All the other professions earn experience as they create items. Why is it that with Alchemy, you only gain experience when you do the research!? This has, by far, been the most difficult profession to advance, especially given the low rate of "Basic Alchemical Knowledge" as a reward when doing experimentation. Can this be fixed please?
And its one of those I've had to do on all my alts due to those blasted unified elements. A task I found far more agreeable then forcing myself to level up jewelcrafting or (shudders) leadership. I still have PTSD from that and thats with only a small handful of alts.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Edit. Not sure if you're levelling alchemy as a major profession or just to open up the extra slots. In my opinion, and this is just from a solo unguilded players perspective (no Mastercraft here) - Leadership and more Leadership is the way to go,
And I keep all those potions found and send it to my alchemist character to later send it to those in need of it.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That was when I discovered that I still made "Rank 7 Experimentation", though the task "Rank 8 Experimentation" was available as well.
4 experiments later I had the two required "Basic Alchemical Knowledge" scrolls.
The difference to the other skills is that you can not parallelize it. And it takes only 7 minutes to craft a new potion, so this skill needs more tending than the others.
But it is also faster than all others to get to 25. If you buy the Aquas and other resources in the AH.
Alchemy only is expensive because you need potions which are for low lv players. And they are expensive compared to 70 lv potions.
And as for rates,, they are not so low as you claim. Plus if you fail you get unstable potions which either transform you to bear/wolf, increase/decrease your size, intoxicate your character or even buff
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.