iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2012
The problem is while elewyndyl's math is correct, pivitol key events in 1380 before the Spellplague are used in the chrolology, when the count continues in its 100-year march then. While never 100% accurate in conflicting sources, it should have always said about a century had past...
Tabletop officially Sanctioned campaigns' (EG RPGA) DR is 1480 (the Year of "Deep Water Drifting") for the present day in the Realms:
Several human assassins, led by a Cyricist priestess and bolstered by a number of barbazu, attack Lasparhall in Thentia in an attempt to assassinate the rightful ruling family of Hulburg, the Hulmasters. Harmach Grigor Hulmaster is slain, but the rest of the family survives. Shortly before Grigor's funeral, Geran Hulmaster is named Lord Hulmaster.[1]
In retaliation for the attack against his family, Geran Hulmaster travels in secret to Hulburg and secures the aid of Sarth Khul Riizar. Together, the two enter the Temple of the Wronged Prince and defeat Valdarsel, the priest who ordered the Hulmasters' assassinations.[1]
The RashemiwitchYaraella is murdered by the WychlarenSree and her death made to look like a suicide because Yaraella refused to join the Wychlaren.[3]
1480 DR in politics
After freeing the town from the tyranny of Rhovann Disarnnyl and his allies, Geran Hulmaster steps down as Lord Hulmaster. Young Natali Hulmaster, Geran's cousin is named the new Harmach, with Kara Hulmaster acting as regent until Natali comes of age.[1]
This year is incorrectly labeled the Year of the Dark Daughter in several sources, including the "Backdrop: Suzail" article in Dungeon #198. Alaundo's Roll of Years correctly identifies it as the Year of Deep Water Drifting.
Just a reminder that this DR isn't done yet, and Living Forgotten Realms events may update this timeline a little more as sanctioned convention events are played and their feedaback on what happened is turned in.
As for when this MMO takes place specifically, I'm not 100% positive, as the Neverwinter Campaign Setting was released last summer (August) 2011, and it's not 100% clear when the timeline (from then to now) was "set to continue" if we're even using that timeline and not ealier. But if we go by DR to real time translation for the book to "present day," it can be from anytime from 1479-1480 DR.
I'll see if we can get a confirmation when it takes place.
In the end, I hope to see mentions in Neverwinter Online of our favorite NPCs and their offspring. I hope also to be able to interact with some of them as well.
Yeah agree on that! In addition to meet those NPC I would like this kind of content to be seen:
I want horror theme and nudity(see video that is teen rated nudity that be allowed into the game even if it is not rated for mature): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6yzQlJeBkQ
and endgame like this: 1. Powerprogression that takes very long time though it does not need to take forever. 2. 10 people raids in future no need to stress to create them for release. 3. PvP battlegrounds and not simple arena.. I like battleground maps. Yeah no huge system requirements so I would be pleased with 5vs5 and 10 vs 10 PvP maps for example. For those who do not know what Battleground is it is an instance area could have forest etc... Hopefully PvP will support also Capture The Flag and not only deathmatch. 4. Horror monsters and also other shapeshifters then Werewolves... Doppleganger is like a monster from the Thing movie that can kill and eat its victim and then shapeshift into the Victim.
Please also a Succubus that shows HAMSTER like in Mature rated content. Witcher 2 had nymphs as fantasy monsters also and it sure had nudity.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2012
I really want to see a playable version of this (see the screen playing behind them). I'm a big fan of combining melee with teleportation. I know the Control Wizard gets a short-range teleport; I hope there's a Rogue build or something that uses teleports like that.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I really want to see a playable version of this (see the screen playing behind them). I'm a big fan of combining melee with teleportation. I know the Control Wizard gets a short-range teleport; I hope there's a Rogue build or something that uses teleports like that.
"Pocket" the interviewers wish to play a Healer class like Cleric will become true. Unfortunately you are only looking at trailer graphics and sorry ingame graphics are not close to that standard.
Of course it would be nice to see some actual gameplay video that is not labeled Alpha, but do not hold your breath about trailers graphics as gameplay graphics or you will becoma a ghost that hunts in vain these forums. Trailers graphics are very nice but with this free game budget no way it will happen as gameplay graphics.
Have you seen WOW trailer graphics in 2004? They looked great, but real gameplay graphics is unfortunately many times not same standard as trailer graphics.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
"Pocket" the interviewers wish to play a Healer class like Cleric will become true. Unfortunately you are only looking at trailer graphics and sorry ingame graphics are not close to that standard.
Of course it would be nice to see some actual gameplay video that is not labeled Alpha, but do not hold your breath about trailers graphics as gameplay graphics or you will becoma a ghost that hunts in vain these forums. Trailers graphics are very nice but with this free game budget no way it will happen as gameplay graphics.
Have you seen WOW trailer graphics in 2004? They looked great, but real gameplay graphics is unfortunately many times not same standard as trailer graphics.
Oh, I wasn't talking about the graphics. I know it won't look like that. I'm talking about the ability to teleport across the battlefield, to stab an enemy. That is certainly possible to implement, if they wish to.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh, I wasn't talking about the graphics. I know it won't look like that. I'm talking about the ability to teleport across the battlefield, to stab an enemy. That is certainly possible to implement, if they wish to.
Ah ok yeah that could be possible in theory. Anway while you did not ask about it Nevewinter Beta will start sometimes during year 2013(currently BETA is scheduled for "early" 2013 whatever that might mean exact date for Beta has not been told)... so then we will see how Beta graphics looks. Even if people would not join Beta I am sure some videos would be posted on youtube.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2012
I'll say this: besides the first two trailers and Neverwinter Story trailer at the very beginning, every video has been actual gameplay. That shows promise and it looks gorgeous!
Secondly, I have paid attention to the rogue movements: your regular dodging looks like tumbling, but there are several powers (both at will, and up to daily) that *poof* you from one spot behind the enemy granting combat advantage. Some of them are a misdirection like a puff of smoke distraction, but the daily power is no less you popping in and out of the Shadowfell 'Porting between realms to backstab your ebemy and it looks sweet!
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited November 2012
Heh Craig said his favorite so far was the rogue and it shows, it gets played in almost all their demo videos, and I gotta say, it does look pretty dang HAMSTER.
And to go further ahead closer to the present date when done, hit the previous link, not next. There has been LOADS of stuff introduced since September 1'st, including the Drow Lore just a few days ago!
I'll say this: besides the first two trailers and Neverwinter Story trailer at the very beginning, every video has been actual gameplay. That shows promise and it looks gorgeous!
Here we go again. Same thing happens in GW2 forums they claim graphics is super gorgeous even though it only support Direct X9 graphics. GW2 world design(I mean nice views cities, landscape etc.) is nice and close to GW2 lore, but that does not make graphics gorgeous.
You know I have not seen gorgeous MMO graphics since Age of Conan and it had even nudity HAMSTER in the beginning when released.
It is not all about graphics. I played WOW for 3.5 years and it was not because of super nice graphics. Basically if there is one MMO that impressed me with gorgeous graphics then it was Age of Conan. Age of Conan supported Direct X10 when released and back then Direct X 11 really did not exist. Direct X11 look basically same as Direct X10, but it has much better performance. Age of Conan Direct X9(it does support also Direct X9 and Windows XP) look better for me then Guild Wars 2 graphics or this game.
That said of what I have seen. For a free game(those usually have HAMSTER graphics) this game looks excellent! As compared to other paid games well I would say graphics looks good enough, but also I don't want to look down on GW2 graphics I do admit GW2 graphics looks good enough and better then WOW graphics. As for Neverwinter there are maybe some slight problems with fluid animation and movement in early videos, but that is not odd since those were labeled pre alpha.
I don't wish for super record breaking graphics that beat AOC graphics, but I do wish for Mature rated content such as violent action, horror and nudity.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
It's been said multiple times their video recorder drops the resolution amd movement speed a lot so that answers the animation issues of it being "jerky" as they have frequently said. I can't say about mature content, but I can say it's not all about the graphics, just nice to see low res graphics that still look lovely too!
It's been said multiple times their video recorder drops the resolution amd movement speed a lot so that answers the animation issues of it being "jerky" as they have frequently said. I can't say about mature content, but I can say it's not all about the graphics, just nice to see low res graphics that still look lovely too!
Wishes like support for decent/good looking low/mid end resolutions also scale well with system requirements. I usually don't go for ultra high end resolution 1366*768 resolution is good enough for me and that is suppored by my low/mid end gaming laptop as native resolution that I bought during Q1/2012. Sometimes I also rarely play games through my 42 inch HD TV, but once again 1366*768 which is the official HD ready resolution is supported.
Of course it is good to support also high end resolutions for example full HD 1920*1028 resolution or better is often popular by many gamers.
More important wish is that this games does not do as Guild Wars 2 that have huge fights involving several hundreds of people! Yes it sounds lovely, but that comes at a cost that CPU requirements unreasonable high. GW2 the Mist PvP is absolutely not playable with dual core Desktops or almost any gaming laptop except maybe some really expensive laptop.
I don't wish for 800*600 resolution, but I do wish that we do not have fights that involves hundreds of people. Guild Wars 2 official system requirement might only hold true if you play 5 people Structured PvP or a 5 player Dungeon.
In this way that FOUNDRY creates content for max 5 players is actually a blessing for system requirements. Oh and I am not some noob that uses a laptop with HAMSTER intregrated Intel graphiccard(even Intel 4000 used by IVY CPU is not so good as my graphiccard). I do have a decent gaming laptop for many other games including WOW and Witcher 2.
rathuraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited December 2012
I feel like this should be said:
The world of Toril is indeed vast and Faerun is quite large as well. Introducing the Forgotten Realms to the world of mmorpgs is a fantastic step. I just hope the developers or whoever makes these decisions can see the potential epic content that could be introduced here... Neverwinter is one city in a vast world (which is only one world in a universe with mutliple realms... lol). This can achieved via expansions.
A very good idea I wish to submit in some form is that there are many deities of Toril. It would be awesome if a few temples (only a few, the common ones) were made, and in some way a few quests and such for various deities were added. Again, expansions would work for this too. It's just a nice touch that RPers and even non RPers might enjoy.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
GW2 the Mist PvP is absolutely not playable with dual core Desktops
This is absolutely not true.
And if they want to support high end resolutions it'd better go higher than 1920 by 1080
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2012
I would love to see some epic temples in Neverwinter. Not the drab, confined and unacceptably standard temples we received from NWN but maybe something more along what we have seen in games such as Assassin's Creed.
While we do have to consider that NW is a shattrered shell of her former self and in need of much repair after the eruption of Mount Hotenow some of the most important things to repair in the Forgotten Realms would be temples to the gods.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
After trying out TERA, and comparing its action gameplay to DDO's, here are the biggest things I want from Neverwinter's gameplay:
1. True FPS-style mouselook controls, like DDO has. That means that, in mouselook mode, A and D are true strafes: they don't turn the character to run that way, instead the character always looks where the mouse pointer is, and they sidestep. And S is back up, by actually walking backwards, not turning around to face the camera.
2. Full independence of movement from attack animations. In DDO, weapon attacks do not slow or hinder your movement at all (spells do, by slowing you down a bit). In TERA, if you're attacking, you can't really move, unless the attack has a movement built in to it.
Because of these two things, I find DDO's action-gameplay more fun. I can maneuver as I wish, to circle around my enemy, or try to keep multiple enemies bottled up trying to reach me. In TERA, that doesn't seem possible. The big thing TERA has is more reactive use of abilities; your timing of ability use matters more. DDO's engine is much less reactive to dodging attacks.
Ideally, from Neverwinter, I'd like to see the best of both styles. But FPS-style controls is really the easiest thing to do, compared to a low-latency engine, yet every action-RPG seems to lack them.
Other thing I like better in DDO is its breadth of character build options. In TERA, it seems like the only thing you can do to customize your character is gear, and "glyphs" which are basically gear that enhance your abilities that you get essentially automatically by leveling. Although DDO isn't perfect either, as there are a ton of newbie traps in building characters, even for experienced 3.5 players, and respecs are expensive. For example, Toughness is considered mandatory for all characters (especially Rogues and Wizards/Sorcerers) by virtually all end-game players, whereas it's a joke feat in PnP, and swapping feats at level 20 costs a lot more than a new player can afford, after the first free swap per character.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
After trying out TERA, and comparing its action gameplay to DDO's, here are the biggest things I want from Neverwinter's gameplay:
1. True FPS-style mouselook controls, like DDO has. That means that, in mouselook mode, A and D are true strafes: they don't turn the character to run that way, instead the character always looks where the mouse pointer is, and they sidestep. And S is back up, by actually walking backwards, not turning around to face the camera.
2. Full independence of movement from attack animations. In DDO, weapon attacks do not slow or hinder your movement at all (spells do, by slowing you down a bit). In TERA, if you're attacking, you can't really move, unless the attack has a movement built in to it.
Because of these two things, I find DDO's action-gameplay more fun. I can maneuver as I wish, to circle around my enemy, or try to keep multiple enemies bottled up trying to reach me. In TERA, that doesn't seem possible. The big thing TERA has is more reactive use of abilities; your timing of ability use matters more. DDO's engine is much less reactive to dodging attacks.
Ideally, from Neverwinter, I'd like to see the best of both styles. But FPS-style controls is really the easiest thing to do, compared to a low-latency engine, yet every action-RPG seems to lack them.
Other thing I like better in DDO is its breadth of character build options. In TERA, it seems like the only thing you can do to customize your character is gear, and "glyphs" which are basically gear that enhance your abilities that you get essentially automatically by leveling. Although DDO isn't perfect either, as there are a ton of newbie traps in building characters, even for experienced 3.5 players, and respecs are expensive. For example, Toughness is considered mandatory for all characters (especially Rogues and Wizards/Sorcerers) by virtually all end-game players, whereas it's a joke feat in PnP, and swapping feats at level 20 costs a lot more than a new player can afford, after the first free swap per character.
Dunno about strafing, but what we've seen/demoed is movement is all but mandatory in certain cases not to get hit when attacking. Oh sure, there are exceptions where sustained powers root you (the wizard's ray of frost for example,) but movement is key when fighting.
I'm a little more nervous at launch with only four classes and one build per class so far, but we will see.
As for DDO Toughness, couldn't you afford the swap sometime before you make the transition from regular to Epic (L 20) for Toughness if you newbied the feat anyway? The shard cost I don't thik is too high...but it's been so long since I did that.
Dunno about strafing, but what we've seen/demoed is movement is all but mandatory in certain cases not to get hit when attacking. Oh sure, there are exceptions where sustained powers root you (the wizard's ray of frost for example,) but movement is key when fighting.
I know there's big special attacks to avoid, but what I like in DDO is that I can move, at will, while attacking, and gain benefit even when there isn't some special attack to dodge, but to manage taking on groups of enemies.
My general sense is that in DDO, movement provides an organic benefit to combat tactics, whenever I'm dealing with multiple enemies, whereas in TERA, there are clearly defined "get ready to move... NOW!" moments. I like both; TERA's approach is good when dealing with single monsters, since in DDO, movement doesn't help much at all there. I think Neverwinter could have both approaches, quite easily.
As for DDO Toughness, couldn't you afford the swap sometime before you make the transition from regular to Epic (L 20) for Toughness if you newbied the feat anyway? The shard cost I don't thik is too high...but it's been so long since I did that.
You can, but it's also not hard for a newbie to get to 16 (where the price jumps) before realizing that he has a problem, since that's also where he's likely to start the real Raids.
I enjoy the leveling. Once I reach the end game, I am pretty much done with an MMO. I hope they do not fast track the leveling so everyone is max level in a short time. I do not know how to avoid this, but once most characters are maxed out then starting a new character feels very lonely. Everyone is maxed so there are no new players and the zones are empty. Perhaps expansions that not only add end game or up the max level but create new beginner zones will entice players to start new characters.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Wishes like support for decent/good looking low/mid end resolutions also scale well with system requirements. I usually don't go for ultra high end resolution 1366*768 resolution is good enough for me and that is suppored by my low/mid end gaming laptop as native resolution that I bought during Q1/2012. Sometimes I also rarely play games through my 42 inch HD TV, but once again 1366*768 which is the official HD ready resolution is supported.
Of course it is good to support also high end resolutions for example full HD 1920*1028 resolution or better is often popular by many gamers.
More important wish is that this games does not do as Guild Wars 2 that have huge fights involving several hundreds of people! Yes it sounds lovely, but that comes at a cost that CPU requirements unreasonable high. GW2 the Mist PvP is absolutely not playable with dual core Desktops or almost any gaming laptop except maybe some really expensive laptop.
I don't wish for 800*600 resolution, but I do wish that we do not have fights that involves hundreds of people. Guild Wars 2 official system requirement might only hold true if you play 5 people Structured PvP or a 5 player Dungeon.
In this way that FOUNDRY creates content for max 5 players is actually a blessing for system requirements. Oh and I am not some noob that uses a laptop with HAMSTER intregrated Intel graphiccard(even Intel 4000 used by IVY CPU is not so good as my graphiccard). I do have a decent gaming laptop for many other games including WOW and Witcher 2.
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I didn't want to sift through 54 pages of thread to find it (made it about half way through).
I know the Foundry content is supposed to be for groups of 5 only. As a RPer, it would be amazing if they eventually allowed some of static "built" areas. The more obvious example would be guild headquarters, which anyone in the guild would have access to (and perhaps anyone grouped with them) continually.
Other ways it can be used is for other RP events... but the problem is, with a max of five, and no persistent zone (Such as, one group of 5 goes in, when another group of 5 goes in it will be in a different instance) it will be hard to use the Foundry for these sort of things.
I hope that made sense, I haven't had any coffee yet this morning.
I'd like to see player housing. 54 Pages is a lot to sift through, and if it's been mentioned already....apologies.
Either single player housing or guild halls. I'd even shell out cash for items to stock said housing with. GREAT money sink, PW.
Edit: I'd also like the ability to "build" said housing myself. Please no premade lots like in champions online. Something more along the lines of city of heroes, please. Vertical placement. Rotation of items. Stairwells to reach secondary levels. That sort of thing.
Also, I'd hope to see the typical "fighter, dps, healer" stuff done away with. If a team of all healers wants to do missions/quests/etc., they should be able to.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I didn't want to sift through 54 pages of thread to find it (made it about half way through).
I know the Foundry content is supposed to be for groups of 5 only. As a RPer, it would be amazing if they eventually allowed some of static "built" areas. The more obvious example would be guild headquarters, which anyone in the guild would have access to (and perhaps anyone grouped with them) continually.
Other ways it can be used is for other RP events... but the problem is, with a max of five, and no persistent zone (Such as, one group of 5 goes in, when another group of 5 goes in it will be in a different instance) it will be hard to use the Foundry for these sort of things.
I hope that made sense, I haven't had any coffee yet this morning.
I don't know where you got your info but Foundry is NOT for Five players only. User Generated content can be for one to five players. Events are not only for five people groups either. Depending on the event, it can be a whole group of people in contests, or a brief onslaught of mobs of monsters. The five person thing only you speak of is called a Delve and often is at the end of a zone's official missions and is repeatable. So far it looks like this is only 5-person but I know people are petitioning for it to just be any number of multi-player characters to do.
Hey what wrong with being a healbot.... On the odd occasion I roll a cleric it's so I can heal my guildies and I love just staying back and spamming heals while they do all the work lol
Being a healing healbot is fun ! What better way to pike than rolling a cleric or a bard ......snicker
I don't know where you got your info but Foundry is NOT for Five players only. User Generated content can be for one to five players. Events are not only for five people groups either. Depending on the event, it can be a whole group of people in contests, or a brief onslaught of mobs of monsters. The five person thing only you speak of is called a Delve and often is at the end of a zone's official missions and is repeatable. So far it looks like this is only 5-person but I know people are petitioning for it to just be any number of multi-player characters to do.
I meant that the Foundry currently only supports me to create content for groups no larger than 5 at a time. Is that incorrect? How many people can I have in my created Foundry modules at once? I guess that's where I'm confused.
I meant that the Foundry currently only supports me to create content for groups no larger than 5 at a time. Is that incorrect? How many people can I have in my created Foundry modules at once? I guess that's where I'm confused.
My understanding is that anything made via the foundry will be considered a quest, it will be instanced and thus one party per instance with max party size of five.
Tabletop officially Sanctioned campaigns' (EG RPGA) DR is 1480 (the Year of "Deep Water Drifting") for the present day in the Realms:
(Click below graphic for link)
Just a reminder that this DR isn't done yet, and Living Forgotten Realms events may update this timeline a little more as sanctioned convention events are played and their feedaback on what happened is turned in.
As for when this MMO takes place specifically, I'm not 100% positive, as the Neverwinter Campaign Setting was released last summer (August) 2011, and it's not 100% clear when the timeline (from then to now) was "set to continue" if we're even using that timeline and not ealier. But if we go by DR to real time translation for the book to "present day," it can be from anytime from 1479-1480 DR.
I'll see if we can get a confirmation when it takes place.
Of course it would be nice to see some actual gameplay video that is not labeled Alpha, but do not hold your breath about trailers graphics as gameplay graphics or you will becoma a ghost that hunts in vain these forums. Trailers graphics are very nice but with this free game budget no way it will happen as gameplay graphics.
Have you seen WOW trailer graphics in 2004? They looked great, but real gameplay graphics is unfortunately many times not same standard as trailer graphics.
Oh, I wasn't talking about the graphics. I know it won't look like that. I'm talking about the ability to teleport across the battlefield, to stab an enemy. That is certainly possible to implement, if they wish to.
Secondly, I have paid attention to the rogue movements: your regular dodging looks like tumbling, but there are several powers (both at will, and up to daily) that *poof* you from one spot behind the enemy granting combat advantage. Some of them are a misdirection like a puff of smoke distraction, but the daily power is no less you popping in and out of the Shadowfell 'Porting between realms to backstab your ebemy and it looks sweet!
Oh if you're going three months there is a LOT of new info. Please go to this link: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?tag=nw-news&paged=11
And to go further ahead closer to the present date when done, hit the previous link, not next. There has been LOADS of stuff introduced since September 1'st, including the Drow Lore just a few days ago!
You know I have not seen gorgeous MMO graphics since Age of Conan and it had even nudity HAMSTER in the beginning when released.
It is not all about graphics. I played WOW for 3.5 years and it was not because of super nice graphics. Basically if there is one MMO that impressed me with gorgeous graphics then it was Age of Conan. Age of Conan supported Direct X10 when released and back then Direct X 11 really did not exist. Direct X11 look basically same as Direct X10, but it has much better performance. Age of Conan Direct X9(it does support also Direct X9 and Windows XP) look better for me then Guild Wars 2 graphics or this game.
That said of what I have seen. For a free game(those usually have HAMSTER graphics) this game looks excellent! As compared to other paid games well I would say graphics looks good enough, but also I don't want to look down on GW2 graphics I do admit GW2 graphics looks good enough and better then WOW graphics. As for Neverwinter there are maybe some slight problems with fluid animation and movement in early videos, but that is not odd since those were labeled pre alpha.
I don't wish for super record breaking graphics that beat AOC graphics, but I do wish for Mature rated content such as violent action, horror and nudity.
Of course it is good to support also high end resolutions for example full HD 1920*1028 resolution or better is often popular by many gamers.
More important wish is that this games does not do as Guild Wars 2 that have huge fights involving several hundreds of people! Yes it sounds lovely, but that comes at a cost that CPU requirements unreasonable high. GW2 the Mist PvP is absolutely not playable with dual core Desktops or almost any gaming laptop except maybe some really expensive laptop.
I don't wish for 800*600 resolution, but I do wish that we do not have fights that involves hundreds of people. Guild Wars 2 official system requirement might only hold true if you play 5 people Structured PvP or a 5 player Dungeon.
In this way that FOUNDRY creates content for max 5 players is actually a blessing for system requirements. Oh and I am not some noob that uses a laptop with HAMSTER intregrated Intel graphiccard(even Intel 4000 used by IVY CPU is not so good as my graphiccard). I do have a decent gaming laptop for many other games including WOW and Witcher 2.
The world of Toril is indeed vast and Faerun is quite large as well. Introducing the Forgotten Realms to the world of mmorpgs is a fantastic step. I just hope the developers or whoever makes these decisions can see the potential epic content that could be introduced here... Neverwinter is one city in a vast world (which is only one world in a universe with mutliple realms... lol). This can achieved via expansions.
A very good idea I wish to submit in some form is that there are many deities of Toril. It would be awesome if a few temples (only a few, the common ones) were made, and in some way a few quests and such for various deities were added. Again, expansions would work for this too. It's just a nice touch that RPers and even non RPers might enjoy.
This is absolutely not true.
And if they want to support high end resolutions it'd better go higher than 1920 by 1080
While we do have to consider that NW is a shattrered shell of her former self and in need of much repair after the eruption of Mount Hotenow some of the most important things to repair in the Forgotten Realms would be temples to the gods.
1. True FPS-style mouselook controls, like DDO has. That means that, in mouselook mode, A and D are true strafes: they don't turn the character to run that way, instead the character always looks where the mouse pointer is, and they sidestep. And S is back up, by actually walking backwards, not turning around to face the camera.
2. Full independence of movement from attack animations. In DDO, weapon attacks do not slow or hinder your movement at all (spells do, by slowing you down a bit). In TERA, if you're attacking, you can't really move, unless the attack has a movement built in to it.
Because of these two things, I find DDO's action-gameplay more fun. I can maneuver as I wish, to circle around my enemy, or try to keep multiple enemies bottled up trying to reach me. In TERA, that doesn't seem possible. The big thing TERA has is more reactive use of abilities; your timing of ability use matters more. DDO's engine is much less reactive to dodging attacks.
Ideally, from Neverwinter, I'd like to see the best of both styles. But FPS-style controls is really the easiest thing to do, compared to a low-latency engine, yet every action-RPG seems to lack them.
Other thing I like better in DDO is its breadth of character build options. In TERA, it seems like the only thing you can do to customize your character is gear, and "glyphs" which are basically gear that enhance your abilities that you get essentially automatically by leveling. Although DDO isn't perfect either, as there are a ton of newbie traps in building characters, even for experienced 3.5 players, and respecs are expensive. For example, Toughness is considered mandatory for all characters (especially Rogues and Wizards/Sorcerers) by virtually all end-game players, whereas it's a joke feat in PnP, and swapping feats at level 20 costs a lot more than a new player can afford, after the first free swap per character.
Dunno about strafing, but what we've seen/demoed is movement is all but mandatory in certain cases not to get hit when attacking. Oh sure, there are exceptions where sustained powers root you (the wizard's ray of frost for example,) but movement is key when fighting.
I'm a little more nervous at launch with only four classes and one build per class so far, but we will see.
As for DDO Toughness, couldn't you afford the swap sometime before you make the transition from regular to Epic (L 20) for Toughness if you newbied the feat anyway? The shard cost I don't thik is too high...but it's been so long since I did that.
I know there's big special attacks to avoid, but what I like in DDO is that I can move, at will, while attacking, and gain benefit even when there isn't some special attack to dodge, but to manage taking on groups of enemies.
My general sense is that in DDO, movement provides an organic benefit to combat tactics, whenever I'm dealing with multiple enemies, whereas in TERA, there are clearly defined "get ready to move... NOW!" moments. I like both; TERA's approach is good when dealing with single monsters, since in DDO, movement doesn't help much at all there. I think Neverwinter could have both approaches, quite easily.
You can, but it's also not hard for a newbie to get to 16 (where the price jumps) before realizing that he has a problem, since that's also where he's likely to start the real Raids.
However my brother with 3.4 Ghz dual CPU said that Mist PvP with 2000 playlers is NOT ok to play with dual 3.4 CPU! My laptop is Quad CPU, but 2.2 Ghz and PvP mist is NOT ok to play!
GW2 look **** with low graphics and I would not play Mist PvP with low graphics! We do not need PvP like in bad game GW2!
I know the Foundry content is supposed to be for groups of 5 only. As a RPer, it would be amazing if they eventually allowed some of static "built" areas. The more obvious example would be guild headquarters, which anyone in the guild would have access to (and perhaps anyone grouped with them) continually.
Other ways it can be used is for other RP events... but the problem is, with a max of five, and no persistent zone (Such as, one group of 5 goes in, when another group of 5 goes in it will be in a different instance) it will be hard to use the Foundry for these sort of things.
I hope that made sense, I haven't had any coffee yet this morning.
Either single player housing or guild halls. I'd even shell out cash for items to stock said housing with. GREAT money sink, PW.
Edit: I'd also like the ability to "build" said housing myself. Please no premade lots like in champions online. Something more along the lines of city of heroes, please. Vertical placement. Rotation of items. Stairwells to reach secondary levels. That sort of thing.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
I don't know where you got your info but Foundry is NOT for Five players only. User Generated content can be for one to five players. Events are not only for five people groups either. Depending on the event, it can be a whole group of people in contests, or a brief onslaught of mobs of monsters. The five person thing only you speak of is called a Delve and often is at the end of a zone's official missions and is repeatable. So far it looks like this is only 5-person but I know people are petitioning for it to just be any number of multi-player characters to do.
Being a healing healbot is fun ! What better way to pike than rolling a cleric or a bard ......snicker
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
I meant that the Foundry currently only supports me to create content for groups no larger than 5 at a time. Is that incorrect? How many people can I have in my created Foundry modules at once? I guess that's where I'm confused.
My understanding is that anything made via the foundry will be considered a quest, it will be instanced and thus one party per instance with max party size of five.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild