There was no rumour. You just did not understand what she said. It was her comment and her comment was about what ^ referred to. What "^" referred to was a suggestion.
If that's it i mistaken this.^^
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
My preferred solution was posted some weeks back and Asterdahl more less agreed that it would be better, which is simply to fix the abysmal scaling that lets over leveled chars use the dungeons as free AD farms. If the scaling wasn't so laughable, the issue simply goes away - and frankly I'd love to actually enjoy running those instances again. However, while he agreed that the scaling should be addressed, 12b will launch without it.
The stupid thing is that an old Cryptic game (CoH) handled level scaling pretty well, they seem to have lost the ability to do it.
This game handled scaling well before (I assume) Mod 6. At that time, mobs scaled not players. There were a few issues, low levels didn't fare as well as they lacked enough power points and key abilities. Player healing didn't scale. Otherwise it worked fine.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
So far I'm not seeing anything about the acknowledgement of the overall dissatisfaction of the player fanbase/customers. That's a shame. So was signing onto NW and going to an empty enclave. I've never seen that before, regardless of the time.
I'm on the console and tried to bring a level appropriate toon (9.5k) into a challenging skirmish and it was disastrous. I felt beyond horrible for the other people and failing meant it was a complete waste of time. Ironically I also brought my 15K + CW into TonG with my friend's 16K DC. We decided to pug it and spent an hour at the first boss before giving up. I was so outdone that I switched over to Destiny so I could at least do some Milestones and progress in a game while enjoying it.
I just wanted to point out this will be the state of anyone needing RAD and having to be forced into the Random Q system. Level appropriate means getting into the door and campire sitting while people run the dungeon. It's always been this way. There has yet to be a dungeon outside of the Cloak Tower that allows lower level to successfully complete it.
People who like to toon hop and jump into a quick dungeon are who it hurts. I shouldn't have to have someone carry a less than appropriate toon through a long dungeon just to get some AD. With the amount of time the boons/campaign takes, having people go through painful dungeon runs is ridiculous. I have lost so many friends to these past couple of updates. There is no true quality of life anymore. Bag sorting isn't a game changer. Acknowledging that people love to play their characters and simply want to enjoy their time... now THAT'S what should be the focus. Choking the RAD and then adding obscenely high cost updates to the enchantment... again has nothing to do with bringing an overall enjoyment to the game.
EDIT: Just to clarify... my alts also represent any newer player struggling with the level and progression choke. It's not just about my alts. It's what anyone trying to get to the same level is going through.
As someone who currently has just over 8.1k item level on my favorite character, these possible changes make me nervous when I hear about them. I am not against the idea random queues and actually like the sound of the idea, but the implementation of what I have been reading is another story. 1: If the point of this is to give pugs more people to play with and speed up timers, why allow people to enter in full parties or even parties at all? If there point is just to make people play dungeons that they don't enjoy, and simultaneously don't help others waiting for the queue because they joined with a full group, then I must ask WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS CHANGE?! 2: If someone has enough IL for some epic dungeons but not others, why not have the random queue randomly put them in the epic dungeons they qualify for? If the worry is that people would remove gear and then put it back on later to manipulate the random queue, then couldn't you just check their inventory, and if an item with a better IL than currently equipped is found, use it for the IL calculation instead or something? Or maybe just track all characters IL and have random queue go off each character's highest recorded IL? 3: People keep complaining about level 70 players in leveling dungeons for fast AD. I agree that this seems so very odd and wrong, however with the possible coming changes that would block me out of epic dungeon random queue, and if the leveling dungeons were also blocked I would be missing a significant amount of daily AD. The only remaining daily AD would be from 1 skirmish and then forcefully subjecting myself to being farmed/slaughtered in a PVP match due to lesser gear which I would normally avoid like the plague because it isn't fun???
Make sure to remember those in the middle. Not just 1-69 and IL 11k+.
1: If the point of this is to give pugs more people to play with and speed up timers, why allow people to enter in full parties or even parties at all? If there point is just to make people play dungeons that they don't enjoy, and simultaneously don't help others waiting for the queue because they joined with a full group, then I must ask WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS CHANGE?!
The idea, I think, is to have people running FBI and MSP. The devs have crafted these super-cool dungeons but no one is running them because it's pointless, and they don't like it I guess.
Also, if RQ were all about PUGs they would have been murdered by now
2: If someone has enough IL for some epic dungeons but not others, why not have the random queue randomly put them in the epic dungeons they qualify for? If the worry is that people would remove gear and then put it back on later to manipulate the random queue, then couldn't you just check their inventory, and if an item with a better IL than currently equipped is found, use it for the IL calculation instead or something? Or maybe just track all characters IL and have random queue go off each character's highest recorded IL?
The problem is that you bring your not so geared up alt to the group, so you cannot qualify for... Let's say, FBI and MSP. You are cheating, your group is cheating and the accounts or characters who are there just to not get FBI and MSP would increase. There would be at least one character in your account whom you do not want to grow because of this. All of this has something to do with the smurfs accounts if I am not mistaken.
3: People keep complaining about level 70 players in leveling dungeons for fast AD. I agree that this seems so very odd and wrong, however with the possible coming changes that would block me out of epic dungeon random queue, and if the leveling dungeons were also blocked I would be missing a significant amount of daily AD. The only remaining daily AD would be from 1 skirmish and then forcefully subjecting myself to being farmed/slaughtered in a PVP match due to lesser gear which I would normally avoid like the plague because it isn't fun???
That is wrong. You have access to the leveling RQ as long as you are level 12. While your level is below level 70 you get massive EXP from this RQ. When you are 70 you get AD (the equivalent of 2xCT before these changes).
About Epic RQ: you need level 70, FBI and MSP unlocked and 11k IL if I recall correctly. About Skirmish RQ: you need level 70 and 10k IL (if I recall correctly). This 10k come from the new skirmish on mod12B, Merchant Prince's Folly, that have an IL requirement.
So, you are 8.1k IL. Well, do your leveling RQ and that's it for the day. Then you can go on salvage runs for more AD (private queue still gives the outdated stuff that you can salvage) or run River District sHEs to get seals to get salvage to get AD.
The problem I see here is that you have this gap between 'I am level 70' and 'I can run content'. Before, you could gear up pretty fast so you could do MC and start feeling some joy of running "super-hard" dungeons (yeah, first time doing MC I thought it was very hard) and then you would be happy unlocking stuff gradually but now it feels like you have to do a ton of campaigns and solo work, to call it something, just to get to the Epic RQ. And then, you can start working on how to play with others.
I know the idea is to do private/public queue epic dungeons, but to new players, if they don't know about salvage there is no point in doing them before they unlock Epic RQ. The system becomes very obscure and it feels like the game is telling you that you are not good enough to do MC because you don't meet the requirements to do it on the Epic RQ.
PD: I know you can get to 11k IL fast (I guess?) but it is still obscure. You have to get some weapons from the AH, and the gear too, unless you want to do what the game says and go to Bryn Shander to farm vblood to get your SKT equipment.
Or League or Company armor Or Pioneer or Pilgrim Armor I guess you could still go with a mix of Alliance, Elven and Drowcraft ...and Dusk is still around in the TB store
The whole point about this "AD nerf" is about if one wants to waste 10 minutes of their time to form their own party of 3 to do level dungeon RQ. AD nerf is about that 10 minutes. Right now, you do 2 dungeons. In the future, you do one 10 minutes boring level dungeon RQ. In both situation, you earn similar amount of AD except you need to do 2 dungeons now and one in the future. The whole issue is about 'wasting that 10 minutes' if you are talking about "AD nerf".
i.e. Now, do 2 epic dungeons to earn AD and seal and salvage. Future, do 1 level dungeon RQ + 2 private epic dungeons to have the same amount of stuff.
The difference is that 10 minutes. I am not arguing wasting that 10 minutes is not significant. However, that is the difference.
I'm getting digits from memory, so feel free to correct me on some details.
Not quite so. In the current system from 2 * eSoT + eToS + VT run (with VT key, no bonus AD), I'll get about the following: 1. About 16k bonus RAD from dungeons and skimishes 2. Some minor RAD per dugeon and simish 3. (80+60)*2+50*2 seals = 380 seals = 5k RAD 4. Minimum salvage: 12k AD (4 blue + 1 purple)
Total: about 33k
This allows maxing RAD pretty quickly and give some salvage to alts with bonus RAD. I specify minimum salvage, because it is what you will get normally. I'm getting extra piece or two only in 1/10 of runs or even rarely.
Now, in this patch we will not have bonus seals and will not have bonus RAD without RQ. And we will have only leveling RQ by default. Skimish RQ will require enabling new skimish, and I'm long way from it, and I will not be ready for it anyway likely for some time. Also, as I undestand original post, bonus seals are also only for RQ.
So the procedure now for the same runs + leveling dungeon:
1. Single bonus AD 7k bonus RAD from RQ leveling dungeons 2. (80)*2+50*2 seals = 260 seals = 3.7k RAD 3. Minimum salvage: 12k AD (4 blue + 1 purple)
Total: about 22k and this is a big drop.
To we will not be able to achive daily RAD cap even with bonus AD, and one will spend more time. Even if I misunderstood, and bonus seals will not be removed from non-RQ, there will be still 24k. It is still 10k RAD less for more time.
But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad...
If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad...
If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
Just the original post is not enough. One needs to read additional information in page 13.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
> @plasticbat said: > But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad... > > > > If people would read the whole original post, it would help.... > > Just the original post is not enough. One needs to read additional information in page 13.
Hmm... thought he updated the original post... either way, reading comprehension doesnt seem to be a common factor...
> But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad...
> If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
> Just the original post is not enough. One needs to read additional information in page 13.
Hmm... thought he updated the original post... either way, reading comprehension doesnt seem to be a common factor...
You are correct. I complained about that and suggested that to be updated too. I am not sure he updated everything on the first page.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
1 Etos is about 15 to 16k AD on avarage under the current system. 4500 AD +2 to 3 salvage at 4 to 6k AD pers alvage. It can be run twice for AD under the current system, so 2 ETOS runs will net about 30k AD giver or take
I'm almost nver getting anything beyond salvage from chest only in 1/10 runs, if we drop peridots and aquamarins from picture. But I'm mostly run with my DC and OP heal. HR and GWF are paingivers 1/3 of time in eToS, but they still getting some salvage very rarely. Typically only in end chest. So how you manage to have 2 salvage minimum in eToS?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
People avidly reading every post in this thread might recall my unhappy random vacation analogy.
I went to a work function today that literally had random lunch. You picked up a sealed cardboard box, which were grouped by sandwich filling. Each box also contained one of several types of salad, cookie, and bottled juice, and the sandwiches were made with a variety of breads*, but you could see none of that when selecting your box.
Don't like rye bread, or think pasta salad is the pits? Well, how unfortunate, but this is how the caterers we booked function.
I have no clue if it was a cost-savings thing, or meant to encourage us to wander around trying to trade like we were in grade school. Serving was a lot faster than any kind of buffet-style catering I've ever seen, for sure. And I could not help but think of random queues.
*Gluten-free and other limited diets were served separately.
People avidly reading every post in this thread might recall my unhappy random vacation analogy.
I went to a work function today that literally had random lunch. You picked up a sealed cardboard box, which were grouped by sandwich filling. Each box also contained one of several types of salad, cookie, and bottled juice, and the sandwiches were made with a variety of breads*, but you could see none of that when selecting your box.
Don't like rye bread, or think pasta salad is the pits? Well, how unfortunate, but this is how the caterers we booked function.
I have no clue if it was a cost-savings thing, or meant to encourage us to wander around trying to trade like we were in grade school. Serving was a lot faster than any kind of buffet-style catering I've ever seen, for sure. And I could not help but think of random queues.
*Gluten-free and other limited diets were served separately.
The current design allows anyone level 12+ to queue for a leveling dungeon and receive the AD reward.
New players already have a horrible experience with leveling dungeons because, in most runs, chase geared 70's down the hall with nothing to do but collect the reward at the end. This has come up many times, most recently here.
There is no reason that a level 70 toon should receive AD to run a leveling dungeon.
There are reasons they should not be given that incentive.
It creates a horrible impression of the game for new players.
It deprives new players of the opportunity to explore their class in level-appropriate group content.
It will drive geared 70's that just want the AD bonus away from the random epic dungeon queue into the random leveling dungeon queue.
The long-term success of the game depends on the experience new players have in their first days and weeks. I strongly urge that level 70 toons not be allowed to random queue for leveling dungeons.
So if they block a 70 level person from queuing up on the leveling dungeons, and we block them from the epic because they fail to meet 100% of the content requirements of all the epic dungeons, where exactly do you expect them to queue?
IF... they simply dropped FBI and MSP from Random Queue, added it to the so far un-trumpeted Heroes' Accord queue "list" (which currently stands at ONE dungeon on its random chance) then there would literally be no need to HAMSTER about with anything. No need to penalize sub 11K character on which dungeons they can be rewarded for playing, no need to slash the number of Dungeoneers shards they can earn... BUT... as I keep hinting... this whole system is geared towards getting footfall into FBI and MSP. Becaue no amount of Seals of The Brave are worth all this hastle. So, keep all leveling Dungeons as they are. Class Epic Dungeons as anything above leveling Dungeons, up to and including Castle Never. Heroes' Accord is the "End Game" stuff.
Lets also remember that MSP and FBI unlocks are just the beginning of unreasonably high entry requirements for Epic Random Queue. When Something comes along that is higher requirement than TONG, then TONG and any dungeons that come between it and the new hardest content drop into Epic Random Queue and become the new minimum requirement for entry to ERQ.
Whatever Mod 13 adds by way of dungeon unlock, will go into Heroes' Accord along with TONG and that will continue while the entry reqs are the same. But as soon as something harder comes along THAT becomes the new Heroes' Accord stand alone, and EVERYTHING beneath it drops into ERQ along with it's entry requirements.
So if you think the current situation sucks... just wait till mod 14 or 15.
Of course this is fine for end game characters who are currently at the top. They just need to keep up to speed with new content as it comes out, but for anyone playing catch up, like anyone who starts playing the game between now and then... the door will be like in one of those movie dream sequences where as fast as you run, the corridor keeps getting longer and the doorway keeps getting farther away.
But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad...
If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
Yes, particularly the bit about how that mass of wealth can only be gained by people who have 11k IL+ and have unlocked MSP AND FBI.
Usually one or two bosses will drop a ring though they can drop other things, plus one from the chest, plus a fraction of one ring from seals and you end up with something on avarage between 2 and 3 pieces of salvage per run.
I usually get period or aquamarine from bosses, rings or other salvage 1/10 of runs. But I'm also unlucky with refinements too: 10 wards to upgrade at 50% chanche is a regular happening .
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
Usually one or two bosses will drop a ring though they can drop other things, plus one from the chest, plus a fraction of one ring from seals and you end up with something on avarage between 2 and 3 pieces of salvage per run.
The paingiver charts are irrelevant as far as I can tell they do not appear to impact drops. There are also ways to "game" pain giver charts so you can move up them faster while contributing much less to the completion of the dungeon.
Is it because you were running some particular dungeons? e.g. I don't remember when my last time to get any gear from boss in egwd. For me, boss drop (gear drop and not peridot drop) is about once in 3 runs and not every one in the party would have that. For speed run, the boss could be killed before I have a hit on.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
It seems multiple comments are banking on salvage dropping to be the key to making up for the loss of RAD as punishment for not wanting to go into a dungeon you loathe and be stuck with people who cannot complete it and spend twice the time in it. I would love for someone to review my RNG for this game. It's been suggested it's bugged for the simple reason that I don't get drops anywhere near what others do. Boss drops? extremely rare. Hunt drops? Don't even get me started. I spend... no WASTE more time trying to get lures so I can do a hunt and not even get a rank 1 ring that it makes the mod pure chore, no fun. The content added sucks up more time than any other campaign. The time spent is absolutely wasted if you're trying for hunts. I mention this because the dungeons will ultimately reflect on time I could be getting boons, trying for an actual drop so we can do a rank 2 hunt, having fun with friends who still play.
To reiterate: I have multiple toons. These toons aren't just refinement/RAD makers. I run them through campaigns, get the boons. I play the game. The actual game. Grinding through dungeons is so I can try to level up in between running around and doing what I want. I don't rotate through all of them. Just switch out to whomever I decide to play. Most of them are maxed on the RAD bonus. I'm not looking to max out my RAD daily. Just get enough for doing my daily rotation to continue to work on my alts.
I ran an ELOL with my Pally. The tank was roughly 8900, I believe. We had another that just made the IL to come in. One mid and the other two were about my rank (13k) and above. The tank was being one shotted and mocked by the others. I felt pretty bad. It was a rough run and I can guarantee the tank left with a negative feeling. Getting in the door does not mean they'll be able to complete or participate. This is going to make the Mod 5 boot in loot crowd look like Mary Poppins.
I'm on the console and tried to bring a level appropriate toon (9.5k) into a challenging skirmish and it was disastrous. I felt beyond horrible for the other people and failing meant it was a complete waste of time. Ironically I also brought my 15K + CW into TonG with my friend's 16K DC. We decided to pug it and spent an hour at the first boss before giving up. I was so outdone that I switched over to Destiny so I could at least do some Milestones and progress in a game while enjoying it.
I just wanted to point out this will be the state of anyone needing RAD and having to be forced into the Random Q system. Level appropriate means getting into the door and campire sitting while people run the dungeon. It's always been this way. There has yet to be a dungeon outside of the Cloak Tower that allows lower level to successfully complete it.
People who like to toon hop and jump into a quick dungeon are who it hurts. I shouldn't have to have someone carry a less than appropriate toon through a long dungeon just to get some AD. With the amount of time the boons/campaign takes, having people go through painful dungeon runs is ridiculous. I have lost so many friends to these past couple of updates. There is no true quality of life anymore. Bag sorting isn't a game changer. Acknowledging that people love to play their characters and simply want to enjoy their time... now THAT'S what should be the focus. Choking the RAD and then adding obscenely high cost updates to the enchantment... again has nothing to do with bringing an overall enjoyment to the game.
EDIT: Just to clarify... my alts also represent any newer player struggling with the level and progression choke. It's not just about my alts. It's what anyone trying to get to the same level is going through.
1: If the point of this is to give pugs more people to play with and speed up timers, why allow people to enter in full parties or even parties at all? If there point is just to make people play dungeons that they don't enjoy, and simultaneously don't help others waiting for the queue because they joined with a full group, then I must ask WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS CHANGE?!
2: If someone has enough IL for some epic dungeons but not others, why not have the random queue randomly put them in the epic dungeons they qualify for? If the worry is that people would remove gear and then put it back on later to manipulate the random queue, then couldn't you just check their inventory, and if an item with a better IL than currently equipped is found, use it for the IL calculation instead or something? Or maybe just track all characters IL and have random queue go off each character's highest recorded IL?
3: People keep complaining about level 70 players in leveling dungeons for fast AD. I agree that this seems so very odd and wrong, however with the possible coming changes that would block me out of epic dungeon random queue, and if the leveling dungeons were also blocked I would be missing a significant amount of daily AD. The only remaining daily AD would be from 1 skirmish and then forcefully subjecting myself to being farmed/slaughtered in a PVP match due to lesser gear which I would normally avoid like the plague because it isn't fun???
Make sure to remember those in the middle. Not just 1-69 and IL 11k+.
Also, if RQ were all about PUGs they would have been murdered by now
The problem is that you bring your not so geared up alt to the group, so you cannot qualify for... Let's say, FBI and MSP. You are cheating, your group is cheating and the accounts or characters who are there just to not get FBI and MSP would increase. There would be at least one character in your account whom you do not want to grow because of this. All of this has something to do with the smurfs accounts if I am not mistaken.
That is wrong. You have access to the leveling RQ as long as you are level 12. While your level is below level 70 you get massive EXP from this RQ. When you are 70 you get AD (the equivalent of 2xCT before these changes).
About Epic RQ: you need level 70, FBI and MSP unlocked and 11k IL if I recall correctly.
About Skirmish RQ: you need level 70 and 10k IL (if I recall correctly). This 10k come from the new skirmish on mod12B, Merchant Prince's Folly, that have an IL requirement.
So, you are 8.1k IL. Well, do your leveling RQ and that's it for the day. Then you can go on salvage runs for more AD (private queue still gives the outdated stuff that you can salvage) or run River District sHEs to get seals to get salvage to get AD.
The problem I see here is that you have this gap between 'I am level 70' and 'I can run content'. Before, you could gear up pretty fast so you could do MC and start feeling some joy of running "super-hard" dungeons (yeah, first time doing MC I thought it was very hard) and then you would be happy unlocking stuff gradually but now it feels like you have to do a ton of campaigns and solo work, to call it something, just to get to the Epic RQ. And then, you can start working on how to play with others.
I know the idea is to do private/public queue epic dungeons, but to new players, if they don't know about salvage there is no point in doing them before they unlock Epic RQ. The system becomes very obscure and it feels like the game is telling you that you are not good enough to do MC because you don't meet the requirements to do it on the Epic RQ.
PD: I know you can get to 11k IL fast (I guess?) but it is still obscure. You have to get some weapons from the AH, and the gear too, unless you want to do what the game says and go to Bryn Shander to farm vblood to get your SKT equipment.
Or Pioneer or Pilgrim Armor
I guess you could still go with a mix of Alliance, Elven and Drowcraft
...and Dusk is still around in the TB store
Not quite so. In the current system from 2 * eSoT + eToS + VT run (with VT key, no bonus AD), I'll get about the following:
1. About 16k bonus RAD from dungeons and skimishes
2. Some minor RAD per dugeon and simish
3. (80+60)*2+50*2 seals = 380 seals = 5k RAD
4. Minimum salvage: 12k AD (4 blue + 1 purple)
Total: about 33k
This allows maxing RAD pretty quickly and give some salvage to alts with bonus RAD. I specify minimum salvage, because it is what you will get normally. I'm getting extra piece or two only in 1/10 of runs or even rarely.
Now, in this patch we will not have bonus seals and will not have bonus RAD without RQ. And we will have only leveling RQ by default. Skimish RQ will require enabling new skimish, and I'm long way from it, and I will not be ready for it anyway likely for some time. Also, as I undestand original post, bonus seals are also only for RQ.
So the procedure now for the same runs + leveling dungeon:
1. Single bonus AD 7k bonus RAD from RQ leveling dungeons
2. (80)*2+50*2 seals = 260 seals = 3.7k RAD
3. Minimum salvage: 12k AD (4 blue + 1 purple)
Total: about 22k and this is a big drop.
To we will not be able to achive daily RAD cap even with bonus AD, and one will spend more time. Even if I misunderstood, and bonus seals will not be removed from non-RQ, there will be still 24k. It is still 10k RAD less for more time.
If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
> But we get rad from 1 skirmish, 1 level dungeon, 1 epic dungeon, 1 pvp, and 1 trial with new system.... so you can get 28k rad just for completion. Add in seals, salvage, etc and you can get more ad then current system. Dont forget new player and class bonus ad...
> If people would read the whole original post, it would help....
> Just the original post is not enough. One needs to read additional information in page 13.
Hmm... thought he updated the original post... either way, reading comprehension doesnt seem to be a common factor...
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
I went to a work function today that literally had random lunch. You picked up a sealed cardboard box, which were grouped by sandwich filling. Each box also contained one of several types of salad, cookie, and bottled juice, and the sandwiches were made with a variety of breads*, but you could see none of that when selecting your box.
Don't like rye bread, or think pasta salad is the pits? Well, how unfortunate, but this is how the caterers we booked function.
I have no clue if it was a cost-savings thing, or meant to encourage us to wander around trying to trade like we were in grade school. Serving was a lot faster than any kind of buffet-style catering I've ever seen, for sure. And I could not help but think of random queues.
*Gluten-free and other limited diets were served separately.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
No need to penalize sub 11K character on which dungeons they can be rewarded for playing, no need to slash the number of Dungeoneers shards they can earn...
BUT... as I keep hinting... this whole system is geared towards getting footfall into FBI and MSP.
Becaue no amount of Seals of The Brave are worth all this hastle.
So, keep all leveling Dungeons as they are.
Class Epic Dungeons as anything above leveling Dungeons, up to and including Castle Never.
Heroes' Accord is the "End Game" stuff.
Lets also remember that MSP and FBI unlocks are just the beginning of unreasonably high entry requirements for Epic Random Queue.
When Something comes along that is higher requirement than TONG, then TONG and any dungeons that come between it and the new hardest content drop into Epic Random Queue and become the new minimum requirement for entry to ERQ.
Whatever Mod 13 adds by way of dungeon unlock, will go into Heroes' Accord along with TONG and that will continue while the entry reqs are the same. But as soon as something harder comes along THAT becomes the new Heroes' Accord stand alone, and EVERYTHING beneath it drops into ERQ along with it's entry requirements.
So if you think the current situation sucks... just wait till mod 14 or 15.
Of course this is fine for end game characters who are currently at the top. They just need to keep up to speed with new content as it comes out, but for anyone playing catch up, like anyone who starts playing the game between now and then... the door will be like in one of those movie dream sequences where as fast as you run, the corridor keeps getting longer and the doorway keeps getting farther away. Yes, particularly the bit about how that mass of wealth can only be gained by people who have 11k IL+ and have unlocked MSP AND FBI.
e.g. I don't remember when my last time to get any gear from boss in egwd.
For me, boss drop (gear drop and not peridot drop) is about once in 3 runs and not every one in the party would have that.
For speed run, the boss could be killed before I have a hit on.
To reiterate: I have multiple toons. These toons aren't just refinement/RAD makers. I run them through campaigns, get the boons. I play the game. The actual game. Grinding through dungeons is so I can try to level up in between running around and doing what I want. I don't rotate through all of them. Just switch out to whomever I decide to play. Most of them are maxed on the RAD bonus. I'm not looking to max out my RAD daily. Just get enough for doing my daily rotation to continue to work on my alts.
I ran an ELOL with my Pally. The tank was roughly 8900, I believe. We had another that just made the IL to come in. One mid and the other two were about my rank (13k) and above. The tank was being one shotted and mocked by the others. I felt pretty bad. It was a rough run and I can guarantee the tank left with a negative feeling. Getting in the door does not mean they'll be able to complete or participate. This is going to make the Mod 5 boot in loot crowd look like Mary Poppins.