"Cleric Feats and Powers now heal by about 40% less than they previously did but overall still heal allies about 10% more than they previously did."
Please, someone help me understand this. As I read this statement, DCs will receive 80% less heals from their heals now (40% already present as a class mech + 40% from the new Mod 3 update). Surely I am misunderstanding something.
Yeah 10% anything is good when you haven't been feed since you came to Neverwinter!
To tell the truth something does need to be done about the solo ability for clerics in pvp and pve and all i could come up with is the following.
I put this on another post:
"Really though the idea of righteousness changes was almost right but any healer cant heal dead, so they could have at least made the 70% for allies or a 40% temporary hit points for the caster maybe both, or anything would be better to keep our selves alive."
I do love the game though!
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Yeah 10% anything is good when you haven't been feed since you came to Neverwinter!
To tell the truth something does need to be done about the solo ability for clerics in pvp and pve and all i could come up with is the following.
I put this on another post:
"Really though the idea of righteousness changes was almost right but any healer cant heal dead, so they could have at least made the 70% for allies or a 40% temporary hit points for the caster maybe both, or anything would be better to keep our selves alive."
I do love the game though!
Up to Mod 3 a DC soloing really wasnt a issue per se, you could argue for some proper buffs in pvp after pvp patch, though some were fine with the way it was.
Mod 3 is different, there is a progression meter that requires the ability to do certain things in pvp campaigns, and DCs are way down the list of being able to do this in a timely manner, also I just did my dailies with my DC and CW for Icewind Dale, my DC is 15k, CW slightly like 13.6, and my CW could easily do all the HE 2-3 person encounters, my DC was much harder.
But I wouldnt hold your breath, there has been zero response back from any dev about the issues that are repeatedly brought up for the average DC player.
Not sure, how Righteousness now work - too low experience in M3. But solo artifact quest not very easy for my 14k DC without potions use (but with divine AS). As difference, for my 12,7 TR its very easy.
I think, today need back to Dread Ring for well know old campaigns - compare new and old impressions (before patch i solo it without potions and AS).
I've stopped using AS in solo stuff, it's needless overkill. Chains, divine glow, daunting light. Get all your healing from regen, repurp soul procs, astral seal and (hilariously) lifesteal.
i had no trouble with the artifact quest on my cleric, although there were times i was in danger due to those silly trappers >.>, but i built my cleric for life-steal with endless consumption and the occasional 5k+ heal from sunburst never hurts (sometimes it even heals me for like 10k). it's ironic that the best heal comes from life-steal
the heroics were tougher than on my rogue though, but i might try again later with my frost enchant equipped.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited May 2014
You might enjoy doing that.. but efficiently, dcs stacking lifesteal is the worst of all classes, since out damage output is lower then the rest (or maybe slightly ahead of the GF since we do have multiple ways of AOEing.. )
There should be no issue doing content with a healing class. But when Im doing HEs solo with the CW vs the DC, the CW is so much easier and I can do the 2-3 man stuff even 1.5k lower gear score with the CW, while I had to use ashield to survive those encounters otherwise. Up to Mod 3 I agree.. you could solo stuff easy with any # of DC builds, but so couldnt any class.
This still doesnt factor in the PVP progression, regardless of the healing nerf, we simply are not a DPS class on par with the others and they shouldnt given us routes to progress through on this class without having to rely on kills. Double kills maybe do-able.. triple? really! Good luck.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited May 2014
As someone else said, using AS when soloing is just....wrong. For me it is Sun Burst, Divine Glow and Daunting Light. I use either terror or vorpal weapon enchants, but for soloing I actually prefer Miracle Healer armour set, rather than the High Prophet which I use in "high-end" groups.
I found the artifact quest pretty easy - annoyingly easy in fact. It was a real challenge for my GF, however....
Hoping for improvements...
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited May 2014
I also use Sun Burst, Divine Glow and Daunting Light while soloing. With Frost Enchant, High Prophet with negation enchant. Now I had the opposite with the artifact quest on the preview server, my GF was able to do it solo, whereas my cleric was not. But too, my cleric was missing the helm of the High Prophet at the time, so that would have made a difference.
Returned to the game on my DC to look at Mod 3. Don't think I'll be staying long as this is my main character.
My temptation is to take off on another DC busted forum post - but to be honest, done that, been there - and not worth my time anymore.
To see the DC in this state after all the years of neglect is just depressing - and why should I take up my mmo game time being depressed? Of course not.
A quick return, not a good one for the DC, and leave it at that.
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
You might enjoy doing that.. but efficiently, dcs stacking lifesteal is the worst of all classes, since out damage output is lower then the rest (or maybe slightly ahead of the GF since we do have multiple ways of AOEing.. )
There should be no issue doing content with a healing class. But when Im doing HEs solo with the CW vs the DC, the CW is so much easier and I can do the 2-3 man stuff even 1.5k lower gear score with the CW, while I had to use ashield to survive those encounters otherwise. Up to Mod 3 I agree.. you could solo stuff easy with any # of DC builds, but so couldnt any class.
This still doesnt factor in the PVP progression, regardless of the healing nerf, we simply are not a DPS class on par with the others and they shouldnt given us routes to progress through on this class without having to rely on kills. Double kills maybe do-able.. triple? really! Good luck.
hmmmm, if i had to estimate it then i would say my cleric's aoe dps is similar to my rogue's single-target dps and potentially better (but only when fighting like 3-5 mobs). the real difference is that lack of immunity from ITC or reliable stuns from smoke bomb and dazing strike hinders me from keeping myself fully healed all the time. still, i have yet to use a pot for the daily questing in icewind dale.
The nice thing about lifesteal is that it works with damage, as opposed to repurpose soul, which works with "crits but only sometimes". In other words, it pretty much comes down to daunting light. If DL procced repurp (which it conspicuously doesn't) it would be both fantastic for spike damage, and fantastic for spike heals (albeit unpredictable spike heals). So since I can't see myself ever soloing stuff without daunting light (much numbers, very crit, wow), to make it more useful: there's lifesteal.
With lifesteal at around..eh, like 6% or so, which is almost hard to avoid (what with DC itemisation being what it is), a crit daunting light can hit 5 targets for 15-30k each (which is always fun) and that's 900-1800 HP back, five times. Even divine glow, which is amazing just for like, everything, can get 7-10k crits (and of course, DG does proc repurpose soul, so even better).
I've actually found myself not bothering with sticking astral seal on things when soloing, because the lifesteal+repurpose soul (from DG and chains) makes it unnecessary.
Yes, it's ridiculous that a healer class should be ditching their own core mechanic in favour of become "DPS vampires", but it does actually work pretty well.
I did the artifact quest recently and somehow even my crappy level 5 rebel mercenary (that I brought along for shiggles) survived the bossfight: I got the lifesteal heals, she got the repurps.
Astral Seal + Brand of the Sun (Seal before Sun so I get a steady heal tick while dancing around avoiding red)
Chains + Diving Glow + Daunting Light
High Prophet
Normal Plaguefire (I had a Vorpal for soloing, but gave it to my new GWF)
Dread Ring is a cakewalk. Jawbone tends to be a pain in the backside but the others are easy.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Astral Seal + Brand of the Sun (Seal before Sun so I get a steady heal tick while dancing around avoiding red)
Chains + Diving Glow + Daunting Light
High Prophet
Normal Plaguefire (I had a Vorpal for soloing, but gave it to my new GWF)
Dread Ring is a cakewalk. Jawbone tends to be a pain in the backside but the others are easy.
Dread Ring is a cakewalk regardless.. anybody over 10k can pretty much take entire dungeons on (My typical route with any of my classes is to pull everything up to whatever they wont let me pass and kill it, sometimes thats the entire dungeon like dread) every class should be able to do that.
ITs also very fast to do dailies and eventually you dont have to bother , enough onyx and you can trade in and just do the daily dungeon. Even on my DC, just slotting dps whatever will be enough.
The discussion is Mod 3, even if you can accept the much slower daily pace, the PVP pace is ridiculous, assists will be a breeze and you can be selfish and go cap things all you want, but most of the rest is kills, then double kills THEN triple kills, Ive had a few doubles already.. but no triples, when is the last time your going to triple anything?
EVERY other class can get assists (you only have to hit a aoe or tag a few peeps for goodness sake) Every other class can cap nodes and kill nps and every other class is better then the DC at direct kills . SURE there might be a few dom matches Ill do 7-8 or more kills, but typically its like 4 kills 20-30 assists and mid range points, especially if IM just holding 2 with another person.
Old Righteousness debuffed personal heals by 40%.
New Righteousness buffs healing of others by 70% and no longer debuffs personal heals.
New healing is 40% lower so that we heal ourselves the same, but heal others by about 10% more.
Yeah, that's also how I understand it.
some status quo and some nerfs for the DC.
a DCs ability to self heal is being reduced in addition to a rebranding of righteousness happening.
To tell the truth something does need to be done about the solo ability for clerics in pvp and pve and all i could come up with is the following.
I put this on another post:
"Really though the idea of righteousness changes was almost right but any healer cant heal dead, so they could have at least made the 70% for allies or a 40% temporary hit points for the caster maybe both, or anything would be better to keep our selves alive."
I do love the game though!
Up to Mod 3 a DC soloing really wasnt a issue per se, you could argue for some proper buffs in pvp after pvp patch, though some were fine with the way it was.
Mod 3 is different, there is a progression meter that requires the ability to do certain things in pvp campaigns, and DCs are way down the list of being able to do this in a timely manner, also I just did my dailies with my DC and CW for Icewind Dale, my DC is 15k, CW slightly like 13.6, and my CW could easily do all the HE 2-3 person encounters, my DC was much harder.
But I wouldnt hold your breath, there has been zero response back from any dev about the issues that are repeatedly brought up for the average DC player.
I think, today need back to Dread Ring for well know old campaigns - compare new and old impressions (before patch i solo it without potions and AS).
Diana (15,4 DC)
BigHalf (15,5 GF)
the heroics were tougher than on my rogue though, but i might try again later with my frost enchant equipped.
There should be no issue doing content with a healing class. But when Im doing HEs solo with the CW vs the DC, the CW is so much easier and I can do the 2-3 man stuff even 1.5k lower gear score with the CW, while I had to use ashield to survive those encounters otherwise. Up to Mod 3 I agree.. you could solo stuff easy with any # of DC builds, but so couldnt any class.
This still doesnt factor in the PVP progression, regardless of the healing nerf, we simply are not a DPS class on par with the others and they shouldnt given us routes to progress through on this class without having to rely on kills. Double kills maybe do-able.. triple? really! Good luck.
I found the artifact quest pretty easy - annoyingly easy in fact. It was a real challenge for my GF, however....
My temptation is to take off on another DC busted forum post - but to be honest, done that, been there - and not worth my time anymore.
To see the DC in this state after all the years of neglect is just depressing - and why should I take up my mmo game time being depressed? Of course not.
A quick return, not a good one for the DC, and leave it at that.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
hmmmm, if i had to estimate it then i would say my cleric's aoe dps is similar to my rogue's single-target dps and potentially better (but only when fighting like 3-5 mobs). the real difference is that lack of immunity from ITC or reliable stuns from smoke bomb and dazing strike hinders me from keeping myself fully healed all the time. still, i have yet to use a pot for the daily questing in icewind dale.
and wizards are still the kings/queens of pve :P
With lifesteal at around..eh, like 6% or so, which is almost hard to avoid (what with DC itemisation being what it is), a crit daunting light can hit 5 targets for 15-30k each (which is always fun) and that's 900-1800 HP back, five times. Even divine glow, which is amazing just for like, everything, can get 7-10k crits (and of course, DG does proc repurpose soul, so even better).
I've actually found myself not bothering with sticking astral seal on things when soloing, because the lifesteal+repurpose soul (from DG and chains) makes it unnecessary.
Yes, it's ridiculous that a healer class should be ditching their own core mechanic in favour of become "DPS vampires", but it does actually work pretty well.
I did the artifact quest recently and somehow even my crappy level 5 rebel mercenary (that I brought along for shiggles) survived the bossfight: I got the lifesteal heals, she got the repurps.
Astral Seal + Brand of the Sun (Seal before Sun so I get a steady heal tick while dancing around avoiding red)
Chains + Diving Glow + Daunting Light
High Prophet
Normal Plaguefire (I had a Vorpal for soloing, but gave it to my new GWF)
Dread Ring is a cakewalk. Jawbone tends to be a pain in the backside but the others are easy.
Dread Ring is a cakewalk regardless.. anybody over 10k can pretty much take entire dungeons on (My typical route with any of my classes is to pull everything up to whatever they wont let me pass and kill it, sometimes thats the entire dungeon like dread) every class should be able to do that.
ITs also very fast to do dailies and eventually you dont have to bother , enough onyx and you can trade in and just do the daily dungeon. Even on my DC, just slotting dps whatever will be enough.
The discussion is Mod 3, even if you can accept the much slower daily pace, the PVP pace is ridiculous, assists will be a breeze and you can be selfish and go cap things all you want, but most of the rest is kills, then double kills THEN triple kills, Ive had a few doubles already.. but no triples, when is the last time your going to triple anything?
EVERY other class can get assists (you only have to hit a aoe or tag a few peeps for goodness sake) Every other class can cap nodes and kill nps and every other class is better then the DC at direct kills . SURE there might be a few dom matches Ill do 7-8 or more kills, but typically its like 4 kills 20-30 assists and mid range points, especially if IM just holding 2 with another person.