we all suffer from lags in this game , sometimes light , sometimes bad
but since last week patch i noticed some very disturbing increase in what i called "unplayable lag "
just like when i felt at the start of mode 8 underdark if ppl remember how many crashes and lags we had back there ,or when we had ddos attacks
now before some kitten say its my machine , or my connection blah blah blah
here are the facts
1. this serious lag in time window that start at 6 pm utc and usually end at 11 pm utc aka this is the time when the server has the most requests client-server activity on
2. /netgraph ping is going well for 180-200 , seems ok for few seconds , then bam , screen freeze for 1-2 seconds and ping raise to 600 800 2000 even , and this loop going all the time each 5-10 seconds or so during that time window i stated at 1
3. all loading screens take forever to load , proffesions tasks delay very bad , pve u suffer and take more time to finish every daily dung etc , pvp is unplayable , u just cant have 2 sec delay in ur actions there
4. during this time i checked with other online games , like wow,cod for example, and no lag there , so we can say its not my connection at this hours that bad
5. other hours the game run smooth , well, there is allways little lag but not close to what i feel during this hours , and no screen freeze for 1 -2 sec , so we can say its not my machine or drivers either that causing it
6. alot of ppl ingame complain about it also , how much ? cant tell for sure but it seems more popular complain since last week patch, aka since pvp solo queue and popular cta event , so much more ppl were online and came back to the game , at least its the general feeling
so , which boat am i ? share ur lag problems , its time cryptic do something about it
my guess ? server just cant handle rush hours , and its time to change it for the good of this game
Post edited by zebular on
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
1. this serious lag in time window that start at 6 pm utc and usually end at 11 pm utc aka this is the time when the server has the most requests client-server activity on
That is within the afternoon in North America. In theory, it should be the time that has the least load because people are at work/school. It is not supposed to be a rush hour at all.
Can it be a proxy server overload issue? Did you try to use a different proxy server? I am in Eastern time zone. I don't have material issue for lagging in my "rush hour". i.e. 6pm to 12am Eastern time.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I think i can speak on behalf of both Hungary and Germany.
I live in south Hungary, but work calls me sometimes back to my old home, Germany and then i am at the different workplaces, which is split through many parts of mostly southern/mid Germany.
Mid EU, Hungary is a mixture, i can/ could play normally, except of any major HEs(TIA and back the IWD HEs). Recently the entire game is near to unplayable since there was the last big server maintenance on Cryptic's side a few weeks ago.
Germany is kinda same in my experience as @gleichgewichtnw said.
Both here in Hungary and in Germany i too have to push things twice to activate one encounter. Worst is DR and Sharandar mini lairs lately ( cool break dancing in there lol) and the big HEs (TIA), new maps are playable, but worst is the exact same lag i get when entering our SH and lately PVP is laggy too.
Sad truth when it comes to Cryptic server connectivity, i have tested it on University server (south Hungary) too in the past and the result was mediocre.
I play in all kinds of times and besides small differences i get the same bad results.
In guild we had people living in the North America, who had to give up or play just a tiny bit, cause of lag issues.
Verdict as we all know, the server of Cryptic is bellow industry standard.
Edit: Did a small research too- @magenubbie you are like a good virus - and found out that from my location it goes through cogent (we all love it lol) and then where things go wrong is in the range of Cryptic Studios and i came to the same conclusions.
Overall repairs should be done on their side, no doubt.
Post edited by matthiasthehun76 on
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Well once again the latency problems of Cryptic games can be traced back to Cryptic. Or so it seems. Attending to connectivity issues should be a no brainer. Its like the most essential thing for an mmo. I hope they do all thery can about this.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I like how everyone is missing the point. This person is gently trying to imply that bots are now running professions in addition to all else in-game right now because the Gateway is shutdown. Read between the lines people.
frozenfirevrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,475Community Moderator
^ you're saying some how that's unexpected? xP
The removal of gateway is to punish us, not bots. Right @strumslinger?
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
is it real? eu 2 proxy is back?
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
edited September 2016
got dc lot today, couldn't finish sharandar on my alts, had to log off, why cant they track ip addres of these "botts" and locke them from entering game like they did to japanese players on overwatch game?
we all suffer from lags in this game , sometimes light , sometimes bad
but since last week patch i noticed some very disturbing increase in what i called "unplayable lag "
just like when i felt at the start of mode 8 underdark if ppl remember how many crashes and lags we had back there ,or when we had ddos attacks
now before some smartass say its my machine , or my connection blah blah blah
here are the facts
1. this serious lag in time window that start at 6 pm utc and usually end at 11 pm utc aka this is the time when the server has the most requests client-server activity on
2. /netgraph ping is going well for 180-200 , seems ok for few seconds , then bam , screen freeze for 1-2 seconds and ping raise to 600 800 2000 even , and this loop going all the time each 5-10 seconds or so during that time window i stated at 1
3. all loading screens take forever to load , proffesions tasks delay very bad , pve u suffer and take more time to finish every daily dung etc , pvp is unplayable , u just cant have 2 sec delay in ur actions there
4. during this time i checked with other online games , like wow,cod for example, and no lag there , so we can say its not my connection at this hours that bad
5. other hours the game run smooth , well, there is allways little lag but not close to what i feel during this hours , and no screen freeze for 1 -2 sec , so we can say its not my machine or drivers either that causing it
6. alot of ppl ingame complain about it also , how much ? cant tell for sure but it seems more popular complain since last week patch, aka since pvp solo queue and popular cta event , so much more ppl were online and came back to the game , at least its the general feeling
so , which boat am i ? share ur lag problems , its time craptic do something about it
my guess ? server just cant handle rush hours , and its time to change it for the good of this game
I've seen a few people now and then who seem to be a little under-educated claiming there were DDoS attacks. Is there any admission of this from the company or is it only assumptions being made by uninformed, inexperienced players?
You come here all cocky with this "before you say it's me let me tell you why it isn't" yet you have nothing that could potentially prove this. Where's your trace route? All you have is assumptions and guesses.
1. You stated times without stating timezones. Huge mistake; common but huge. Even if we knew which timezone you were referring to, it's unlikely you have a realiable method of determining what the peak gameplay hours are. And I only say "unlikely" because to the best of my knowledge the company doesn't have anything published that allows you to view these statistics.
2. 180-200 ping is NOT considered good. I'm not sure in which game someone told you this was the case but it simply isn't. You have a high ping to start with and you don't necessarily have more hops but most likely do, in which case there are more potential areas where things could go wrong. But who cares about facts right? Just make some assumptions and blame the company automatically like everyone else.
3. You're stating this as if it's a fact and everyone is suffering from these issues. I can tell you right now, they aren't. There's not a massive amount of players with serious lag issues frequently enough that people are making several threads about the lag. I'm not saying lag doesn't happen that isn't the fault of the player's connections. There are definitely some intermittent issues with lag that may or may not be at the host's end but it's more probably the connection issue is at one of the hops on the network they use (especially considering from what I've seen one of the networks is cogent). And yes, the slow loading of maps is an issue everyone has and from what I can tell isn't a problem with any network at all under normal circumstances, but rather the client itself. The alternative is the reason the client freezes is because it times out connecting. This is easily observable by entering the stronghold map and clicking the screen of the game while it's taking forever to load. This is one thing I could say without a doubt is the fault of the company, even if it's a time out issue because the server is preparing the map since nobody is in it (as I'm told by many players is the reason it takes so long). There should be something added in if they can't resolve that issue in which the timeout doesn't occur and client doesn't lock up. Even when there are people in that map it takes a long time to load compared to other maps. But here's the thing... in general (not talking about the stronghold or SNR issues) you're likely loading in slowly due to a slow drive. Whenever I load into dungeons I seem to load in before all the other players and it's very common for the average player to have issues with their computer and/or an ancient IDE drive or something else slow compared to a Samsung 840 Pro.
4. Checking other games doesn't mean it definitely isn't your own connection. You need to realize that your connection isn't just at your house... Your connection travels to your router then to a local hub from your ISP then keeps hopping more and more. Who's to say how many of those hops are your ISP and how many aren't, but the point is that checking another game doesn't automatically prove that it's the fault of Crpytic's servers.
5. If your screen is freezing up I would have to say YES it's your system because it doesn't happen to me and based on anecdotal experience it doesn't happen to the majority of the players in the game. I haven't seen threads about this and haven't seen people complain about it, for the most part. I know ONE person who has this issue in total and only under specific situations since the change to SWs and SWs became popular in mod 10. Now on the other hand if your game is freezing up, meaning that players stop moving and you move a little then get reset to your old position and things like that, then sure we could call that lag. However, lag doesn't cause your GPU to stop rendering the change in visuals so it's simply wrong to state this.
6. Like many players your main argument consists of "too many players, game can't handle it" but what you fail to understand is that this likely (and I say likely because I don't work for the company) has nothing or little to nothing to do with any lag. You guys make these assumptions but fail to realize how little resources games like this use in ratio to the cost of bandwidth and servers. I can't speak on the specifics of this game because I don't have direct experience running it but in general games like these just don't consume much. Sure, they consume a heft amount of outbound traffic compared to what you're probably using at home but that should be the most of the resource consumption aside from IOP. The reason for this is it makes no sense for a company to intentionally be cheap to lag players out by not purchasing what's necessary to support the player base. Thinking rationally, if they have such a demand of several new players it isn't necessarily a huge expense to expand the hosting capabilities to make room for those players.
Calling them "Craptic" based on your assumptions is a terrible mistake. Get some proof before you come auto-blaming everyone else. That's a general issue with players of online games these days that needs to stop. Don't just assume that nothing could possibly be your connection or your fault or your system and actually gather data to support your claims. I'm not saying they are perfect, but I'm really sick of players with this "it couldn't possibly be me, I'm perfect" nonsense they spout wherever they go.
2. 180-200 ping is NOT considered good. I'm not sure in which game someone told you this was the case but it simply isn't. You have a high ping to start with and you don't necessarily have more hops but most likely do, in which case there are more potential areas where things could go wrong. But who cares about facts right? Just make some assumptions and blame the company automatically like everyone else.
150ms is standard from Eu to US games. I get it in several.
Fabricant who live in south africa reguarly gets 500ms+ per his own admission.
For some parts of the world that really is good ping to US based games.
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
@sneak i wont even bother comment to u lol u clearly just try to flame and have zero knowledge regarding software and hardware most of ur points not true, based on what i wrote
"Based on what you wrote" is purely anecdotal evidence. Therefore, the burden of proof is on YOU, as he has laid out several facts to refute your claims. You're simply calling it "flaming" and claiming that "he doesn't know what he's talking about" because he disagrees with your assumption that it's the devs' fault.
If you're posting here, then be prepared to accept actual advice, not seek sycophants for your crusade against the devs--which your post history clearly indicates.
As has been said to you once, so I will reiterate: You have provided exactly zero evidence or hard data, merely anecdotal evidence. No traceroute performed, nor nettest (even though those are clearly outlined in the stickied thread that has been here since time out of mind to help in diagnosing where your lag may be occurring). "I'm experiencing this, therefore everyone else must be as well, and the burden of proof that it isn't is on the devs lolz" doesn't cut it.
No, you CANNOT prove that the lag is on the server end "because other games don't have it". There are more points to a connection than your PC and the game servers--which a simple traceroute test would have revealed to you. Also, the route that each game's traffic takes is different. One game may not have to travel through a problematic hop that another game does.
I'm not saying the company is perfect. However, to brush off someone else's comment as "flame bait" when it is actually grounded in fact is simply trying to be dismissive because they're not jumping on your "let's flame the devs!!" bandwagon. The causes for latency can fill a decent sized book, plague almost every MMORPG in existence, and about 10% of those--if that--can be laid directly at the feet of the devs.
Judging from your responses to others in this thread, as well as the other antagonistic posts you've made here, though, I fully expect this explanation to fall on deaf ears because it doesn't jibe with your "I hate the devs and I want everyone else to hate the devs too!!" attitude. But I've said my piece.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Spain here. Constant lag sense and _I usually being kicked from server for no reason. On the orc event it's nearly unplayable, I only can spam skills
Edit: Today is worse, two times kicked in middle of a battle (in quests), and when I relogin I was killed. That's incredible... the game is nearly unplayable and I feel frustation. I'm not enjoying the game
US West coast here. At almost any hour of the day I have almost unplayable lag spikes on any graphics setting. Strangely enough the graphics settings don't seem to effect this frame rate drop. I tried a resource monitor program and my pc is only using 50% capacity on both my CPU/GPU when set on max settings. I have spent countless hours combing forums for any kind of advice or a fix to no avail. I can smoothly play at 60+ fps for up to 5 minutes before it starts lagging bad, dropping down to around 5 fps for almost as long as I got to play. This game is fun and I want to play it, but if this is just how it plays there is no way I can do any end game content. Does anyone have advice? My connection speed is great, Overwatch and WoW play fine (I know that might not mean anything).
Can it be a proxy server overload issue? Did you try to use a different proxy server?
I am in Eastern time zone. I don't have material issue for lagging in my "rush hour".
i.e. 6pm to 12am Eastern time.
Horrible delay in all group dungeons. Cn or etos, all the same. Getting pushed back and forwards, skills activate 4 seconds after i pushed the key.
Solo content no lag. If your dungeon run lag way more than dread ring, something goes horribly wrong. ^^
Launcher loads without issues. No proxy.
Who writes this stuff?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I live in south Hungary, but work calls me sometimes back to my old home, Germany and then i am at the different workplaces, which is split through many parts of mostly southern/mid Germany.
Mid EU, Hungary is a mixture, i can/ could play normally, except of any major HEs(TIA and back the IWD HEs). Recently the entire game is near to unplayable since there was the last big server maintenance on Cryptic's side a few weeks ago.
Germany is kinda same in my experience as @gleichgewichtnw said.
Both here in Hungary and in Germany i too have to push things twice to activate one encounter. Worst is DR and Sharandar mini lairs lately ( cool break dancing in there lol) and the big HEs (TIA), new maps are playable, but worst is the exact same lag i get when entering our SH and lately PVP is laggy too.
Sad truth when it comes to Cryptic server connectivity, i have tested it on University server (south Hungary) too in the past and the result was mediocre.
I play in all kinds of times and besides small differences i get the same bad results.
In guild we had people living in the North America, who had to give up or play just a tiny bit, cause of lag issues.
Verdict as we all know, the server of Cryptic is bellow industry standard.
Edit: Did a small research too- @magenubbie you are like a good virus
Overall repairs should be done on their side, no doubt.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
The removal of gateway is to punish us, not bots. Right @strumslinger?
You come here all cocky with this "before you say it's me let me tell you why it isn't" yet you have nothing that could potentially prove this. Where's your trace route? All you have is assumptions and guesses.
1. You stated times without stating timezones. Huge mistake; common but huge. Even if we knew which timezone you were referring to, it's unlikely you have a realiable method of determining what the peak gameplay hours are. And I only say "unlikely" because to the best of my knowledge the company doesn't have anything published that allows you to view these statistics.
2. 180-200 ping is NOT considered good. I'm not sure in which game someone told you this was the case but it simply isn't. You have a high ping to start with and you don't necessarily have more hops but most likely do, in which case there are more potential areas where things could go wrong. But who cares about facts right? Just make some assumptions and blame the company automatically like everyone else.
3. You're stating this as if it's a fact and everyone is suffering from these issues. I can tell you right now, they aren't. There's not a massive amount of players with serious lag issues frequently enough that people are making several threads about the lag. I'm not saying lag doesn't happen that isn't the fault of the player's connections. There are definitely some intermittent issues with lag that may or may not be at the host's end but it's more probably the connection issue is at one of the hops on the network they use (especially considering from what I've seen one of the networks is cogent). And yes, the slow loading of maps is an issue everyone has and from what I can tell isn't a problem with any network at all under normal circumstances, but rather the client itself. The alternative is the reason the client freezes is because it times out connecting. This is easily observable by entering the stronghold map and clicking the screen of the game while it's taking forever to load. This is one thing I could say without a doubt is the fault of the company, even if it's a time out issue because the server is preparing the map since nobody is in it (as I'm told by many players is the reason it takes so long). There should be something added in if they can't resolve that issue in which the timeout doesn't occur and client doesn't lock up. Even when there are people in that map it takes a long time to load compared to other maps. But here's the thing... in general (not talking about the stronghold or SNR issues) you're likely loading in slowly due to a slow drive. Whenever I load into dungeons I seem to load in before all the other players and it's very common for the average player to have issues with their computer and/or an ancient IDE drive or something else slow compared to a Samsung 840 Pro.
4. Checking other games doesn't mean it definitely isn't your own connection. You need to realize that your connection isn't just at your house... Your connection travels to your router then to a local hub from your ISP then keeps hopping more and more. Who's to say how many of those hops are your ISP and how many aren't, but the point is that checking another game doesn't automatically prove that it's the fault of Crpytic's servers.
5. If your screen is freezing up I would have to say YES it's your system because it doesn't happen to me and based on anecdotal experience it doesn't happen to the majority of the players in the game. I haven't seen threads about this and haven't seen people complain about it, for the most part. I know ONE person who has this issue in total and only under specific situations since the change to SWs and SWs became popular in mod 10. Now on the other hand if your game is freezing up, meaning that players stop moving and you move a little then get reset to your old position and things like that, then sure we could call that lag. However, lag doesn't cause your GPU to stop rendering the change in visuals so it's simply wrong to state this.
6. Like many players your main argument consists of "too many players, game can't handle it" but what you fail to understand is that this likely (and I say likely because I don't work for the company) has nothing or little to nothing to do with any lag. You guys make these assumptions but fail to realize how little resources games like this use in ratio to the cost of bandwidth and servers. I can't speak on the specifics of this game because I don't have direct experience running it but in general games like these just don't consume much. Sure, they consume a heft amount of outbound traffic compared to what you're probably using at home but that should be the most of the resource consumption aside from IOP. The reason for this is it makes no sense for a company to intentionally be cheap to lag players out by not purchasing what's necessary to support the player base. Thinking rationally, if they have such a demand of several new players it isn't necessarily a huge expense to expand the hosting capabilities to make room for those players.
Calling them "Craptic" based on your assumptions is a terrible mistake. Get some proof before you come auto-blaming everyone else. That's a general issue with players of online games these days that needs to stop. Don't just assume that nothing could possibly be your connection or your fault or your system and actually gather data to support your claims. I'm not saying they are perfect, but I'm really sick of players with this "it couldn't possibly be me, I'm perfect" nonsense they spout wherever they go.
Tornado Of Souls
150ms is standard from Eu to US games. I get it in several.
Fabricant who live in south africa reguarly gets 500ms+ per his own admission.
For some parts of the world that really is good ping to US based games.
If you're posting here, then be prepared to accept actual advice, not seek sycophants for your crusade against the devs--which your post history clearly indicates.
As has been said to you once, so I will reiterate: You have provided exactly zero evidence or hard data, merely anecdotal evidence. No traceroute performed, nor nettest (even though those are clearly outlined in the stickied thread that has been here since time out of mind to help in diagnosing where your lag may be occurring). "I'm experiencing this, therefore everyone else must be as well, and the burden of proof that it isn't is on the devs lolz" doesn't cut it.
No, you CANNOT prove that the lag is on the server end "because other games don't have it". There are more points to a connection than your PC and the game servers--which a simple traceroute test would have revealed to you. Also, the route that each game's traffic takes is different. One game may not have to travel through a problematic hop that another game does.
I'm not saying the company is perfect. However, to brush off someone else's comment as "flame bait" when it is actually grounded in fact is simply trying to be dismissive because they're not jumping on your "let's flame the devs!!" bandwagon. The causes for latency can fill a decent sized book, plague almost every MMORPG in existence, and about 10% of those--if that--can be laid directly at the feet of the devs.
Judging from your responses to others in this thread, as well as the other antagonistic posts you've made here, though, I fully expect this explanation to fall on deaf ears because it doesn't jibe with your "I hate the devs and I want everyone else to hate the devs too!!" attitude. But I've said my piece.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Edit: Today is worse, two times kicked in middle of a battle (in quests), and when I relogin I was killed. That's incredible... the game is nearly unplayable and I feel frustation. I'm not enjoying the game