for a while in hopes of some sort of fix, but after a while I'll delete it to open up the slot for my sister, so she can have access to my mount. Sux. Was my favorite char. Looked forward to coming home and playing it all week.
Feel your pain. But this what devs did to us.
If you do depend on Hindering, Constructive, Binding - you best call would be Trapper. At least in this case you can get strong roots work for 5 sec in pve or 2.5 sec in pvp as a max. Plus do damage - 50% - to control resist targets. At least something....
I appreciate it. I looked into it, but I never really use my blades. I played all day yesterday and a little today. I'm pretty set in my decision to whack my HR.