And her boy friend on the same network doesnt disconect at all.
Interesting, is it possible ask them to post their DxDiag info and network card/motherboard model ?
EDIT : Hm, I'll be trying one last thing. I use virtual machines on my computer and the virtual box bridge sometimes messes with my internet connection. I'll try to disable it, this is always worth a try. Try asking your friend if she has virtualbox/vmware network interfaces enabled on her computer. ^^'
I would ask them there computer specs but i am not sure if they would want me putting them on this forum.
I will ask but thats all i can do for you mate .
I would ask them there computer specs but i am not sure if they would want me putting them on this forum.
I will ask but thats all i can do for you mate .
Thanks for asking.
By the way, the most personal things that would show up on a dxdiag file would be the computer's name and the name of the media partitions (hard-drive, dvd-drive...).
Nothing sensitive such as IP, mac addresses, file content, registry or installed softwares are displayed on this report file. This is not an HijackThis report.
By the way, the most personal things that would show up on a dxdiag file would be the computer's name and the name of the media partitions (hard-drive, dvd-drive...).
Nothing sensitive such as IP, mac addresses, file content, registry or installed softwares are displayed on this report file. This is not an HijackThis report.
I know i work in the IT hehe.
But you know if people dont want there computer name and hardware to be know then i must respect that ^^.
But you know if people dont want there computer name and hardware to be know then i must respect that ^^.
Sure you can't force them and I am not asking you to. I was only explaining that nothing sensitive was displayed on this report and, if sent directly to the PW team, their privacy would be strictly respected.
So do I. Software engineer/developper here. This is quite frustrating since this kind of issues always happen to me during the public holiday.
Sure you can't force them and I am not asking you to. I was only explaining that nothing sensitive was displayed on this report and, if sent directly to the PW team, their privacy would be strictly respected.
Worst of all : the weather sucks hard today.
Seems like allot is not going the way it should, here in the Netherlands its nice outside, some sunshine nice tempurture (like 27c).
Something like 6c here in Switzerland. And have to rewrite the whole post because this board doesn't seem to like the degree character.
Well, I disabled all the bridge network interfaces in the windows network properties and in my main network interfaces properties. I've been able to play an hour without getting DC (the max I've been able to play earlier was 15min).
I don't know if it has anything to do with the issue, but it seemed to help in my case. I'll post later to let you know if I get this problem again.
Well as i mentioned before, a black out of the internet (can be network wide or just pc related) is 75% coused by having packed loss, this happents when the bridge inbetween point A and B is broken for what ever reason.
Then the network (modem) or pc (network card) wants to get the missing packed before getting the next packed (for ppl that arnt like you and me say like packed number 10001 was the last one you got, and number 10002 got lossed because it couldnt be sent to the destenation and number 10003 is waiting to be accepted then it makes it wait untill it will get number 10002, because number 10002 is only sent out 1 time it can't seem to find it anymore and that will couse it to be a tempelary black out (aka restart of the system))
Allot of times when packed loss happens is when ether you use wireless netwerk or when your down/upload (from the provider) has some problems. With wireless networks in this case it can easly happen when other products like mobile phones interupt the single thats being sent from off the modem.
I know you are in the IT aswell and you probably know this aswell, that we all know that humans forget things from time to time so i hope this can also help you understand that it could happen around the erea you are.
Also if one of the admins read this please fix my forum account so that i dont have to wait in order to make topics.
I love to help you (perfect world ent.) to improve the game with reporting bugs i come across inside of the game D&D Neverwinter.
At this point i got one bug report regading MOB routing, as this is a topic that is not related to this in anyway i will not make a big post about this to explain what the bug is.
Same issue, have not found any temporary fixes yet. As soon as I log in to the game and load into town I get the red countdown of doom.
sinntzuMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
I don't have the same issue but I have noticed sometimes after playing Neverwinter I can't connect to the launcher/login servers until I manually restart my router. Seemed interesting enough to mention but my problem is fixable and does not impede gameplay (yet). Haven't tried with recent game updates to see if the problem persists.
Just out of curiosity, are the people that are experiencing this issue also experiencing the same problem with other online games?
As mentioned, it's worth contacting ISPs and complaining. They can check connection integrity and might find faulty or outdated hardware on their end. I recently contacted my ISP about spontaneous connection freezes and the technician they sent out told me their hardware was causing packet loss.
Shed by the winged beast of the night,
A scaly frost-encrusted thorn,
All who feel its wintry light
Shiver in pain at the frozen dawn.
zerowaitMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
check your local firewall settings. Its probably Akamai networks causes this (I assume the Client uses Akamai tho)
check your local firewall settings. Its probably Akamai networks causes this (I assume the Client uses Akamai tho)
Not to try and insult you but this hasnt anything to do with this, it could but its not the main issue.
I said it already before (dont think ppl read the whole topic to try to find a solution but right away say that they also have the problem but just want to wait untill a person replys on them when its already been answered)
Again no disrespect so sorry if you do feel like this.
The following 2 quotes where directed to a person, it might sound like i am talking to you as in a main but it was ment to talk to another person.
The information stays the same to help other poeple with it.
A friend of mine has the same problem but she only seem to have it during when she is connected with wireless internet.
And her boy friend on the same network doesnt disconect at all.
So if most of the players with this problem are using wireless try and put an cable in your laptop (or PC) and see if that helps.
I think this game has allot of micro packs sent witch will be interupted by the smalest interuption (wireless always keeps getting interuped by other singals that being sent truth the line of connection).
Well as i mentioned before, a black out of the internet (can be network wide or just pc related) is 75% coused by having packed loss, this happents when the bridge inbetween point A and B is broken for what ever reason.
Then the network (modem) or pc (network card) wants to get the missing packed before getting the next packed (for ppl that arnt like you and me say like packed number 10001 was the last one you got, and number 10002 got lossed because it couldnt be sent to the destenation and number 10003 is waiting to be accepted then it makes it wait untill it will get number 10002, because number 10002 is only sent out 1 time it can't seem to find it anymore and that will couse it to be a tempelary black out (aka restart of the system))
Allot of times when packed loss happens is when ether you use wireless netwerk or when your down/upload (from the provider) has some problems. With wireless networks in this case it can easly happen when other products like mobile phones interupt the single thats being sent from off the modem.
I know you are in the IT aswell and you probably know this aswell, that we all know that humans forget things from time to time so i hope this can also help you understand that it could happen around the erea you are.
I had this happen to me anytime I tried to connect to a party. The only thing I found out after many talks with game and internet people was to unplug router and completely shut down my computer and do a reboot on both. Has worked for me so far.
I had this happen to me anytime I tried to connect to a party. The only thing I found out after many talks with game and internet people was to unplug router and completely shut down my computer and do a reboot on both. Has worked for me so far.
That is one of the things that will work for for a while but is not a full fix.
This will stabelize your network and make the connection inbetween point A and B stronger (because its resetted).
So yea a good one, but restarting the computer has nothing to do with it.
Allot of poeple say this as an easy way to sound that they know something about the subject but its not something that works.
In a scale of that retarting your computer works is a 2 out of 10.
And connecting with a internet cable and not wireless is a 9 out of 10 fix (reason why 9/10 is because i am not 100% sure at this point if its a problem only with wireless).
So there are some people with same issue huh? Do all of you using time wanner? I did everything you guy did advice in all 11 pages and also call to the customer support to had them check everything if it is ok. Try another online game for few hours before make sure that the issue come from this game only. It is just random, sometime can play for 1 or 2 hours but some time just can play for 5 minutes. I think just ignore this game and come back after few month to see if they fix the issue.
I am experiencing the same issue. It just started last night after a short break. The game runs fine for up to 20 minutes. But as soon as I enter a group dungeon or a PvP match I get disconnected. My whole PC loses internet for 1-10 minutes. I don't believe it has anything to do with my router or ISP because none of the other devices I use get disconnected. I can still play several other MMO's fine without experiencing this connection problem. So I KNOW it exclusively occurs when playing Neverwinter. I'd like to understand what causes this issue. If anyone could give me accurate information on why this happens please let me know.
I am having this same problem. Tried the fixes suggested - thank you to those who are trying to actually be helpful. Only posting now to add to the number of different people saying they have this GAME problem for their internet connection, so the "know-it-alls" who are blaming our computers/modems etc will stfu
The problem is with Neverwinter. It is ONLY with Neverwinter.
I just wanted to say, that when i get disconnected, other devices connected to the router still work normally. My computer says its connected too, but wont load anything in the browser. I think the game only glitches something in the computer, not the router... maybe.
I just wanted to say, that when i get disconnected, other devices connected to the router still work normally. My computer says its connected too, but wont load anything in the browser. I think the game only glitches something in the computer, not the router... maybe.
OK, a friend showed me this, hasn't dc-d within 2 minutes like before :P, already 10 minutes in game (y), guess it was my sided.
* edit: Nvm, still disconnected, but doesnt kill my internet anymore... lol... well, i hope some of my little adventure here will give any clues of whats going on, peace.
This has started happening to me as well. It started with the patch before last (previous to NW.1.20130416a.19).
Game randomly hangs with a server not responding. Once disconnected it kills my LAN controller, and you have to disable it and enable it (quicker than troubleshooting diagnostic) to get it back on the network.
This has, as far as I can tell, nothing to do with the router as other equipment was connected as normal Netflix was streaming at the last disconnect and it was not interrupted.
I've not had this issue with other games or services on my PC such as p2p services or Netflix. So it would indicate an issue with Neverwinter. Since it only started happening a little while ago I would guess it was something added to or changed in a patch. As I levelled to 30 without any issues.
I am a Founder and levelled to 60 BEFORE open beta and this never happened to me during the 5 day headstart. About 2 patches ago it started. Now I cant even group. I've gone from tanking epics before the game opened, to crafting if I'm lucky. This bug was very likely patched in.
atavism1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
As Finovarius described, I'm pretty sure this problem is caused by certain firewalls interpreting some quirk of Neverwinters packet handling as an attack.
-I would frequently get a "server not responding" error lasting for a minute of more at a time.
- During this time, the internet connection was interrupted across the entire LAN.
- This ONLY ever occurred while Neverwinter was running. Other games that require a stable, low-latency connection worked fine.
- The problem appears to have stopped, or at least vastly reduced, as soon as I disabled the DoS attack prevention in my modems firewall.
- The modem in question is a Netgear N300 modem/router
Cryptic, if you are still listening after 12 pages, this is a temporary workaround at best. I should NOT, under any circumstances need to disable my security in order to play a game. This is a standard security feature in a respected brand of modem. The fact that I need to do disable it is a fault in the game, not the modem.
I just wanted to say, that when i get disconnected, other devices connected to the router still work normally.
Different firewalls will respond to the problem differently. Some will just drop individual packets, some will block a single computers access, and others will simply shut off internet dataflow altogether until the "attack" stops.
This happens to me as well, it seems to be after or during when your in the main city hub, i now try to avoid it but means im a level 30 with level 19 gear as i cant go near the main city hub.
Wait for fixing, but I can see hundreds of bugs request don't know when they will have a look at this topic, so at least me and about 10 more people can't play this game.
That is one of the things that will work for for a while but is not a full fix.
This will stabelize your network and make the connection inbetween point A and B stronger (because its resetted).
So yea a good one, but restarting the computer has nothing to do with it.
The big thing about restarting your computer is it closes down all background programs that my be running on your bandwidth. If you are pushing close to your max bandwidth your router can handle on one output and than a program (Neverwinter or something else) asks for more it just cant do it.
Interesting, is it possible ask them to post their DxDiag info and network card/motherboard model ?
EDIT : Hm, I'll be trying one last thing. I use virtual machines on my computer and the virtual box bridge sometimes messes with my internet connection. I'll try to disable it, this is always worth a try. Try asking your friend if she has virtualbox/vmware network interfaces enabled on her computer. ^^'
I will ask but thats all i can do for you mate
By the way, the most personal things that would show up on a dxdiag file would be the computer's name and the name of the media partitions (hard-drive, dvd-drive...).
Nothing sensitive such as IP, mac addresses, file content, registry or installed softwares are displayed on this report file. This is not an HijackThis report.
I know
But you know if people dont want there computer name and hardware to be know then i must respect that ^^.
Sure you can't force them and I am not asking you to. I was only explaining that nothing sensitive was displayed on this report and, if sent directly to the PW team, their privacy would be strictly respected.
Worst of all : the weather sucks hard today.
Seems like allot is not going the way it should, here in the Netherlands its nice outside, some sunshine nice tempurture (like 27c).
Well, I disabled all the bridge network interfaces in the windows network properties and in my main network interfaces properties. I've been able to play an hour without getting DC (the max I've been able to play earlier was 15min).
I don't know if it has anything to do with the issue, but it seemed to help in my case. I'll post later to let you know if I get this problem again.
Then the network (modem) or pc (network card) wants to get the missing packed before getting the next packed (for ppl that arnt like you and me say like packed number 10001 was the last one you got, and number 10002 got lossed because it couldnt be sent to the destenation and number 10003 is waiting to be accepted then it makes it wait untill it will get number 10002, because number 10002 is only sent out 1 time it can't seem to find it anymore and that will couse it to be a tempelary black out (aka restart of the system))
Allot of times when packed loss happens is when ether you use wireless netwerk or when your down/upload (from the provider) has some problems. With wireless networks in this case it can easly happen when other products like mobile phones interupt the single thats being sent from off the modem.
I know you are in the IT aswell and you probably know this aswell, that we all know that humans forget things from time to time so i hope this can also help you understand that it could happen around the erea you are.
I love to help you (perfect world ent.) to improve the game with reporting bugs i come across inside of the game D&D Neverwinter.
At this point i got one bug report regading MOB routing, as this is a topic that is not related to this in anyway i will not make a big post about this to explain what the bug is.
So again please make me able to create topics :P.
Just out of curiosity, are the people that are experiencing this issue also experiencing the same problem with other online games?
As mentioned, it's worth contacting ISPs and complaining. They can check connection integrity and might find faulty or outdated hardware on their end. I recently contacted my ISP about spontaneous connection freezes and the technician they sent out told me their hardware was causing packet loss.
A scaly frost-encrusted thorn,
All who feel its wintry light
Shiver in pain at the frozen dawn.
I said it already before (dont think ppl read the whole topic to try to find a solution but right away say that they also have the problem but just want to wait untill a person replys on them when its already been answered)
Again no disrespect so sorry if you do feel like this.
The following 2 quotes where directed to a person, it might sound like i am talking to you as in a main but it was ment to talk to another person.
The information stays the same to help other poeple with it.
That is one of the things that will work for for a while but is not a full fix.
This will stabelize your network and make the connection inbetween point A and B stronger (because its resetted).
So yea a good one, but restarting the computer has nothing to do with it.
Allot of poeple say this as an easy way to sound that they know something about the subject but its not something that works.
In a scale of that retarting your computer works is a 2 out of 10.
And connecting with a internet cable and not wireless is a 9 out of 10 fix (reason why 9/10 is because i am not 100% sure at this point if its a problem only with wireless).
The problem is with Neverwinter. It is ONLY with Neverwinter.
I just wanted to say, that when i get disconnected, other devices connected to the router still work normally. My computer says its connected too, but wont load anything in the browser. I think the game only glitches something in the computer, not the router... maybe.
OK, a friend showed me this, hasn't dc-d within 2 minutes like before :P, already 10 minutes in game (y), guess it was my sided.
* edit: Nvm, still disconnected, but doesnt kill my internet anymore... lol... well, i hope some of my little adventure here will give any clues of whats going on, peace.
Game randomly hangs with a server not responding. Once disconnected it kills my LAN controller, and you have to disable it and enable it (quicker than troubleshooting diagnostic) to get it back on the network.
This has, as far as I can tell, nothing to do with the router as other equipment was connected as normal Netflix was streaming at the last disconnect and it was not interrupted.
I've not had this issue with other games or services on my PC such as p2p services or Netflix. So it would indicate an issue with Neverwinter. Since it only started happening a little while ago I would guess it was something added to or changed in a patch. As I levelled to 30 without any issues.
-I would frequently get a "server not responding" error lasting for a minute of more at a time.
- During this time, the internet connection was interrupted across the entire LAN.
- This ONLY ever occurred while Neverwinter was running. Other games that require a stable, low-latency connection worked fine.
- The problem appears to have stopped, or at least vastly reduced, as soon as I disabled the DoS attack prevention in my modems firewall.
- The modem in question is a Netgear N300 modem/router
Cryptic, if you are still listening after 12 pages, this is a temporary workaround at best. I should NOT, under any circumstances need to disable my security in order to play a game. This is a standard security feature in a respected brand of modem. The fact that I need to do disable it is a fault in the game, not the modem.
Different firewalls will respond to the problem differently. Some will just drop individual packets, some will block a single computers access, and others will simply shut off internet dataflow altogether until the "attack" stops.
The big thing about restarting your computer is it closes down all background programs that my be running on your bandwidth. If you are pushing close to your max bandwidth your router can handle on one output and than a program (Neverwinter or something else) asks for more it just cant do it.