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sounds like we are getting a rough AD nerf .



  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    What Quests for free zen?
    First time I hear about this.

    You mean filling surveys and getting your e-mail box nuked by SPAM
    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    Zen is purchased with real money by someone. Many purchase it to get AD. Now, 1 Zen for 500 AD.
    If nobody buy Zen, it does not matter how much AD you can earn because you won't be able to get any Zen through AD.

    If AD production is lower, the exchange rate will be lower. So, 1 Zen won't get 500 AD.
    That potentially lower the Zen sales. That means it will lower the real money they will earn.
    I don't think that is the outcome they want.

    I can think of one promotional exception that produces zen without AD or cash.

    If AD production was lower the exchange rate may or may not be different. People that buy zen with cash or via certain Arc promotions often do so to get AD, which they get either through selling zen via the ZAX or by buying certain items from the Zen Store and selling them for AD in the AH. A lower exchange rate would probably result in more people using the zen store/AH route which in turn would reduce the quantity of zen offered for sale via the ZAX until prices then rise.
    You can get zen via arc points in the arc client by doing quests.
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    rjc9000 said:

    Ostorian rings are bound to character?
    I haven't been to FBI yet to see it

    And Ostorian legendary rings or epic?

    Protector seals stuff is bound to character yes.
    Right now I can buy Allience gears and pack them in mail at 5 items per mail and then get on alts.
    So when Allience seals end we can't move to alts any more what we get?
    And may I say that ring always salvages less then helmet or armor

    Ok, buy armor is a waste of seals better buy helmets in my opinion any way.
    So what I am trying to find out is that if Allience gear is ending - then what would then drop in the Valindra's Tower, Malabog's castle and other T1?

    Are they going to put unrestored relic gear here and reagents?!
    That are not salvageable

    This is what I am trying to to find out.

    If Allience is going to be gone - what is going to drop in it's place in T1 dungeons

    And what is going to drop in T2 dungeons instead of Elven

    I do Etos for 15-20 mins.
    I get from chest 1 elven helmet for example
    I see this may be not a rich gain, but still a gain

    So what are we going to get THEN?
    I want answer DEVS - ARE THEY really thing they will replace all our salvage with relics and expect us to dance of joy?;

    No Legendary rings, Character Bound.

    This is partially mitigated by the fact that, right now, you can do the easier Tier2s or to get Protector's Seals on weaker characters. Or, farm a lot of Tier1s on weaker characters, then convert to Protectors' Seals in the coming module.

    Also, you "might" have to step foot into SKT. Because the devs decided it was a "smart" move to make Relic armor available from the store... and then forgot to add Voninblod to the seal vendor.

    I haven't tested the drops or anything from the dungeons on preview.

    As misc. info, the new seal vendor will also have Enchant shards for all enchants. If you look in my screenshot, there's some shard of Plaguefire, which, I don't think we've ever seen plaguefire shards anywhere.

    First of all I want to thank you rjc9000 for the making of these screen shots. People I asked on game all said that I misread the page - your screen shots prove that it is exactly like I read it.

    Right now cashing out seals on the extra salvage is like 8%-10% of all salvage.

    I just put in here my own figures that I get when I multy run

    Valindra's Tower gives:

    20 Seals for Shatter Spine
    20 Seals for Valindra
    30 from Valindra chest
    30 from Daily chest
    Total - 100 seals

    P.S. I don't remember exactly if Valindra herself gives 20 or 30 seals.

    So let's 100 seals total.

    I have noticed that salvage drop from 1 of 2 bosses is average 1 salvage in 3 runs with rest being a peridot or an insignia

    So let's say I did 12 runs of VT in the row.
    I got 2 salvages from 2 boses x4 times = 8 pieces
    I opened 24 chests 12 daily and 12 special and got 24 pieces of salvage
    24 + 8 = 32 pieces of salvage
    I will not count a chance drop of artifact or a mount that you could sell and will not count daily cache

    So 12 runs have given a total of 32 pieces of salvage
    1200 Seals then used to buy x3 helmets or boots that are best value for seals in my opinion.

    All opinions here are just my personal opinions and in no way reflect or damage opinions of others here.

    so with salvage amount of 32 pieces + 3 = 35 pieces total

    So the main haul of 32 pieces vs the seal haul of 3 pieces is about 10%

    And all of this salvage is bound to account so it can be moved to alts for salvaging

    We can loose the vendor salvage as it is only 10% or so

    The main question now is what salvage would drop in all the T1/T2 dungeons
    My friends said it is bound to account unrestored relic gear that is salvageable

    Is here any way someone would do any dungeon on the preview and post a screen shot of drop?

    Perhaps you RJC9000?

    Thank you for reading

  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    It seems likely that the binding status on seal gear is a bug. asterdahl said it would be BtA and people on preview reported that the ability to buy armor for other classes is there. Given that Relic and Ostorian items are BtC in their native module, it would be a simple oversight for the devs not to have corrected it in the initial release. Probably best to wait until Monday and see if they will respond to questions about it.

    Assuming that it is a bug, the seals dropping in T1s and T2s will both be Protector, and those seals can be used to buy Ostorian Rings at the same price of 300 seals, meaning that farming T1s will yield double the value in salvage from seals as previously. Assuming that what we have been told comes to pass

    - All content that currently gives elemental seals will substitute Protector for them at the same rate "This means that in cases where you would have received 10 seals of the elements and 5 seals of the protector, you will now receive 15 seals of the protector"

    - Seal Vendor items will be BtA "As such, you can expect the new equipment available for protector's seals to be bound to account. "

    Means a net gain of 100% on these items. HE farming River District will be twice as profitable, as will the seal values from T1s. It remains to be seen what sort of gear that T1s, T2s and RD demiplanes will grant, although asterdahl has hinted that the old gear might still be dropping in dungeons for transmutes.

    ETA that there would likely be a slight loss of seals from the daily seal bag from running at T1.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    Hm, if these figures are accurate and ultimately transfer to the Live server then people had better start dumping their lanolin fast :)
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    What Quests for free zen?
    First time I hear about this.

    You mean filling surveys and getting your e-mail box nuked by SPAM

    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    Zen is purchased with real money by someone. Many purchase it to get AD. Now, 1 Zen for 500 AD.
    If nobody buy Zen, it does not matter how much AD you can earn because you won't be able to get any Zen through AD.

    If AD production is lower, the exchange rate will be lower. So, 1 Zen won't get 500 AD.
    That potentially lower the Zen sales. That means it will lower the real money they will earn.
    I don't think that is the outcome they want.

    I can think of one promotional exception that produces zen without AD or cash.

    If AD production was lower the exchange rate may or may not be different. People that buy zen with cash or via certain Arc promotions often do so to get AD, which they get either through selling zen via the ZAX or by buying certain items from the Zen Store and selling them for AD in the AH. A lower exchange rate would probably result in more people using the zen store/AH route which in turn would reduce the quantity of zen offered for sale via the ZAX until prices then rise.
    You can get zen via arc points in the arc client by doing quests.
    @zebular posted a useful tutorial here:


  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    qexotic said:

    Hm, if these figures are accurate and ultimately transfer to the Live server then people had better start dumping their lanolin fast :)

    Dumped mine last night. :sweat_smile:
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User

    I don't really care about seal vendor items.
    90% OF ALL LOOT comes from boss drops and chests

    This is what I wanted to hear about
    If current sets are retiring what gonna drop instead from bosses and in chests.

    That is all.

  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    qexotic said:

    Hm, if these figures are accurate and ultimately transfer to the Live server then people had better start dumping their lanolin fast :)

    Man, if it wasn't obvious before Cryptic is making it really obvious they want to forget mod 10/10.5 ever happened.

    Although anyone that doesn't know is going to be pissed. Lanolin is still getting posted for 11k AD a piece when you get all the lanolin you need for a set of armor for 21k AD worth of seals in mod 12.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Well I don't know why you're addressing me. Log onto Preview with some people, run a dungeon and see what you get.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Well I don't know why you're addressing me. Log onto Preview with some people, run a dungeon and see what you get.

    I would if I could. My ISP has banned preview server IP as fake.
    3 years ago when I was playing Star Trek Online I was on their preview

    Then ISP changed security settings and suddenly preview server become fake
    Or IP fell into ban range
    So I got no choice, but to ask on forums

    If I could find oit myself I would go and look

  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    Where are you getting that it's a weekly cap? The cap on seals has always been 1200. All it means is that you'll be visiting the seal vendor more often. And as has already been said they're replacing any instance of elemental seals with protectors seals. The only thing they haven't really commented on is the bag of seals you get from T1 dungeons.
  • icyclassicyclass Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    As far as I know, the weekly cap is on some reward from the new campaign (like demonic ichor though no one seems to remember that); nothing has been mentioned about limits on protector's seals (which is only how many you can have in inventory) changing.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    On the bright side, less geared alts can now get some nice gloves/chest/rings
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    New seals from chult has 1200 cap per week?
    So you get max 1200 in a week from new dungeon...

    I hope they do this on protector seals..

    That is nuts.
    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    Still no word what kind of gear will drop from old T1/T2 in chest and boss.

    This is most important
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited June 2017

    Still no word what kind of gear will drop from old T1/T2 in chest and boss.

    This is most important

    No it isn't. It's either going to be the same gear or epic gear. So either AD stays the same or goes up in T1s and it stays the same in T2s.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    seems like it will be dropping epic skt rings or underdark gear and recent lvl 70 players will going straight to relic gear unrestored or df/underdark/dusk gear, the only bad thing is the epic skt rings on seal trader in preview are bound to char, so they better switch that bound otherwise it will broke the main objective of the seal trader.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    Where are you getting that it's a weekly cap? The cap on seals has always been 1200. All it means is that you'll be visiting the seal vendor more often. And as has already been said they're replacing any instance of elemental seals with protectors seals. The only thing they haven't really commented on is the bag of seals you get from T1 dungeons.
    seal of protector are ok, the new one seems to becoming capped at 1200 for all week, even if u spent you wont win more from dung, if its not true then, i mis read something.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    Where are you getting that it's a weekly cap? The cap on seals has always been 1200. All it means is that you'll be visiting the seal vendor more often. And as has already been said they're replacing any instance of elemental seals with protectors seals. The only thing they haven't really commented on is the bag of seals you get from T1 dungeons.
    seal of protector are ok, the new one seems to becoming capped at 1200 for all week, even if u spent you wont win more from dung, if its not true then, i mis read something.
    "Seals of the brave will have a weekly earnings limit and be exchangeable for a set of item level 500 equipment. Full details on upcoming equipment will be released in a future blog."

    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    arcanjo86 said:

    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    Where are you getting that it's a weekly cap? The cap on seals has always been 1200. All it means is that you'll be visiting the seal vendor more often. And as has already been said they're replacing any instance of elemental seals with protectors seals. The only thing they haven't really commented on is the bag of seals you get from T1 dungeons.
    seal of protector are ok, the new one seems to becoming capped at 1200 for all week, even if u spent you wont win more from dung, if its not true then, i mis read something.
    "Seals of the brave will have a weekly earnings limit and be exchangeable for a set of item level 500 equipment. Full details on upcoming equipment will be released in a future blog."

    It's a 400 seal limit per week. I don't really understand the purpose but I don't really care either. I'll be sticking mostly with vivified relic gear anyways because the stats on the Primal gear are pretty bad.
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    urabask said:

    arcanjo86 said:

    what about t2 ecc/egwd/etos/cn and ndemo/edemo gives both seals aswell (good income of seals too) they drop both seals in there and we will lose some income seal for sure unless they add new seal to t2, making the new seal 1200 weekly cap is kick in the balls.

    Where are you getting that it's a weekly cap? The cap on seals has always been 1200. All it means is that you'll be visiting the seal vendor more often. And as has already been said they're replacing any instance of elemental seals with protectors seals. The only thing they haven't really commented on is the bag of seals you get from T1 dungeons.
    seal of protector are ok, the new one seems to becoming capped at 1200 for all week, even if u spent you wont win more from dung, if its not true then, i mis read something.
    "Seals of the brave will have a weekly earnings limit and be exchangeable for a set of item level 500 equipment. Full details on upcoming equipment will be released in a future blog."

    It's a 400 seal limit per week. I don't really understand the purpose but I don't really care either. I'll be sticking mostly with vivified relic gear anyways because the stats on the Primal gear are pretty bad.
    How much are the relic gear going for?
  • sfw#1705 sfw Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I hope they increase the salvage value of relic armor.
    Just began playing last month and I greatly depend on salvage ad to improve my main.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Relic gear is the same cost as Elven on live 400 for arms, feet, hat. 600 for chest.

    Also, don't buy armor to salvage. Buy rings.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Relic gear is the same cost as Elven on live 400 for arms, feet, hat. 600 for chest.

    Also, don't buy armor to salvage. Buy rings.

    is that relic gear salvageable?
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Yes, at a bad rate, 1k was what I got for boots or something. Ostorian rings are 4k for 300 seals, so they are the best value, same as elven rings on live.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Yes, at a bad rate, 1k was what I got for boots or something. Ostorian rings are 4k for 300 seals, so they are the best value, same as elven rings on live.

    1k only?

    If they replace all T1/T2 drops with those we gonna remember for a long time how nice it was to get +2 rings...
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    I doubt they're going to replace the baby dungeon drops with unrestored Relic gear.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User

    I doubt they're going to replace the baby dungeon drops with unrestored Relic gear.

    I hope they keep their hands firmly off CN
    I done this today and got x6 epics
    2 from mini-bosses and x2 per each chest
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    I doubt they're going to replace the baby dungeon drops with unrestored Relic gear.

    I hope they keep their hands firmly off CN
    I done this today and got x6 epics
    2 from mini-bosses and x2 per each chest
    They can't change CN because CN is meant to drop those transmutes and rings that are specific to it.
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