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Seeeeething atm! Why is STRONGhold weapons gated behing profession junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    i think the purple mats may drop from skill nodes as the devs said there were other sources besides rank 6 explorers guild whales. but the same low chance as an egg....
  • edited November 2015
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  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Intriguing discussion guys, thank you for the info, this stuff has yet to drop on Xbone and we are way off rank 12 anyhow, the issue for us will be whether this will make players think again about the whole ranking up the stronghold Idea. It seems utterly pointless when this information is taken into account.
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    Not cool...I really do not want to farm my HAMSTER of to get hose motes (seriously who even thought this is fun or something??).
    Now SH weapons are gated behind Masterwork profession ?? seriously what the hell is going on ?
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Its monday, so I am posting again, I really do fully expect some dialogue on this.

    HOW is is ok to devalue ALL the grind we threw into our strongholds by doing this shifting behind the profession tactic? No way!

    ALL guilds who put all of this effort in, should be very upset.

    Can someone on here explain to me how this is ok? I really doubt they can, the only explanation they can give us .. is they didnt want people to have SH weapons faster then the twisted set..

    WELL news flash, there will be people who have twisted by end of the week, there ARe people with the pvp SET already!

    Its utter garbage to do this to us!

    I know they will be opening up their offices soon, I truly hope this is near the top of the list of conversations.

  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    So let's see for comparison:

    Elemental Weapons:
    General Assessment: In some cases better set bonuses, slightly less stats than SH.
    Obtained: Sit and switch instances 100 times for the motes, and you are done.
    Entertainment Value: Practically none.

    Twisted Weapons:
    General Assessment: Situationally better than SH and Elemental.
    Obtained: Gold in Epic Demo, plus a key, 40 times. Assuming what people have said and Epic will just be normal with tons more HP and damage, this is going to be a challenge to do without said weapons. Again, requiring the drops from a dungeon to do said dungeon is BACKWARDS.
    Entertainment Value: To be determined, but will probably be fun the first few times. However, since content is limited and the MO seems to be "Run it, run it again, run it some more, then when you are tired of running it, run it 500 times more....oh, and next mod, you'll need to run it more and probably more in next mod+1".

    SH Weapons:
    General Assessment: In cases where running with guildies that have them, BIS. But only slightly better than the above.
    Obtained: Spend months building a SH with your guild, using a very grindy process. Then spend tons more AD or grind out resources to complete a lengthy quest chain.
    Entertainment Value: The classic "its either to easy, or way way way way way to hard" result. The fact that we were not told the truth about this up front is annoying - this seems like it was hidden not for surprise sake, but for "nobody will bother with SH if they know this" sake.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    This seems like a huge FU to all the guilds who busted thier butts to get the the properlevel hehe. Its like ...congrtulations on your effort and determination...SURPRISE!
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    skalt112 said:

    This seems like a huge FU to all the guilds who busted thier butts to get the the properlevel hehe. Its like ...congrtulations on your effort and determination...SURPRISE!

    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    On the bright side, now I don't feel so bad for being in a medium-sized guild that would never unlock Masterwork Professions anyway.
  • andorrabellandorrabell Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 437 Arc User
    Just putting in my 2cp on this bait-and-switch. I distinctly remember Mod7 was meant to have the ability to exchange current weapons for the new ones once we achieved the appropriate stronghold, etc.

    Adding fangs/banners/guild marks- fine by me.

    Adding armaments that require insane AD or timesinks to get to - not okay.

    Some of this rests on what the final combine is- if we have people who get up to the armaments, what is the cost of the materials to make THOSE? (because that's what everyone in the guild would need assuming they are BOE).

    Does anyone know the final recipes yet? Is there a difference between armaments produced by weaponsmithing and artificing? Are they really BOE so one master can trade them to the rest of the guild?
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User

    I have to agree with everyone of my guild mates above, the professions idea may have worked had the materials dropped from some of the content that we have already been grinding for the last few months. Cryptic forced the guild SH idea on us, killed off many small guilds and ran off friends while they were at it. Then to make the weapons even further gated as they are is just insane. The idea of trading in your old weapon for the new one was a good idea and should have been kept, this new HAMSTER is just that HAMSTER!! Maybe you should have us grind out our mounts from the stable next, how about rank 16 stable gets us a white mount. See how stupid that sounds.

    The correct example would be, that the stable gives you a seed, you will have to level farming up to lvl 25, gather soil and water, plant the seed, get a carrot, wait for 3 hourly quests 'lure a pony' and spent the next xy weeks training it, so you might get a steed. Of course, soil, water and the other ingridients cost at last 2-3 million ADs.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • odelle12odelle12 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    Hoping there will be a response on this issue today.

    This is something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

    There has been a lot of work put into leveling these guilds and now to put a ridiculous requirement behind it after so much work is just insulting.

    Just another issue that will drive even more devoted players away.
  • jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    Personally, I think this may be a bug. Although, no response from anyone has me questioning that theory.

    The new-fangled fancy dancy profession assets giving 0% increase to success? That cant be right. 20% success chance? Ridiculous.

    I sure hope im right and a fix is already being worked on. I fear however, I am wrong...
  • dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    shirt and pant crafters need eggs from ah... armaments are no different
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    I am not at all happy,

    What was the point of throwing in 1 million dollars of AD (combined resources of gems, salvage, AD) into my guild coffers, then run a additional upteem dragonflights..

    Great we says to ourselves, SH weapons are almost here! Time to upgrade..

    NOPE, nada, never going to happen. WHY are they ALSO behind this armament grind-wall? ARE you kidding me.

    This is not at all acceptable.. not one little bit!

    Remove the armament need to get these weapons. ITS already ridiculous time /grind gated.

    WHERE is the incentive to grind and grind and grind out your strongholds, just to add this on top of it!

    This should be changed ASAP.. this weeks patch.

    Please for the love of your game, get this fixed.

    I'm not happy at all by PvP and PvE standards that a weapon you can grind by killing a crab over and over is better than the Stronghold weapon with all of these requirements.

    I don't know why it is so hard for these guys to get it right in this game, every mod they HAMSTER something up in some manner. It's like they are deliberately trying to destroy this game.

    On a note, I'll have both but to me, it just doesn't make sense to have all these "HARD" work requirements for the stronghold weapon, only to have it not the best ingame.

    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    sell every part of item needed for quest in wizard traveler with guild mark currency
    and everything gonna be fine
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    dodgo said:

    shirt and pant crafters need eggs from ah... armaments are no different

    Yea, not so much. Egg is a drop, you can get it in the AH for some AD or from events or from profession packs or from Tiamat etc.. The Armament is gated behind leveling a profession to lvl 25, crafting materials for millions of AD and weeks of crafting hoping for the right hourly task, 4 epic crafting tools and luck.

    Even if someone would sell the armament in the AH, after he crafted it, he would have to get 4-5 million ADs, just to break even.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    The person really didnt have a frame of reference, this isnt about crafting weapons, its about a added artificial gating, on top of what ALREADY is the BIGGEST and HARDEST grind in the entire game.

    Ive been guilty of maybe commenting like that a couple of times, so I wont hit him too hard.

    That said.. TUESDAY now.. guys? Not one peep from anyone? This isnt looking good. I dont think you guys understand that decisions have to be made on a guild level.. your HAMSTER us over hard here.

  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Like someone actually gives a flying f****

    People grinded, and are still grinding, their asses off to get some gear, and why? to have another one given with the next module by making less than 5% what others did.

    Yesterday I looked looked up on the Dusk Armor, IMO it's better than the SH gear when we've heard that it will be BIS for a period of time. I will not be dragged into another stupid grind to get the arti weapons, none will force me to kill same mob hundreads of times to get the green arti gear lol !

    Been there, saw the Vigilance tasks, still can't step into Spinward without feeling sick.

    But I'm really unhappy that finally after dedicating most of my playtime grinding to help the guild grow, I see that these weapons are now gated behind a stupid game design called Masterwork Profession.

    I'm out, I will stick to my Elemental weapons - period.

    And the worst thing is. People creating and managing this game does not think as players. They're implementing things out of nowhere, and then "looking into data" to find what pisses people the most and than MAAAAAYBE making it a bit less painful or just thinking "screw it, it stays like it was made let them grind".

    Above one is the reason of 99% of the negative feedback on the forums.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • greebo#7314 greebo Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I thought I want SH weapons... Umm, nope.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    That amount of grind required to get a minuscule stat boost is bloody ridiculous. I am more than happy with the Drowning weapon set I obtained through the most boring game-play ever created for an MMO (killing that Crabon - crab with dragon sounds :p - 100 times). Only one person in our guild would be crazy enough to pursue the SH weapon set and even then I have my doubts that he will go after it. Mastercrafting can be summed up in three short words: Waste. Of. Time.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • This content has been removed.
  • xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    So, When we finally get a chance to get the SH-Weapons,
    we were surely already hitting Module 9 which mean this sh weapons become obsolete.
    We all know there's alway new stuff coming.. and so no more reason to even use this weapons.

    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    If Cryptic were clever (experience shows them not to be) they would not bring out new BiS weapons in Mod 9, but rather give SH weapons some longevity as is being done in Mods 7/8 with Dragonflight/Lionsmane gear staying BiS even if it is a Mod old now.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    lirithiel said:

    If Cryptic were clever (experience shows them not to be) they would not bring out new BiS weapons in Mod 9, but rather give SH weapons some longevity as is being done in Mods 7/8 with Dragonflight/Lionsmane gear staying BiS even if it is a Mod old now.

    Dragonflight gear is BiS???? really??? I won't touch that gear on my CW except with a long stick, except for the armlets, those are fairly decent. Just because they got the highest ilvl, doesn't make them BiS, their stats suck.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User

    lol, oh but lower level players shouldnt complain bout how difficult things are like dungeons, this makes me laugh, as yall have had the advantages of being around so much longer an already gear'd but dont want the grind. Why should cryptic bend for you when as stated level 12 guild, most likely all the perks, yet thousands of players not even close an having to deal with how ever the game is period. Yet you dispute what newer players complain about an they arent even close to a level 12 guild SH or anything. But this is un acceptable for you to have to grind out these items, as ur one guildy says they blew 3 mil on certain items, ya know how long it would take a newer player to even reach that amount of ad for just one item, lol, but hey the days of leadership farmers is gone , as well as the ad exploits, an now the days of oh well grind it out or to bad sucks eh, or is it ya just bummed having to spend all those farmed ad's on SH to find out the grind fest isnt over lol. Maybe now you will have a better understanding as to why others who are not even close to what ur guild have are so VEXED as you put it.

    I cant get it, I am vexed about the grind as a newer player, so it serves you right, that they screwed you, too. Solid logic.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    oh.. for the love of everything. Dont you dare come on here and blame me of that insensitivity.

    I AM the leading poster to TRY To reduce costing ACROSS the board to alleviate costing FOR ALL PLAYERS! But especially new ones!

    Go look up my threads.. I CLEARLY pointed out new players HAVE less access to AD and NO WAY shape or form should be charged AD for things like BOONS! BOONS should be free upon campaign completion!

    IF your mad at the company, dont come on here and blame players, post your own thread about feedback.

    I have been vocal.. and the mods will probably say overly vocal on the subject.

    I tried my own project, not slotting any gear for my paladin until around 2k.. to see how difficult it was and IT is clearly overly burdensome, when I compare it to any mmo I played since eq2.. and no don't bring up to me some obscure or asian mmo, I dont care about those.. not one bit.

    I gave my results and my reasoning behind my requests and near the top of my list is BOON costing shouldn't be in the game, because it impacts new players the most!

    There are avenues to advance in the game that doesn't require I level.. see my signature.

    Not to trumpet myself.. because, you know screw everyone right? But there are many of us , that not only have taken new players under our wings, but have personally giving out millions of dollars in AD in items.. Why? because a healthy playerbase, always supports each other.

    Im not the only one either.. ive been in runs where just, super awesome people, gave other people a lostmouth horn? Why? just see above, we are in it together.. until you show your a total jerk .. then go somewhere else.

    When you have those type of gifts, be grateful, but never EXPECT them!

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    lirithiel said:

    If Cryptic were clever (experience shows them not to be) they would not bring out new BiS weapons in Mod 9, but rather give SH weapons some longevity as is being done in Mods 7/8 with Dragonflight/Lionsmane gear staying BiS even if it is a Mod old now.

    Dragonflight gear is BiS???? really??? I won't touch that gear on my CW except with a long stick, except for the armlets, those are fairly decent. Just because they got the highest ilvl, doesn't make them BiS, their stats suck.
    Well to be fair I was going by what was said by one of the devs - their words not mine. I too will be avoiding SH gear like the plague. I'm more than happy with 2 Dusk/2 Elemental Elven Assault tyvm.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User

    Just putting in my 2cp on this bait-and-switch. I distinctly remember Mod7 was meant to have the ability to exchange current weapons for the new ones once we achieved the appropriate stronghold, etc.

    This was actually an idea that was only ever on preview, it was never officially mentioned and appeared on preview by mistake
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • andorrabellandorrabell Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I'm going to add to this thread that I feel *seriously* ripped off for the $$ myself and guildmates have spent on bells to try to anticipate the 50 fang cost of the SH weapons only to find out they are going to be so impossible or expensive to obtain.

    Please talk to us before we get access to epic demogorgon or all farm our fingers into stumps on elemental weapons.

    And WHY didn't the game add a new boon plot so we can all have this newfangled explorer's guild? WHY? WHY? WHY?
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