Hi I've just hit level 60 and not sure what I should be doing pve wise as its so confusing. Should I just goto sharandur and keep doing those daily quests?
What's the best way to get epic gear and what seals etc should I be looking to collect?
Or should I just keep doing foundries, skirmishes and dungeons?
Any pointers as to where I should be going and what I should be doing would be greatly appreciated.
Buy cheap level 60 Blue gear off the AH and socket them with Rank 4s. The blue gear should be very cheap (100-200 AD each) and will give you enough Gear Score (GS) to run any Tier 1 dungeon with ease. Be sure to get the blue gear with slightly higher stats if you can.
Do Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies as they are relatively easy and you can get some nice items, as well as shards and marks from the final lair. Run Tier 1s and the Tier 2 Pirate King dungeon if you can to gear up.
Also join a guild or /Legit Channel as queuing for Epic Dungeons at present is somewhat borked.
rumple9Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited March 2014
Yeh I've already bought new gear off the AH and got 8800 gear score. Where do I find the dread ring and what is the final lair (a dungeon?)
The Lairs are a daily mini-dungeon quest which you get in Shandarar after handing in the daily set of three quests, or in the Dread Ring directly from Sgt. Knox.
rlrobrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yeh I've already bought new gear off the AH and got 8800 gear score. Where do I find the dread ring and what is the final lair (a dungeon?)
8.8K is still *very* low. For instance my HR that reached 60 a few weeks ago started with 12K, using only blue armor and with no boons.
Rank 6 enchantments are very cheap now. Buy some of them to increase your GS. Also buy gemmed pants/shirts - if the purple ones are too expensive for you (and most likely they are), buy the blue ones (level 55) so you can get 2 additional enchantment slots - this alone would increase your GS by 300, at least.
Do the Sharandar and Dread ring campaigns to get each of the first 2 boons that would improve your GS a lot and are quick to get (you can have all 4 in a few days). After you reach 10K-11K GS start doing some dungeons.
8.8K is still *very* low. For instance my HR that reached 60 a few weeks ago started with 12K, using only blue armor and with no boons.
Rank 6 enchantments are very cheap now. Buy some of them to increase your GS. Also buy gemmed pants/shirts - if the purple ones are too expensive for you (and most likely they are), buy the blue ones (level 55) so you can get 2 additional enchantment slots - this alone would increase your GS by 300, at least.
Do the Sharandar and Dread ring campaigns to get each of the first 2 boons that would improve your GS a lot and are quick to get (you can have all 4 in a few days). After you reach 10K-11K GS start doing some dungeons.
I don't see how that's possible you got 12k in blues from the AH.
I too recently hit 60 and have farmed up all of the tier 1 PVP pieces and I'm still only 9.6k, with a blue artifact and my first boon.
My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited March 2014
OP, buy the better pieces of blue gear off the AH. That should get you to almost 9K GS. After that, run the dailies in the Dread Ring and Sharandar - you can possibly get some purple gear from the lairs from both locations. Other than that, when a dungeon delve event comes up, run some tier 1 dungeons - cloak tower and cragmire crypts are good starter dungeons. You'll also earn unicorn seals from running these, so you'll be able to buy purple gear. IMO, the rings and weapons are the best place to start with these - especially if you eventually want to go for an armor set.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
frozenflame22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 56
edited March 2014
I have a HR that hit lvl 60 with a 10.5k gear score with all blue lvl 58 gear, a single green artifact, non socketed rank 50 clothes, and rank 5 enchantments. Nothing was bought off the AH. It did help that I hit 60 while farming the Storm the Keep CtA. I ran through over 120 times trying to get that stinking Swashbuckler and in the meantime I picked up tons of blue items.
Everyone has their own way of doing things, so I'll just tell you what I do.
I'm focusing entirely on doing Sharandar and Dread Ring. If I'm online during Gauntlgrym, I do that too, but I don't make it a priority. So far, the blue gear that I've farmed (still haven't bought anything from the AH) has been better than 99% of the purple gear I pick up occasionally. Just because it is purple doesn't make it automatically better. I plan to start hitting dungeons after I have boons squared away. If you're having trouble with any end game content, you can buddy up with another player from your guild. I generally play with my husband so things go faster for both of us. I noticed that advancement in Sharandar and Dread Ring both require AD, so you might want to keep a fair amount on hand.
Sharandar is pretty straight forward. If you haven't already, start getting the day 6 celestial coin reward "Cache of Sharandar Tresures", because the choke point is in the sparks. I found the mini-dungeons (there's one in each gated area) to be rather tough single player but not bad at all for two. I worked out how much of each item I need so I know when to stop farming a gated area, because it gets pretty monotonous after a while. I'm now at the point that I have all the items I need except for sparks. I don't usually do the mini-dungeons since I don't want any of the gear from them, but my husband wants the gear so I save up keys and go with him. The keys into the mini-dungeons are free once a day (a second for a price), are stackable, and open any of the final chests in the mini-dungeons.
Dread Ring is a little harder for me in the main area, but the mini-dungeons seem easier. Advancement is completely different than Sharandar, and I think it goes much faster. Sharandar and Dread Ring are completely doable simultaneously. Sgt. Knox (at Dread Ring, not Protector's Enclave) gives a different daily mini-dungeon per day and gives you a choice of the 3 on weekends. The only one that I find difficult solo is Death Forge. Even if I don't have time to do a mini-dungeon, I make sure to at least get the quest and key from Sgt. Knox. Each key (not a physical key in your inventory) opens a different dungeon door. You can bring in someone without the key, but they won't get to open the final chest. Only one key of each of the 3 mini-dungeons can be held at a time. Each final chest has a greater mark of stability/union/power, so this is a great time to get those artifacts upgraded. Also don't neglect upgrading the gauntlet, which is used to open the other chest, because that chest has a chance of marks and greater marks of potency, with higher rank gauntlets having a better chance.
Gauntlgrym is fun at first but annoying after a while. I tend to only do Fardelver's Crypt so I only have to do one portion of the PVE to get in. Both are needed for Dwarf King, which I've only tried once (much too hard for my 11.8 gear score, but I didn't die ). I queue for PVP each time but never gotten in. I understand that this is common if your guild is Delzoun Explorers, but the Luskan (somethings) never have problems getting into PVP. The goal is to get grym coins which can be spent on fairly good gear, but not all of it is better than the blues I already have. There has been an option to upgrade GG gear introduced with the latest update, but I've not explored it much.
I also started collecting all the "free" green pets I could find from CtA events and the like. Having the active bonuses from 5 green pets helps a lot.
One way to make some easy AD is to sell all blue items at the AH. For me I make between 80-100 (no k) AD of each. Not much but it does add up. Most purple items are salvageable and T1 stuff generally doesn't sell on the AH for more than the salvage would give. I have also started working the leadership profession to the point that I have a meager but steady income of AD. Just because I'm not dungeon delving regularly doesn't make me completely broke.
I can't speak much for the lvl 60 non-GG PVP. I don't really like PVP, especially as an HR, so I haven't done it since lvl 40 or so. I do get a little bit of glory from the final portion of Gauntlgrym, so eventually I might have something to buy with.
So I would say for my characters my priorities are:
1. Get Sharandar and Dread Ring started for the boons.
2. Get at least 5 green pets.
3. Get decent blue gear and clothes.
4. Get at least rank 5 enchantments in all gear (rank 6 if I can).
5. Upgrade the first artifact and get two more asap.
Also don't let having a lvl 60 character turn into a job. Have fun with it!
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
My HR had 11.4k GS as soon as he hit 60. I saved all the best blue drops that all my other alts got for HR and mailed them to him, while he was leveling. He had saved enough AD from leadership that he got a half decent starter main and offhand. He did have another head start, he inherited some of the R5 and R6 enchants my alts took off. I made sure he had at least all of the active pet slots filled with something that gave a bonus to a useful stat. Start with the common ones and work up.
Boons are really a must. So do the Sharandar and Dread dailies as others have said. And you will also collect goodies along the way.
Epic Pirate King is the money run. Run it every time there is a delve active during your game time, and you will soon have some half decent purple stuff, and lots of AD from salvage. I have to admit though, I have not seen much purple that has made me want to shed my blue stuff yet.. Most of it almost seems like a downgrade until you get into Ancient gear. I haven't got any T2 Gear yet, but just from enchanted blues, boons, and pets, I am at about 12.3K. I haven't actually run him in many dungeons, as my mates usually want me to bring my DC, GF, or GWF. (And to be honest, I don't really enjoy playing the HR much.)
P.S. what FrozenFlame said sounds like solid advice to me..
"So I would say for my characters my priorities are:
1. Get Sharandar and Dread Ring started for the boons.
2. Get at least 5 green pets.
3. Get decent blue gear and clothes.
4. Get at least rank 5 enchantments in all gear (rank 6 if I can).
5. Upgrade the first artifact and get two more asap.
Also don't let having a lvl 60 character turn into a job. Have fun with it! "
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Just keep it simple. You said you are already geared fine for a fresh 60 and know how dailies work. Just keep running or dread vault and shard dailies whenever you can muster up the motivation. (Force yourself to every now and then if you can't find it though. They are important.)
Other than that start finding parties in PE for the lowest rank dungeons. Once you are comfortable with those and start getting geared up from drops or funds that come from running those dungeons, you can start moving up to the more advanced dungeons.
I'd also advise to start doing leadership profession every day. After a good while, it will give you a decent little amount of AD just for doing it daily. It is always good to level leadership profession on all accounts.
Also once you get a bit geared up if you want to know how to make real money in the game rather than having the 1 dimensional (+ very slow/tedious) grind mentally, start learning how to play the AH. Watch items closely and buy low/sell high. If there isn't much supply of an item, there is more opportunity to play with the prices of it. Watching items and just getting a feel for the market is something you can start now even if you don't have the money. For me, a good place where I started was just watching my class's gears, since I knew which ones would be good or bad for high/low demand based on my class.
rlrobrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
GS is calculated in a pretty random way as far as I can tell. I get a rank 6 enchantment with +150 crit, slot it in a ring, and my GS goes up by 150. I get another one, slot it in another (identical) ring, GS goes up by like 65.
Don't trust GS too much, it doesn't work as expected.
GS is calculated in a pretty random way as far as I can tell. I get a rank 6 enchantment with +150 crit, slot it in a ring, and my GS goes up by 150. I get another one, slot it in another (identical) ring, GS goes up by like 65.
Don't trust GS too much, it doesn't work as expected.
Really? I haven't hit this issue myself (to the best of my knowledge), but then again I hardly ever bother checking. Maybe I should.
Gear Score is also modified by certain (far from all) feats. You can have 2 people in the exact same gear but with noticably different GS due to feats.
I had to log in to post this.
It sounds like HR has a lot easier time with GS than my class of TR.. my TR is in full Epic except belt, with an Ioun stone (not that the stone does much for GS but I do have some max HP off it) and my GS is only 11.4k. I only had 8K in full blues when I first hit 60.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited March 2014
Yes, HR blue gear has stats that skew the score very high. They actually take a hit wearing a full purple T1 set, at least.
Don't worry about the raw score too much. Find the best pieces you can with the stats you need. Make yourself effective. Some classes have an easier time than others getting big GS numbers, so don't stand around comparing them.
very helpful - thank you. Some very useful information here.
How do I get free green pets
Free green pets are usually part of various promotions or ingame events. You have to pay attention to any announcements on the main page and for certain promotions you may need to subscribe to the newsletter (with a valid email adress so you can read the newsletter).
and whats the easiest way of getting artifacts for the second and third slots ?
Easiest? Grind AD then buy on the AH. It'll take a while, but it's almost guaranteed to happen if you focus on it. If you're good at PvP grinding 24k Glory may be an option to fill one of the slots.
Fastest? Buy lots of keys. Open Unearthed Lockboxes (and any Artifact Provision Packs you may get from that) until you have two additional artifacts. Just remember that you can't equip two artifacts of the same type (ie. 2 Waters) even if they have different quality levels. Alternatively, buy Zen and exchange it for AD via the ingame exchange, then buy artifacts on the AH. If you're lucky the lockbox option could be the cheaper of the two (potentially as little as 2 keys), if you're unlucky it could be far more expensive (100+ keys).
Cheapest? Grind Dread Ring dailies until you have Adamantine Gauntlet unlocked. Then grind the daily dungeon until Eye drops. Meanwhile also grind Valindra's Tower & Malabog's Castle for the artifacts that can be found there. This will take quite a bit of time, but you'll save up AD in the process and likely have a lot of refinement stones to upgrade the artifacts you find.
My HR had 11.4k GS as soon as he hit 60. I saved all the best blue drops that all my other alts got for HR and mailed them to him, while he was leveling. He had saved enough AD from leadership that he got a half decent starter main and offhand. He did have another head start, he inherited some of the R5 and R6 enchants my alts took off. I made sure he had at least all of the active pet slots filled with something that gave a bonus to a useful stat. Start with the common ones and work up.
Boons are really a must. So do the Sharandar and Dread dailies as others have said. And you will also collect goodies along the way.
Epic Pirate King is the money run. Run it every time there is a delve active during your game time, and you will soon have some half decent purple stuff, and lots of AD from salvage. I have to admit though, I have not seen much purple that has made me want to shed my blue stuff yet.. Most of it almost seems like a downgrade until you get into Ancient gear. I haven't got any T2 Gear yet, but just from enchanted blues, boons, and pets, I am at about 12.3K. I haven't actually run him in many dungeons, as my mates usually want me to bring my DC, GF, or GWF. (And to be honest, I don't really enjoy playing the HR much.)
P.S. what FrozenFlame said sounds like solid advice to me..
"So I would say for my characters my priorities are:
1. Get Sharandar and Dread Ring started for the boons.
2. Get at least 5 green pets.
3. Get decent blue gear and clothes.
4. Get at least rank 5 enchantments in all gear (rank 6 if I can).
5. Upgrade the first artifact and get two more asap.
Also don't let having a lvl 60 character turn into a job. Have fun with it! "
I've been looking at any article I can find about getting past level 60, the only thing that makes me sure that there are higher levels was a reference to level 90 in one article I read. It didn't mention if this was for one of the additional "lands" you can buy or still in NeverWinter.
I'm a little confused about the reference to "blue" gear in the AH, what exactly is that??? By the way, I'm a level 60 and if I could level up further, I would have done so by now; however, my gear level is only 6.9K. I've upgraded to level 60 items as much as I can, still have a couple of low level 50's gear that I'm trying to upgrade. I can't do one of the final quest because my gear level is too low!
Any advice or help that you or anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated!
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited March 2014
Uh... if nearly everything you read says the level cap is 60, and you find one article that references level 90, you should probably look at things like the publication date of the one article that's an outsider, while assuming that everything else you read that agrees with each other probably has it correct.
What means "lands" you can "buy"? This doesn't jive with Neverwinter at all. There are modules which added new areas but no level cap increases, and they don't require separate installation, and they're free.
"Blue" gear is rare gear, which has more stats than uncommon "green" gear. You can buy a full set of level 60 blue gear on the auction house, typically with the astral diamonds from just a day or two of invoking, no matter how broke you are otherwise.
People who talk about how big their ranger's gear score got just from level 60 blues don't usually realize that the HR pieces have more stat points on them than those of other classes. Someone just totted one up and a single HR item had 80 more points than the equivalent for a CW. You should be able to achieve 8k really easily, but don't fret that you're not immediately rocketing to 11-12k in blue stuff.
Do Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies as they are relatively easy and you can get some nice items, as well as shards and marks from the final lair. Run Tier 1s and the Tier 2 Pirate King dungeon if you can to gear up.
Also join a guild or /Legit Channel as queuing for Epic Dungeons at present is somewhat borked.
The Lairs are a daily mini-dungeon quest which you get in Shandarar after handing in the daily set of three quests, or in the Dread Ring directly from Sgt. Knox.
8.8K is still *very* low. For instance my HR that reached 60 a few weeks ago started with 12K, using only blue armor and with no boons.
Rank 6 enchantments are very cheap now. Buy some of them to increase your GS. Also buy gemmed pants/shirts - if the purple ones are too expensive for you (and most likely they are), buy the blue ones (level 55) so you can get 2 additional enchantment slots - this alone would increase your GS by 300, at least.
Do the Sharandar and Dread ring campaigns to get each of the first 2 boons that would improve your GS a lot and are quick to get (you can have all 4 in a few days). After you reach 10K-11K GS start doing some dungeons.
I don't see how that's possible you got 12k in blues from the AH.
I too recently hit 60 and have farmed up all of the tier 1 PVP pieces and I'm still only 9.6k, with a blue artifact and my first boon.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Everyone has their own way of doing things, so I'll just tell you what I do.
I'm focusing entirely on doing Sharandar and Dread Ring. If I'm online during Gauntlgrym, I do that too, but I don't make it a priority. So far, the blue gear that I've farmed (still haven't bought anything from the AH) has been better than 99% of the purple gear I pick up occasionally. Just because it is purple doesn't make it automatically better. I plan to start hitting dungeons after I have boons squared away. If you're having trouble with any end game content, you can buddy up with another player from your guild. I generally play with my husband so things go faster for both of us. I noticed that advancement in Sharandar and Dread Ring both require AD, so you might want to keep a fair amount on hand.
Sharandar is pretty straight forward. If you haven't already, start getting the day 6 celestial coin reward "Cache of Sharandar Tresures", because the choke point is in the sparks. I found the mini-dungeons (there's one in each gated area) to be rather tough single player but not bad at all for two. I worked out how much of each item I need so I know when to stop farming a gated area, because it gets pretty monotonous after a while. I'm now at the point that I have all the items I need except for sparks. I don't usually do the mini-dungeons since I don't want any of the gear from them, but my husband wants the gear so I save up keys and go with him. The keys into the mini-dungeons are free once a day (a second for a price), are stackable, and open any of the final chests in the mini-dungeons.
Dread Ring is a little harder for me in the main area, but the mini-dungeons seem easier. Advancement is completely different than Sharandar, and I think it goes much faster. Sharandar and Dread Ring are completely doable simultaneously. Sgt. Knox (at Dread Ring, not Protector's Enclave) gives a different daily mini-dungeon per day and gives you a choice of the 3 on weekends. The only one that I find difficult solo is Death Forge. Even if I don't have time to do a mini-dungeon, I make sure to at least get the quest and key from Sgt. Knox. Each key (not a physical key in your inventory) opens a different dungeon door. You can bring in someone without the key, but they won't get to open the final chest. Only one key of each of the 3 mini-dungeons can be held at a time. Each final chest has a greater mark of stability/union/power, so this is a great time to get those artifacts upgraded. Also don't neglect upgrading the gauntlet, which is used to open the other chest, because that chest has a chance of marks and greater marks of potency, with higher rank gauntlets having a better chance.
Gauntlgrym is fun at first but annoying after a while. I tend to only do Fardelver's Crypt so I only have to do one portion of the PVE to get in. Both are needed for Dwarf King, which I've only tried once (much too hard for my 11.8 gear score, but I didn't die
I also started collecting all the "free" green pets I could find from CtA events and the like. Having the active bonuses from 5 green pets helps a lot.
One way to make some easy AD is to sell all blue items at the AH. For me I make between 80-100 (no k) AD of each. Not much but it does add up. Most purple items are salvageable and T1 stuff generally doesn't sell on the AH for more than the salvage would give. I have also started working the leadership profession to the point that I have a meager but steady income of AD. Just because I'm not dungeon delving regularly doesn't make me completely broke.
I can't speak much for the lvl 60 non-GG PVP. I don't really like PVP, especially as an HR, so I haven't done it since lvl 40 or so. I do get a little bit of glory from the final portion of Gauntlgrym, so eventually I might have something to buy with.
So I would say for my characters my priorities are:
1. Get Sharandar and Dread Ring started for the boons.
2. Get at least 5 green pets.
3. Get decent blue gear and clothes.
4. Get at least rank 5 enchantments in all gear (rank 6 if I can).
5. Upgrade the first artifact and get two more asap.
Also don't let having a lvl 60 character turn into a job. Have fun with it!
Boons are really a must. So do the Sharandar and Dread dailies as others have said. And you will also collect goodies along the way.
Epic Pirate King is the money run. Run it every time there is a delve active during your game time, and you will soon have some half decent purple stuff, and lots of AD from salvage. I have to admit though, I have not seen much purple that has made me want to shed my blue stuff yet.. Most of it almost seems like a downgrade until you get into Ancient gear. I haven't got any T2 Gear yet, but just from enchanted blues, boons, and pets, I am at about 12.3K. I haven't actually run him in many dungeons, as my mates usually want me to bring my DC, GF, or GWF. (And to be honest, I don't really enjoy playing the HR much.)
P.S. what FrozenFlame said sounds like solid advice to me..
"So I would say for my characters my priorities are:
1. Get Sharandar and Dread Ring started for the boons.
2. Get at least 5 green pets.
3. Get decent blue gear and clothes.
4. Get at least rank 5 enchantments in all gear (rank 6 if I can).
5. Upgrade the first artifact and get two more asap.
Also don't let having a lvl 60 character turn into a job. Have fun with it! "
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Other than that start finding parties in PE for the lowest rank dungeons. Once you are comfortable with those and start getting geared up from drops or funds that come from running those dungeons, you can start moving up to the more advanced dungeons.
I'd also advise to start doing leadership profession every day. After a good while, it will give you a decent little amount of AD just for doing it daily. It is always good to level leadership profession on all accounts.
Also once you get a bit geared up if you want to know how to make real money in the game rather than having the 1 dimensional (+ very slow/tedious) grind mentally, start learning how to play the AH. Watch items closely and buy low/sell high. If there isn't much supply of an item, there is more opportunity to play with the prices of it. Watching items and just getting a feel for the market is something you can start now even if you don't have the money. For me, a good place where I started was just watching my class's gears, since I knew which ones would be good or bad for high/low demand based on my class.
I was using Gemmed pants/shirts and a full set of Hrimnir rings/necklace plus level 6 enchantments and a couple of 7s.
Don't trust GS too much, it doesn't work as expected.
Really? I haven't hit this issue myself (to the best of my knowledge), but then again I hardly ever bother checking. Maybe I should.
It sounds like HR has a lot easier time with GS than my class of TR.. my TR is in full Epic except belt, with an Ioun stone (not that the stone does much for GS but I do have some max HP off it) and my GS is only 11.4k. I only had 8K in full blues when I first hit 60.
Don't worry about the raw score too much. Find the best pieces you can with the stats you need. Make yourself effective. Some classes have an easier time than others getting big GS numbers, so don't stand around comparing them.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
How do I get free green pets and whats the easiest way of getting artifacts for the second and third slots ?
Easiest? Grind AD then buy on the AH. It'll take a while, but it's almost guaranteed to happen if you focus on it. If you're good at PvP grinding 24k Glory may be an option to fill one of the slots.
Fastest? Buy lots of keys. Open Unearthed Lockboxes (and any Artifact Provision Packs you may get from that) until you have two additional artifacts. Just remember that you can't equip two artifacts of the same type (ie. 2 Waters) even if they have different quality levels. Alternatively, buy Zen and exchange it for AD via the ingame exchange, then buy artifacts on the AH. If you're lucky the lockbox option could be the cheaper of the two (potentially as little as 2 keys), if you're unlucky it could be far more expensive (100+ keys).
Cheapest? Grind Dread Ring dailies until you have Adamantine Gauntlet unlocked. Then grind the daily dungeon until Eye drops. Meanwhile also grind Valindra's Tower & Malabog's Castle for the artifacts that can be found there. This will take quite a bit of time, but you'll save up AD in the process and likely have a lot of refinement stones to upgrade the artifacts you find.
I've been looking at any article I can find about getting past level 60, the only thing that makes me sure that there are higher levels was a reference to level 90 in one article I read. It didn't mention if this was for one of the additional "lands" you can buy or still in NeverWinter.
I'm a little confused about the reference to "blue" gear in the AH, what exactly is that??? By the way, I'm a level 60 and if I could level up further, I would have done so by now; however, my gear level is only 6.9K. I've upgraded to level 60 items as much as I can, still have a couple of low level 50's gear that I'm trying to upgrade. I can't do one of the final quest because my gear level is too low!
Any advice or help that you or anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated!
What means "lands" you can "buy"? This doesn't jive with Neverwinter at all. There are modules which added new areas but no level cap increases, and they don't require separate installation, and they're free.
"Blue" gear is rare gear, which has more stats than uncommon "green" gear. You can buy a full set of level 60 blue gear on the auction house, typically with the astral diamonds from just a day or two of invoking, no matter how broke you are otherwise.
People who talk about how big their ranger's gear score got just from level 60 blues don't usually realize that the HR pieces have more stat points on them than those of other classes. Someone just totted one up and a single HR item had 80 more points than the equivalent for a CW. You should be able to achieve 8k really easily, but don't fret that you're not immediately rocketing to 11-12k in blue stuff.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia