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Shroud of Souls Bugs & Issues



  • teflons7teflons7 Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    Last night I had a pretty bad experience on the Dragon Turtle. My companion disappeared and died, needing to be resummoned. After resummoning, it died instantly. It didn't jump to its death; it simply vanished. This happened every time I attempted to bring him back. I was using the Black Death Scorpion initially and then switched to a Pseudodragon, to no avail. The other party members seemed largely unaffected; their companions may have died, but they were able to resummon between phases. I'm not sure if it was a fluke, or if I managed to get myself bugged. Hopefully I get to try again soon and report back.

    Also, I've noticed my companions in general being a bit more suicidal. Anyone else notice this?

    Tre'Huggar - 70 HR
    Beefthor Battlebeard - 70 GF
    Beefer Sutherland - 70 CW
  • blur#5900 blur Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    Not sure if it has been reported before but today i experienced a bug in Mantol-Derith weekly Ballad quest. An attack which looks like Demogorgons special "line" red area attack pushed me out of the fighting area. I restarted the quest since i wasnt able to get back into the barrier and then Baphomet himself pushed me out but this time i was stuck inside the barrier in mid air.

    On a different note, as said earlier and in comment above, many companions are suicidal or simply bugged when they fight Dragon turtle in FBI. Can something be done about that issue? List is probably quite long, i'll name few. Shadow Demon, Lightfoot Thief, Mercenary, Black Death Scorpion, Xuna and Pseudodragon. Probably there are more which are dying on turtle due to positioning (or) while trying to grant combat advantage.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User


    Also on a TR, I assume? I haven't gone out of my way to try to provoke this bug on other classes, but reports so far of getting pushed out are from TRs.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I'm guessing the line attack is Bruenor casting Terrifying Impact, as it may be relevant.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 165 Arc User
    For the past week or three I have to keep summoning my mount until my toon actually is able to ride him. It doesn't appear to be charactor based as it does it on several that I play. Is anyone else having this issue?
  • ifiwassteveifiwassteve Member Posts: 1 New User
    New player probation means I can't make a thread, but I found an annoying bug, and this seems like the place to put it since I can't make a thread for it.

    Under Options -> Interface -> General you can scale the UI. I was running with a 1.2 scaling for a while, but as it turns out, upscaling your UI makes the numbers in dungeon/skirmish/event summaries go crazy. It basically appears where it should, but then immediately slides out to the right off the screen, then re-appears where it should, and basically loops this behaviour indefinitely until hidden.
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    I don't know if this is related to the Baphomet bug... but my TR recently finished Cloaked Ascendacy, and during the last story quest Final Ritual, when fighting Gyrion on the beach.. at a certain point... he becomes unresponsive and stops attacking. He just stands in one spot and faces anything that deals damage (character or companion). When you finally get him down to zero hit points.. he continues to just stand there and you can interact with him and you don't get the death cutscene.

    I finally got past it with help from some alliance friends and was able to finish it.

    Then last night, my same TR got to the last quest of Shroud of Souls, and Molantor.. does the same thing.
    At a certain point in the fight.. she stops attacking and using her powers, takes all damage from me and/or my companion.. and then when she is down to zero.. nothing happens.

    I've trying resetting by using defeatme through the help system... leaving the instance coming back in. And as far as Final Ritual.. you cant drop the quest, don't know if you can drop the final one from Shroud.

    I'm going to ask for some help tonight.. and see if I finish it.

    I have had one other toon get through both without any issues... but that was maybe a month ago or so.
    Which was an SW and used mostly ranged combat.... which I thought I would try with my TR... but that didn't help either.

    Thanks. :)
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    That sounds like something on your install might be corrupted and you should force-verify all files.

    If you can't find any indication that something is a problem for anyone but you, that should be your first step.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    I'll give it a try becky... its worth a shot
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    @terramak , @nitocris83 or any other dev who read this

    Ok, i know you are doing new mod, etc etc. But man, i'm so tired of this (description below) bug in Mod11, really. It was reported first week the mod came out. And then, many times more (here on forum and using ingame ticket system). Please, say something. It bothers me since the beginning of the mod. It AFFECTS EVERYONE, it's easy to reproduce, you don't need any ACT for this, etc. Really, I wouldn't bother if i had only 1 toon, but doing a daily grind in River is a PITA with alts. Instead of grinding (like it was something awesome and best to do in a game, but no prob here, i got used to it), i need to constantly check the freakin counter if I reach those 100 seals/whatever needed to do the task, do fast the task and try to NOT TO LOSE too much of those seals.

    Resist the Rituals and Secure the District bug:
    Observed: after collecting the reward, Resistance and Security counter IS RESET TO ZERO
    Expected: task should SUBTRACT "100" of the amount you have

    I repeat, you gain these by grinding. Please, fix this. Don't force us to grind even more.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    I don't think that's a bug. I'm pretty sure it's working exactly the way it was designed.

    What I'd say is a bug is that there's supposed to be a system notify message when they fill, which seldom works.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I see the mesaage occasionally. It always plays at a point after the bar is full and my guess would be that it only triggers after combat ends. Then when you get more security, the game recognizes that you have enough. I say this because I am usually micromanaging my security and never get the message when I know the bar just filled. It only plays on the occasions when it isn't on my mind. It might be something worth testing, though I'm going to keep managing it on my own.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited June 2017

    I don't think that's a bug. I'm pretty sure it's working exactly the way it was designed.

    What I'd say is a bug is that there's supposed to be a system notify message when they fill, which seldom works.

    If this is WAI then this can't be more stupid, at least in this game. You don't gain the stuff you get (which are needed for restoring weapons) from these task by, lets say, just staying there doing nothing and watching the birds passing by. There is no daily limit, so, if they/devs thought, resetting will stop ppl farming, they were wrong. There are better forms of doing that: daily/weekly limit; increase task timer (lets say 30 min instead of 20 sec)... or put a, lets say 500 as a cap for these seals. It's like everything in this game: buy stuff with seals, 300-600 per item, but you can store up to 1200; a 100M cap for AD but you have plenty of time to spending it so you know you wont LOSE a single AD in the process. This (resistance and security) is exactly the same grind. A "good example" (not that i liked it but it was a good form to stop massive farm) was a weekly limit for Underdark campaign: 400 seals weekly, do it in one day or little by little all 7 days of the week.

    EDIT: claiming SHE or BHEs will give you 5-10 points to, so if you do it elsewhere or next day, etc, and forgot to do a task, you can end with 150-200 and aaaalllll your points and hard work will go thru the toilet. Nice form to HAMSTER ppl. And many other CONs i can add to this system.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    #1 One thing I hope get's fixed is Artifact Powers Remembering Loadout selection.

    If you can select different paragon's for each loadout it be nice you didn't have to always spend AD each and every time cause you've unlocked Several Artifact Powers but changed from a Devine Oracle to an Annointed Champion and now want a Artifact Power that is relevant to that Paragon.

    More for new players:

    #2 For awhile now Rare Bounty gear that can be acquired in each zone has given buff's or damage far lower than Rare gear that drops from NPC's that you can buy on Auction House. For example if you were given a choice to buy and wear a 45 Rare Mace with bounties it would offer less damage and buff's that a Rare Mace you picked up while still 40.
    Post edited by strathkin on
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