Honour is quite useless once you are geared. well I guess you can buy stuff to sell for AD. But the point I came to make is my current optimal pvp strat for the best rewards is not to come in sharp and win. Its to thow on some music and come in space cadet mode with no sense of time and not really care until four games pass without me noticing much.
Lol by the title I thought you were going to draw a parallel between how communism is an effort to make everyone equal, and that players on the forums are constantly begging devs to nerf this that and the other to bring all classes to equality.
In the end neither works b/c it will never be truly equal, and just like communism hurts the common citizen, constant nerfs hurt the common player. Those in power live lavishly, and those with the best items are always going to win regardless of nerfs.
Difference is players can choose to leave the "country" so you should be careful about this devs =P
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
The best way is to be absolutely rabid in attempts to get the three towers without any regard to whether you die or not. Knock down and kill as much as possible. There is no real penalty for death if your objective is to finish four rounds.
Honour is quite useless once you are geared. well I guess you can buy stuff to sell for AD. But the point I came to make is my current optimal pvp strat for the best rewards is not to come in sharp and win. Its to thow on some music and come in space cadet mode with no sense of time and not really care until four games pass without me noticing much.
You must be all of about 13, to have such a ridiculous statement like that, or an absolute brand new player.
PvP back in the day used to just be PvP. People did it for fun. There were no rewards, no titles, no loot. Only the sheer enjoyment of kicking someone elses a$$ in combat, and gaining a reputation for being a bad a$$ motherfu!!cker in the game.
You can sure tell the differance between the attitudes of nowaday mmo gamers, vs those of the UO/EQ 1 days.
You must be all of about 13, to have such a ridiculous statement like that, or an absolute brand new player.
PvP back in the day used to just be PvP. People did it for fun. There were no rewards, no titles, no loot. Only the sheer enjoyment of kicking someone elses a$$ in combat, and gaining a reputation for being a bad a$$ motherfu!!cker in the game.
You can sure tell the differance between the attitudes of nowaday mmo gamers, vs those of the UO/EQ 1 days.
I say gross@u kiddo
of course back in those days loot drops from mobs were worth going after, you didn't speed run everything and purposely skip most all content, you also couldn't simply purchase everything and you didn't have an auction house that allowed you to always be best equipped in all the best gear that the game had to offer for next to nothing
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited August 2013
I am a PvP carebear. I don't mind fighting other players, but I want everyone to have fun and be good sports.
You must be all of about 13, to have such a ridiculous statement like that, or an absolute brand new player.
PvP back in the day used to just be PvP. People did it for fun. There were no rewards, no titles, no loot. Only the sheer enjoyment of kicking someone elses a$$ in combat, and gaining a reputation for being a bad a$$ motherfu!!cker in the game.
You can sure tell the differance between the attitudes of nowaday mmo gamers, vs those of the UO/EQ 1 days.
I say gross@u kiddo
I'm not sure I agree. Yes is should be about enjoyment first, but it stands to reason that people who like pvp should be able to only pvp if they so choose. So you need to buy gear as you level and get xp. Why not have perks for people that are good at it? like titles and what not.
I'm not sure I agree. Yes is should be about enjoyment first, but it stands to reason that people who like pvp should be able to only pvp if they so choose. So you need to buy gear as you level and get xp. Why not have perks for people that are good at it? like titles and what not.
No no..I agree wholeheartidly. I enjoy having perks and enjoy the titles as much as the next guy. I just feel the people that are "only" complaining about not having this, or not having that, are missing the point of pvp altogether.
I also completely agree about people only wanting to PvP. I've even made a post about it in the past. Other then the extremely ungodly rare belt/ring that drops(I'm 1 for about 250 give or take), the PvP gear is an absolute joke. If they made actual PvP gear with actual pvp stats, i.e:resistances, negation to stun%, player made Pumice Stones etc, PvP would actually balance itself out in the long run, without actually messing with any of the current abilities of any of the class's. I would kill for an actual PvP earned Gear-Set thats worth a HAMSTER.......
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
In the end neither works b/c it will never be truly equal, and just like communism hurts the common citizen, constant nerfs hurt the common player. Those in power live lavishly, and those with the best items are always going to win regardless of nerfs.
Difference is players can choose to leave the "country" so you should be careful about this devs =P
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
You must be all of about 13, to have such a ridiculous statement like that, or an absolute brand new player.
PvP back in the day used to just be PvP. People did it for fun. There were no rewards, no titles, no loot. Only the sheer enjoyment of kicking someone elses a$$ in combat, and gaining a reputation for being a bad a$$ motherfu!!cker in the game.
You can sure tell the differance between the attitudes of nowaday mmo gamers, vs those of the UO/EQ 1 days.
I say gross@u kiddo
of course back in those days loot drops from mobs were worth going after, you didn't speed run everything and purposely skip most all content, you also couldn't simply purchase everything and you didn't have an auction house that allowed you to always be best equipped in all the best gear that the game had to offer for next to nothing
I know. I know. It's asking a lot.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I'm not sure I agree. Yes is should be about enjoyment first, but it stands to reason that people who like pvp should be able to only pvp if they so choose. So you need to buy gear as you level and get xp. Why not have perks for people that are good at it? like titles and what not.
No no..I agree wholeheartidly. I enjoy having perks and enjoy the titles as much as the next guy. I just feel the people that are "only" complaining about not having this, or not having that, are missing the point of pvp altogether.
I also completely agree about people only wanting to PvP. I've even made a post about it in the past. Other then the extremely ungodly rare belt/ring that drops(I'm 1 for about 250 give or take), the PvP gear is an absolute joke. If they made actual PvP gear with actual pvp stats, i.e:resistances, negation to stun%, player made Pumice Stones etc, PvP would actually balance itself out in the long run, without actually messing with any of the current abilities of any of the class's. I would kill for an actual PvP earned Gear-Set thats worth a HAMSTER.......
I agree. My feet are in a horribly calloused state....
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia