I've been trying to find a way to express my reaction to your post that would not be read as an attack, but it does kinda read like "Don't comment negatively on PWE promotions". I sincerely feel these kind of threads is the one place where the Community Mods should not be the ones to defend PWE, but rather let someone like pwebranflakes do the talking.
Don't see any genuine reason why your consumer base can not call out a bad deal. Yes we can just walk away with it but in a consumer driven world, it's our opinions that matter at the end of the day, albeit a few but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the end result in the long run.
The consumer, the player has a right to point out a bogus deal. This is a terrible deal, as it's being stated.
And I don't think there is any reason to silence the feedback on this one. My RL job is sales. When my company runs promotions, it's designed to increase sales. If we get immediate feedback from our customers that the promotion isn't very appealing, it's a strong signal to us that we need to refine it, or change it for next time. We don't go back to those customers who complained and tell them to buy it or shut up. That's just not good for business.
I agree with all the above. As a business owner I do not understand the attitude of telling your customers to take a walk if they have negative feedback. I would be out of business if I discouraged criticism from my customers and distributors.
Meh cash shop prices have always been extremely high in this game, and selling the wrong things IMO. So that makes no different to me, it's just a switch to bad from worse. All that randomness and selling premium items making characters significantly more powerful at premium prices just makes me want to spend even less cash on this game. Too bad I've started doing that lately. Marketing is way too aggressive to my taste.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited March 2014
I was fortunate enough to be able to get the Merc painlessly the last time it was available, but even if I hadn't, I would not take part in this promotion.
Charge reward promotions where you can spend your Zen on anything you want at any time you choose feel good.
Sales where specific items are marked down for a limited time feel good.
A charge reward that dictates exactly what the consumer has to buy at specific times feels absolutely lousy. It does not give the impression of adding value to items that are widely believed to be overpriced. It does not make these unpopular purchases more appealing.
The Coal Wards are a deal breaker for me. I can not justify spending 5000 zen to get 5 Coal Wards (are they currently on sale?). If the Merc Companion was purple and account wide I *might* be tempted, but I still doubt I would go for it.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited March 2014
Happy I got the Faithful Initiate when it was available via promotion. Way cheaper than what you could get in-game.
Its a big slap in the face if you ask me, its around 100 euro to get 10300 zen which is what is needed, to get a hold of 3 green companions which were offered from other promotions, the drow was free in a magazine if I remember correctly, so maybe 5 euro, the initiate I recived from signing up to a website premium sub which works out around 8 euro, maybe the other im sure would be in a similar promotion, so 20,25 euro maybe.
Yes we get the zen, but this game is getting such a bad reputation with the inflated prices on everything, I bought both the hero and guardian on the north packs and think this game was great but with the daily quest grinds that are being brought out as modules and the pay/grind gates (mount upgrades, companion upgraded, refining, boons) that are appearing everywhere in this game, im kinda regretting spending on this game at all.
I'm being more put off playing all the time, which is such as shame as the game and story are actually good.
Let me say this. I like the idea and format of the promotion. I think the items they chose are extremely overpriced in the Zen shop.
..... When my company runs promotions, it's designed to increase sales. If we get immediate feedback from our customers that the promotion isn't very appealing, it's a strong signal to us that we need to refine it, or change it for next time. We don't go back to those customers who complained and tell them to buy it or shut up. That's just not good for business.
PWE Please improve this Promo !!!
I agree with the quoted information from Ironzerg79.
I want to get the three Green companions for my collection but "$50 on these Coalescent Stones" and "$40 on these Blood Ruby"? At lease let me buy items I need.
Replace Coalescent Stones $50. with one of the following;
Any 2 Purple Companions = $50
Any 2 Blue Mounts = $33 - $55
Any 2 Purple Mounts = $55 - $75
replace Blood Ruby Packs x2 stacks $40. with one of the following;
Professions Asset Pack x3 = $43 Greater Bags of Holding x4 = $40 Adv. Helper's Pack x4 = $45 Any 4 Blue Companions = $ 48 - $60
I would happily do any of these changes but I can't do the current promotion, It's that bad.
I'm even willing to meet you half way.
3 Coalescent stones and 1 Blood Ruby Pack.
Or better yet, Reduce the prices on these items by half and improve their sales in the process.
I'm buying the Preservation Wards even though I don't want or need them in the hopes you will improve this by tomorrow, otherwise I wasted 500 Zen on them as well. Please fix this, I love Neverwinter and Star Trek Online game and want to keep you guys in business but not like this.
Thank you for all your hard work and your consideration on this matter.
Hear, hear. There are plenty of things in the Zen store that would interest me, but I have no need of coalescent wards now or any time soon. My primary enchantments are at the point where pushing them up to the next level will take a very long time.
The preservation wards one makes sense to me and I'll probably pick those up because I'm always going through them when building up companions. I can even see my way to picking up a single blood ruby (grossly overpriced as they are). My lunch in at the cafeteria at work costs more. The rest, though, especially the coalescent ward requirement, is really uncalled-for. If PWE wants us to spend Zen (read, a C-note, i.e. Ben Franklin in real-world terms), at least let us buy ourselves something useful. I'd even be willing to just buy keys!
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
I've been trying to find a way to express my reaction to your post that would not be read as an attack, but it does kinda read like "Don't comment negatively on PWE promotions". I sincerely feel these kind of threads is the one place where the Community Mods should not be the ones to defend PWE, but rather let someone like pwebranflakes do the talking.
i did not say do not provide negative constructive feedback. i said do not bash PWE for this offer. i would put it in the same league as any current and future pack that is offered: is it of value to the buyer? if yes, have at it. if not, there's no need to try to talk someone else out of something that they may find value in.
it doesn't get any simpler than that.
frozenflame22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 56
edited March 2014
I'm pretty surprised by the attitude of the players on this, as well as the generosity of the mods/devs/etc. So this is a bad deal. You're certainly free to talk about what a bad deal it is or encourage others to not buy it. However, doing so in the forums is akin to standing in a car dealership and ranting loudly about what a bad sale they are running and calling the salesmen crooks. Nothing wrong with doing it, but this is really not the place.
I'm agree with krowsys and ironzerg79 idea, though it's just WAAAY TOO MUCH. $103.00???? like seriously,the other greens were around for way cheaper ,but this,this is just a bad deal.i hope you guys change this.Unless this companion is some time of legendary.good luck getting sales on this one.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited March 2014
In fact, this is the venue for providing feedback, as long as it can be voiced in a calm and constructive manner.
If people want to angrily rant and rave, then I suppose they can take it to Reddit or whatever it is people do.
But if you want to explain why you won't be participating in this promotion in hopes that someone higher up will register the information and run more enticing promotions in the future, then this *is* your venue.
Not going to lie I like the look of the Drow Merc companion, problem being that I know that's probably the level 30 skin (Epic quality required) and the companion initially goes to level 20 max. I really don't think that if I could spare the money in the first place to take part in this deal I would. Upgrading companions and mounts, etc. with their current AD price tags really isn't worth it in my opinion, and I'm sure a lot of others feel exactly the same.
onecoolscatcatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 575Arc User
edited March 2014
Nice seeing another promotion offered. Cryptic certainly tries to dial my wallet in.
That said, green companions are nothing but astral diamond sinks. Make them purple and I'll at least look at them....
Not going to lie I like the look of the Drow Merc companion, problem being that I know that's probably the level 30 skin (Epic quality required) and the companion initially goes to level 20 max. I really don't think that if I could spare the money in the first place to take part in this deal I would. Upgrading companions and mounts, etc. with their current AD price tags really isn't worth it in my opinion, and I'm sure a lot of others feel exactly the same.
Some companions are and some aren't; it depends on a lot of factors, like your class, play style, and where you find yourself. To the right character, a rank 30 Cleric Disciple's 300 regen can be huge, for instance, though it does cost a fortune to get. I pushed the leprechaun to 30 for those special cases where I know that I'll be facing a lot of AoE, for instance. I pushed my phase spider to 30 purely for the entertainment value of setting him loose on redcaps (grin). He did manage to finish off a few quicklings in Malabog's Castle (one at a time) after they had finished me off, too. Sweet revenge!
One thing that would help would be if we knew what the companions' stats and bonuses would be if we improved their quality. Given certain combinations, they could be of value to the right players.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Now if the promotion could include a Quickling in the mix, even if only after a 5th purchase... (hint, hint)
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
edited March 2014
My gripe with this promo is that it encourages players that don't know better to buy items that no knowledgeable player would ever buy from the Zen store: Coalescent Wards and Blood Rubies.
I find it akin to people in /trade trying to hawk 10x[The Current Lockbox] for "only" 1x[Enchanted Key].
Having got the Initiate (still available I think from a sub to IGN Prime) and the Drow merc (thanks Mariusz!) I'm only interested in the Archmage so this could be an offer I'm looking at - for that item only but depends on cost. However I do think the whole structure needs to be looked at as the final goal is a GREEN companion?? Why not make it a BLUE one for the purposes of this and really give the recipients who have spent the money a more unique reward.
I feel a blue level would be more appropriate for this level of dedication, investment and commitment to the game.
Also, are these companions going to be added to the collections? Currently, the cleric and drow are not - neither is the moonshae druid either. It would be nice if these are added.
So if you buy 10300 zen worth of items over 4 days (items you might not have been planning to buy anyway), you can get a promotional companion that has been offered multiple times before for far less (along with yes, some other promotion items too). Isn't that amount a bit high, Cryptic?
And you don't even list what the titles you can earn on day 1 and 2 are. I'm guessing they are also repeats of previous promotions like everything else here.
I was fortunate enough to be able to get the Merc painlessly the last time it was available, but even if I hadn't, I would not take part in this promotion.
Charge reward promotions where you can spend your Zen on anything you want at any time you choose feel good.
Sales where specific items are marked down for a limited time feel good.
A charge reward that dictates exactly what the consumer has to buy at specific times feels absolutely lousy. It does not give the impression of adding value to items that are widely believed to be overpriced. It does not make these unpopular purchases more appealing.
AGREE with above post
Promotions are usually held for many reasons, primarily for generating revenue but it can also be used to clear stocks.
I'm sure many have seen "unwanted goods" with low sales rates going for a song.
As such, i would call this promo a BAD DEAL,
Not because average prices in the AH for wards are half that of the Zen Store, but because the value of an account wide GREEN character unlock is roughly $10 (eg: Charge rewards )
Comparing AH values to ZEN Stores is a kin to comparing the prices of a car in an Authorised Dealership vs a Parallel importer. Not a fair comparison
With Charge rewards, we spend $10 for an account wide GREEN char, we keep the zen for whatever we wish to use it for
For this promo
We have to spend $103 for 3 account wide GREEN chars with an average value of $30.
We don't get spare zen to spend
We get Blood rubies and wards. Useful if you use it, HAMSTER if you don't )
We get penalised if we don't follow through the promo
I'm not sure how much an account wide BLUE or PURPLE char is worth but i reckon that this promo ought to have provided at least 2-3 BLUEs and 1 PURPLE char, on the basis of the force buy and time penalty.
Even if one were to sell off the wards to mitigate the cost, you still pay more than if you were to get the chars from zen rewards
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
edited March 2014
Is the $103 worth the cost for 25 Pres Wards, 5 Coal Wards, 5 Blood Rubies, 2 Titles (account wide), and 3 Green Companions (account wide)?
If I approach this mathematically:
From the AH,
25 Pres Wards would cost about 80k -- 100k AD.
5 Coal Wards would cost between 800k -- 1 Mil AD.
5 Blood Rubies would cost around 800k -- 1 Mil AD.
If I assume maximum price in the AH, that means to buy those items in AH will cost 2.1Mil AD. $103 translates into about 4.12Mil AD if you were to exchange it all via the zen market at 400 AD/zen. Not guaranteed, but an estimate of a regular transaction.
So, ask yourself. Is the bonus of the titles (account wide), the three companions (account wide), and the two Neverwinter Packs worth the difference between a straight Zen Market Purchase and an AH purchase, or about 2.0Mil AD. If I were to break down just the companions, that means I would estimate the worth of each companion to be 666k AD.
So, it comes down to whether someone wants to purchase the specific items through the Zen market. Pres wards will be needed in game. Coal wards will be needed in game. Blood rubies are helpful, but not needed. Titles do not advance towards endgame play. But some people are title collectors. The contents of the guard packs are helpful, but common within the game. The account wide unlock of three companions is the key.
Is 1.9Mil AD worth 3 companions (green) that are unlocked for the account (no matter how many times you start over with a new toon)?
That depends on the buyer. Some will buy for various reasons:
1) Loves titles
2) collects companions
3) needs to level an artifact or greater enchant now, now, now!
4) wants to horde coal wards and pres wards
I don't think this offer is so bad if not for the fact they are telling players what to spend their zen on and every item they are telling players to buy is a item nobody would ever buy from the zen store usually , they should have just said spend this amount of zen on any cash shop item and qualify for tier one , spend the next amount qualify for tier two and so on.Plus they probably should have had a lower amount for the top tier , 50-60 dollars maybe.
10300 zen on items I don't need. At least with the other promotions, I could choose how to spend my zen.
I bought 10,3k a week ago and have only spent half of it ..I won't get squat extra for my purchase
I plan on living forever ..so far so good
Squadron 238
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited March 2014
The charge rewards were/are, IMO, the way to go - transfer in X amount of Zen, which you get to spend however you want, and you'll get a little bonus. This promotion is an experiment to see if steering what and when players purchase stuff will be fruitful. The best way for us to represent our interests is to *not* take advantage of said promo.
I'd also like to mention that the IGN Prime promo for the cleric is still going on, so do a search for that if it interests you...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
kolbe11Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
New title: "More Money than Brains"
"It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
Just for your information guys, Mercenary companion was able to get from Polish magazine CD-Action which cost like 5$. You can still find it on auction site allegro.pl (1-2$ for magazine) which is similar to ebay.com, you just need to know a little Polish language. It was 10/2013 release of CD-Action Magazine.
Lots of people have touched on these points already, but I feel they could use some expanding and I think they really need to understand why things like this are bad ideas compared to their normal promotions.
I am a big Neverwinter fan and I have spent money in many ways to both support the game and get myself goodies. I love the idea of the Charge Rewards promos and have participated in two of them in the past. I *adore* titles and have gone out of my way to collect as many of them as I can. I collect account-wide companions like they are going out of style. I've been obsessing over the drow mercenary companion for my drow characters ever since I failed to find a copy of the Polish only magazine that was offering them and missed out on the 3 hour or so window where they offered them for an apology charge reward. But this... I can't possibly justify this.
The amount you need to spend on such a restrictive selection of limited use items over such a tiny period of time to participate in this offer is insane. I'd essentially be spending over $100 in zen to buy items that are not only overpriced, but also things I'd not ever buy. And for me it would all be for just one title and the drow mercenary. There are no exceptions for players like me that have already spent money or participated in promotions to get the Dread Ringer title, Tiefling cleric companion or halfling wizard companions towards getting the final reward. There's no way I can do that, even if I were paid this weekend instead of next week.
And even if you don't already have some of the rewards, you really do have to compare this to other promos they've done or are still doing. Previous Charge rewards programs let you spend the zen on whatever you wanted and gave out account wide green mounts and/or companions for $50 or less. The Hunter Ranger booster pack cost 3500 zen for gear, consumables and an account wide blue companion unlock. A one-month IGN membership is $8 and will get you the Faithful Initiate companion they are offering. $12 including shipping got you the Archmage's Apprentice companion from Newegg's promo. $60 will get you either the Guardian of Neverwinter or the Knight of the Feywild pack that come with not only account wide purple companions and a purple or blue mount, but things like gear, consumables packs, character slots, respecs, special enchantments, AD and more. The closest one (Which I also can't afford and haven't bought) is the Hero of the North pack for $200, but that includes an account wide purple companion and purple mount and far more of the rewards you'd get in the $60 packs and better quality ones as well.
I still love the game and want to support it, but this approach to promos is just kind of baffling. Please, we know you can do better than this.
I agree with all the above. As a business owner I do not understand the attitude of telling your customers to take a walk if they have negative feedback. I would be out of business if I discouraged criticism from my customers and distributors.
A fool and his money are easily parted
Charge reward promotions where you can spend your Zen on anything you want at any time you choose feel good.
Sales where specific items are marked down for a limited time feel good.
A charge reward that dictates exactly what the consumer has to buy at specific times feels absolutely lousy. It does not give the impression of adding value to items that are widely believed to be overpriced. It does not make these unpopular purchases more appealing.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Yes we get the zen, but this game is getting such a bad reputation with the inflated prices on everything, I bought both the hero and guardian on the north packs and think this game was great but with the daily quest grinds that are being brought out as modules and the pay/grind gates (mount upgrades, companion upgraded, refining, boons) that are appearing everywhere in this game, im kinda regretting spending on this game at all.
I'm being more put off playing all the time, which is such as shame as the game and story are actually good.
PWE Please improve this Promo !!!
I agree with the quoted information from Ironzerg79.
I want to get the three Green companions for my collection but "$50 on these Coalescent Stones" and "$40 on these Blood Ruby"? At lease let me buy items I need.
Replace Coalescent Stones $50. with one of the following;
Any 2 Purple Companions = $50
Any 2 Blue Mounts = $33 - $55
Any 2 Purple Mounts = $55 - $75
replace Blood Ruby Packs x2 stacks $40. with one of the following;
Professions Asset Pack x3 = $43
Greater Bags of Holding x4 = $40
Adv. Helper's Pack x4 = $45
Any 4 Blue Companions = $ 48 - $60
I would happily do any of these changes but I can't do the current promotion, It's that bad.
I'm even willing to meet you half way.
3 Coalescent stones and 1 Blood Ruby Pack.
Or better yet, Reduce the prices on these items by half and improve their sales in the process.
I'm buying the Preservation Wards even though I don't want or need them in the hopes you will improve this by tomorrow, otherwise I wasted 500 Zen on them as well. Please fix this, I love Neverwinter and Star Trek Online game and want to keep you guys in business but not like this.
Thank you for all your hard work and your consideration on this matter.
-Captain Krow
The preservation wards one makes sense to me and I'll probably pick those up because I'm always going through them when building up companions. I can even see my way to picking up a single blood ruby (grossly overpriced as they are). My lunch in at the cafeteria at work costs more. The rest, though, especially the coalescent ward requirement, is really uncalled-for. If PWE wants us to spend Zen (read, a C-note, i.e. Ben Franklin in real-world terms), at least let us buy ourselves something useful. I'd even be willing to just buy keys!
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
i did not say do not provide negative constructive feedback. i said do not bash PWE for this offer. i would put it in the same league as any current and future pack that is offered: is it of value to the buyer? if yes, have at it. if not, there's no need to try to talk someone else out of something that they may find value in.
it doesn't get any simpler than that.
If people want to angrily rant and rave, then I suppose they can take it to Reddit or whatever it is people do.
But if you want to explain why you won't be participating in this promotion in hopes that someone higher up will register the information and run more enticing promotions in the future, then this *is* your venue.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That said, green companions are nothing but astral diamond sinks. Make them purple and I'll at least look at them....
Some companions are and some aren't; it depends on a lot of factors, like your class, play style, and where you find yourself. To the right character, a rank 30 Cleric Disciple's 300 regen can be huge, for instance, though it does cost a fortune to get. I pushed the leprechaun to 30 for those special cases where I know that I'll be facing a lot of AoE, for instance. I pushed my phase spider to 30 purely for the entertainment value of setting him loose on redcaps (grin). He did manage to finish off a few quicklings in Malabog's Castle (one at a time) after they had finished me off, too. Sweet revenge!
One thing that would help would be if we knew what the companions' stats and bonuses would be if we improved their quality. Given certain combinations, they could be of value to the right players.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
I find it akin to people in /trade trying to hawk 10x[The Current Lockbox] for "only" 1x[Enchanted Key].
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I feel a blue level would be more appropriate for this level of dedication, investment and commitment to the game.
Also, are these companions going to be added to the collections? Currently, the cleric and drow are not - neither is the moonshae druid either. It would be nice if these are added.
They need the cash for better servers.
AGREE with above post
Promotions are usually held for many reasons, primarily for generating revenue but it can also be used to clear stocks.
I'm sure many have seen "unwanted goods" with low sales rates going for a song.
As such, i would call this promo a BAD DEAL,
Not because average prices in the AH for wards are half that of the Zen Store, but because the value of an account wide GREEN character unlock is roughly $10 (eg: Charge rewards )
Comparing AH values to ZEN Stores is a kin to comparing the prices of a car in an Authorised Dealership vs a Parallel importer. Not a fair comparison
With Charge rewards, we spend $10 for an account wide GREEN char, we keep the zen for whatever we wish to use it for
For this promo
We have to spend $103 for 3 account wide GREEN chars with an average value of $30.
We don't get spare zen to spend
We get Blood rubies and wards. Useful if you use it, HAMSTER if you don't )
We get penalised if we don't follow through the promo
I'm not sure how much an account wide BLUE or PURPLE char is worth but i reckon that this promo ought to have provided at least 2-3 BLUEs and 1 PURPLE char, on the basis of the force buy and time penalty.
Even if one were to sell off the wards to mitigate the cost, you still pay more than if you were to get the chars from zen rewards
If I approach this mathematically:
From the AH,
25 Pres Wards would cost about 80k -- 100k AD.
5 Coal Wards would cost between 800k -- 1 Mil AD.
5 Blood Rubies would cost around 800k -- 1 Mil AD.
If I assume maximum price in the AH, that means to buy those items in AH will cost 2.1Mil AD. $103 translates into about 4.12Mil AD if you were to exchange it all via the zen market at 400 AD/zen. Not guaranteed, but an estimate of a regular transaction.
So, ask yourself. Is the bonus of the titles (account wide), the three companions (account wide), and the two Neverwinter Packs worth the difference between a straight Zen Market Purchase and an AH purchase, or about 2.0Mil AD. If I were to break down just the companions, that means I would estimate the worth of each companion to be 666k AD.
So, it comes down to whether someone wants to purchase the specific items through the Zen market. Pres wards will be needed in game. Coal wards will be needed in game. Blood rubies are helpful, but not needed. Titles do not advance towards endgame play. But some people are title collectors. The contents of the guard packs are helpful, but common within the game. The account wide unlock of three companions is the key.
Is 1.9Mil AD worth 3 companions (green) that are unlocked for the account (no matter how many times you start over with a new toon)?
That depends on the buyer. Some will buy for various reasons:
1) Loves titles
2) collects companions
3) needs to level an artifact or greater enchant now, now, now!
4) wants to horde coal wards and pres wards
Buy if you want. Don't buy if you don't.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
I bought 10,3k a week ago and have only spent half of it ..I won't get squat extra for my purchase
Squadron 238
I'd also like to mention that the IGN Prime promo for the cleric is still going on, so do a search for that if it interests you...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
You bought Coales wards and Rubies?
Though if you already have a ton of AD in game it shouldn't be a problem. Just sell your p.vorpals and exchange earned AD for Zen...lol
WTB Class Reroll please
I am a big Neverwinter fan and I have spent money in many ways to both support the game and get myself goodies. I love the idea of the Charge Rewards promos and have participated in two of them in the past. I *adore* titles and have gone out of my way to collect as many of them as I can. I collect account-wide companions like they are going out of style. I've been obsessing over the drow mercenary companion for my drow characters ever since I failed to find a copy of the Polish only magazine that was offering them and missed out on the 3 hour or so window where they offered them for an apology charge reward. But this... I can't possibly justify this.
The amount you need to spend on such a restrictive selection of limited use items over such a tiny period of time to participate in this offer is insane. I'd essentially be spending over $100 in zen to buy items that are not only overpriced, but also things I'd not ever buy. And for me it would all be for just one title and the drow mercenary. There are no exceptions for players like me that have already spent money or participated in promotions to get the Dread Ringer title, Tiefling cleric companion or halfling wizard companions towards getting the final reward. There's no way I can do that, even if I were paid this weekend instead of next week.
And even if you don't already have some of the rewards, you really do have to compare this to other promos they've done or are still doing. Previous Charge rewards programs let you spend the zen on whatever you wanted and gave out account wide green mounts and/or companions for $50 or less. The Hunter Ranger booster pack cost 3500 zen for gear, consumables and an account wide blue companion unlock. A one-month IGN membership is $8 and will get you the Faithful Initiate companion they are offering. $12 including shipping got you the Archmage's Apprentice companion from Newegg's promo. $60 will get you either the Guardian of Neverwinter or the Knight of the Feywild pack that come with not only account wide purple companions and a purple or blue mount, but things like gear, consumables packs, character slots, respecs, special enchantments, AD and more. The closest one (Which I also can't afford and haven't bought) is the Hero of the North pack for $200, but that includes an account wide purple companion and purple mount and far more of the rewards you'd get in the $60 packs and better quality ones as well.
I still love the game and want to support it, but this approach to promos is just kind of baffling. Please, we know you can do better than this.