Whereas if Cryptic reduced the upgrade cost in AD then no-one with the Ioun Stone of Radiance would ever bother buying the Allure Stone, which would cost them a fair amount of AD / ZEN eventually.
Isn't it kind of a wash? Almost the same price to upgrade the radiance as to buy the allure?
The main advantage of the Radiance would be that all your alts that you aren't necessarily maxing out can at least have a green stone at no cost?
Didn't have the time to read all posts and I apologize, but can write my opinion :
Cat is better than stone.
Reasons :
1. at lvl 30 cat offers +200 deflect and stone offers almost nothing
2. the belt can offer offensive stats as well as defensive ones ... the poor icon thing can offer only offensive
... and yes, the designer of the cat MUST be feed to the cats (serious : study a common cat - it is cute, smiley faced, flatted nose - our looks like an ugleh dog and the description is saying "He's also adorable").
P.S. My cat's name is DOG
If you see this and have the answer - PM me or answer real quick because this post will be removed
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited February 2014
Let's assume that you upgrade both to epic, for this argument, as over time you will want best in slot.
First of all, stone's epic bonus is bugged (to the best of my knowledge).
Secondly, power isn't a great stat until everything else is at softcap, which limits that usefulness
Thirdly, there are tons of belts that can do all sorts of things to min/max and help you get your stats better.
Fourth, the stone gives no stat bonus - so while 200 deflect isn't wonderful, it matters
Fifth - 50% fall damage matters for the draco fight, where a lot of times a wing flap, or a hand launching you into the air, counts as fall damage. it has saved my life many times.
So while it may depend upon your build and class, in general cat>>>Stone
Let's assume that you upgrade both to epic, for this argument, as over time you will want best in slot.
First of all, stone's epic bonus is bugged (to the best of my knowledge).
Secondly, power isn't a great stat until everything else is at softcap, which limits that usefulness
Thirdly, there are tons of belts that can do all sorts of things to min/max and help you get your stats better.
Fourth, the stone gives no stat bonus - so while 200 deflect isn't wonderful, it matters
Fifth - 50% fall damage matters for the draco fight, where a lot of times a wing flap, or a hand launching you into the air, counts as fall damage. it has saved my life many times.
So while it may depend upon your build and class, in general cat>>>Stone
And on which stone you are talking about. radiance stone is much better than allure in many ways.
A Defense Runestone can provide a higher buff than an Offense one due to Eldritch Runestones. The percentage buff is going to be better (assuming similar Rank Runestones and slotted Enchantments) unless you have all green gear on the companion.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
A Defense Runestone can provide a higher buff than an Offense one due to Eldritch Runestones. The percentage buff is going to be better (assuming similar Rank Runestones and slotted Enchantments) unless you have all green gear on the companion.
Uh....are you sure? I am at work now, so I cannot check, but I have always thought the Eldritch rune stone only gave a percentage of the stone/cat base stats - not the additional stats from equipment you put in the item slots. I may be completely wrong, of course, and I am sure someone will correct me if that is the case.
This would be easy enough to check and if nobody beats me to this, I will do so when I get home.
Just got my Radiance stone. It has a belt slot rather than an icon slot. The icon slot thing must have been a mistake.
Was it reported as having an icon slot someplace? I only went by the tooltip which was posted and then added to the wiki, and that has always indicated that this is basically an account-wide Stone of Might with a different active bonus.
Was it reported as having an icon slot someplace? I only went by the tooltip which was posted and then added to the wiki, and that has always indicated that this is basically an account-wide Stone of Might with a different active bonus.
Yeah, pretty much everyone talking about it here seemed to think it uses an icon rather than belt.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited February 2014
Here, on the forums, or here, in this thread?
With this being such a necro, most of the posts in it are about the Allure stone, which does use an icon. I can't recall discussion of the perks of the Radiance stone revolving around it having an icon slot.
tesyraMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
My cat dies all the **** time
Wish id known that before blowing all those diamonds on it
And yes its a fugly HAMSTER, cant blame the devs for that, maybe theyve never been outside or seen a real cat, and i guess they also dont have the internet... wait wut
Consequently i prefer the ioun stone (actually i prefer my dire wolf over either of them, but he isnt an augment)
Isn't it kind of a wash? Almost the same price to upgrade the radiance as to buy the allure?
The main advantage of the Radiance would be that all your alts that you aren't necessarily maxing out can at least have a green stone at no cost?
Cat is better than stone.
Reasons :
1. at lvl 30 cat offers +200 deflect and stone offers almost nothing
2. the belt can offer offensive stats as well as defensive ones ... the poor icon thing can offer only offensive
... and yes, the designer of the cat MUST be feed to the cats
P.S. My cat's name is DOG
First of all, stone's epic bonus is bugged (to the best of my knowledge).
Secondly, power isn't a great stat until everything else is at softcap, which limits that usefulness
Thirdly, there are tons of belts that can do all sorts of things to min/max and help you get your stats better.
Fourth, the stone gives no stat bonus - so while 200 deflect isn't wonderful, it matters
Fifth - 50% fall damage matters for the draco fight, where a lot of times a wing flap, or a hand launching you into the air, counts as fall damage. it has saved my life many times.
So while it may depend upon your build and class, in general cat>>>Stone
Everything you need to know about CW:
And on which stone you are talking about. radiance stone is much better than allure in many ways.
Uh....are you sure? I am at work now, so I cannot check, but I have always thought the Eldritch rune stone only gave a percentage of the stone/cat base stats - not the additional stats from equipment you put in the item slots. I may be completely wrong, of course, and I am sure someone will correct me if that is the case.
This would be easy enough to check and if nobody beats me to this, I will do so when I get home.
Was it reported as having an icon slot someplace? I only went by the tooltip which was posted and then added to the wiki, and that has always indicated that this is basically an account-wide Stone of Might with a different active bonus.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Yeah, pretty much everyone talking about it here seemed to think it uses an icon rather than belt.
With this being such a necro, most of the posts in it are about the Allure stone, which does use an icon. I can't recall discussion of the perks of the Radiance stone revolving around it having an icon slot.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Wish id known that before blowing all those diamonds on it
And yes its a fugly HAMSTER, cant blame the devs for that, maybe theyve never been outside or seen a real cat, and i guess they also dont have the internet... wait wut
Consequently i prefer the ioun stone (actually i prefer my dire wolf over either of them, but he isnt an augment)