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- Classes and Balance
- General: Shield, dodge and immunity powers should now properly mitigate Everfrost damage.
- Hunter Ranger: Marauder's Rush: Range increased back to 83'.
- Bryn Shander: Fixed an issue where golden paths were either beneath the ground or too high above it.
- Bryn Shander: Resolved several issues with world elements being underneath the world or inside terrain and other minor polish bug fixes."
Items and Economy
- Added Duelist and Prestige PvP sets to the appropriate stores.
- Increased the overall drop chances of getting Lanolin and Ostorian Relics in Heroic Encounters.
- Ostorian Relic restoration items are now all profession items except for the main item that gets restored into equipable items.
- Resolved an issue wherein the option "Fallen Marks of Glory" at the stronghold outfitter would erroneously grant 80 seals of the elements instead of the indicated 300 glory.
- Seal of Triumph prices on accessories have been adjusted to match new earn rates.
- There is now a task in the Storm King's Thunder campaign to create a campaign key for Fangbreaker.
- Updated the creation costs for Ostorian Relic equipment items.
Classes and Balance
- General: Resolved an issue that would constantly trigger passive powers and enchantments creating repetitive text pop ups and sounds.
- Great Weapon Fighter: Hidden Daggers: Now generates an appropriate amount of AP, instead of a very small amount.
- Hunter Ranger
- Aimed Shot: Charge time further reduced by 0.5s, down to 1s at Rank 4. Damage of the actual hit reduced slightly, but damage per cast time increased ~23%.
- Aimed Shot: It should now be easier to chain other powers after casting Aimed Shot.
- Ambush: Increased damage bonus for Encounter powers to 15%, up from 10%.
- Ambush: Recharge time reduced to 15s, down from 18s.
- Ambush: Should now always consume the on-next-hit damage when the next time a power deals damage.
- Aspect of the Falcon: Now also increases your Ranged powers damage based on the distance to your target. Damage is increased by 1% for every 5'away you are from your target.
- Aspect of the Falcon: Rank 4 now properly increases your range by an additional 3'.
- Commanding Shot: Damage increased ~300%.
- Commanding Shot: Recharge time reduced to 15s, down from 18s.
- Constricting Arrow: Recharge time reduced to 15s, down from 18s.
- Cordon of Arrows: Now generates an appropriate amount of AP, instead of a very small amount.
- Crushing Roots: The Daze effect can no longer be Deflected.
- Disruptive Shot: The Daze component of this power can no longer be Deflected.
- Battle Crazed feat: Now grants bonus melee damage with every stack as well. Duration increased to 6s, up from 3s.
- Biting Snares feat: The Master Trapper effect can no longer proc multiple times by rapidly switching stances.
- Hasty Retreat feat: Now also increases your movement speed by a small amount at all times, in addition to the existing proc effect.
- Longshot: Damage dealt by this feat increased to 20/40/60/80/100% of Weapon Damage, up from 10/20/30/40/50%. In addition, this is now actually Piercing damage, instead of having an undocumented feature of behaving somewhat like Piercing damage.
- Lucky Blades feat: Tooltip properly reports a 6s duration, instead of listing 4s.
- Lucky Blades feat: When Lucky Blades is triggered, it now also increases your Encounter power damage by 3/6/9/12/15%.
- Predator feat: This Feat is no longer half as effective against players.
- Scoundrel Training feat: No longer affects the damage displayed on the tooltips of your At-Will powers.
- Swiftness of the Fox feat: Now triggers from more powers. Ranged Encounter and At-Will powers reduce the cooldown of your Melee Encounter powers, and vice versa. Daily powers reduce the cooldown of all of your Encounter powers.
- Unflinching Aim feat: Aimed Shot now reduces the cooldown of your currently recharging Encounter powers (no longer just Ranged powers) by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0s (up from 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5s).
- Warden's Courage feat: Now also reduces the damage resistance penalty of Throw Caution by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Grasping Roots (Weak & Strong), Thorned Roots: The Root effect can no longer be Deflected.
- Hindering Shot: Charge refill time reduced to 12s, down from 15s.
- Hindering Shot: Now generates an appropriate amount of AP, instead of a very small amount.
- Longstrider Shot: Buff no longer stacks if rapidly reapplied.
- Pathfinder's Action: Now grants 5% Deflection Chance per rank as stated, instead of only granting 13% at Rank 4.
- Split Shot: The AoE targeting FX now more accurately represent the area that will be hit.
- Strong Grasping Roots, Thorned Roots: The spiral roots/vines VFX should now display the entire duration of the Root, instead of ending early.
- Thorn Strike: Damage increased ~33%. Damage reduction for striking more than 1 target reduced to 5% per target, down from 7.5%.
- Thorn Strike: Recharge time reduced to 8s, down from 14s.
- Thorned Roots: The damage over time component of this power no longer has its duration reduced by control resistances, nor is its duration increased by control bonuses. If you apply Thorned Roots to a target, then all of the ticks of damage will apply to them, even if the Root effect is removed earlier. Targets that are completely immune to Roots still get the individual burst of damage instead of the DoT.
- Throw Caution: Damage resistance debuff reduced by 10% (now 15% at Rank 4, down from 25%).
- Throw Caution: Now deals damage to a single target in addition to its existing effects. Animation/FX updated to match this new functionality.
- Throw Caution: Recharge time reduced to 12s, down from 20s.
- Weak Grasping Roots: Now plays one of the standard immobilized/rooted VFX on the target while they are affected.
- Scourge Warlock
- Arms of Hadar: Prone time is now 1 second, instead of ending almost immediately.
- Flames of Phlegethos: Damage increased ~40%.
- Gates of Hell: Prone time is now 1.5 seconds, instead of ending almost immediately.
- Gates of Hell: Activation time further reduced to 1.9s, down from 2.2s.
- Harrowstorm: The previously mentioned 50% damage buff should actually work now. In addition, the damage reported on the tooltip should be accurate.
- Hellish Rebuke: DoT damage increased another 50%.
- Hellish Rebuke: The damage reflect component of this power can now be triggered on each target once per second, up from once per 2 seconds.
- Infernal Spheres: No longer attacks enemies that get near you. Instead, sends a sphere out to targets that attack you.
- Infernal Spheres: Now regenerates a sphere every 5s while the power is active. Running out of spheres will cause the power to deactivate. Alternatively, you may activate the power again to cause all remaning spheres to explode, dealing damage around you.
- Killing Flames: Minimum damage increased ~67%. Maximum damage is unchanged, but damage ramping has increased, such that maximum damage is now reached when the target is at or below 25% HP, instead of at 0 HP.
- No Pity, No Mercy: In addition to its current effect on Combat Advantage, this power now changes the way Hellish Rebuke functions. With this Class Feature slotted, Hellish Rebuke no longer deals damage over time. Instead, the initial hit of damage and any damage reflects caused by Hellish Rebuke deal 50% more damage.
- Soul Sparks: No longer display the words "Soul Spark" whenever you gain one.
- Soul Sparks: No longer immediately consumed when combat ends. Instead, one is consumed every 0.5s you are out of combat. This means at full stacks (30) it will take 15 seconds for them all to be consumed. If you re-enter combat, the passive consumption of Soul Sparks will stop.
- Vampiric Embrace: Damage increased ~60%.
- Warlock's Curse: No longer grants less of a benefit when on multiple targets.
- Artifact Class Features
- All-Consuming Curse: Now works with All-Consuming Curse Rank 4.
- Deadly Curse: Now deals the damage it states in the tooltip, instead of considerably less.
- Prince of Hell: Now increases Damage Resistance by 5%, instead of Defense Rating.
- Snuff Out: Now causes Snuff Out to have a 50% chance to grant an additional Soul Spark when a target dies within range, instead of granting 150 Life Steal Rating.
- Dreadtheft: The stacks generated by Curse Synergy with Dreadtheft now cap at 3, down from 5. However, the amount of Damage Resistance granted by each stack has been increased.
- Eldritch Blast: Increased the damage of the first hit of this combo by ~33%.
- Creeping Death feat: Now deals its damage over 6 seconds (4 times, once every 1.5s) instead of over 8 seconds (4 times, once every 2s).
- Murderous Flames feat: Now works with Killing Flames Rank 4.
Content and Environment
- Sharandar: Resolved an issue with areas where players are not scaled to the proper level.
Items and Economy
- Insignias: Rare and Epic Insignias can now be donated to the Stronghold Coffer.
Performance and Stability
- Resolved a client crash that could occur when donating to Stronghold Coffers.
User Interface
- There is now a small UI indicator underneath the character portrait when a player has bonus AD similar to when there is bonus Glory, this is to support the related Invocation changes.
GWF tradebar PVP (no arms) - Dyed Hammerstone armor
GWF tradebar PVE (no arms) - Dyed Hammerstone armor
GWF prestige PVP - chest is the same as the Eternal armor from WoD (slightly altered to have a different skirt), helm/arms/feet are the Fabled Illiyanbruen set
Art team, you guys do good work. we see it when you make new zones. you put a ton of effort into lonelywood and that place is so nice. But I don't live in lonelywood. I do however live in my armor. The GWF relic armor is excellent, it is a new look. I don't know if I will keep the appearance, but at least it is new. the rest? Hammerstone, Eternal, Fabled?
Please, stop copying that old stuff. We have the hammerstone both as drops in IWD, and it is in the new transmute store from Maze Engine. Fabled is going to end up in that store soon TM as well. the eternal armor is very widely available.
NEW THINGS. you can create all the sweet art in the world for zones, but please stop neglecting the armors.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Hey can this change be reverted? Right now with this change, we have no tools of flushing out stealth rogues.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
So, after all the things players have said about there being a huge amount of healing in the game already, you go and add a set like this. Admittedly, it will be very helpful for pve players who are low geared and struggle with survival. but as soon as you hit 15-20% lifesteal this is going to be stupid OP. Yes it is only once every 30 seconds, but that means that even your low damage dots that lifesteal are going to be twice as effective, add in Endless consumption to some of those ticks and you get 5x the normal heal. so a 5k damage that steals life can go from a 5k heal to a 10k heal to a 30k just like that.
Now, imagine that in pvp, a place where self sustain is already very strong. Your numbers are reduced by 50% because of healing depression but it still means that even the small teeny tiny ticks of damage can become meaningful heals. It is just too strong.
I don't want the lifesteal part of the set bonus to even be added to the game. it is too strong at BIS and stupid strong in PvP. But seeing as it is unlikely to be removed i think cutting the lifesteal severity down to +20% instead of +100% would be a good start. Second, that bonus lifesteal severity can only boost 1 lifesteal per second (avoids issues with multiple sources of dot damage ticking).
Now, with the deflect portion of the set bonus, This needs an ICD per reflected hit of .5 or 1.0 second. this will hopefully stop or slow down any damage loops that are going to get initiated when 2 TRs or SWs with 80%+deflect chance start hitting each other.
Lastly, make the set bonus only able to proc once per 60 seconds instead of once per 30 seconds. And if you insist on that huge lifesteal severity value it should be once per 180 seconds so that it sin't such a huge impact in pvp
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
The devs made masterworks as an "endgame for crafting", but here we are, only 2 mods after masterworks was introduced and already that endgame is practically worthless. I don't have adamant gear, and now i have no reason at all to even consider getting it.
warborn at ilv 135 would be an excellent pvp introduction set, on par with burning, but able to be purchased without setting foot in pvp. That is what makes warborn good already. before your only option for buying pvp gear without pvping was the ilv 125 guild pvp gear. that was good stuff for not setting foot in pvp and now there is warborn. set bonus and lots more stats, ilv 140 right now thus letting you safely ignore yet more content that was made for pvp (Stronghold siege)
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Relic armor (pve) for gwfs have 147 more stat points than adamant pve GWF masterwork armor on feet/helm/arms and 227 more stat points on the chest piece. So adamant is losing here. Relic armor also has a set bonus which further increases its value. In addition, relic armor I bet can be empowered up to a T3 state meaning probably ilv 147
prestige helm/arms/feet on gwf have exactly the same number of stats, same HP value same tenacity. the prestige chest (on gwf) has 147 less stat points than the adamant gwf pvp chest. but, prestige has the set bonus as well. So in the end adamant loses
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Each of your 3 points has a potentially valid argument behind it. The problem that you have not acknowledged though is that all sources of healing, even 'good' sources like insignias combine together to produce the problem we have on live. Champions return on live is basically a mini Gift of Faith every minute for example. There is no way that they should not respect healing depression. On the flip side we need to make sure they the devs fix them to also respect the incoming healing bonuses that players have. Once the major issues with healing have been fixed the devs will have a better idea of what needs to happen with insignias and they can adjust them as necessary, _within the bounds of the healing depression that effects all other sources of healing_.
and lots of games have had immortal healers. Go do some searching about WoW and you'll see all the complaints there as one example. DCs can't be everywhere at once though, you don't need to beat the DC you need to beat the team. Once sources of self-sustain are bought down to more reasonable levels people will die more often and a healer's roll in pvp will be both more and less noticeable since you can no longer blame overpowered self-sustain healing on the healer being 'to strong' but, you will notice a lot more how a healer can keep people alive when they are around. basically, deal with the self-sustain, then see what changes healers need. it is a intricate problem to solve, so don't run in with your nerf hammer against everyone just yet.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
This guy needs to be listened. An absolute +1
That null was supposed to be a quote for the comment 2 spaces above from metalldjt.
Buff base damage;
Buff heroic feats;
Tone down Destroyer feats;
Remove stamina regeneration delay after using Sprint;
Make Sentinel & Instigator GWF viable.
Dead🔪No, that's not what I meant.
Daddy, I wanna play Instigator!
At the second boss in Fangbreaker Island, what frequently happens is the screen freezes, then the entire party disconnects. When you reconnect you are no longer inside the dungeon.
but if they change Unstoppable DR to Deflection Severity or to Damage Reduction - Then I accept.
same for sprint: Damage Reduction/an extra Deflection Severity - a little more useful, than current DR BS.
also more responsive sprint - it has to be...