It's over a month away, so details may change, but there will be a promotional companion during the Winter Festival. The Promo Charge Vendor is a different approach to delivering items. I guess the Reward Claim Agent's wages were too high?
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited November 2016
I actually love these types of promotion. You get Zen, which you can use on anything you want AND a gift with it. In the past, I've found that the value of the giveaways can often times exceed the value of the Zen you need to purchase...last time they did this I ended up holding on to the rare companions/mounts for a while, and netting a profit 10+ million AD...
If you were going to buy Zen anyway, such promotions can be nice (provided nobody makes horrible errors that remedying drags out for months).
I'm wondering if that's a step towards better quality control based on the last fiasco. If they're making specific giveaways tied to a specific vendor, perhaps it's a failsafe from stuff getting mixed, like we had with the whole Slaadgate fiasco.
The wording makes it sound like its an event specific companion. "Will help you during the winter festival". Maybe it will automatically pick up your gifts for you?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Wellll... look how much they like designing companions with a bonus to get more currency (and now relics), basically only useful during a specific event or while working on a particular campaign.
Not really a fan of those, personally, because I wouldn't be able to remember to switch them out and it would be a constant irritation to me. So... not buying them saves me all kinds of monies.
Becky's probably right that the companion will have a "gain extra currency" effect like Watler during Portobello's event.
After some thought, my best guess for why they're planning to use a new NPC vendor instead of the Reward Claim Agent is to give the new NPC explanatory dialogue: 1. View inventory. 2. How do I get Charge Points? 3. How long will you be available? 4. Goodbye.
If you were going to buy Zen anyway, such promotions can be nice (provided nobody makes horrible errors that remedying drags out for months).
Kind of wonder how it's meant to work. I guess slapping it on a temporary vendor means not an account-unlock, or at least only available seasonally.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Not really a fan of those, personally, because I wouldn't be able to remember to switch them out and it would be a constant irritation to me. So... not buying them saves me all kinds of monies.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
After some thought, my best guess for why they're planning to use a new NPC vendor instead of the Reward Claim Agent is to give the new NPC explanatory dialogue:
1. View inventory.
2. How do I get Charge Points?
3. How long will you be available?
4. Goodbye.