Ohoho, Good sir, I absolutely guarun-feckin-tee they do not have two million players.
While they may be able to stand a little pruning, it's not these nerfs that are going to kill them. It's the flop of a game they made versus the new shiny ones coming out. Go check out FFXIV or TESO and tell me you would rather play this, exploiting the same dungeons over and over. Though this one may be F2P, F2P means nothing to the people dropping money on it. Therefore don't think a monthly subscription means anything to us mature gamers with money.
Now I for one always enjoy new content. I will play Fury of the Feywild. However, as soon as I am done with that, this adventure will be over and a new one will begin in some other far off land.
True, but it's also every MMO. I can't imagine spending months and months on end in any one single contemporary MMO. Haven't done it since old WoW and EVE, really.
I mean, GW2 was the same. Great for around ... six weeks. Then fairly dull. I had no interest in their dungeons for vanity gear or running around collecting vistas through jumping puzzles or what have you. So I left after about six weeks. TSW? Lasted about the same. I fully expect that the new ones will be interesting but similarly lacking stamina. It's a part of the current gaming market, really -- we're all fickle and we all want the new shiny, and there's always a new shiny just around the corner. Older MMOs had the luxury of less competition and fewer new shinies. But if they were released today they would have to compete as well in this context of always a new shiny coming around the bend.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is pretty typical for Cryptic. I dont expect its going to change. Old timers can remember the sweeping changes to CO days after launch and the months of balancing that followed. STO had similar issues early on. Escorts where king, then cruisers became unkillable, mixed with dozens of changes to science powers. I still remember the rage from the subnuc nerf.
The point is cryptics expectations of how things should be progressing in game, are often different from ours. They has access to data and metrics we will never see. They will generally make changes for the bigger picture, even if we dont agree with it. And often times they dont always seem to make any sense.
Experiened players know not to get too invested in any one build until several months after launch.
Same is true of every MMO, though. To give a well known example: World of Warcraft. Whenever a new patch comes out, expect to have to relearn your class.
Sure, people might have spent a lot more money on their builds here in Neverwinter, but that is also something to be careful about: it is an MMO, and nerfs and build changes will happen, sometimes often between patches. Spend real money on that super-build at your own risk.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Same is true of every MMO, though. To give a well known example: World of Warcraft. Whenever a new patch comes out, expect to have to relearn your class.
Sure, people might have spent a lot more money on their builds here in Neverwinter, but that is also something to be careful about: it is an MMO, and nerfs and build changes will happen, sometimes often between patches. Spend real money on that super-build at your own risk.
Granted, but they seemed to make almost all of their player base angry. I'm in a fairly large guild, and basically everyone is ticked.
The irony is that Cryptic is promoting this amazing sale for Zen and Keys. I've lost count of players saying they are not dropping anymore money on this game. Personally, I'm telling everyone in my guild to close up their wallets.
Have you seen the amount of threads started since their last patch announcement regarding the changes? Moderators have to keep closing or deleting them there are so many.
Granted, but they seemed to make almost all of their player base angry. I'm in a fairly large guild, and basically everyone is ticked.
The irony is that Cryptic is promoting this amazing sale for Zen and Keys. I've lost count of players saying they are not dropping anymore money on this game. Personally, I'm telling everyone in my guild to close up their wallets.
Have you seen the amount of threads started since their last patch announcement regarding the changes? Moderators have to keep closing or deleting them there are so many.
Oh, I have. And I'm not defending Cryptic per se. This whole no-subscription-over-priced-cash-shop-only is an asinine model to begin with, except for PWE who is counting on suckers dropping a small fortune.
I knew from Day 1 that I would enjoy the leveling stories, mess around some in dungeons, and then play some Foundry . . . but that I would never, ever, drop a single real world dollar on gear, enchants, wards, or any cash shop item that was needed for an end-game build. I knew the nerfs and balances would be in-coming on a constantly stream (just wait until some of these nerfs are further tweaked again in later patches down the line, it'll happen). It's the nature of MMOs.
Never spend real world money in a cash shop for an in-game build. Never.
brendan03usMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
The problem arises from (1) very high costs to remove enchants and (2) the ability to buy your way, using RMT, to have said enchants, which monetizes the cost of removing them in a RMT sense. But both of those are going to be intrinsic to a F2P/freemium model, even i the removal cost were reduced somewhat (it would never be totally nerfed, because that cost, together with the cost of Coals, is one of the main Zen purchase engines in the game).
All MMOs are subject to being changed -- including gear sets. People are pissed when this happens, every single time, for obvious reasons, because even in non-freemium games, the main currency is time, and people feel robbed of their time when things they "worked" for are changed. But that's the nature of MMOs.
So the moral of the story is this: if you are an MMO player, you know that MMOs are always changing, including gear sets. And if you are playing a freemium MMO, you need to use this general knowledge of MMOs to inform your purchase decisions, knowing full well that what you obtain via RMT will be subject to being nerfed/changed, thereby "negating" your RMT value, just as it would negate your time investment in a P2P MMO.
The two meta-currencies of MMOs are time and money. All models feature some combo of the two. As a player you need to monitor and control your investments of either of these meta-currencies in light of the reality that whatever it is you are working/paying towards in one way or another will eventually be adjusted or, over time, outright obsoleted.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh, I have. And I'm not defending Cryptic per se. This whole no-subscription-over-priced-cash-shop-only is an asinine model to begin with, except for PWE who is counting on suckers dropping a small fortune.
I knew from Day 1 that I would enjoy the leveling stories, mess around some in dungeons, and then play some Foundry . . . but that I would never, ever, drop a single real world dollar on gear, enchants, wards, or any cash shop item that was needed for an end-game build. I knew the nerfs and balances would be in-coming on a constantly stream (just wait until some of these nerfs are further tweaked again in later patches down the line, it'll happen). It's the nature of MMOs.
Never spend real world money in a cash shop for an in-game build. Never.
Nice response. I have yet to drop any money on this game. The more I play it, the more I hold onto my cash.
The point being made stupid is it costs money to respec and change feats. Or ya its f2p when you can farm ad for month or 2. Alot of people are going to quit the game unless respec and change feat is reduced a great deal.
As for characters getting nerfed ya every mmo this happens but it for the most of them it doesnt cost you alot of cash or time.
The irony is that Cryptic is promoting this amazing sale for Zen and Keys. I've lost count of players saying they are not dropping anymore money on this game. Personally, I'm telling everyone in my guild to close up their wallets.
The sad thing is tons of people are opening those boxes right now for a chance at the "New" mount and pet. PWE put a ton of effort into this event. Changing the names and color of those items must have been tough. They are making a fortune on this one by doing almost nothing at all. Sadly, I believe we will see quite a few more of these "Rare" color changes in the future because this one is a huge success. Oh well, I can't blame them for making money. It's what they are here for and everyone knows what they are paying for in this event. There are no hidden surprises, just a lot of empty wallets.
Whenever most games do large changes in order to balance the current state(as in one class gets nerfed to meet the current balance of other classes) devs usually toss that class a Respec/Retcon. I have a feeling they won't though.
Id rather prefer the Devs to concentrate on getting some new classes out...very soon!!.as i can see interest in the game going fast.
this is a well built game with a lot of good ideas.but nerfing classes so early on is going to cause concern i would think.
lets have a look at the 5 classes so far..
TR: this is the only true class that does what it says on the tin. good dps and does all the things you would expect from a rogue class.
DC: this is the supposedly healer class.. not very good in dungeon raids so ive read over the forum.maybe needs more heal and less dmg ? all raids need a proper healer..some mmo have a few healer classes.
GF: the tank of the classes but takes damage to easily.and the survivability isnt very good [healer class?] if this is the tank then this needs looking at
CW: this isnt too bad and probably not far off a decent ranged dps.but would be good to if its a mage type or a warlock type class?
GWF: mmm this is a strange one is it a dps is it a tank?
classes need to be clearer in what they do in my opinion.and the big big nerfs that are going to get in the next big patch isnt going to help much..
looking at a lot of other mmo they have a lot of classes...or go into other classes at a higher level.
just my thoughts.
btw ive just ordered the feywild pack so im prepared to back the game.but really new classes...fast!!
Id rather prefer the Devs to concentrate on getting some new classes out...very soon!!.as i can see interest in the game going fast.
this is a well built game with a lot of good ideas.but nerfing classes so early on is going to cause concern i would think.
lets have a look at the 5 classes so far..
TR: this is the only true class that does what it says on the tin. good dps and does all the things you would expect from a rogue class.
DC: this is the supposedly healer class.. not very good in dungeon raids so ive read over the forum.maybe needs more heal and less dmg ? all raids need a proper healer..some mmo have a few healer classes.
GF: the tank of the classes but takes damage to easily.and the survivability isnt very good [healer class?] if this is the tank then this needs looking at
CW: this isnt too bad and probably not far off a decent ranged dps.but would be good to if its a mage type or a warlock type class?
GWF: mmm this is a strange one is it a dps is it a tank?
classes need to be clearer in what they do in my opinion.and the big big nerfs that are going to get in the next big patch isnt going to help much..
looking at a lot of other mmo they have a lot of classes...or go into other classes at a higher level.
just my thoughts.
btw ive just ordered the feywild pack so im prepared to back the game.but really new classes...fast!!
New classes are great and I totally want that too...because I have leveled 1 of each of the 5 now. However I am a little concerned reading your post that you don't play the game and instead just read the useless QQ on the forums. The roles of the classes are pretty clear to begin with. Granted, player skill and gear both help a ton. I have seen all of the classes played miserably and wonderfully by different people. A good player on a GF can tank anything he needs to. A good player on a Cleric can heal anything he needs to. Rogues are single target damage with some utility. GWF are in your face damage. Control Wizards are a lot of helpful control and a hefty amount of damage to boot. Every class does its job well in the right hands...problem is there are only 5 classes and that isn't much at all. Variety is the spice of life. If you read the forum too much you would think the classes are getting nerfed, but if you are really familiar with the way they play and all of the abilities you will understand it is balance fixing, and much needed. Everyone will complain that they are not godly, but as much as you want to be godly, it is more important to have a fair and balanced game.
Hi.i do play the game...lol and have 1 of each class though some not up to maximum level yet.[why would i be buying the feywild knight pack if i didnt play the game?].im not talking about gamplay how a toon is played geared etc. the post is all about the classes as opposed to almost all the other mmo out there.
besides the rogue.the classes arent very defined..tank isnt that good ..healer isnt that good in raids. etc etc..this is feedback ive got from other players in the game as well as off the forums.you will also notice i havent posted much on here and not a massive forums fan.as there seems to be a lot of negativity on them at times.
but if you read the post correctly its "construcitve"critisism and like everyone in the game we all have a right a an opinion. as long as it isnt offensive ..and the overall gyst of the post is more classes which i think anyone will agree this game really does need :)yes i agree on balanced fixingin any game if its positive.and tbh no one will know how things work out until the patch is applied.
New classes are great and I totally want that too...because I have leveled 1 of each of the 5 now. However I am a little concerned reading your post that you don't play the game and instead just read the useless QQ on the forums. The roles of the classes are pretty clear to begin with. Granted, player skill and gear both help a ton. I have seen all of the classes played miserably and wonderfully by different people. A good player on a GF can tank anything he needs to. A good player on a Cleric can heal anything he needs to. Rogues are single target damage with some utility. GWF are in your face damage. Control Wizards are a lot of helpful control and a hefty amount of damage to boot. Every class does its job well in the right hands...problem is there are only 5 classes and that isn't much at all. Variety is the spice of life. If you read the forum too much you would think the classes are getting nerfed, but if you are really familiar with the way they play and all of the abilities you will understand it is balance fixing, and much needed. Everyone will complain that they are not godly, but as much as you want to be godly, it is more important to have a fair and balanced game.
Not godly? I play GWF, and we are getting nerfed hard, our base abilities are getting nerfed. That is a whole other ball game than changes to gear, like the GF is getting. And no one thinks a GWF is godly in PvE. Note we are getting nerfed the hardest on the PVE only move slam. as A Top Tier GWF I have to fight for spots in dungeons with TRs that have 3k less GS than me because people know that TR are much better at single target DPS on boss than any GWF and TR can perform shortcut runs that a GWF cannot do. Even on the shortcut runs that GWF can do players would rather go with the TR because TR are expected to know these runs and shortcuts while the GWF is not.
GWF is the class that is struggling the most and they are getting nerfed the hardest. GF is the class that struggles second most, that are getting the second hardest nerf.
So yeah, no respec at all for the Devs. If the devs do not seriously consider the wave of hate generated by there senseless class changes they lose another player. But this might happen eventually anyways if the do not address class balance and the "need" for each class in a gorup and not being completely replaced by other classes all the time.
A good player on a Cleric can heal anything he needs to.
This is wrong. A good player cleric have been able to heal anything he needs. But if these change goes live, my healing and damage migration breaks down roughly 20-30%. Mainly because of the change to AP generation by suburst (which realy hurt the usage of dailies like divine armor and hallowed ground), but also due to the nerf of linked spirit builds.
Hammer of Faith? I did't even specced it, because it was so crappy, even if you focus on damage as cleric.
If you look closly on the amount of healing a good cleric do during an dungeon run, you will find a number that is 1/4 of the damage dealt by a good rogue or a good CW.
But not enough. Simply compare the powers of a CW (which allow the CW to do very good damage AND control) and then the healing powers of a cleric that only do one thing only: heal.
Overall I would state that a CW currently provide a much higher damage migration to a group than a cleric. Therefore, many groups run 2 CWs but only one cleric. The cleric is only necessary to backup heal the CWs. If a guardian fighter could do that too, there would be even no need for a cleric at all.
As cleric in group doing end content, you cannot slot anything other then damage migration and healing spells, because if you do so, you risk group whipe in situation where backup healing is necessary. The cleric has a quite nice arsenal of spells. However, I'm forced to only use 3: Astral shield, sunburst and healing word. Maybe bastion of health.
arielluMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Its actually a pretty brilliant move on their part. Everyone has an awesome spec, then nerf it next patch so everyone has to respec... which as we all know costs money. Its a matter of business, and like it or not this game is business.
More likely, like it or not this game is bust business because it will end up catering for the minority, normally a monitory with very loud voices, the 'normal' people will sigh! turn and walk away to get away from the noise and then the servers get shut down because there is not enough volume interest. Then you will see a revamp a new game in the portfolio same junk different paint job, everyone rushes towards the light, the light dims, another revamp... so on and so on ad nauseous. And all in the name of $, I guess it feeds the modern greed mentality.
arielluMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 13Arc User
When a MMO dies, it's not because of nerfs, it's when people start leaving the game because they can get BiS gear within a week and have nothing left to do. They often quit such games when it's too easy too. Nerfs and buffs are a part of a MMO's life. The devs have access to datas we don't have, like how many people have the spell x in their spell bar, and so on. I'm not a huge fan of some of the changes, but i see most of them are good.
I have yet to see a mmo dying because of nerfs, because afaik it has never happened.
Totally agreed, every MMO that has failed has either been too greedy, totally ignored the player base or both. However such is the fickleness of it all that taking a financial quit hit = success approach has become the norm and the wannit wannit now brigade have weakened everything in and out of games.
Diogene may be right, but I doubt I can complain either way. I have not spent any real world money on this game, and other than a few surveys to get enough Zen to respec one character; not even any Zen.
I just don't believe the game is good enough value or DnD enough for me to fork out money. Maybe I am no economy expert and maybe the prices that would tempt me would be too cheap for the hardcore farmers. But a 15% offer won't even make my pocket twitch, let alone my wallet. AD are open to some debate, but Zen items 'cost' twice as much as they should in my opinion.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited August 2013
I have spent quite a bit of money on the game - mostly on getting "vanity" items - like the Twilight Nightmare (the one with the blue flames, that is) or on "convenience" stuff, like more bank slots. I don't regret spending that money - I enjoy the game and some of my other hobbies are a lot more expensive anyhow.
However, I only spend money because I enjoy the game - if I stop enjoying it, my wallet will close automatically, and I fear that might happen with the changes being made to my favourite class (DC).
For now, I'm in a "wait and see" mood - I'll play Faywild and see if DCs are still viable for solo PvE play (big question with the changes to the hammer and sunburst), and...well...I just hope they will not take away my enjoyment.
I don't mind PW making stupid stuff and shoving it in boxes for folks with money to burn.
I just hope they try to keep a broad approach and ALSO make stuff other people will want to get/play. And also realize that investing in the overall game keeps people here so they will actually bother blowing money on the vanity stuff.
The problem is that suits are notoriously bad at appreciating complex and indirect synergistic effects.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
When I used to play Guild Wars a good few years ago the developers who were responsible for balancing the games skills/ combat . PvP/PvE had a private forum where they could chat to the 'hardcore' or elite players and theorycrafters about any upcoming changes or ideas on how to help balance the game , maybe Neverwinter needs something similar because at the moment the people who are responsible for these changes really don't seem to have much of an idea about what it is that they are doing or the repercussions involved.
tkobovMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited August 2013
This game strikes me as so many others put out now a days,if it was a stock it would be considered a "pump and dump". I see zero evidence they care one whit about the player base,as long as the ones who see the light and walk away are replaced by new ones to be shorn.
percefusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Sure seems like it, if they are not they are either deaf, dumb or blind!
A Proud Member Of THE 300 Guild - Tene's are nothing but P2W, Nerf or Remove please!
(Other) People have spent hundreds of dollars on this game, getting the right spec, buying and transmuting the right gear, slotting the right enchantments, and... there goes their class/build/gear in one patch.
There's your problem right there. People who are prepared to spend such amounts once are likely to do so again. Of course they (or more likely people who don't spend that amount) will claim they're not going to, but they will. True story.
I believe the foundational problem is that Tenes should've been Weapon Enhancement Enchants.. NOT Offensive Slot Enchants.
ONE oversight and now they can't go back due to the money put into those, so instead they keep ruining the classes based on chars loaded with these gamebreaking items. Ther other problem is that they DID NOT WIPE after Beta with its oodles of glitches and bugs (CN Farming in void space being a HUGE embarrassment netting countless players hundreds of millions of AD)..
I spent 1 hour testing new rogue changes on preview on target dummies and literally cried. Sly Flourish does next to no damage.. used to scale up some serious crits. The last 4 shots of CoS actually did some damage to mages kiting us.. the first 8 built the momentum needed to get the last off and critting. the sum total of it now (8 shots) is equal to 1-2 gloaming cuts or half of a bad lashing crit (non LA).
It feels like late punishment for mistakes that were made early on by the dev team. Man up. Say **** is wrong and wipe. I will gladly keep playing on an even field.
The GWF and GF set nerfs are very welcome to me. GWFs are too tanky in pvp, GFs do too much damage in pvp (and probably in pve). I know it, i play one. I don't mind about the changes to the CW class. Won't make a great difference to me. I'm annoyed by the hammer of fate nerf. I will just stop playing 5 vs 5 pvp with my cleric since i won't be able to get kills. But the PvE changes are insignificant.
See...this is the problem...I don't give a **** about pvp but hey...as long as you pvp folk whine about something...pve suffers.
I'd like to see Neverwinter just totally scrapped, and remade into something entirely different. 5 classes with one skill each, and two of them are the same class. No choice when it comes to weapons and armor, no choices when it comes to powers, no dragons or real bosses to use in Foundry missions... Then they consistently nerf the few classes they have, and keep pushing back the release date for the new races and classes. The Fury of the Feywild expansion isn't going to fix any of my issues with the game. We'll get a few more humanoid mobs in the Foundry that use the same moves as the mobs we already have.. Maybe a different textured elf.. Still no dragons, still no new classes.. There will be plenty of nerfs though. MMO's 10 years ago gave you more freedom and options than this game, and made fewer nerfs over the course of a year than the devs in this game have to make every month. Know why? When you have thousands of possible builds, instead of everyone pigeon-holed into using the same five builds, players can actually figure out ways to beat over-powered characters and elite players that don't involve a nerf bat. If someone tanked with enchantments, there were classes good at removing enchantments, and stacking hexes. If someone had ridiculous healing, someone else had ridiculous DPS to counter it. If someone was kiting/sniping, you had someone with CC freeze their HAMSTER. There's none of that strategic play in this game. None. You just keep mashing the same buttons, in the same order, throughout the whole game. You could take all the powers and feats for all the classes, add them up, and there wouldn't be as much to choose from in this whole game as most games give you to choose at level one for ANY class..... It's pathetic, the devs should really apologize, issue a mass refund, hang their hats up, and let WotC hire some competent devs to remake this game the way a D&D game SHOULD be.
True, but it's also every MMO. I can't imagine spending months and months on end in any one single contemporary MMO. Haven't done it since old WoW and EVE, really.
I mean, GW2 was the same. Great for around ... six weeks. Then fairly dull. I had no interest in their dungeons for vanity gear or running around collecting vistas through jumping puzzles or what have you. So I left after about six weeks. TSW? Lasted about the same. I fully expect that the new ones will be interesting but similarly lacking stamina. It's a part of the current gaming market, really -- we're all fickle and we all want the new shiny, and there's always a new shiny just around the corner. Older MMOs had the luxury of less competition and fewer new shinies. But if they were released today they would have to compete as well in this context of always a new shiny coming around the bend.
You have the right to report unethical business practices. Although what they did wasn't illegal to GF, it sure was shady.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
1. Took them a heck of a lot longer than a half year to get all the DLC out
2. Bethesda isn't making TESO, Zenimax Online is
(Not that I have any interest in playing TESO, just tired of all the silly misinformation that gets thrown around on forums)
Okay, the level of irrational overreaction to typical MMO nerf/buff/balance HAMSTER, has officially reached new heights (lows?)
Same is true of every MMO, though. To give a well known example: World of Warcraft. Whenever a new patch comes out, expect to have to relearn your class.
Sure, people might have spent a lot more money on their builds here in Neverwinter, but that is also something to be careful about: it is an MMO, and nerfs and build changes will happen, sometimes often between patches. Spend real money on that super-build at your own risk.
Granted, but they seemed to make almost all of their player base angry. I'm in a fairly large guild, and basically everyone is ticked.
The irony is that Cryptic is promoting this amazing sale for Zen and Keys. I've lost count of players saying they are not dropping anymore money on this game. Personally, I'm telling everyone in my guild to close up their wallets.
Have you seen the amount of threads started since their last patch announcement regarding the changes? Moderators have to keep closing or deleting them there are so many.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Oh, I have. And I'm not defending Cryptic per se. This whole no-subscription-over-priced-cash-shop-only is an asinine model to begin with, except for PWE who is counting on suckers dropping a small fortune.
I knew from Day 1 that I would enjoy the leveling stories, mess around some in dungeons, and then play some Foundry . . . but that I would never, ever, drop a single real world dollar on gear, enchants, wards, or any cash shop item that was needed for an end-game build. I knew the nerfs and balances would be in-coming on a constantly stream (just wait until some of these nerfs are further tweaked again in later patches down the line, it'll happen). It's the nature of MMOs.
Never spend real world money in a cash shop for an in-game build. Never.
All MMOs are subject to being changed -- including gear sets. People are pissed when this happens, every single time, for obvious reasons, because even in non-freemium games, the main currency is time, and people feel robbed of their time when things they "worked" for are changed. But that's the nature of MMOs.
So the moral of the story is this: if you are an MMO player, you know that MMOs are always changing, including gear sets. And if you are playing a freemium MMO, you need to use this general knowledge of MMOs to inform your purchase decisions, knowing full well that what you obtain via RMT will be subject to being nerfed/changed, thereby "negating" your RMT value, just as it would negate your time investment in a P2P MMO.
The two meta-currencies of MMOs are time and money. All models feature some combo of the two. As a player you need to monitor and control your investments of either of these meta-currencies in light of the reality that whatever it is you are working/paying towards in one way or another will eventually be adjusted or, over time, outright obsoleted.
Nice response. I have yet to drop any money on this game. The more I play it, the more I hold onto my cash.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
The point being made stupid is it costs money to respec and change feats. Or ya its f2p when you can farm ad for month or 2. Alot of people are going to quit the game unless respec and change feat is reduced a great deal.
As for characters getting nerfed ya every mmo this happens but it for the most of them it doesnt cost you alot of cash or time.
The sad thing is tons of people are opening those boxes right now for a chance at the "New" mount and pet. PWE put a ton of effort into this event. Changing the names and color of those items must have been tough. They are making a fortune on this one by doing almost nothing at all. Sadly, I believe we will see quite a few more of these "Rare" color changes in the future because this one is a huge success. Oh well, I can't blame them for making money. It's what they are here for and everyone knows what they are paying for in this event. There are no hidden surprises, just a lot of empty wallets.
this is a well built game with a lot of good ideas.but nerfing classes so early on is going to cause concern i would think.
lets have a look at the 5 classes so far..
TR: this is the only true class that does what it says on the tin. good dps and does all the things you would expect from a rogue class.
DC: this is the supposedly healer class.. not very good in dungeon raids so ive read over the forum.maybe needs more heal and less dmg ? all raids need a proper healer..some mmo have a few healer classes.
GF: the tank of the classes but takes damage to easily.and the survivability isnt very good [healer class?] if this is the tank then this needs looking at
CW: this isnt too bad and probably not far off a decent ranged dps.but would be good to if its a mage type or a warlock type class?
GWF: mmm this is a strange one is it a dps is it a tank?
classes need to be clearer in what they do in my opinion.and the big big nerfs that are going to get in the next big patch isnt going to help much..
looking at a lot of other mmo they have a lot of classes...or go into other classes at a higher level.
just my thoughts.
btw ive just ordered the feywild pack so im prepared to back the game.but really new classes...fast!!
New classes are great and I totally want that too...because I have leveled 1 of each of the 5 now. However I am a little concerned reading your post that you don't play the game and instead just read the useless QQ on the forums. The roles of the classes are pretty clear to begin with. Granted, player skill and gear both help a ton. I have seen all of the classes played miserably and wonderfully by different people. A good player on a GF can tank anything he needs to. A good player on a Cleric can heal anything he needs to. Rogues are single target damage with some utility. GWF are in your face damage. Control Wizards are a lot of helpful control and a hefty amount of damage to boot. Every class does its job well in the right hands...problem is there are only 5 classes and that isn't much at all. Variety is the spice of life. If you read the forum too much you would think the classes are getting nerfed, but if you are really familiar with the way they play and all of the abilities you will understand it is balance fixing, and much needed. Everyone will complain that they are not godly, but as much as you want to be godly, it is more important to have a fair and balanced game.
besides the rogue.the classes arent very defined..tank isnt that good ..healer isnt that good in raids. etc etc..this is feedback ive got from other players in the game as well as off the forums.you will also notice i havent posted much on here and not a massive forums fan.as there seems to be a lot of negativity on them at times.
but if you read the post correctly its "construcitve"critisism and like everyone in the game we all have a right a an opinion. as long as it isnt offensive
Not godly? I play GWF, and we are getting nerfed hard, our base abilities are getting nerfed. That is a whole other ball game than changes to gear, like the GF is getting. And no one thinks a GWF is godly in PvE. Note we are getting nerfed the hardest on the PVE only move slam. as A Top Tier GWF I have to fight for spots in dungeons with TRs that have 3k less GS than me because people know that TR are much better at single target DPS on boss than any GWF and TR can perform shortcut runs that a GWF cannot do. Even on the shortcut runs that GWF can do players would rather go with the TR because TR are expected to know these runs and shortcuts while the GWF is not.
GWF is the class that is struggling the most and they are getting nerfed the hardest. GF is the class that struggles second most, that are getting the second hardest nerf.
So yeah, no respec at all for the Devs. If the devs do not seriously consider the wave of hate generated by there senseless class changes they lose another player. But this might happen eventually anyways if the do not address class balance and the "need" for each class in a gorup and not being completely replaced by other classes all the time.
This is wrong. A good player cleric have been able to heal anything he needs. But if these change goes live, my healing and damage migration breaks down roughly 20-30%. Mainly because of the change to AP generation by suburst (which realy hurt the usage of dailies like divine armor and hallowed ground), but also due to the nerf of linked spirit builds.
Hammer of Faith? I did't even specced it, because it was so crappy, even if you focus on damage as cleric.
If you look closly on the amount of healing a good cleric do during an dungeon run, you will find a number that is 1/4 of the damage dealt by a good rogue or a good CW.
But not enough. Simply compare the powers of a CW (which allow the CW to do very good damage AND control) and then the healing powers of a cleric that only do one thing only: heal.
Overall I would state that a CW currently provide a much higher damage migration to a group than a cleric. Therefore, many groups run 2 CWs but only one cleric. The cleric is only necessary to backup heal the CWs. If a guardian fighter could do that too, there would be even no need for a cleric at all.
As cleric in group doing end content, you cannot slot anything other then damage migration and healing spells, because if you do so, you risk group whipe in situation where backup healing is necessary. The cleric has a quite nice arsenal of spells. However, I'm forced to only use 3: Astral shield, sunburst and healing word. Maybe bastion of health.
More likely, like it or not this game is bust business because it will end up catering for the minority, normally a monitory with very loud voices, the 'normal' people will sigh! turn and walk away to get away from the noise and then the servers get shut down because there is not enough volume interest. Then you will see a revamp a new game in the portfolio same junk different paint job, everyone rushes towards the light, the light dims, another revamp... so on and so on ad nauseous. And all in the name of $, I guess it feeds the modern greed mentality.
Totally agreed, every MMO that has failed has either been too greedy, totally ignored the player base or both. However such is the fickleness of it all that taking a financial quit hit = success approach has become the norm and the wannit wannit now brigade have weakened everything in and out of games.
I just don't believe the game is good enough value or DnD enough for me to fork out money. Maybe I am no economy expert and maybe the prices that would tempt me would be too cheap for the hardcore farmers. But a 15% offer won't even make my pocket twitch, let alone my wallet. AD are open to some debate, but Zen items 'cost' twice as much as they should in my opinion.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
However, I only spend money because I enjoy the game - if I stop enjoying it, my wallet will close automatically, and I fear that might happen with the changes being made to my favourite class (DC).
For now, I'm in a "wait and see" mood - I'll play Faywild and see if DCs are still viable for solo PvE play (big question with the changes to the hammer and sunburst), and...well...I just hope they will not take away my enjoyment.
I just hope they try to keep a broad approach and ALSO make stuff other people will want to get/play. And also realize that investing in the overall game keeps people here so they will actually bother blowing money on the vanity stuff.
The problem is that suits are notoriously bad at appreciating complex and indirect synergistic effects.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
A Proud Member Of THE 300 Guild - Tene's are nothing but P2W, Nerf or Remove please!
ONE oversight and now they can't go back due to the money put into those, so instead they keep ruining the classes based on chars loaded with these gamebreaking items. Ther other problem is that they DID NOT WIPE after Beta with its oodles of glitches and bugs (CN Farming in void space being a HUGE embarrassment netting countless players hundreds of millions of AD)..
I spent 1 hour testing new rogue changes on preview on target dummies and literally cried. Sly Flourish does next to no damage.. used to scale up some serious crits. The last 4 shots of CoS actually did some damage to mages kiting us.. the first 8 built the momentum needed to get the last off and critting. the sum total of it now (8 shots) is equal to 1-2 gloaming cuts or half of a bad lashing crit (non LA).
It feels like late punishment for mistakes that were made early on by the dev team. Man up. Say **** is wrong and wipe. I will gladly keep playing on an even field.
See...this is the problem...I don't give a **** about pvp but hey...as long as you pvp folk whine about something...pve suffers.