Iliyanbruen Ancestral Set, except for helm. Can't get the dumb thing to drop in WF but it's probably ugly anyway like the rest of this set.(boots aren't too bad actually)
Glade Stalkers Bow & Iliyanbruen Ancestral Blades. I think the blades actually look good and will transmute them over when I upgrade gear
Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh. Ó Treasigh GF Ó Murchadh GWF Ó Kermichil CW Ó Pádruig TR Ó Dànaidh HR Ó Fionnlagh DC Ó Amhlaidh SW Ó Naomhin OP BLACK LOTUS
^^^ABOVE^^^ My L 60 HR Archer Build + Melee. Full Brutal Hunter Gear and since L 60 wearing Complete Turmian Merchant Wardrobe. Mulhorand Bow and Blades, Blades transmuted to "Hatchets of the Wild". Didn't want sword or dagger looking weapons, so I now have Axe looking weapons.
"When You Attack, You Must Vanquish"
"When You Defend, You Need Merely Survive"
I can't seem to transmute the profound pvp weapons, anybody else have this problem?
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
Fools Crown of Neverwinter in Blessed Gold dyepack
Profound Chest in black dye
Profound Bracers in Doomguide dyepack
+3 Scout's Boots in Doomguide dyepack
+5 Warden's Longbow
Volcanic Scimitars
Thickgristle's Sturdy Belt in black dye
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
edited April 2014
Royal Guard Armor dyed in red and Dead Dragon weapons.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
My favorite pics of my favorite characters
Winterwolf dye pack put onto the armour first, and then i dyed the primary/secondary colors in with black dye bottles.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Youtube: Trickster Rogue - Pug Match @ 1 vs 1
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It looks like lvl 60 blue armor.
Nope.. blue chests I've bought doesnt are like thise one. >.<
Youtube: Trickster Rogue - Pug Match @ 1 vs 1
Screenshot zone:
Click: I Bet 99% of people CAN'T screenshot this
It's the Skyhold Armor from a quest in the Pirates area.
Love you man!
This is my ranger
Youtube: Trickster Rogue - Pug Match @ 1 vs 1
Screenshot zone:
Click: I Bet 99% of people CAN'T screenshot this
Wrong topic maybe? here is HR bro
Iliyanbruen Ancestral Set, except for helm. Can't get the dumb thing to drop in WF but it's probably ugly anyway like the rest of this set.(boots aren't too bad actually)
Glade Stalkers Bow & Iliyanbruen Ancestral Blades. I think the blades actually look good and will transmute them over when I upgrade gear
Ó Treasigh GF
Ó Murchadh GWF
Ó Kermichil CW
Ó Pádruig TR
Ó Dànaidh HR
Ó Fionnlagh DC
Ó Amhlaidh SW
Ó Naomhin OP
"When You Defend, You Need Merely Survive"
Master Po to Kwai Chang Caine
Bonhomme Richard DC L 60 PVE Heal Build
"When You Defend, You Need Merely Survive"
Master Po to Kwai Chang Caine
Bonhomme Richard DC L 60 PVE Heal Build
Is this no longer available for HR?
Edit: never mind. Found it in the skirmish event chest.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Anyone know what armour is this?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Once I have farmed enough AD the plan is look like this(might change the awful head gear though
can u plz plz tell me what belt is this?
What's the name of your bow?
It's the Feywild Bow from the New Sharandar store. It costs like 5k AD & a bit of stuff from that area & it transmutes for '0', which is why I did it
Fools Crown of Neverwinter in Blessed Gold dyepack
Profound Chest in black dye
Profound Bracers in Doomguide dyepack
+3 Scout's Boots in Doomguide dyepack
+5 Warden's Longbow
Volcanic Scimitars
Thickgristle's Sturdy Belt in black dye
Royal Guard Armor dyed in red and Dead Dragon weapons.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80