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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • brrrinalaska#1122 brrrinalaska Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    With regards to gold, it really has little value in the game. Aside from the scant pickings in the common stores, there's very little use for it. Maybe adding some sought after items that can be bought with gold will make it more useful. Refining marks, extra bags, ability to buy extra storage in a personal bank, fancy clothes. Lots of possibilites that wouldnt upset game balance, and make the game more enjoyable.
    Do Cannibals think clowns taste funny?
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    With regards to gold, it really has little value in the game. Aside from the scant pickings in the common stores, there's very little use for it. Maybe adding some sought after items that can be bought with gold will make it more useful. Refining marks, extra bags, ability to buy extra storage in a personal bank, fancy clothes. Lots of possibilites that wouldnt upset game balance, and make the game more enjoyable.

    Gold has limited value for many people, myself being one of these people, but some rely on gold to swap enchants so it has a high value to them and people do tend to trade items for gold. It used to be even more sought after when PVP was a thing.

    Do we need more purchasable items for gold? I think so. Do I think any of the items you've listed will ever be available for gold? Highly unlikely. Why would the company make bags, bank storage, fashion or any item that costs either tradebars or Zen available for gold? That's just bad for business.
  • artgardo#9806 artgardo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    anraney78 said:

    But $50 a hit for Keys and 30 Days of VIP seems HAMSTER. So now in order to be able to take part in this aspect of the game I now have to pay $50 a month. Where is the free to play aspect to that

    But nobody push you to pay. You can play with VIP or without, buy keys or not. I have VIP, sure its difficult to get legendary drop. But developers must pay their workers too. Can you imagine how much work in background? Nobody in this world work for free. Nobody pushed to pay. Smb pay much here, true, somebody play completely for free. In WOW you must pay 15 euros in month... And developers do amazing job, even its somewhere bugs, but they renew content (patch) every week. You receive often discount, events, double XP; double refine points, double stones. Sure not all like. All tastes different :) And its cant be perfect that all 100% like :)

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  • brrrinalaska#1122 brrrinalaska Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    One of the side effects of the lack of value in gold is the proliferation of all these other types of currencies. I mean a different currency for every area in the game? That's a bit much! After a certain time, you have little or no use for these currencies. I mean who at lvl 70 is trading cult secret currency?
    Do Cannibals think clowns taste funny?
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    One of the side effects of the lack of value in gold is the proliferation of all these other types of currencies. I mean a different currency for every area in the game? That's a bit much! After a certain time, you have little or no use for these currencies. I mean who at lvl 70 is trading cult secret currency?

    I'm not aware of many other tradable currencies in game. Gold is tradable but cult secrets (and most zone currencies) are not as far as I'm aware. The notion that any level 70 is trading currencies around and marginalizing gold is misleading.

    There are some tradable items that are used in restoration of gear but those are profession assets/items.

    So I guess the answer to "I mean who at lvl 70 is trading cult secret currency?" is no one.
  • neutrino#9789 neutrino Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Whenever I try to type anything in chat I get a message that tells me I'm not allowed to do that until I complete 5 out of 6 quest lines. I've been playing for about 3 weeks now, I'm lvl 20 and I've completed one out of five quests that I have to complete before I'm even allowed to speak to another player. At this rate it'll be about 3 months before I'm allowed to communicate with anyone.

    This is supposed to be an MMO right? What does the second M in MMO stand for? Multiplayer. So what the hell is the point of an MMO that prevents you from communicating with anyone?

    A guy emailed me a pair of blue daggers, I couldn't even email him back a thank you. I can't even create a post on the forum ffs.

    There is so much about this game that I like, the graphics are better than WOW, the quests are less grindy, the voice acting is superb. But despite that, after walking through the world for a few weeks being completely unable to communicate with anyone I think I've had enough. I don't have the time or stamina to play for weeks on end on the off chance that when I'm finally allowed to interact with anyone I'll find the end game compelling enough to stay longer. The journey there has to be fun too, and playing solo in an MMO it isn't.
  • random1selfrandom1self Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    My biggest issues:

    The game needs to learn it's own maps better: Placing a custom marker and blindly following the trail could have you on the other side of the map or trying to go through an impassable route through a wall.

    I randomly lose effects. Things like fire archons become floating pieces of armor with no fire. This is really only an issue because I can't see any of my curses. In preview, I can break it with a lightning enchantment and TC at the same time in the House of Blades first time I log in every time. There is no noticeable lose or performance, no frame rate drop, they just stop. Maybe it's just the way the enchantment and power work together? I switched to a feytouched and had no issues.

    Warlocks need a little love, at least something to bring SB up to par with hb and their PoP buff.
  • sirkus1313sirkus1313 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    MOD12B - I am happy with the RP change. It freed up a lot of inventory space, so thanks. I am NOT happy with the random que however. 11K IL? Really? So did you all even think about the BIG PICTURE? The smaller guilds who are trying to build a stronghold that may now only have 1 or 2 people who can even do the random que? How are they supposed to get dungeon shards? Are you going to make that requirement for shards lower? I'm guessing NOT since you obviously didn't think about the smaller guilds. Now they will struggle and possibly quit so all that will be left are the bigger guilds. You all need to think about that and FIX it for the lower level guilds...seriously. It's hard enough getting shards, but now with this stupid random que (which I still don't understand the issue with the old system) it makes it even harder to get dungeon shards.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    My top 3 are:
    1. Companion dps. I think that the companions base stats should be % of the owner, and these are not returnable through bonding runes. What i'm saying is, if i have a fire archon for example, that archon will grow stronger the stronger i get. If i'm IL 7k it has base power (example) of 1k because i have base power of 10k, when i'm IL 11k, its base power is 2500 because my base power is 25K. Doing this for all the stats will allow the companion to match the owner better and be more useful in the game. The addon stats you give it through rings, talismans, runes, etc are the only ones that come back through eldritch and bonding runes.
    2. IL requirement on random ques is too high. If any player can compete in a dungeon successfully then he/she should be able to do so in the random. But the IL requirement needs to drop a good 100 or 200 to make it more fair.
    3. TR balancing upwards to be more even with other DPS classes. I've heard allot on the alliance chat about someones TR not being able to match damage with other classes at same IL. I know how tough it is since i too have a TR, and if you didn't get the full companion/mount bonuses and strong weapon/armor/artifacts, then your pretty much on the bottom of the DPS ladder. less squishy, more options, better stealth handling is all that i want on TR.
  • woes2uwoes2u Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Thank yuo for taking the time to read this. My concern is for those of us who prefer to choose those we wish to dungeon and skirmish with --usch as my guildmates. The random Q punishes me --no RAD for wanting to play with my friends or for wanting to avaid the drama and childishness of many of the people with whom I get grouped/ PLEASE GO BACK TO REWARDING RAD FOR SOLO AND PRIVATE Q'S.sAY 2X PER TOON, THEN RANDOMISZE LETTING ME CHOOSE BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT DUNGEONS/SKIRMISHES. I am a daily player and the above suggestion would make getting AD more enjoyable. Thank you
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    As others have noted post 12b release - the random dungeon quest from the Cleric is a really bad design change for SH / guilds. I'm in a level 10 guild working towards level 11, and with the 12b changes I don't know if we'll ever make it - the Dungeoneer's Shard requirement now seems insurmountable.

    Other than that - I have no complaints - the changes to inventory and RP management are really good - excellent job on that. Being able to do a mass identify on all gear is a huge plus.

    Of course - I haven't attempted to upgrade any of my transcendant enchants yet, so my opinion may change when I do.

    Update: Ok - NOW I have more problems with the update. In the SH - if you now try to convert excess Guild Marks into gear to earn RAD - the update GUTTED this option.

    Whereas before I could count on 1K+ RAD for each Guild accessory salvaged - I now only get 110 AD.

    They CUT the value of Guild Equip by 90% when salvaged. WTH???? How does this improve my "player experience????"
    Post edited by kemnimtarkas on
  • robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    1. The name artifact in most games means something rare and valuable.
    After the last update 90% of artifacts became totally worthless (1 artifact = 3 peridots, that's it).
    It can't be a good thing.

    2. I don't like random dungeons/skirmishes, because:
    - it's the only way to get daily RAD
    - now I'm forced to play dungeons/skirmishes that I really don't like (like a long and boring Spellplague Caverns, waste the time on Folly since no end chest without key, etc.)
    - I don't want to do FBI yet, I haven't started that campaign yet and because of that I no longer can get daily AD by doing the usual T1-T2 dungeons (mc, elol, etos, egwd, ecc, cn).
    (the only good thing about random dungeons/skirmishes is that you can finally see whether you've already got the bonus or not, no longer need to make notes about which toon got the daily bonus, but this info should be shown outside random queues too)

    3. I also don't like using chat to form parties (in PE) and I was hoping that Devs will finally make it so that using K you'll join fast a random party for a dungeon you want to play (not a random dungeon, but a dungeon you want to play).
    Post edited by robai#6206 on
  • ollybongo89#3420 ollybongo89 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    another bugfix thread, what about the last october bugfix thread?
    50+ pages of feedback, do you get off over our misery in this game
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    This one has been around since 2015, and is more about quality of life stuff, not bugs.
  • luvirini#8766 luvirini Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Top issue: Boredom of the low level dungeons with high level characters.

    Now that we are forced into the low level random dungeons with high level characters to get the daily AD the low level dungeons are just boring when the only things taking time are running and the cutscenes you have seen so many time before, and the only challenge is if you run into a lava pit while not paying attention.

    When a miniboss takes less time to kill than the cutscene duration the cutscene should be skippable. (that is all minibosses). When the boss takes 5 seconds to kill the same thing. Also things like karrundax hiding up on the ledge just make me alt tab out and do something else until I remember that I have the game running. Typical karrundax fight takes 3-5 seconds to drive him up and then waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. and then the same again.. really not "adventuring".

  • zomak#4611 zomak Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    The top issue right now is requiring 10k IL to contribute dungeon shards to the guild coffer.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    My top issues with the new random system are:
    Random epic: I don't have FBI unlocked cause i didn't want to run it yet, now i can't do random epic because it requires all epic dungeons to be unlocked to run. That is stupid. Make it so that if you don't have it unlocked you don't get selected for that map in your random epic dungeon. Lower the IL for epic to 9k for start and each epic dungeon having a certain requirement for IL, (i.e. FBI make 11k IL required)
    Random normal: Group similar IL together. So if the cloak tower is selected for random then you have 3 level 70s at around the same IL instead of 1 lvl 70 and 2 lvl 30.
    Skirmish: There should be IL requirements on these. some like the hunt is easy but the new MPF is requiring a serious strength to manage. I was in one that got no medals, it basically timed out and the trex was still alive. Need to have a minimum of 11K IL and have chult unlocked for that skirmish.

    So in all, program it to account for unlocks and IL, and don't deny a player from playing random epics just because he/she doesn't have the epic unlocked, just don't include that one in the possible random epic dungeon pool for that player.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,529 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    Skirmish: There should be IL requirements on these. some like the hunt is easy but the new MPF is requiring a serious strength to manage. I was in one that got no medals, it basically timed out and the trex was still alive. Need to have a minimum of 11K IL and have chult unlocked for that skirmish.

    You don't need to kill the T-rex to finish it to get the medal. You need to clear the wave of mobs but not the T-rex which can stay alive after it is done and everybody leave.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User

    Skirmish: There should be IL requirements on these. some like the hunt is easy but the new MPF is requiring a serious strength to manage. I was in one that got no medals, it basically timed out and the trex was still alive. Need to have a minimum of 11K IL and have chult unlocked for that skirmish.

    You don't need to kill the T-rex to finish it to get the medal. You need to clear the wave of mobs but not the T-rex which can stay alive after it is done and everybody leave.
    Yup you don't need to kill the T-Rex but you get anyone to listen to you as you literally scream at your computer to IGNORE THE TREX AND KILL THE OTHER SPAWN!!!!

    That has had me in stiches a few times :smile:
  • firdraingfirdraing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited November 2017

    Skirmish: There should be IL requirements on these. some like the hunt is easy but the new MPF is requiring a serious strength to manage. I was in one that got no medals, it basically timed out and the trex was still alive. Need to have a minimum of 11K IL and have chult unlocked for that skirmish.

    You don't need to kill the T-rex to finish it to get the medal. You need to clear the wave of mobs but not the T-rex which can stay alive after it is done and everybody leave.
    Yup you don't need to kill the T-Rex but you get anyone to listen to you as you literally scream at your computer to IGNORE THE TREX AND KILL THE OTHER SPAWN!!!!

    That has had me in stiches a few times :smile:
    Rarely I can relate so much ;D

    But since it's not a *relate* thread:

    How about you guys fix refinement and random queue? The ''You cannot request for reinforcements because no one has left'' awhile there's litterally 4 people in MSVA left is sort of... Out of place, no?
    edit : Converting weapons into refinement brings should give you 10x more than it does right now, the amount it provides is more of a joke at the moment.
    Furthermore, this:
    firdraing said:

    Why not start proposing changes instead of starting threads about "the sky is falling in our heads".
    Mod 12b has lots of good features. It has problems with RQ and roles OK. So why not propose changes and solutions? Or do you think telling that the players are leaving will solve the problem?.

    I think we can propose a "Role Tag" for each of your loadouts, so you can decide what role you represent. Or better, primary role, secondary role. Then the RQ can take this info to make the partys.

    I actually really like this idea. League of legends has the draft pick which I believe is pretty fun.
    We could make NW request you to choose a roll or declare the loadout that you're going to use, i.e. if you're using GF, you would request the tank roll/fill or if you're a tactician, you could go as buff (tank/heal for OP and etc with other classes).
    Of course, I am still waiting for tank GWFs to come to life, I hurd SW buff/healers are going to be a thing soon enough, maybe controller CWs and HRs will come back as well? Yes? No? Maybe? Please?
    P.S. excuse me for multiple topics, but these days it's diff to prioritize flaws... There's a lot.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    Oh yeah, i checked the RP on my Chult bow, epic just before legendary and it would only give 3000 RP. I went "WHAT ????" and decided to wait until Cryptic got smarter and upped the RP for artifacts that are already refined high.
  • adamantineangeladamantineangel Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    1.) Please update artifact gear/relics to include revised Chult-level stats. Elemental weapons/offhands, Orb of Eyes and the Illusionist's Mask particularly stand out like a sore thumb. I understand that the Chultan weapons/relics are meant to be the most powerful in the game, but it does defeat the purpose of even unlocking the older artifact gear/relics never mind investing the time and resources in leveling them up. I had actually skipped past these earlier artifact gear/relics and went directly to buying Chult weapons on the AH before I had learned of their existance and compared them to what my character builds actually needed stat/effect-wise. It is such a waste.
    2.) Still experiencing "holes" in the dungeon tilesets where my character can get stuck or falls inside an object. Spiral stairs are notorious offenders. /stuck will not help and requires a re-log.
    3.) I LOVE the Potion of Aggrandizement (PoA), Potion of Diminution (PoD) and Potion of Transformation (PoT) from the Masquerade of Liars event, but it would be such a nice touch to see a practical in-game application for them - making them all the more desirable to have. IE: PoA giving tanks more agro-to-size ratio or a fear inducing size-versus-npc ratio debuf to hostile npcs. PoD reducing threat or giving access to small doors leading to hidden "bonus areas" (Think of Alice in Wonderland's "Drink Me"). PoT allowing a temporary agro-free run past enemies: "Hey, guys! Nothing to see here. I'm one of you. Rawr!"
    4.) Interacting with npcs and transition points seem off centered. I have had to reposition my character a lot to get a response just from a vendor or to go through a door. Moving friendly npcs are even trickier to interact with.
    5.) The random queue for skirmishes worked once for all of my account's characters for one day, but suddenly and inexplicably became locked to all of my level 65-70 characters afterwards. Levels 15-65 were unaffected. Master of the Hunt is the offender even though my main had unlocked it because after my main had completed it, it became permanently locked to all of my characters including my main.
    6.) The magic carpet mount is a nice touch... but it needs something. Perhaps a mighty Genie companion?
    Post edited by adamantineangel on
  • rannxeroxxrannxeroxx Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    Been playing the game for hard now for a few months now, got a few toons to 70. Hitting 70 is like hitting a brick wall. There is no longer a linear progression, you hit content that slaughters you not knowing you need to do X before Y. Any weaknesses in your class or path really does not show up till you hit this high level. Etc.

    IDK, maybe have a new Sgt. Knox somewhere that helps you through till you get into the flow. I totally admit that I am a bit of a solo player and not very good at grouping up. I do enjoy things like Heroic encounters or events like the siege of neverwinter.
  • maxzius#3795 maxzius Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    > @rannxeroxx said:
    > Been playing the game for hard now for a few months now, got a few toons to 70. Hitting 70 is like hitting a brick wall. There is no longer a linear progression, you hit content that slaughters you not knowing you need to do X before Y. Any weaknesses in your class or path really does not show up till you hit this high level. Etc.
    > IDK, maybe have a new Sgt. Knox somewhere that helps you through till you get into the flow. I totally admit that I am a bit of a solo player and not very good at grouping up. I do enjoy things like Heroic encounters or events like the siege of neverwinter.

    This is a very good point and one I forget about all of the time.

    It's not your fault and a very unfortunate side effect of how the game has been designed over the years.

    A new person hits 70th and they are bombarded with all end game content at once with no way of knowing which quests they can actually accomplish or what order to do them in. River District, for some reason, is always the default quest so they go there first and get thoroughly destroyed. Very frustrating.

    Leveling to 70 is so quick in NW that if you didn't have friends to ask beforehand you probably still have no one to ask for help with what you should do.

    I'm sure the game loses players that would otherwise stay if they had any idea what was going on with the quest order.
  • urtew3urtew3 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    are you guys not going to be putting ballad on the list every time I go fight Baphomet that I'm getting tired of getting stuck for no reason where this is becoming very annoying plz fix this
  • artgardo#9806 artgardo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Now I have much to say...
    1. Really its better when private list will be completely removed. YES, AND ITS MY MEANING; you can have your own. I am playing with few chars, and mostly my DC needed. All invite in private grps, like today I was in grp, where 2 tanks, 2 DC, and 1 dps!!! Hello??? And with my hunter I was waiting much time for MSP, where all leaves grp, because they dont want run MSP. Must be something changed in classes, because all pull mobs, tank mostly no needed, because item level enough for pull. Tank must tank, dps must do dps and heal must heal. And not 1 tank, 3 healer, 1 dps or whatever, because of 150k power buff!
    2. It must be cleared, what dungeons, or after what time can be closed (I know about 15 min, but...) When smb die 1-2 times, then they dont want leave grp (penalty), they just make voting for close dungeon! Hello? By spider? Tuern? Sure I can run again, but sometimes with same char playing, ppl close dungeons xxxx times, that random cant be finished!
    3. Slowly interest is go away. My hunter is my main, but still be not so very strong like some with already r13. Ppl dont want play (often) with ppl who have 10k item level. Its still be this "multirun multifarm 16k+". Another ppl can look how they find grp or how they can refine equip.
    It must be something changed. Already so often, VT or Malabog, dps pull and kill all, that tank is no needed, and this is sad!!! 1 dps can kill all, and another can just run and take loot. Yeah, especially very unfriendly, when for VT, Malabog, Spider and another dungeons ppl dont need tank, but when FBI; MSP, Tong - tank tank dc buff 16k+, and not only 16k+, just HAMSTER DC or tanks with item level "dont care" :( Sure then many groups missing tanks and DC, because in many grps more dc and tanks that must be.
  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited November 2017

    I'm not aware of many other tradable currencies in game. Gold is tradable but cult secrets (and most zone currencies) are not as far as I'm aware.

    I could have sworn about two thirds of the zone currencies I have right now are not locked to my character and could be traded.

  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User

    I'm not aware of many other tradable currencies in game. Gold is tradable but cult secrets (and most zone currencies) are not as far as I'm aware.

    I could have sworn about two thirds of the zone currencies I have right now are not locked to my character and could be traded.

    several of the campaign currencies are tradeable at least bound to account. the non campaign currencies aren't worth worrying about.
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    I could have sworn about two thirds of the zone currencies I have right now are not locked to my character and could be traded.

    Please try to trade to another player any of the following and let me know how it goes for you:
    cult secrets, vanguard scrips, thayan ciphers, thayan scrolls, dwarf gold, auril's tears, koenig coins, vibrant seedlings, feywild sparks, dragon sigils, pages of arcane lore, linu's favors, faerzress, demonic ichor, abandoned treasures, totems, chultan riches, fang of df, glory, ardent coins, black ice, etc etc etc

    several of the campaign currencies are tradeable at least bound to account. the non campaign currencies aren't worth worrying about.

    I would love to see a list of several currencies that are not bound to character/account to see what is actually tradable and what is not. And I'm defining currencies by the NW wiki's list of currencies.

    @athena You said "at least bound to account" which is the exact OPPOSITE of tradable. Tradable means trading to another player not within your account. The original post I made the comment on was regarding trading items between two players not moving them within your account.

This discussion has been closed.