The upcoming Summer Festival has an interesting twist on the "share with your party" system that we've seen in the Winter Festival. "LF4M Sahha, no clumsies"
Great. I still have hundreds of gifts left, from winter event
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited June 2016
Tropical fashion is either going to be a huge win, or an eye bleeding cringe. Knowing their habits it'll be more tiefling unfriendly junk.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
That's going to be very interesting. I saw it on the calendar yesterday.
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Getting 300 volleys seems unlikely for most players anyway.
You kind of have to assume each game allows multiple volleys. Though that makes me wonder how much skill is involved in keeping the ball in play.
we have to see how the volley is counted, looks like will be a 10 man party match, so 10 ball to use, but it will count every ball puted to the match or every hit in the ball ? reaaly hard to undestand before seen the real thing...
If it count only the number of balls it realy is a "pay to TRY to win" like the lockboxes because a pay to win would not give you a only a chance to get the prize....
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
sounds.. disappointing. I was hoping it would be more like the winterfest , where you could just do one a day on each toon.
sounds.. disappointing. I was hoping it would be more like the winterfest , where you could just do one a day on each toon.
waste of time it appears.
It is like that. Just the party involves a game so instead of yelling at each other for not giving the right amount gifts we'll be yelling at each other for missing volleys.
Because nothing says "fun, relaxing summer" quite like doing the same thing 300 times and playing lotto tickets!
I don't get where people think that this is going to take 300 tries. The ball is like the winter bags and you'll get multiple volleys per ball. It'll probably play out similarly to the winter gifts as far as getting to the highest tier.
For clarification, and this is something that should become clear as you are introduced to sahha via the event quests, there are two distinct sahha related activities.
Ticket-ball juggling which is cooperative and sahha exhibition matches that are competitive.
Ticket-ball juggling is an activity you can engage in with your party anywhere, given that you have a ticket-ball. Any volleys by you or nearby party members count towards your total, and each ticket-ball can be volleyed 30 times if the ball is not allowed to despawn early by remaining on the ground for a few seconds. Your volley total remains throughout the duration of the event.
Exhibition matches are queued, competitive and volleys in competitive matches have no impact on your total juggles for ticket-balls. That being said, playing an exhibition match can earn you some of the same tickets, in addition it is one of the methods for earning a daily ticket-ball.
Ticket-balls are not designed to be too difficult to volley, even a single player should be able to keep one aloft, albeit with more difficulty than 2 or 5 players. In addition, grouping up will mean everyone gets more rewards.
We're very excited that sahha is now available to you all and we hope you enjoy the festivities!
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
edited July 2016
Did YOU enjoy the festivities?
Cause ..
Post edited by torontodave on
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
Personally I am enjoying the festivities (except for the very annoying reset time when the exhibition match's ball goes out of bounds).
It's really not that hard to get to 30 volleys. One party of 5 players with a perfect volley score of 30 per ball and you have 150 volleys. My parties have been decent but far from perfect and I'm well on the way to 300.
@asterdahl - The ball is VERY hard to see while in motion unless graphic settings are cranked all the way up. Please adjust the render priority (for both forms of the game) so that the ball has the highest render priority, not a low priority.
Take your purple ball, go to your SH with a full party, stand in the nook just to the right of the ramp up to the coffer deck, kick the ball into the corner, and one person just keep hitting it as it goes up and down 30 times. Done. Wash Rince Repeat with everyone's and enjoy the rewards.
Note, the ball can get stuck on the textures... If there's another very tall inside corner that works better, let me know
You can get one volley doing this inside the goals with the free balls on the sahha field too, hit it 30 times total get a volley - but in the corner you don't have to chase the ball around.
Get VIP for multiple toons and open your boxes, better chance to get your AD and other items.
This grind is hilariously insane, its totally great that you inform players afterwards for 2 different gamestyles, way to go.
GJ. im not touching this event, mod 10 is what im gonna play and elol + CN easy runs with my guild. easy AD easy drops, this is a waste of time. Those who enjoy, have fun.
Take your purple ball, go to your SH with a full party, stand in the nook just to the right of the ramp up to the coffer deck, kick the ball into the corner, and one person just keep hitting it as it goes up and down 30 times.
I just wanted to chime in as I think a lot of players might be nervous about this suggestion, but I wanted to let you all know that we are not considering this an exploit and it's completely fine if this is your preferred method of gaining volleys.
We designed the juggling itself with the hope that it would not be too difficult to keep it up with a group of 3-5 friends, but we also acknowledged that if players want to just play catch with a wall that's fine too. Whichever method you prefer. Just keep in mind that teaming up with other players will net you more rewards, as you'll receive some rewards from other players ticket-balls as well.
Take your purple ball, go to your SH with a full party, stand in the nook just to the right of the ramp up to the coffer deck, kick the ball into the corner, and one person just keep hitting it as it goes up and down 30 times.
I just wanted to chime in as I think a lot of players might be nervous about this suggestion, but I wanted to let you all know that we are not considering this an exploit and it's completely fine if this is your preferred method of gaining volleys.
We designed the juggling itself with the hope that it would not be too difficult to keep it up with a group of 3-5 friends, but we also acknowledged that if players want to just play catch with a wall that's fine too. Whichever method you prefer. Just keep in mind that teaming up with other players will net you more rewards, as you'll receive some rewards from other players ticket-balls as well.
Lesson learned. Devs are telling us to go in a corner and play with our balls by ourselves. Just bring a group to watch because it's more rewarding that way.
I think he just wanted to ease people's minds about using a possible exploit, and the consequences that would come along with it. Man you guys are harsh sometimes..... Thanks for the info asterdahl
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Neverwinter Census 2017
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If it count only the number of balls it realy is a "pay to TRY to win" like the lockboxes
because a pay to win would not give you a only a chance to get the prize....
waste of time it appears.
Ticket-ball juggling which is cooperative and sahha exhibition matches that are competitive.
Ticket-ball juggling is an activity you can engage in with your party anywhere, given that you have a ticket-ball. Any volleys by you or nearby party members count towards your total, and each ticket-ball can be volleyed 30 times if the ball is not allowed to despawn early by remaining on the ground for a few seconds. Your volley total remains throughout the duration of the event.
Exhibition matches are queued, competitive and volleys in competitive matches have no impact on your total juggles for ticket-balls. That being said, playing an exhibition match can earn you some of the same tickets, in addition it is one of the methods for earning a daily ticket-ball.
Ticket-balls are not designed to be too difficult to volley, even a single player should be able to keep one aloft, albeit with more difficulty than 2 or 5 players. In addition, grouping up will mean everyone gets more rewards.
We're very excited that sahha is now available to you all and we hope you enjoy the festivities!
Cause ..
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
It's really not that hard to get to 30 volleys. One party of 5 players with a perfect volley score of 30 per ball and you have 150 volleys. My parties have been decent but far from perfect and I'm well on the way to 300.
@asterdahl - The ball is VERY hard to see while in motion unless graphic settings are cranked all the way up. Please adjust the render priority (for both forms of the game) so that the ball has the highest render priority, not a low priority.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
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The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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Note, the ball can get stuck on the textures... If there's another very tall inside corner that works better, let me know
You can get one volley doing this inside the goals with the free balls on the sahha field too, hit it 30 times total get a volley - but in the corner you don't have to chase the ball around.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
This grind is hilariously insane, its totally great that you inform players afterwards for 2 different gamestyles, way to go.
GJ. im not touching this event, mod 10 is what im gonna play and elol + CN easy runs with my guild. easy AD easy drops, this is a waste of time. Those who enjoy, have fun.
PS. i cant even see the ball
We designed the juggling itself with the hope that it would not be too difficult to keep it up with a group of 3-5 friends, but we also acknowledged that if players want to just play catch with a wall that's fine too. Whichever method you prefer. Just keep in mind that teaming up with other players will net you more rewards, as you'll receive some rewards from other players ticket-balls as well.
They are giving us tools to "exploit" this event, fact.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.