I was just notified that we at the "Imaginary friends" used up all our slave laborers, eerr *cough* valued employees and fellow guildies as the moat piranha food, and dragon snacks and bait.
So now we have few fresh ( a bit used ) straw cots open and we need to fill those spots fast! (The dragons getting grumpy, and the SH filthy)
We are looking to fill the following positions:
Influence mine laborer: One of our premium job openings -
we will provide you all the needed equipment -> 1 Rusty pickaxe and send you to get influence.
Luckily you will have 24/7 observation by one of our veteran overseers, equipped with a cane and a whip to get you up to speed and 120% efficiency.
Stronghold floor sanitary manager: Due to large influx of horses, snails, spores and other unidentified mules, the SH floors became rather filthy, you can be the person to make it better!
Bonuses for cleaning the moat (the fish don't bite, too often)
A good career plan, with variety of promotions like SH leaf blower and full time moat cleaner.
Wild beasts & spider tamer: Work with the variety of wildlife in the stronghold, from a bunch of cute spiderlings, to little furry wolf cubs.
Very fulfilling job.
Experience is a must - the last applicant was never found after their first day.
Comic relief: Special position for halflings - as they don't have much use in the other positions. Except for our contests.
Dwarf Tosser: You will be in charge of delivering dwarves to the correct destination, if it's over a cliff or a dragon mouth.
Applicants must be half-orcs or big-lizards.
High strength is a mandatory requirements.
Must have understanding of ballistics and aerodynamics.
All of the above positions fits all classes and races unless stated otherwise.
All applicants must be of at least 20 years old of age.
*All employees will have a great health plan including body cremation by our in-house MoF (we should have one of those).
*Separate full dental plan (One of our barbarians will knock those out for you in the first day -> no teeth = no problems)
*One meal per day, and peasant cloths provided.
*The above mandatory service will incur a fee of 200% of your income. Flexible payment options are also provided.
Also all new members will have guild events and lotteries.
The winners will have a variety of great prizes like coordinating and providing SH dragons a dinner (Winners - Please leave your gear behind, last dwarf to win this didn't listen and we had a dragon
HAMSTER a dwarf axe over our heads!)
Please send applications to
Now after the formal request, some small technical details

Who we are?
We are a medium'ish guild (with a very active core) named "The Imaginary friends".
- in game tag is "And the Imaginary friends", and can change depending on the situation,
for example "And the Lazy Imaginary friends" or "And the Imaginary fishing friends".
We are a PvE guild, the PvP aspect is covered by this:
http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1297On average we are
35+ y'olds but rather mentally young. We will accept ~20+ willing to put up with old farts (We will remind you that when we were young the grass was greener and the water wetter !)
And a minimal sense of humor is mandatory or tolerance for one.
Most of the players are playing for a long time, from beta, release and so on.
So we learned a thing or two and can help to gear faster, with builds and so on.
We do not plan to become a large guild, if you are looking for a guild that will get all boons extremely fast and grow to need a sister guild, we are not it.
We want to stay small enough that our completely trust based disorganized system works.
Looking to add few people only, and not to the guild 150 accounts limit.
We are GH20 temple, stable, barracks & Wizards pit. Yes no workshop for them, a pit is enough.
I wont chase you and verify your contribution on a daily basis,
but I believe that doing minimum 3 HEs for influence or some other equivalent contribution is only fair to all others who contribute. (Yes, even though we are SH20)
I'm in a firm belief that MMOs are are about the social aspect, so the minimum is to say "hi", this is mandatory, and not everyone know English at the same level, but we try.
Also minimal Role Playing is encouraged - give your character some 'character'

It's an RPG, have fun. -- We are by no means an RP guild nor have an intention to be one, there is no "talk in/out character", but it's nice to see some minimal 'flavor' added.
Also the chat is generally clean - no excessive profanities (practically none at all). And as usual any "Hate speech" won't be tolerated.
We are mostly online at EU evening but have some members active during US evenings as well.
Last but perhaps the most important, we login to have fun, and enjoy the game, yes it have plenty of flaws, bugs, unfairness, imbalances and so on.
And discussing them is not a problem, but endlessly complaining, bashing & whining will not be appreciated or tolerated. If I want to hear all that I'll get a job at customer support.
Thank you for reading, and most importantly have fun, see you in-game.
To clarify:
1. We are not forcing anyone to talk, but at least saying Hi is mandatory, we are a social guild, if it doesn't sound reasonable, we are not the guild for you.
2. Similarly for dragons / dungeons grouping, the guild is there to play together, as much as I like influence drones, it is not what I'm looking for in new members.
3. Everyone doing amazing work to donate what needed and upgrade the SH. - I will not chase, check daily, and measure contributions etc.. But totally freeloading on that hard work is extremely rude... especially when the 3 HEs for influence are easily done and there are usually people that can help with those.Additional Edit:
1. We don't have leveling people, so if you are bellow level 70, we will just laught and point at your suffering (jk, but while anyone can help here and there, there aren't people who constatnly doing low level content)
2. If you message on the forums or post on the thread to join, please write your in-game @handle and usual time & timezone. Otherwise it's really hard to find you in-game. Also, actually answering when I PM is really recommended. 
Annnd: Even In another universe we are mentioned
Here is a typical guild officer in their natural habitat:
Also, a question janne...what jobs are offered to tieflings??? You haven't covered that aspect adequately
However, due to the particular nature of tieflings, any of them that are caught cavorting and/or plotting with the devils in and around the stronghold will be severly punished. They will have their horns filed down in shame before being drawn and quartered by the snail mounts within the guild. The pieces will then be used as bait to lure the dragons down from the air during our regular dragon horn hunts.
That being said, tieflings that are loyal to the guild can rise to high levels and have proven themselves to be quite an effective tax base.
Murphster - SS CW | Jennsen Rahl - MoF CW
Taarna - GWF
Eowyn - Protector OP | Leela - Devoted OP
Mara Jade - TR
Leeloo - Tempt SW | Kahlan Amnell - Fury SW | Galadriel - Damnation SW
Sturm Nightblade - GF
This guild is definitely full of great people, you'll have a ton of fun with these guys. They're also all top players at their main class, so they'll definitely be able to give you lots of guidance.
However, I should warn you, tax rates are extremely high. There is a fair chance you will no longer own your own liver within a week of joining. Kidneys rarely last more than a day.
Also if I were to theoretically join you guys, would @jaegernl be available for eDemo more often? I could use his OP. He always says no
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
Wow, an @farla47 sighting has been made! This is a rare occurrence indeed! It must be a sign!
p.s. o/ o/ o/
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
Like others, with the awaited cost reductions in mod 9 we too resumed building, GH8 and all that comes with it.
And speaking of Orcus, he is just a poor misunderstood demon that was cough way to early in the morning, we found his image after his morning coffee:
Side note: Shall I have the grape peeler twins ready for your afternoon siesta? I've finally gotten them to sync with your shirtless fanners.
i will tell of your request as soon i see @micky1p00 on line
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
24/7 In the mines. It makes the dwarves 200% more productive.
Everyone have equal voice, everyone get to vote.
And someone get to decide.. ;p
Janne is a slave driver, literally. She likes to ride her sled and chain us up with /follow, forcing us to ride into mobs and watched us get hurt.
Please, we need more people to take the burden. I can't do it much longer.
Will be publicly drenched by other members & sent to the gulag to contemplate their lack of fun.
And yes, it's me up there
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away...
When I came home last night at three,
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn't see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don't you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door...
Last night I saw upon the stair,
A little man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away...
Is he one of my Imaginary Friends?
Or has all the influence grinding sent me over the edge?
*conveniently ignores the times I stole yours*
*Please allow 30 additional minutes for Devils.
Last boon structure here we come! Or more like:
Or even more accurate:
In game I am Lectric Boogaloo, DC, mighty level 22.
Y'all look like fun. Much interested. Wow.