From the description: "Gain 2/4/6/8/10% additional Action Point when using powers on a controlled target". Just by reading the tooltip, there are two possible interpretations:
anytime you hit a "controlled" target, you gain 10% of your action point dice
anytime you hit a "controlled" target, you gain 10% more of those action points you would normally gain--e. g. if you would gain 100 points normally, you would gain 110 points
Do you see an increase of 10% of your action point dice, anytime you hit a "controlled" target? Probably not, therefore, I would suggest it is interpretation 2. And honestly, 1.1 instead of 1 action point per controlled target just doesn't cut it. Especially, if there are more viable options to choose from.
Thank you. Yes, it apparently is 2. I will do some more tests and see if it works ideally.
To answer ianthewizard, Id prefer if you do not post here, because your build would be totally different to mine since you do not use steal time. You would probably need all the AP you can get. I have no issues getting my dailies up and solo control in ANY dungeon. (not saying i could solo CW draco though.... well maybe if i had 2 gwfs with me with "come an get me" slotted).
uurbs thinks Controlling Action is not worth choosing. As you said that I probably need all the AP I can get, I need to check if an AP-gain feat is worth it. If you would feel better that I open a new thread to discuss it, please let me know.
uurbsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 449Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
@grimah, I'm currently planing a deviation of your build in the OP (see: Rhadamanthus for Shadowmantle) for PvE only, and would like to get your opinion about "Tempest Magic" in comparison to "Destructive Wizardry" for a Tiefling (as Rhadamanthus is a Tiefling).
Currently, the groups I normally run with, do clear stuff so fast, that I hardly every have time or need to channel "Storm Pillar" for 51% upfront to gain the 10% damage buff. But as far as I know, the Tiefling racial will work from 50%-30% and than will be overridden by "Tempest Magic" from 30%-0%. So, if my math is still working properly, I would gain 5% more damage from 30%-0% which should be around 1.5% more overall damage (but without the hassle to constantly channel "Storm Pillar" for 51%). It would also mean, that I would have 1.5% more damage in single target fights like Fulminorax/Valindra and Valindra herself--where I cannot use "Storm Pillar" for the buff anyway.
As I said, I'm kind of undecided
Thanks for any help, as always!
PS: Changed the build link, as I made some final adjustments--it dawned on me, after I wrote about the single target part
Grimah cudos for the great spec! I switched on mod 2 release and have to say this is fun! My Chilling Cloud hits like a truck and most mobs are dead after a COI Chilling Cloud rotation...if not they are when a Shard or SS hits them in the face! Reapers Touch is awesome in this build. I did change one thing...I took 3/3 in toughness and only 1/3 in Fight on. I am loving the extra HP and lifesteal is my new friend.
As regard to controlling action, it does +2%/4% etc of your current ap gain. so if you have +40% you will do +4% more ap at max ranks.
(according to a now gone tester)
Up to you to decide whether you need it or not.
NOTE: Ianthewizard, if you are unsure of something check my guide first, the information was there.
Also my actual build has critical power over reaper's touch. but i will leave this unchanged, i know its just a matter of taste. I also have 1000 lifesteal (swaped all rings for berserker cleaving/including pet), and belt to hp/lifesteal/defense), GG icon on pet. I dont think i will focus too much on power as i initial was planning, and going for more defense/hp instead. prob not an issue for most who have rock steady connections and are not doing VT or CN legit.
Also my actual build has critical power over reaper's touch. but i will leave this unchanged, i know its just a matter of taste.
I find Critical Power essential. I tried without it in my greed for more DPS, but I was always late with sings when they were needed most and I always felt my AP build was just sluggish. So I had to respec and take it again
I'm not sure if that depends on equipment, but I have no problems with the standard dungeon add clearing setup: Conduit of Ice on tab, Steal Time, Sudden Storm and Shard of the Endless Avalanche, as well as constant Chilling Cloud. Depending on the group size I rarely need more than one rotation of those spells (for the group you mentioned). Those guys die very fast. If I would have problems, I would probably exchange Conduit of Ice with Chill Strike on tab.
I normally start with casting Shard of the Endless Avalanche (builds Arcane stacks), put Conduit of Ice on a big (high HP guy), start casting Chilling Cloud, push the Shard into the group, continue with Sudden Storm and if the guys are still standing, finish them with Steal Time.
But I'm over the cap of Armor Penetration (>2,536) around 2,400 critical strike, 2,900 recovery and over 4,000 power with the High Vizier set.
I even do not use any dailies--not needed. But, if you're experience problems with the above mentioned setup, you should throw in Oppressive Force--but keep Conduit of Ice on tab, as it generates action points real fast.
Thanks for the explanation. I'm going to give this rotation a try this weekend!
If you wish to have more control just switch out sudden storm for icy terrain, it still works fine and is something i do depending on the situation (boss fight aoe, e.g. xivros).
As for rotation its hard to say, it depends on the situation i just use my judgement. conduit first usually, shard, steal time. move a bit and get a nice row for sudden storm, chilling cloud.
Or i will start with conduit (if someone is using singularity) i use chilling cloud to get a 25% bonus, whilst i wait for them to drop out, sudden storm followed by a push on my ball which is on the ground ready. steal time as they are proned.
Those are just some examples off the top of my head, the best thing to do is judge when and which spells to use. Also i rarely if ever use singularity, Despite how singularity bunches things up, i think OF is a far better control.
I am usually solo CW (when i can help it, as its more fun having all the control relied on you) and trash management is sooo much better when using OF in my experience, if you have no tank or no other CW with you. Mainly because you can hurt them like hell (building AP) whilst they cannot do anything, whilst Sing only delays the envitable.
To answer ianthewizard, Id prefer if you do not post here, because your build would be totally different to mine since you do not use steal time. You would probably need all the AP you can get. I have no issues getting my dailies up and solo control in ANY dungeon. (not saying i could solo CW draco though.... well maybe if i had 2 gwfs with me with "come an get me" slotted).
Thanks a lot. It seems that I must learn to use that pesky boulder... That is going to be my challenge this weekend.
As regard to controlling action, it does +2%/4% etc of your current ap gain. so if you have +40% you will do +4% more ap at max ranks.
(according to a now gone tester)
Up to you to decide whether you need it or not.
NOTE: Ianthewizard, if you are unsure of something check my guide first, the information was there.
Also my actual build has critical power over reaper's touch. but i will leave this unchanged, i know its just a matter of taste. I also have 1000 lifesteal (swaped all rings for berserker cleaving/including pet), and belt to hp/lifesteal/defense), GG icon on pet. I dont think i will focus too much on power as i initial was planning, and going for more defense/hp instead. prob not an issue for most who have rock steady connections and are not doing VT or CN legit.
Thanks for the test. +4% AP sounds good and can save a party in an emergency.
uurbsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 449Bounty Hunter
[...] Controlling Action: Gain an additional 2/4/6/8/10% Action points when using powers on a controlled target Useful feat for gaining extra AP, it does not stack additively. so if you gain 20% this will give you an extra 2% instead of 10%, works only when targets are slowed, stunned, dazed, prone. and the effect is applied to the spell that did it also. Does not work on immune mobs despite displaying stacks of chills.
Look in your character sheet, search for the "Action Point Gain" entry and the amount of action points you gain, is 1/10 of the amount of your personal action point gain -- and only for/on "controlled" targets.
If you do not start reading already existing informations, this is the last time, I'm trying to help you:
Look in your character sheet, search for the "Action Point Gain" entry and the amount of action points you gain, is 1/10 of the amount of your personal action point gain -- and only for/on "controlled" targets.
Okay, I understand. When I use powers on controlled targets (slowed, stunned, dazed, or prone), my AP gains 10% more.
to phrase it a bit different:
2% more AP gain, does, in fact, mean 2% *more*, or, your AP gain is multiplied by 1.02. i agree with uurbs that this feat is not worth taking it, 5 points means that instead of having your daily available after 100sec means you have it available after 91sec (=100/1.1). *IF* you use control spells ONLY. it only pumps your daily? .... there are way better feats out there. damage wise the bonus is meager, as dailies provide only a small bonus in damage output. providing control is different, but even then you don't blast your daily every time it's available. which reduces the effectiveness of this feat even more....
the only feat that gives a straight percentage bonus in AP is the one that activates with critical strikes, forgot the name, in the renegade path. which was a really really cool feat before module 2!
so, yes, rather stay away from this feat, unless you really want to be famous for placing dailies....
(PS: reducing encounter powers (fight on) by 10% almost has the same effect, as they are the major AP income. yet, they also deal damage and provide control, etc. - of course, BOTH feats provide even more AP)
at uurbs: i think "herrgottsackzement" is only common in bavaria, no?
uurbsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 449Bounty Hunter
the only feat that gives a straight percentage bonus in AP is the one that activates with critical strikes, forgot the name, in the renegade path. which was a really really cool feat before module 2!
You mean Critical Power. Why do you think it isn't a cool feat anymore?
i don't say it's not cool anymore, but before mod 2 to me it seemed like maybe the most valuable one of them all!
with high crit this feat provided a huge bonus to AP generation.
i mean, i am not such an experienced player, but this feat did catch my attention immediately.
now it triggers much less often. (plus it got nerfed w.r.t. steal time crits, but that's ok, considered that a bug anyway)
according to grimah's tests other feats trump critical power now. since i trust his experience whole-heartedly i will respec into other feats.
OT: hahaha, i'm a born "oberpfaelzer". we were taught in school that franconia belongs to bavaria, but yep, everybody around denies this is the case :P
many of my international friends think that the phonetic proximity of bavarian and barbarian is not by chance.... but why - why???
- a concerned bavarian barbarian
uurbsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 449Bounty Hunter
now it triggers much less often. (plus it got nerfed w.r.t. steal time crits, but that's ok, considered that a bug anyway)
according to grimah's tests other feats trump critical power now. since i trust his experience whole-heartedly i will respec into other feats.
I'm not so sure about it. I'm currently using Girmah's build on Alchessamiore--where I feel the AP gain is not that good. I'm going to respec Rhadamanthus to a new build, based of Grimah's one (which will include Critical Power). I'm currently missing time to do a thorough (re-)testing of the heroic feats.
[...] OT: hahaha, i'm a born "oberpfaelzer". we were taught in school that franconia belongs to bavaria, but yep, everybody around denies this is the case :P
many of my international friends think that the phonetic proximity of bavarian and barbarian is not by chance.... but why - why???
- a concerned bavarian barbarian
What do you expect? You know, during the time of the migration period from north to south, back in the medieval days, there was a sign at the south end of Franconia: "You now enter the wasteland"--only those who could not read wandered further south (into the region now called "Bavaria"). :cool:
I have tried it yes, Time is similar on single target or when you are only hitting 1 thing, However you can push more damage by slotting chilling presence on boss (around 10% more) providing its a boss you can keep chills on, and you do more aoe damage with chilling cloud.
There is nothing stopping you from using magic missile if it is your preference. I know that the animation for chilling cloud looks slow (those projectiles), but in reality you cast at the same speed
I have tried it yes, Time is similar on single target or when you are only hitting 1 thing, However you can push more damage by slotting chilling presence on boss (around 10% more) providing its a boss you can keep chills on, and you do more aoe damage with chilling cloud.
There is nothing stopping you from using magic missile if it is your preference. I know that the animation for chilling cloud looks slow (those projectiles), but in reality you cast at the same speed
May I ask how exactly are these Chills working? Are they shared with other CWs? Or each CW has their own stacks?
I've been having some issues with keeping them maxed in situations that should not have been problematic, with constant chilling cloud spam together with chill strikes and icy rays. And then when I look on boss, sometimes there are 3 stacks, then 6, then 4... when IMO there should always be 6?
Another thing, you mention that a cons to your build is low/no arcane stacks. Well I'm glad to tell you it's not true, at least for trash AoE clearing. I almost always have maxed arcane stacks (different thaum build than yours, no reason to respec yet, but same rotation), so more power to your build I forgot to check stacks in single target fights, but they might be low with just RoE as arcane spell.
i just updated to the actual build i had, my first post was when i was on preview server.
This is because after some thought, i would suggest critical power to any end-gamer, its just far more beneficial than reaper's touch.
But hey as always, its best to do what fits you better.
as for the chill stacks, yea ive had some wierd problems where it fluctuates. if that is what you are experienced, switch back to storm spell. As always as a wizard, just adjust accordingly. This is why i always try and max out every encounter we have. I still find icy terrain a good alternative to sudden storm when i want some ice cubes.
i just updated to the actual build i had, my first post was when i was on preview server.
This is because after some thought, i would suggest critical power to any end-gamer, its just far more beneficial than reaper's touch.
But hey as always, its best to do what fits you better.
as for the chill stacks, yea ive had some wierd problems where it fluctuates. if that is what you are experienced, switch back to storm spell. As always as a wizard, just adjust accordingly. This is why i always try and max out every encounter we have. I still find icy terrain a good alternative to sudden storm when i want some ice cubes.
Grimah, I did the same thing and went back to critical power. By the way, I had posted on another thread that I was getting really frequent procs on the epic wild hunt rider. Well if you cast coi and steal time in sequence on a pack of as little as 3 mobs I am seeing a 100 percent proc rate....which leads me to think it would also be good with icy terrain and maybe even the fire tree. Just fyi.
Grimah, I did the same thing and went back to critical power. By the way, I had posted on another thread that I was getting really frequent procs on the epic wild hunt rider. Well if you cast coi and steal time in sequence on a pack of as little as 3 mobs I am seeing a 100 percent proc rate....which leads me to think it would also be good with icy terrain and maybe even the fire tree. Just fyi.
Yes icy terrain does proc it like this as well. At epic it's 5% chance. That's 5% chance per target, per tick. For steal time, it's 5 ticks of slow and 1 tick of damage that all have a chance to proc it.
Yes icy terrain does proc it like this as well. At epic it's 5% chance. That's 5% chance per target, per tick. For steal time, it's 5 ticks of slow and 1 tick of damage that all have a chance to proc it.
I have also noticed that shard has more than one chance to proc it. For example you cast shard but dont some cc and before shard explodes wild hunt procs. It can also proc after slam but before shardplosion. So I think shard has 3 stages plus multiple hits that can proc this...and I would think the dire wolf interupt works this way as well. On cast on slam on explosion times multiple hits. Since what normally procs it we cw's use to set up our big shard or ss hits, I firmly believe this is our most damaging companion active bonus.
yup a guildie of mine has the wolf, its very useful. though not in a reliable sense but a great added bonus for aoe. it interrupts most animations including melee swings, casts and such. I wouldnt advise getting it for any other class than a wizard.
As for wild hunt, I do agree it is the best dps pet for a wizard, atleast AOE sense. as for single target im sure it still works well enough (atleast compared to the contributions other pets give, which is usually only 1-3% more damage).
I just costs you over 1.8 mill to get that thing to epic though, so it would be unfair to tell anyone that its a "must" have. I will need to get around to compiling this info for my guide... but well with valindra's tower and other stuff to do with my other chars, i just need to find some time to do it.
Currently i am using: allure, book imp, galeb duhr, blink dog (green), slyph. (ended up giving my GWF the fire archon).
My stats currently are (roughly) 5k power, 2.4k crit, 3k recovery, 2.2k arp, 900 regen, 1200 lifesteal, 1500 defense. 23.5k hp.
I decided to sacfrice the power that i wanted to go for more defense stats now. I have no issue with damage, and the defense goes along way in the endgame fights for me. Being a reliable teammate that doesnt die is nice peace of mind for my groups and cleric .
From what the wizards i have spoken too, everyone has their preference when it comes to stats and I do not feel there is a "right" way. (I often play with a wizard who has 3k defense + good offensive stats in favor of lifesteal).
My stats currently are (roughly) 5k power, 2.4k crit, 3k recovery, 2.2k arp, 900 regen, 1200 lifesteal, 1500 defense. 23.5k hp.
I decided to sacfrice the power that i wanted to go for more defense stats now. I have no issue with damage, and the defense goes along way in the endgame fights for me. Being a reliable teammate that doesnt die is nice peace of mind for my groups and cleric .
From what the wizards i have spoken too, everyone has their preference when it comes to stats and I do not feel there is a "right" way. (I often play with a wizard who has 3k defense + good offensive stats in favor of lifesteal).
Well it's quite simple...
You wanna top DPS reliably (against other good CWs...), you need to softcap crit/recovery/ArP and go full Power stacking to insane numbers. I played these days with a guy that actually had 2 sets, 1 for trash with 2000 something ArP and lots of Power, and he switched to capped ArP at bosses - this the amount of trouble some people go to only to top charts :P
You wanna stay alive in endboss fights such as VT/CN (only ones challenging), you need to either:
- stack defensive stats like Grimah above
- use specific defensive jewelry and/or Shield on Mastery (like I do)
... or you will fail miserably.
If you don't care about damage charts go build defenses.
oh i care about my dps. I wouldnt recommend sacfricing the "key" stats for defense (not needed in earlier dungeons) But Damage meter does not determine DPS. Nor does it display group dps.
I could easily give people tips on how to beat other CWs in groups if you wish, and builds that provide no group benefits or feats that benefit you more than others.
Damage meter is trash, its like saying GFs can dps because of the damage meter. Which is untrue (unless they use knights challenge 24/7, and even then its behind (damage per second, not total damage).
This is how you beat other wizards:
1. Use singularity whenever you see them cast ball (or at start of fight)
2. Run ahead of everyone else and get the first shot
3. Burn through your encounters without bothering to time your CCs. (for this build it would be CoI - shard - sudden storm.)
Its pretty ignorant to actually say someone does more dps over someone else just because of damage meter. However the only place i do find damage meter more accurate is during boss fights. Trash clearing has too many variables that make's it far too inaccurate.
2. Run ahead of everyone else and get the first shot
This is one aspect which i dont like when people do this.
Suggestions to improve NW:
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
As a relatively new level 60 CW(and being my first level 60 in the game) which would you suggest to be a good "starter" companion, as I don't have the AD to go all out and get one of the best outright?
As a relatively new level 60 CW(and being my first level 60 in the game) which would you suggest to be a good "starter" companion, as I don't have the AD to go all out and get one of the best outright?
Augment companion or sure. ioun stone of allure is the cheapest one to get (from zen store)
Other than that, get cheap white/green pets for some extra stats, if you have a bit more the fire archon is probably the best/cheaper choice since it is epic. Everything else will cost you a fair amount.
Currently, the groups I normally run with, do clear stuff so fast, that I hardly every have time or need to channel "Storm Pillar" for 51% upfront to gain the 10% damage buff. But as far as I know, the Tiefling racial will work from 50%-30% and than will be overridden by "Tempest Magic" from 30%-0%. So, if my math is still working properly, I would gain 5% more damage from 30%-0% which should be around 1.5% more overall damage (but without the hassle to constantly channel "Storm Pillar" for 51%). It would also mean, that I would have 1.5% more damage in single target fights like Fulminorax/Valindra and Valindra herself--where I cannot use "Storm Pillar" for the buff anyway.
As I said, I'm kind of undecided
Thanks for any help, as always!
PS: Changed the build link, as I made some final adjustments--it dawned on me, after I wrote about the single target part
(according to a now gone tester)
Up to you to decide whether you need it or not.
NOTE: Ianthewizard, if you are unsure of something check my guide first, the information was there.
Also my actual build has critical power over reaper's touch. but i will leave this unchanged, i know its just a matter of taste. I also have 1000 lifesteal (swaped all rings for berserker cleaving/including pet), and belt to hp/lifesteal/defense), GG icon on pet. I dont think i will focus too much on power as i initial was planning, and going for more defense/hp instead. prob not an issue for most who have rock steady connections and are not doing VT or CN legit.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
I find Critical Power essential. I tried without it in my greed for more DPS, but I was always late with sings when they were needed most and I always felt my AP build was just sluggish. So I had to respec and take it again
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Thanks for the explanation. I'm going to give this rotation a try this weekend!
Thanks a lot. It seems that I must learn to use that pesky boulder... That is going to be my challenge this weekend.
If you do not start reading already existing informations, this is the last time, I'm trying to help you: Look in your character sheet, search for the "Action Point Gain" entry and the amount of action points you gain, is 1/10 of the amount of your personal action point gain -- and only for/on "controlled" targets.
Thank you.
to phrase it a bit different:
2% more AP gain, does, in fact, mean 2% *more*, or, your AP gain is multiplied by 1.02. i agree with uurbs that this feat is not worth taking it, 5 points means that instead of having your daily available after 100sec means you have it available after 91sec (=100/1.1). *IF* you use control spells ONLY. it only pumps your daily? .... there are way better feats out there. damage wise the bonus is meager, as dailies provide only a small bonus in damage output. providing control is different, but even then you don't blast your daily every time it's available. which reduces the effectiveness of this feat even more....
the only feat that gives a straight percentage bonus in AP is the one that activates with critical strikes, forgot the name, in the renegade path. which was a really really cool feat before module 2!
so, yes, rather stay away from this feat, unless you really want to be famous for placing dailies....
(PS: reducing encounter powers (fight on) by 10% almost has the same effect, as they are the major AP income. yet, they also deal damage and provide control, etc. - of course, BOTH feats provide even more AP)
at uurbs: i think "herrgottsackzement" is only common in bavaria, no?
I'm a born Franconian, which borders to Bavaria
with high crit this feat provided a huge bonus to AP generation.
i mean, i am not such an experienced player, but this feat did catch my attention immediately.
now it triggers much less often. (plus it got nerfed w.r.t. steal time crits, but that's ok, considered that a bug anyway)
according to grimah's tests other feats trump critical power now. since i trust his experience whole-heartedly i will respec into other feats.
OT: hahaha, i'm a born "oberpfaelzer". we were taught in school that franconia belongs to bavaria, but yep, everybody around denies this is the case :P
many of my international friends think that the phonetic proximity of bavarian and barbarian is not by chance.... but why - why???
- a concerned bavarian barbarian
OT: What do you expect? You know, during the time of the migration period from north to south, back in the medieval days, there was a sign at the south end of Franconia: "You now enter the wasteland"--only those who could not read wandered further south (into the region now called "Bavaria"). :cool:
Have you considered trying arcane + Magic Missile as Thaum?
I am currently thinking on respec to this:
Blightning Power->Arcane Mastery
Chilling Cloud/Storm Pillar-> M.M./Chilling Cloud for bonus
Destructive Wizardy->Snap Freeze (if tiefling)
Less chill/freezing elites but maybe more damage and we got 10% slow from Stone anyway.
There is nothing stopping you from using magic missile if it is your preference. I know that the animation for chilling cloud looks slow (those projectiles), but in reality you cast at the same speed
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
May I ask how exactly are these Chills working? Are they shared with other CWs? Or each CW has their own stacks?
I've been having some issues with keeping them maxed in situations that should not have been problematic, with constant chilling cloud spam together with chill strikes and icy rays. And then when I look on boss, sometimes there are 3 stacks, then 6, then 4... when IMO there should always be 6?
Another thing, you mention that a cons to your build is low/no arcane stacks. Well I'm glad to tell you it's not true, at least for trash AoE clearing. I almost always have maxed arcane stacks (different thaum build than yours, no reason to respec yet, but same rotation), so more power to your build
This is because after some thought, i would suggest critical power to any end-gamer, its just far more beneficial than reaper's touch.
But hey as always, its best to do what fits you better.
as for the chill stacks, yea ive had some wierd problems where it fluctuates. if that is what you are experienced, switch back to storm spell. As always as a wizard, just adjust accordingly. This is why i always try and max out every encounter we have. I still find icy terrain a good alternative to sudden storm when i want some ice cubes.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Grimah, I did the same thing and went back to critical power. By the way, I had posted on another thread that I was getting really frequent procs on the epic wild hunt rider. Well if you cast coi and steal time in sequence on a pack of as little as 3 mobs I am seeing a 100 percent proc rate....which leads me to think it would also be good with icy terrain and maybe even the fire tree. Just fyi.
Yes icy terrain does proc it like this as well. At epic it's 5% chance. That's 5% chance per target, per tick. For steal time, it's 5 ticks of slow and 1 tick of damage that all have a chance to proc it.
I have also noticed that shard has more than one chance to proc it. For example you cast shard but dont some cc and before shard explodes wild hunt procs. It can also proc after slam but before shardplosion. So I think shard has 3 stages plus multiple hits that can proc this...and I would think the dire wolf interupt works this way as well. On cast on slam on explosion times multiple hits. Since what normally procs it we cw's use to set up our big shard or ss hits, I firmly believe this is our most damaging companion active bonus.
As for wild hunt, I do agree it is the best dps pet for a wizard, atleast AOE sense. as for single target im sure it still works well enough (atleast compared to the contributions other pets give, which is usually only 1-3% more damage).
I just costs you over 1.8 mill to get that thing to epic though, so it would be unfair to tell anyone that its a "must" have. I will need to get around to compiling this info for my guide... but well with valindra's tower and other stuff to do with my other chars, i just need to find some time to do it.
Currently i am using: allure, book imp, galeb duhr, blink dog (green), slyph. (ended up giving my GWF the fire archon).
My stats currently are (roughly) 5k power, 2.4k crit, 3k recovery, 2.2k arp, 900 regen, 1200 lifesteal, 1500 defense. 23.5k hp.
I decided to sacfrice the power that i wanted to go for more defense stats now. I have no issue with damage, and the defense goes along way in the endgame fights for me. Being a reliable teammate that doesnt die is nice peace of mind for my groups and cleric
From what the wizards i have spoken too, everyone has their preference when it comes to stats and I do not feel there is a "right" way. (I often play with a wizard who has 3k defense + good offensive stats in favor of lifesteal).
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Well it's quite simple...
You wanna top DPS reliably (against other good CWs...), you need to softcap crit/recovery/ArP and go full Power stacking to insane numbers. I played these days with a guy that actually had 2 sets, 1 for trash with 2000 something ArP and lots of Power, and he switched to capped ArP at bosses - this the amount of trouble some people go to only to top charts :P
You wanna stay alive in endboss fights such as VT/CN (only ones challenging), you need to either:
- stack defensive stats like Grimah above
- use specific defensive jewelry and/or Shield on Mastery (like I do)
... or you will fail miserably.
If you don't care about damage charts go build defenses.
I could easily give people tips on how to beat other CWs in groups if you wish, and builds that provide no group benefits or feats that benefit you more than others.
Damage meter is trash, its like saying GFs can dps because of the damage meter. Which is untrue (unless they use knights challenge 24/7, and even then its behind (damage per second, not total damage).
This is how you beat other wizards:
1. Use singularity whenever you see them cast ball (or at start of fight)
2. Run ahead of everyone else and get the first shot
3. Burn through your encounters without bothering to time your CCs. (for this build it would be CoI - shard - sudden storm.)
Its pretty ignorant to actually say someone does more dps over someone else just because of damage meter. However the only place i do find damage meter more accurate is during boss fights. Trash clearing has too many variables that make's it far too inaccurate.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
As a relatively new level 60 CW(and being my first level 60 in the game) which would you suggest to be a good "starter" companion, as I don't have the AD to go all out and get one of the best outright?
Augment companion or sure. ioun stone of allure is the cheapest one to get (from zen store)
Other than that, get cheap white/green pets for some extra stats, if you have a bit more the fire archon is probably the best/cheaper choice since it is epic. Everything else will cost you a fair amount.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".