One of the devs, I believe Panderus, stated that hot swappable gear sets is on their radar and something they wanted to implement early on but did not have the resources to do. They understand the need to swap gear sets between PVE and PVP and even different PVP loadouts and hopefully have dedicated some resources to eventually making this happen in an upcoming mod.
There's no reason to swap weapons really since weapon types do not really provide statistical advantage and frankly every D&D game should (and almost all have) disabled armor swapping in combat.
While I agree with you on the immersion factor of armor swapping (and exploitability of procs on cooldown), I understand the rationale for carrying multiple weapons, because swapping one dagger for another is easier than changing the enchants in just one dagger. More of a PvP than a PvE thing since response to specific situations needs to be quicker there. Anyway, that's mostly like having two things sheathed at your hip and reaching for one or the other accordingly.
If it was a full weapon set-up swap, like in an Infinity Engine game, or Diablo or whatever, you'd need something for both off-hand slots as well. As it stands, you can carry an extra main-hand in your bag.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited October 2014
As stated by everybody though this is more a PvP vs PvE thing.
Panderus said they are interested in making spec switching easier. Not weapon and armor swapping.
There's no need to just be able to press a key in combat and switch out your entire armor or weapon set. It's incredibly easy to do so if you forget and in the case you forget it's pretty easy to switch on the spot.
The options they have more alluded to was having power tray set-ups so that if you used certain powers in PvE and certain powers in PvP you could switch between two different set-ups.
it would be nice if they made armor/weapon switching function, but enable it in pe/campfire only, might also free some inventory space so you dont have to carry your pvp gear in your bags all the time
As stated by everybody though this is more a PvP vs PvE thing.
Panderus said they are interested in making spec switching easier. Not weapon and armor swapping.
There's no need to just be able to press a key in combat and switch out your entire armor or weapon set. It's incredibly easy to do so if you forget and in the case you forget it's pretty easy to switch on the spot.
The options they have more alluded to was having power tray set-ups so that if you used certain powers in PvE and certain powers in PvP you could switch between two different set-ups.
There are 15 pieces of equipment and 10 possible power options...not sure how changing gear would be any easier than changing powers, and the change would be made for the same reasons.
Options other games have:
Switch Gear between 2 layouts with a click
Switch Action Bar powers with a click (or offer multiple "rows" so to speak".
Switch to different specs entirely (not sure this is really needed in NW).
This stuff mostly is not rocket they didn't ave the resources to do this is mind boggling - its a couple hours scripting at most. Again, trying to re-invent the wheel instead of using proven features.
correct, it's not botting if you have to push a button. it's called a MACRO.
legal or not there's no way they can detect it so...
Famous last words. They actually do have ways to detect for programs. Whether they consider it a hot button issue to do something about it is another story.
Being able to switch between different power loadouts is definitely something I'd like to see introduced, however.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
While I agree with you on the immersion factor of armor swapping (and exploitability of procs on cooldown), I understand the rationale for carrying multiple weapons, because swapping one dagger for another is easier than changing the enchants in just one dagger. More of a PvP than a PvE thing since response to specific situations needs to be quicker there. Anyway, that's mostly like having two things sheathed at your hip and reaching for one or the other accordingly.
If it was a full weapon set-up swap, like in an Infinity Engine game, or Diablo or whatever, you'd need something for both off-hand slots as well. As it stands, you can carry an extra main-hand in your bag.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Panderus said they are interested in making spec switching easier. Not weapon and armor swapping.
There's no need to just be able to press a key in combat and switch out your entire armor or weapon set. It's incredibly easy to do so if you forget and in the case you forget it's pretty easy to switch on the spot.
The options they have more alluded to was having power tray set-ups so that if you used certain powers in PvE and certain powers in PvP you could switch between two different set-ups.
There are 15 pieces of equipment and 10 possible power options...not sure how changing gear would be any easier than changing powers, and the change would be made for the same reasons.
Options other games have:
Switch Gear between 2 layouts with a click
Switch Action Bar powers with a click (or offer multiple "rows" so to speak".
Switch to different specs entirely (not sure this is really needed in NW).
This stuff mostly is not rocket they didn't ave the resources to do this is mind boggling - its a couple hours scripting at most. Again, trying to re-invent the wheel instead of using proven features.
Famous last words. They actually do have ways to detect for programs. Whether they consider it a hot button issue to do something about it is another story.