Nice.... Rogue gets nerfed again all over because ppl cry in pvp... FFS.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited January 2014
Hello dear Devs !!
I run now 20 match and this is my exp ....
*-40 % dmg for Crit armor pen build
* Zero Tenacity score for any T2 or higher armor setts the only one what get the full bonus is the t2 PVP gear sett.
* Nobody have immunity no matter if y use unstoppable or ITC or just try to shift any one can prone you.
* DC = DEAD DUMMY (no use for pvp on sigth leave pt or your party is doomed )
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP .
*-40 % dmg for Crit armor pen build
* Zero Tenacity score for any T2 or higher armor setts the only one what get the full bonus is the t2 PVP gear sett.
* Nobody have immunity no matter if y use unstoppable or ITC or just try to shift any one can prone you.
* DC = DEAD DUMMY (no use for pvp on sigth leave pt or your party is doomed )
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP .
That cc go through immunity issue would get fixed so just wait on it. GWF sent build was never meant to do much dmg anyway.
HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
Im HR with Nature build.
1 vs 1, i have (unbuffed, campfire buff only):
25% deflect from gear and fits
30,8% DR from gear
10% DR from innate resistance
15% DR from 2-set GG armor tenacity
7% ArPen resistance from 2-set GG armor
10% DR from Stag Heart
20% mitigation from Aspect of the Lone Wolf
10 stacks 2% mitigation each from Boar Hide
and improve defence from extended Oak Skin.
With 30k hp + temp hp from Stag Heart, with regen 1500 and life steal 1100.
I think i will be immortal regardless any healing debuff
That cc go through immunity issue would get fixed so just wait on it. GWF sent build was never meant to do much dmg anyway.
If gwf sent build means not too much of dps, then what is the role of cleric in pvp?
1. DPS mode: We go DPS, but we are too OP, HoF was nerfed. Forgemaster's Flame was nerfed and rebuffed back after tons of complaints.
2. Healing mode: We "seem" to heal a lot, so we are granted righteousness, a new boon that decreases effectiveness of our heals by 25%, and new pvp system further cut down our heals by 50%.
3. Tank mode: Cleric must be squishy, Astral Shield was nerfed. Temp hp centered paragon (Anointed Champion) has all powers, feats and artifacts cut down to half its original power. Regen built sentinel cleric cry about nerfing on regen stats.
To sum up, now we clerics are in crucial situation. We have the lowest dps among all class, maybe only 25% of a HR/TR/CW dps, having a Healing word tick which can heal so "greatly" (300HP!!! What is this!!!) while a TR self regen heal ticks for 1k+, and our sentinel build is nerfed again by new pvp system, especially ruining whole new temp hp paragon path that was introduced a month ago. We use regen to pull back our HP since we got righteousness and now they nerf regen again. Where is your love devs?? Maybe i already know they dislike cleric as they put righteousness as the mandatory power of any cleric since beta. In their mind, Cleric should be a trash class that cannot dps, heal and very squishy. I am so glad so many ppl help to defend clerics even they are from other classes. BTW i tried my cleric in preview using T1 pvp set, the result is so frustrating and i hope cleric WILL NOT BE ELIMINATED FROM PVP IN FUTURE. Devs, can we cleric get an explanation from you all?? Why keep hitting us with nerfs and kill our class??
m30nlyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited January 2014
quitting this Game!!!
TR always got ninja Nerfed =='' , i just think the developer like playing us to spent money for them (developer)
if they don want get killed by TR, just buff up their Gear.
guaraguao34Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Nerf rock, paper is fine; sincerely scissors......don't let the door hit you on your way out guys.
How bout in contrast FIX path of the blade now that impact shot is getting nerfed?? Asked this months ago, still it's the only skill in the game that cannot score a critical hit. Just a question, why? Or just revamp the whole skill, hm?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I'm going to make a thread about this, but I kind of don't want to start it until I've had a chance to compare stats for myself. Suffice to say there are PvE implications and I've got a few thoughts about that.
Thread's up, if anyone with similar concerns would like to add their voice.
"* DC = DEAD DUMMY (no use for pvp on sigth leave pt or your party is doomed )
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP ."
Summary: taking the variable "perma tr", the new system is a "reboot", recreating the pve scene with some advantage for the cw. In theory, some adjustments will be made to the system and individual improvements to classes. When the process finishes, all classes will be equalized in pve and pvp - critical builds destroyed.
... seems to me a romantic theory, but it is possible.
guaraguao34Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If gwf sent build means not too much of dps, then what is the role of cleric in pvp?
1. DPS mode: We go DPS, but we are too OP, HoF was nerfed. Forgemaster's Flame was nerfed and rebuffed back after tons of complaints.
2. Healing mode: We "seem" to heal a lot, so we are granted righteousness, a new boon that decreases effectiveness of our heals by 25%, and new pvp system further cut down our heals by 50%.
3. Tank mode: Cleric must be squishy, Astral Shield was nerfed. Temp hp centered paragon (Anointed Champion) has all powers, feats and artifacts cut down to half its original power. Regen built sentinel cleric cry about nerfing on regen stats.
To sum up, now we clerics are in crucial situation. We have the lowest dps among all class, maybe only 25% of a HR/TR/CW dps, having a Healing word tick which can heal so "greatly" (300HP!!! What is this!!!) while a TR self regen heal ticks for 1k+, and our sentinel build is nerfed again by new pvp system, especially ruining whole new temp hp paragon path that was introduced a month ago. We use regen to pull back our HP since we got righteousness and now they nerf regen again. Where is your love devs?? Maybe i already know they dislike cleric as they put righteousness as the mandatory power of any cleric since beta. In their mind, Cleric should be a trash class that cannot dps, heal and very squishy. I am so glad so many ppl help to defend clerics even they are from other classes. BTW i tried my cleric in preview using T1 pvp set, the result is so frustrating and i hope cleric WILL NOT BE ELIMINATED FROM PVP IN FUTURE. Devs, can we cleric get an explanation from you all?? Why keep hitting us with nerfs and kill our class??
Right now sent gwf does way too much that is my point. Why do you think all top tier gwf are sent? Because sent beats destoryer. Every good gwf would tell you the same thing.
And in PVE even a destoryer gwf tank better than most GF out there. So I dunno what is wrong about sent gwf should do less dmg.
All pvp needed was a few changes, all of which have been stated multiple times by various people on these forums yet somehow the devs decide go in a whole different direction and plan on completely ruining pvp. Hope they enjoy killing their game with these ridiculous changes.
Crit severity is one of the main dps sources for Executioner TRs (the vast majority of TRs) and they specifically nerfed it.
No matter how many HP a TR can have, tank classes will always have more effective HPs because they have specific powers and/or feats that increases EHP directly increasing HP or defence or deflection or damage resistance.
What TRs have more than other classes is the preservation ring which is a very cheap way to have usually more regeneration than other classes but regeneration has been nerfed as well.
So basically, those classes that relied the most on pure defence/deflection and pure power damage are the less effected by these changes.
On top of this, Skulker's set was also useful for PvE content, specifically for several boss fights (e.g. CN, FH, ToS, etc.) and it has been nerfed in its core stats (arp, hp, crit chance). Other classes, other than DC, had no reason to use their PvP gear in PvE (a few GFs uses their GG gear to kite mobs in FH or Spellplague).
All pvp needed was a few changes, all of which have been stated multiple times by various people on these forums yet somehow the devs decide go in a whole different direction and plan on completely ruining pvp. Hope they enjoy killing their game with these ridiculous changes.
Yeah i also think after this changes there are only 2 classes which are able to PVP anymore.
I mean yes you got a new stat on PVP gear to "balance".......
Which classes use PVP set pieces? Exact TR and GWF. So they hold their OP stats AND get the extra stat for free.
Rest of the classes who arnt even close to be OP in PVP have to change their Gear to get the new stat......
If i change the gear on my GF , who is underpowered in PVP, than i can quit PVPing.
Same on CW and same on HR.
So in my opinion, nice idea but dont make the 2 OP pvp classes more OP........ makes no sence.
We have than the high regen hp build TR who lower your own regen and get zero damage from you cause you cant use your crit or AP anymore on him. Dosnt matter to the stealth tr with ITC he dosnt get his stats reduced.
The regen HP GWF build deals tones of damage and is now also able to reduce your stats..... nice make him more tanky . With his feats and Weaponmaster he dont care a reduction of 15% on his stats. He still got 35% crit and a OP Regen trhough unstoppable amd even more Defense now.
"* DC = DEAD DUMMY (no use for pvp on sigth leave pt or your party is doomed )
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP ."
Summary: taking the variable "perma tr", the new system is a "reboot", recreating the pve scene with some advantage for the cw. In theory, some adjustments will be made to the system and individual improvements to classes. When the process finishes, all classes will be equalized in pve and pvp - critical builds destroyed.
... seems to me a romantic theory, but it is possible.
This has been patched so y dont need copy paste my comment .(cc immunity agan work whit the new patch but i dont try it still working)
Currently we gain -40% critt dmg this is all i can say but DC = still dead dummy and nothing more no use in pvp any more if this come to live .So pls dont que for pvp the only thing dc do sabotage pvp like 1 of the 4 pl bring his epic companion into pvp .
Sry but where do you see a lots of buffs .
Y better shield and more damage from powers. But dont forgett. Enemies now able to reduce your crit chante (-20%) so THIS reduce your damage a lot after you now have 10% crit chance. So you have to rebuild the GF for PVP cmopletle.
Only way i see now is to build him Helth regen with zero Damage and most Block on shield you can have. Just to hold a point 1vs1. You can knock them away from points. But sry TR are much better on hold a point AND they can kill the enemie .
So GF deal zero Damage now. Got a reduced healing from regen and arn`t pvpable anymore
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
WOW. In which world you play pls? A Sentinel regen build GWF still got a LOT of damage. Arnt you seeing the regen builds running aroung with 50% crit chance + 145% Crit Damage and about 20% AP ( with feats even more).
They deal with 1 power minimum 10k Damage. Makes about 30-40k Damage from a Sentinel GWF.
That you call too low damage...... LOL. Than play GF or DC . GWF got the most sustain and a hardcore Damage atm .
I don't understand why people are upset that they have to have dedicated PVE and PVP gear. WoW was also getting to the point where PVE gear was more desirable in PVP and no one bothered getting dedicated gear; facerolling raids quickly for BiS was letting WoW players roll dedicated PVPers who had a much longer process of farming gear. It's silly that people want one type of gear set to be optimal for both modes. PVP gear should be required for PVP. PVE gear should be required for PVE. Needing two sets of gear should be common sense and games that don't require it are bad.
I see we are the 0.0001% of pvp community so everyone keep forgetting us. *pop up to refresh DC's presence*
Please, before u all crying this is not a balance or this stat cannot help or solve our problem etc, look at the DCs after this patch, you will feel much better.
Hope this will not kill clerics in pvp. If kicking is allowed then all DC may not have a chance to play pvp.
DC = guarantee lose pvp.
I don't understand why people are upset that they have to have dedicated PVE and PVP gear. WoW was also getting to the point where PVE gear was more desirable in PVP and no one bothered getting dedicated gear; facerolling raids quickly for BiS was letting WoW players roll dedicated PVPers who had a much longer process of farming gear. It's silly that people want one type of gear set to be optimal for both modes. PVP gear should be required for PVP. PVE gear should be required for PVE. Needing two sets of gear should be common sense and games that don't require it are bad.
The only pvp sets that are useful are the TR and GWF set (the ranger pvp set is good for melee rangers but is **** nera useless for bow ones), the DC pvp set is absolute garbage. You've also obviously never played any good MMos if you think having 2 sets of gear should be a requirement.
I don't understand why people are upset that they have to have dedicated PVE and PVP gear. WoW was also getting to the point where PVE gear was more desirable in PVP and no one bothered getting dedicated gear; facerolling raids quickly for BiS was letting WoW players roll dedicated PVPers who had a much longer process of farming gear. It's silly that people want one type of gear set to be optimal for both modes. PVP gear should be required for PVP. PVE gear should be required for PVE. Needing two sets of gear should be common sense and games that don't require it are bad.
Some believe that PvP should be as separate and distinct from PvE as possible. Different stats, different gear, even different power effects. This helps players who love to only pvp, or only pve, and who don't want any cross-over.
Others, like me, feel that when they try so hard to separate the two, they do more to alienate the players who (again, like me) enjoy both. It divides the playersbase more, all for the sake of these minority special-interest groups.
If our PvE content was more like PvP content, I would definitely be happy. More challenging, more varied, less scripted and repetitive and simple-minded. But here we go.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Trickster Rogue
Impact Shot: Power was capable of dealing too much damage from a safe distance. Rather than flat out reducing damage overall, each shot now gains bonus damage based on how many charges remain. Deals around 33% less damage if all shots are used back to back, but with full charges, the first shot is the same damage as before.
Are you serious here? Nerf the trickster rogue even more? Get real guys, our class will be dead the moment this hits live.
dr132Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 21Arc User
Yes. The most notable being griffons wrath and anvil of doom, both are sped up greatly to the point where they are actually usable and viable options in combat now, whereas before they were too slow to hit anything not cc'd. Lunging strike has been greatly buffed as well, longer range and substantially more damage but...with the additional resistances players receive overall damage output is ~50% of what it is live across the board. The average pug in live server PvP is hitting me about as hard or harder than BiS pvpers in the preview shard. If it goes live as is those average pugs will do laughable damage while i kill them in 2-3 encounter rotations instead of the 1-2 it takes now. Heavily geared "squishy" classes take so long to kill at point 2 that they respawn and rejoin the fight well before either team has gained an advantage. High level PvP matches would likely become stalemates, especially after people maximized their defense stats to near invulnerable levels. The healing depression turns out to be not as big of a deal as it would seem like on paper. 50% incoming healing reduction but damage is also reduced by nearly the same amount so that evens out for the most part, the only thing it really seemed to hurt drastically was the DC healing itself in combat, at-wills alone were enough to whittle a DC down through it's heals whereas before the healing from the same cleric would surpass the damage from my at-will attacks.
I run now 20 match and this is my exp ....
*-40 % dmg for Crit armor pen build
* Zero Tenacity score for any T2 or higher armor setts the only one what get the full bonus is the t2 PVP gear sett.
* Nobody have immunity no matter if y use unstoppable or ITC or just try to shift any one can prone you.
* DC = DEAD DUMMY (no use for pvp on sigth leave pt or your party is doomed )
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP .
That cc go through immunity issue would get fixed so just wait on it. GWF sent build was never meant to do much dmg anyway.
1 vs 1, i have (unbuffed, campfire buff only):
25% deflect from gear and fits
30,8% DR from gear
10% DR from innate resistance
15% DR from 2-set GG armor tenacity
7% ArPen resistance from 2-set GG armor
10% DR from Stag Heart
20% mitigation from Aspect of the Lone Wolf
10 stacks 2% mitigation each from Boar Hide
and improve defence from extended Oak Skin.
With 30k hp + temp hp from Stag Heart, with regen 1500 and life steal 1100.
I think i will be immortal regardless any healing debuff
If gwf sent build means not too much of dps, then what is the role of cleric in pvp?
1. DPS mode: We go DPS, but we are too OP, HoF was nerfed. Forgemaster's Flame was nerfed and rebuffed back after tons of complaints.
2. Healing mode: We "seem" to heal a lot, so we are granted righteousness, a new boon that decreases effectiveness of our heals by 25%, and new pvp system further cut down our heals by 50%.
3. Tank mode: Cleric must be squishy, Astral Shield was nerfed. Temp hp centered paragon (Anointed Champion) has all powers, feats and artifacts cut down to half its original power. Regen built sentinel cleric cry about nerfing on regen stats.
To sum up, now we clerics are in crucial situation. We have the lowest dps among all class, maybe only 25% of a HR/TR/CW dps, having a Healing word tick which can heal so "greatly" (300HP!!! What is this!!!) while a TR self regen heal ticks for 1k+, and our sentinel build is nerfed again by new pvp system, especially ruining whole new temp hp paragon path that was introduced a month ago. We use regen to pull back our HP since we got righteousness and now they nerf regen again. Where is your love devs?? Maybe i already know they dislike cleric as they put righteousness as the mandatory power of any cleric since beta. In their mind, Cleric should be a trash class that cannot dps, heal and very squishy. I am so glad so many ppl help to defend clerics even they are from other classes. BTW i tried my cleric in preview using T1 pvp set, the result is so frustrating and i hope cleric WILL NOT BE ELIMINATED FROM PVP IN FUTURE. Devs, can we cleric get an explanation from you all?? Why keep hitting us with nerfs and kill our class??
TR always got ninja Nerfed =='' , i just think the developer like playing us to spent money for them (developer)
if they don want get killed by TR, just buff up their Gear.
Nerf paper, scissors fine, cheers Rock......
Thread's up, if anyone with similar concerns would like to add their voice.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
* GWF Sentinel regen build DEAD DUMMY too low dmg no survive coz any one can chain loc it.
* GWF Destro : mybe y can kill 1 ppl in 1 match
* TR executioner DEAD DUMMY
* TR perma hide Immortal killer
* HR if somone near you run or you are a DEAD DUMMY too.
* CW Brutal Glass Cannon can kill full team if no one watch him. If somone is close to him DEAD DUMMY too.
* The only Class how are realy immune to CC THE SECOND KING OF PVP ."
Summary: taking the variable "perma tr", the new system is a "reboot", recreating the pve scene with some advantage for the cw. In theory, some adjustments will be made to the system and individual improvements to classes. When the process finishes, all classes will be equalized in pve and pvp - critical builds destroyed.
... seems to me a romantic theory, but it is possible.
You sir made me laugh a freaking TON.
Right now sent gwf does way too much that is my point. Why do you think all top tier gwf are sent? Because sent beats destoryer. Every good gwf would tell you the same thing.
And in PVE even a destoryer gwf tank better than most GF out there. So I dunno what is wrong about sent gwf should do less dmg.
Game, set and match. Good post.
TR is fine. If you think it got nerfed go reroll.
Point is, am I just thinking it or is it a fact?
I don't think it's your business what I may or may not do with the game. Cheers.
Yeah i also think after this changes there are only 2 classes which are able to PVP anymore.
I mean yes you got a new stat on PVP gear to "balance".......
Which classes use PVP set pieces? Exact TR and GWF. So they hold their OP stats AND get the extra stat for free.
Rest of the classes who arnt even close to be OP in PVP have to change their Gear to get the new stat......
If i change the gear on my GF , who is underpowered in PVP, than i can quit PVPing.
Same on CW and same on HR.
So in my opinion, nice idea but dont make the 2 OP pvp classes more OP........ makes no sence.
We have than the high regen hp build TR who lower your own regen and get zero damage from you cause you cant use your crit or AP anymore on him. Dosnt matter to the stealth tr with ITC he dosnt get his stats reduced.
The regen HP GWF build deals tones of damage and is now also able to reduce your stats..... nice make him more tanky
Sry guys that makes zero sence.............
I guess it's what really happened patch after patch.
No problem, I will continue to play my rogue, I will reroll into perma-stealth build.
I bet lot of players are going to QQ in forum because EVERY PVP ROGUE is going to set up his character as perma-stealth.
Anyone pvp'd with these new effects yet?
This has been patched so y dont need copy paste my comment .(cc immunity agan work whit the new patch but i dont try it still working)
Currently we gain -40% critt dmg this is all i can say but DC = still dead dummy and nothing more no use in pvp any more if this come to live .So pls dont que for pvp the only thing dc do sabotage pvp like 1 of the 4 pl bring his epic companion into pvp
Sry but where do you see a lots of buffs
Y better shield and more damage from powers. But dont forgett. Enemies now able to reduce your crit chante (-20%) so THIS reduce your damage a lot after you now have 10% crit chance. So you have to rebuild the GF for PVP cmopletle.
Only way i see now is to build him Helth regen with zero Damage and most Block on shield you can have. Just to hold a point 1vs1. You can knock them away from points. But sry TR are much better on hold a point AND they can kill the enemie
So GF deal zero Damage now. Got a reduced healing from regen and arn`t pvpable anymore
WOW. In which world you play pls? A Sentinel regen build GWF still got a LOT of damage. Arnt you seeing the regen builds running aroung with 50% crit chance + 145% Crit Damage and about 20% AP ( with feats even more).
They deal with 1 power minimum 10k Damage. Makes about 30-40k Damage from a Sentinel GWF.
That you call too low damage...... LOL. Than play GF or DC
Please, before u all crying this is not a balance or this stat cannot help or solve our problem etc, look at the DCs after this patch, you will feel much better.
Hope this will not kill clerics in pvp. If kicking is allowed then all DC may not have a chance to play pvp.
DC = guarantee lose pvp.
The only pvp sets that are useful are the TR and GWF set (the ranger pvp set is good for melee rangers but is **** nera useless for bow ones), the DC pvp set is absolute garbage. You've also obviously never played any good MMos if you think having 2 sets of gear should be a requirement.
Some believe that PvP should be as separate and distinct from PvE as possible. Different stats, different gear, even different power effects. This helps players who love to only pvp, or only pve, and who don't want any cross-over.
Others, like me, feel that when they try so hard to separate the two, they do more to alienate the players who (again, like me) enjoy both. It divides the playersbase more, all for the sake of these minority special-interest groups.
If our PvE content was more like PvP content, I would definitely be happy. More challenging, more varied, less scripted and repetitive and simple-minded. But here we go.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Impact Shot: Power was capable of dealing too much damage from a safe distance. Rather than flat out reducing damage overall, each shot now gains bonus damage based on how many charges remain. Deals around 33% less damage if all shots are used back to back, but with full charges, the first shot is the same damage as before.
Are you serious here? Nerf the trickster rogue even more? Get real guys, our class will be dead the moment this hits live.
Yes. The most notable being griffons wrath and anvil of doom, both are sped up greatly to the point where they are actually usable and viable options in combat now, whereas before they were too slow to hit anything not cc'd. Lunging strike has been greatly buffed as well, longer range and substantially more damage but...with the additional resistances players receive overall damage output is ~50% of what it is live across the board. The average pug in live server PvP is hitting me about as hard or harder than BiS pvpers in the preview shard. If it goes live as is those average pugs will do laughable damage while i kill them in 2-3 encounter rotations instead of the 1-2 it takes now. Heavily geared "squishy" classes take so long to kill at point 2 that they respawn and rejoin the fight well before either team has gained an advantage. High level PvP matches would likely become stalemates, especially after people maximized their defense stats to near invulnerable levels. The healing depression turns out to be not as big of a deal as it would seem like on paper. 50% incoming healing reduction but damage is also reduced by nearly the same amount so that evens out for the most part, the only thing it really seemed to hurt drastically was the DC healing itself in combat, at-wills alone were enough to whittle a DC down through it's heals whereas before the healing from the same cleric would surpass the damage from my at-will attacks.