focusmanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Well last reply for me, before we entered i said let me inspect you so i can come on equal grounds. Instead of that you raced straight ahead for having the first hits... So i followed.
Before entering the gate after burning the towers i unslotted the vorpal. Why not earlier, because you didnt wait and raced ahead. And seeing IT more damage then ss, well then you are doing something wrong, i have never seen it hit for 50-110k each target. Or you parsed it before it could crit. Anyway fact was, IT = 655k, SS = 2.2m. So saying you still think that it does more damageake me think you are trolling here and irritate people for fun. For the record the difference between perfect and greater is not that much , maybe 3-4% so that wont make any big difference for the calculation of the first part.
For me its closed, and statement made. I wonder if you have done draco legit without the pushing, which I highly doubt since you havent met thaum cw's that outdpsed you. And you will encounter a lot of those cws if you would run cn these days. What do i say: every decent thaum cw will be better in cn.
Well last reply for me, before we entered i said let me inspect you so i can come on equal grounds. Instead of that you raced straight ahead for having the first hits... So i followed.
Before entering the gate after burning the towers i unslotted the vorpal. Why not earlier, because you didnt wait and raced ahead. And seeing IT more damage then ss, well then you are doing something wrong, i have never seen it hit for 50-110k each target. Or you parsed it before it could crit. Anyway fact was, IT = 655k, SS = 2.2m. So saying you still think that it does more damageake me think you are trolling here and irritate people for fun. For the record the difference between perfect and greater is not that much , maybe 3-4% so that wont make any big difference for the calculation of the first part.
I made my build like 6 months ago and never changed it ever since. 3 respecs and a full week of testing. So yes it was well before module 1.
For me its closed, and statement made. I wonder if you have done draco legit without the pushing, which I highly doubt since you havent met thaum cw's that outdpsed you. And you will encounter a lot of those cws if you would run cn these days. What do i say: every decent thaum cw will be better in cn.
So you think I can't kill the final boss in CN with my CW. Now who's trolling... That's just stupid, 15 minutes of singularity, shard, dodge, singularity... That's boring and not even challenging. It's far from being the most profitable use of my time so I don't do it anyway. 1h of smashing weak controllable mobs with low HP to earn 10k rings, necks and belts and a 300k (all this /5) final loot isn't really my idea of fun.
focusmanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Read again:
I wonder if you have done draco legit without the pushing, which I highly doubt since you havent met thaum cw's that outdpsed you.
I am not saying you can't kill him, I said: I doubt it because you have never been outdpsed by a CW. And if you do CN you will get outdpsed by every decent thaum CW out there (also in MC/VT). And decent = not a que CN or a pug, but a premade of people who know how to play there class. And for the record (again): you didn't want CN because that is supposly not a fair testing ground. But I think you are alone in your opinion here, since CN is the 'end' dungeon and not MC or VT.
I made my build like 6 months ago and never changed it ever since. 3 respecs and a full week of testing. So yes it was well before module 1.
So you think I can't kill the final boss in CN with my CW. Now who's trolling... That's just stupid, 15 minutes of singularity, shard, dodge, singularity... That's boring and not even challenging. It's far from being the most profitable use of my time so I don't do it anyway. 1h of smashing weak controllable mobs with low HP to earn 10k rings, necks and belts and a 300k (all this /5) final loot isn't really my idea of fun.
1) CN doesn't even take an hr unless the group is god awful.
2) Go ahead and link at-least one CN Mod2 full clear video.
3) Who the F cares if Thaum or Opp has a better dmg output. It seems like you do since you keep posting over and over.
4) There was a difference in your dmg output vs. WoZ's dmg output. WoZ did 1.33times better in the initial testing so what's your point? Go for 2nd round and do a CN run with him if you are not satisfied about the result.
5) I used to run CN with WoZ everyday before and after the server merge. First I was Rene, he was Thaum (cant remember), did avg ~1.9 < x times higher than him in every CN run. He respecs to Rene and his dmg output actually got lower. HighVizier gets fixed I go Thaum, he goes similar spec to mine again avg ~1.8 < x times higher than his dmg output. Later on he goes Opp for some odd reason with Arc mage set since he wanted to test something with the build, did avg ~2.3 < x times lower than my dmg output. AND we both had Pvorp and rank9-10s equipped so don't tell me that its the gear difference. Did I initiate the pull? Yes, I did sometimes but WoZ also went ahead of me and did the pull too so dont tell me that the dmg difference was from the pulls. We both saw a huge dps diffrence when it came to Draco fight as well. You seriously haven't played with other high parsing CWs, just saying.
Sorry to rez the very extensive thread (which has been very helpful so thanks for all those that contributed), but could someone supply the feat breakdown for Grimah's build again. It looks like the image on the original post is broken again.
Thanks Uurbs, that was apparently me just being brain dead. I thought at one point he had an image of the feats screen inserted, and didn't even think to click on the feats tab of the link. Much appreciated.
Like your others guides, this one is very good too can I add it to
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
Finally read this thread over
1) Like the build a lot, i would actually use same heroic feats, rotation, etc... +++
2) i took 3 in toughness and 5 in fight on instead of the bonus damage, maybe less DPS but i like not dying and I think the cooldowns matter
3) nightmare wizardry and crit power is awesome
4) DPS not everything
5) diogene respeced renegade, now i think he's thaum, welcome to the club
6) Oz has insane DPS and I like playing with him
7) overall, nice approach
8) Our tests are showing that crit matters little for stormspell, esp b/c of eye of the storm, the real crit % is not that different - have you tried running with 1k crit and more power? is that damage better or worse?
I've always been a little confused with how much stats to stack for a cw, especially concerning crit and arpen. My understanding is Eots adds 15% (for encounters/dailies) on top of your crit %, hence the reason why I think Grimah recommends 35% crit, which would give you 50%+ crit rating. If you downgrade your base crit rating, say drop it to 20%, wouldn't Eots on top of that give you 35% or so total crit?
Another stat that I'm confused with is arpen. I realized that arpen doesn't work with a lot of our powers, then why stack it to 2200, or 22%? Isn't it better to just ignore it completely, especially in builds such as Stox' and Grimah's where most if not all of the powers used are currently on the cw arpen bug list?
Finally another stat that I'm uncleared of concerns protection. Is it better to go high hp/regen or low hp/high lifesteal, defense like the one in this guide? My rational is as a cw you shouldn't be getting hit all that often so mitigation isn't as important. I'm stacking high hp & regen because that allows me to survive a few hits, get to safety, pop a potion and let regen heals me fully back up. I've ran both Vt & Mc w/o a healer and have yet to die. Just wondering what's the cw community's thoughts on these as I'm still learning the class and sorting this stuff out would be of great help.
Edit* One more thing, in a sing, precisely when can a mob be damaged and when not? I've always assumed that they can be damaged during a pull, but from the moment their feet are off the ground to the point where they land, they can't be damaged? Thanks.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
1) Crit - testing i've down showed that with EotS, your crit raiting is pretty close to 50% even if you have say, 500 crit. However people do notice the difference with more crit - so it's not an additive increase like you suggest. maybe it's something like 40% + .5*(raiting) or something like that - but i haven't confirmed. ability uses and playstyles will have a huge impact on this as well.
2) had a chat with STOX, over 20% arp only applies to bosses, he tested it recently and said the difference between 20% and 24% arp is negligible for CW.
3) the testing on arp bug list isn't recent. They fixed some of it, but it is hard to test.
4) CW get hit all the time, man - you can't dodge everything. Almost every CW at least takes 3 points in toughness
5) Lifesteal - take as much as you "need", obviously varraible, but with consumption and 1k lifesteal you are fine. The reason stox runs with 600 lifesteal is because his DPS is huge, though this is not common.
6) Unlike MC/VT, CN has a lot of charge attacks and/or ranged attacks you can't dodge, so it's a different idea there. Also controlling on draco you need toget right on top of him to do an optimal job - so you're going to take some hits.
7) Yeah, i think you are about right on sing. very annoying part of an otherwise great spell
The thing is, when I run as a solo CW usually my damage is that of the entire rest of the party combined. Even when running with top players, I'm happy if someone even has 75% of my DPS because those players are few and far between. The fact is that even well geared, top end CWs fall short. Some of the best CWs on the server imo opinion are guys like Meldanen from EoA and Farvalin from Enemy team, and both do great damage and will top damage charts in most parties, but with me they end up at 60-75% of my total.
From my experience, with all other things being mostly equal (i.e. we are not talking about inefficient/inexperienced folks), has to do with ping and game/cutscene load times. There are a couple of folks that I group with regularly that despite being 2k GS lower and not even having perfect vorpals beat me out in damage. What I always noticed about them though, is they are at least 3 steps ahead of me out of every doorway/transition. Thus they are getting the first hits in and getting in damage before I even get to engage. I've compared builds and rotations with these folks and there is no build/rotation/gear explanation for the damage difference.
I made my CW oppressor but i dont think i will put much thought into things until they fix stormspell (then maybe I'll try out MoF). But if you want good/max dps. take all the bottom level thaum feats. + bitter cold and critical power. presitigitation 3/3 can take points out of arcane enhancment and put it someone else if you dont feel it is worth it.
Before entering the gate after burning the towers i unslotted the vorpal. Why not earlier, because you didnt wait and raced ahead. And seeing IT more damage then ss, well then you are doing something wrong, i have never seen it hit for 50-110k each target. Or you parsed it before it could crit. Anyway fact was, IT = 655k, SS = 2.2m. So saying you still think that it does more damageake me think you are trolling here and irritate people for fun. For the record the difference between perfect and greater is not that much , maybe 3-4% so that wont make any big difference for the calculation of the first part.
For me its closed, and statement made. I wonder if you have done draco legit without the pushing, which I highly doubt since you havent met thaum cw's that outdpsed you. And you will encounter a lot of those cws if you would run cn these days. What do i say: every decent thaum cw will be better in cn.
Black Lotus
I made my build like 6 months ago and never changed it ever since. 3 respecs and a full week of testing. So yes it was well before module 1.
So you think I can't kill the final boss in CN with my CW. Now who's trolling...
I wonder if you have done draco legit without the pushing, which I highly doubt since you havent met thaum cw's that outdpsed you.
I am not saying you can't kill him, I said: I doubt it because you have never been outdpsed by a CW. And if you do CN you will get outdpsed by every decent thaum CW out there (also in MC/VT). And decent = not a que CN or a pug, but a premade of people who know how to play there class. And for the record (again): you didn't want CN because that is supposly not a fair testing ground. But I think you are alone in your opinion here, since CN is the 'end' dungeon and not MC or VT.
Black Lotus
1) CN doesn't even take an hr unless the group is god awful.
2) Go ahead and link at-least one CN Mod2 full clear video.
3) Who the F cares if Thaum or Opp has a better dmg output. It seems like you do since you keep posting over and over.
4) There was a difference in your dmg output vs. WoZ's dmg output. WoZ did 1.33times better in the initial testing so what's your point? Go for 2nd round and do a CN run with him if you are not satisfied about the result.
5) I used to run CN with WoZ everyday before and after the server merge. First I was Rene, he was Thaum (cant remember), did avg ~1.9 < x times higher than him in every CN run. He respecs to Rene and his dmg output actually got lower. HighVizier gets fixed I go Thaum, he goes similar spec to mine again avg ~1.8 < x times higher than his dmg output. Later on he goes Opp for some odd reason with Arc mage set since he wanted to test something with the build, did avg ~2.3 < x times lower than my dmg output. AND we both had Pvorp and rank9-10s equipped so don't tell me that its the gear difference. Did I initiate the pull? Yes, I did sometimes but WoZ also went ahead of me and did the pull too so dont tell me that the dmg difference was from the pulls. We both saw a huge dps diffrence when it came to Draco fight as well. You seriously haven't played with other high parsing CWs, just saying.
Anyways, GL on your gameplay!
P.S. WoZ GJ on 3man Draco Mod2 :-p
PvP GWF - BizzyBedBug
PvE GF (salvaged)
PvE TR (salvaged)
What is the best race for Cw pve and what better starting ability score?
Like your others guides, this one is very good too
1) Like the build a lot, i would actually use same heroic feats, rotation, etc... +++
2) i took 3 in toughness and 5 in fight on instead of the bonus damage, maybe less DPS but i like not dying and I think the cooldowns matter
3) nightmare wizardry and crit power is awesome
4) DPS not everything
5) diogene respeced renegade, now i think he's thaum, welcome to the club
6) Oz has insane DPS and I like playing with him
7) overall, nice approach
8) Our tests are showing that crit matters little for stormspell, esp b/c of eye of the storm, the real crit % is not that different - have you tried running with 1k crit and more power? is that damage better or worse?
Everything you need to know about CW:
Another stat that I'm confused with is arpen. I realized that arpen doesn't work with a lot of our powers, then why stack it to 2200, or 22%? Isn't it better to just ignore it completely, especially in builds such as Stox' and Grimah's where most if not all of the powers used are currently on the cw arpen bug list?
Finally another stat that I'm uncleared of concerns protection. Is it better to go high hp/regen or low hp/high lifesteal, defense like the one in this guide? My rational is as a cw you shouldn't be getting hit all that often so mitigation isn't as important. I'm stacking high hp & regen because that allows me to survive a few hits, get to safety, pop a potion and let regen heals me fully back up. I've ran both Vt & Mc w/o a healer and have yet to die. Just wondering what's the cw community's thoughts on these as I'm still learning the class and sorting this stuff out would be of great help.
Edit* One more thing, in a sing, precisely when can a mob be damaged and when not? I've always assumed that they can be damaged during a pull, but from the moment their feet are off the ground to the point where they land, they can't be damaged? Thanks.
2) had a chat with STOX, over 20% arp only applies to bosses, he tested it recently and said the difference between 20% and 24% arp is negligible for CW.
3) the testing on arp bug list isn't recent. They fixed some of it, but it is hard to test.
4) CW get hit all the time, man - you can't dodge everything. Almost every CW at least takes 3 points in toughness
5) Lifesteal - take as much as you "need", obviously varraible, but with consumption and 1k lifesteal you are fine. The reason stox runs with 600 lifesteal is because his DPS is huge, though this is not common.
6) Unlike MC/VT, CN has a lot of charge attacks and/or ranged attacks you can't dodge, so it's a different idea there. Also controlling on draco you need toget right on top of him to do an optimal job - so you're going to take some hits.
7) Yeah, i think you are about right on sing. very annoying part of an otherwise great spell
Everything you need to know about CW:
From my experience, with all other things being mostly equal (i.e. we are not talking about inefficient/inexperienced folks), has to do with ping and game/cutscene load times. There are a couple of folks that I group with regularly that despite being 2k GS lower and not even having perfect vorpals beat me out in damage. What I always noticed about them though, is they are at least 3 steps ahead of me out of every doorway/transition. Thus they are getting the first hits in and getting in damage before I even get to engage. I've compared builds and rotations with these folks and there is no build/rotation/gear explanation for the damage difference.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".