I would love to see a list of several currencies that are not bound to character/account to see what is actually tradable and what is not. And I'm defining currencies by the NW wiki's list of currencies.
You can check that easily by checking your purse. If it does not say bound, it is not bound. If you want to prove it, you can try to mail it. I happen to mail some Dread Ring currency to a guild mate so that he can use that to buy enough script to finish the campaign. The currency I refer to are those in the bottom of the purse.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
> @plasticbat said: > I would love to see a list of several currencies that are not bound to character/account to see what is actually tradable and what is not. And I'm defining currencies by the NW wiki's list of currencies. > > > You can check that easily by checking your purse. If it does not say bound, it is not bound. > If you want to prove it, you can try to mail it. > I happen to mail some Dread Ring currency to a guild mate so that he can use that to buy enough script to finish the campaign. > The currency I refer to are those in the bottom of the purse.
Those are bounty items, not currency
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,529Arc User
> I would love to see a list of several currencies that are not bound to character/account to see what is actually tradable and what is not. And I'm defining currencies by the NW wiki's list of currencies.
> You can check that easily by checking your purse. If it does not say bound, it is not bound.
> If you want to prove it, you can try to mail it.
> I happen to mail some Dread Ring currency to a guild mate so that he can use that to buy enough script to finish the campaign.
> The currency I refer to are those in the bottom of the purse.
Those are bounty items, not currency
The purse calls it "Other currencies".
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Short issue: The profession system (non-MC). Short solution: Burn it to the ground and make something good from it's ashes.
Long issues: 1, It's not fun. It's feels failing on every execution step to let the player have fun. And all those mistakes made the intention of a profession system to a robotic slave labor camp. You click and wait, there's no actual effort to be made. Even in-game, you are doing nothing, you buy "assets" to get the stuff done. You are just checking on them if it's done and then give more tasks to them. When I open the window it's like I'm stopped playing the game. And this is something that the player experiences really early. First, it's seems okay, because you expect the really high levels mean more than the first levels where you get your first pant and shirt. But actually, the pre-70 is the peak on the gear development (except Chultan weapon set and kits) and when you find out the other options, it really falls behind. . 2, Leadership. The player is just unnecessary here. I see no reason why it shouldn't be automated. Yes, I'm online and can click several times to get something without any brain-cells having to take a breath, but only the inconvience of the system is the reason I'm here? And why it should stay like that? Bots are crapping on the redundant clickfest, it's only gets on the actual players nerve. This is the essence of what is wrong with this system. Jewelcrafting offered rings and jewels for my char, Tailoring offered pants and shirts for my CW. This lets me drain my own soul little by little for some minimal revenue. And a lot of souls have been drain on this task.
3, Very few of the tasks are actually good and you have to grind through the garbage to get them. Or you not, because you cannot see them and don't care enough to dig deep in the mass. Most of the task should be removed because it's just outdated or completely reworked.
4, The levels should be cut. 25 level with only (max.) 3 levels of useful stuff. Yes, pre-70 getting new and new gear from it seemed great, but now with the chultan pant+shirt I would feel really bad that I wasted my time on tailoring.
5, Cut on the way too much asset and reagent. As a baseline I would just drop craftsmen. They either a must on epic or unnecessity. And mostly a must on epic. Why can't the asset (the items) produce more quality stuff? They sometimes do, mostly on crates and MC (and on already forgotten blue gear tasks), but this is very little. It seems more reasonable that YOU are doing the tasks (no helper) and the quality of stuff you are using always defines the thing you get at the end.
Short solution: Burn it to the ground and make something good from it's ashes. Seriously, I cannot see it getting good without making it fully different.
I'll give you that since they are a currency, even if they slipped my mind because they have pretty much no value outside of working towards your campaign completion. There are about 13-15 of those"other currencies" I believe.
That's still only a handful of currencies, out of about 100 different currencies listed in the wiki, that are tradable in the game. Most of them are not tradable to another player. And honestly, most people aren't trading Fomorian Concoctions (or any Other Currency) for items like they trade Gold.
as @theraxin#5169 said, it's just getting way too grindy. MSVA was just terrible, and please, NEVER EVER do that again. Ultimate ench stones are pretty bad too, but not nearly as bad as MSVA.
Professions should have a button that just re-does the task again, and collects what we got. It's literally just shaving a minute off, but it's a quality of life thing. Also, bring back old weapons as transmutes. A few months ago, dread limb fragments and stuff for those old professions was going for millions and millions for some reason, yet there is literally NO use for them.
And a few of my nitpicks, lack of content is my biggest one. I know it's hard to manage to pump out ridiculous amounts of content every few months, but what we all have been saying lately - we want the old dungeons back. They don't even have to reward something too special - just make them something in between Castle Never and Fangbreaker Island. It's sometimes not even about the rewards, it's just that running same content over and over again gets tedious.
Here is a thought: Currently there are tiered artifact weapons. The original elemental fire as tier 1, then you got the elemental weapons like the drowned and burning and such, as well as, the twisted and 2nd stage masterwork SH weapons. Each one has a unique ability and that made them quite useful, but when chult weapons came out, everything that wasn't tiered 3 artifact weapon went in the trash or bank, because the chult weapons could be bought so cheaply (and thats good). However, I think that the base-line of the tier 1 and 2 weapons be brought up to the baseline of the tier 3 weapons. This will give much more variety and will bring back the importance of running epic demo and working towards the EE weapons. It will also put some importance on Masterwork weapon crafting.
This is more of a joke, but it's bordering on a real complaint. I've been playing for over 2000 hours on my main, and when you add all the alts, it's about 2500 hours. I've had VIP for over a year, and I've bought countless keys. So I've used 500 keys at the very least, 750-800 is closer to reality. I bought 70 keys this black friday too. Yet to this day, I haven't gotten a single effin purple reward, let alone orange. Now, I do not know the drop rates of the stuff from the lockboxes, but I ain't into S&M stuff, I don't like being mentally tortured by the HAMSTER RNG I have had with them. While on the other hand, a friend of mine has gotten legendaries (yes, multiple. 2 if I remember correctly) with less keys than I have used. Now, the complaint isn't about "ooh he has better luck than me", the complaint is "what's going on, how is this sort of "luck" even possible?".
I think many a people can relate to that, and its frankly ridiculous that after so much time in this game (I started in early to mid 2015) I haven't gotten anythin' decent out of a LB. I guess Nostura's curse also affects RNG or something.
Well, while i do agree with you, i also have to say, that i had to spend several hundreds (way over 300 lockbox keys even before VIP was around, and at least 30 keys per months since then, plus the occasional 50 from those key packs) keys before i had my first legendary drop (the legendary saurian mount box) not that long ago.
And guess what? A little bit later i even got my second legendary drop (this time the legendary carpet mount) too.
At some point it even felt like they had increased the drop rate for those legendary rewards for a few days rewards messages popping up every second, and i'm not talking about the recent Black Friday sale time... but since i'm back to getting only junk from the lockboxes, it's probably all still the same.
Anyway, a change would be nice... something like every lockbox key spend will increase your chance of getting one of the top 3 rewards from a lockbox. And that counter would resett after winning, or before when you get one of those top 3 rewards on your own.
Also, I know that this is looking into a gifted horse's mouth, but considering how long it takes to level up when you're level 70, and how utterly HAMSTER the rewards are, there's literally no point in ever actually attempting to level up to get some rewards that would be interesting or good or whatever.
I would appreciate if you could just make the rewards better - make a box in which you can pick a specific transmute for my class for instance. Because, 1.785 mil exp for 1 aquamarine or something isn't exactly very enticing. Make experience post level 70 more valuable. Or alternatively, "Make experience great again".
EDIT: This is a bug instead - I just random queued, got into spellplague caverns, and the last boss thing (btw, wtf is that) bugged every time I hit it. I would get it down to like 50-60% health in a few seconds, and it just wouldn't come back. I tried not using any really hard-hitting encounters, but it still bugged. Then I completely avoided hitting it, and we finished it.
please chance something about the loot and interact on F key, i uninstalled the game just becouse everytime i loot i get players interact window in my face, i cant chance hotkey ether, its just frustrating.
Well, i suggested a while ago to change the overflow XP rewards into something more... rewarding.
The whole reward would be randomly created of 3 parts, part 1 would be a few Rank 7 enchantments, part 2 would be some raw AD, and part 3 would be one Power Point until you have reached 100 points for your character.
But instead they placed the Power Points as single and as pack in the item shop, and the overflow XP rewards are worth less since the whole update of the Refinement Points system.
Perhaps they should make overflow rewards relevant to current Item Level. So power points wont be needed after say 11k and companion tombs and xp wont be needed after 9k, more rAD drops after 10k, etc. Bring in some enchanting stones of increasing value as your IL increases ON EVERY ONE. So like at 10k your getting 500rp gem and at 11K 1000rp gem, 12k the 2000rp gem and so on.
please chance something about the loot and interact on F key, i uninstalled the game just becouse everytime i loot i get players interact window in my face, i cant chance hotkey ether, its just frustrating.
I think they should just make all loot (pots/ID scrolls/treasure/green/blue/purple) run over pickup loot like the gold is.
please chance something about the loot and interact on F key, i uninstalled the game just becouse everytime i loot i get players interact window in my face, i cant chance hotkey ether, its just frustrating.
I think they should just make all loot (pots/ID scrolls/treasure/green/blue/purple) run over pickup loot like the gold is.
Why not just have it so you can press F and it does an area loot pick up? Would also make it easier / fast for the lower level players to keep up with those that don't care for the loot and run full tilt in a dungeon.
The biggest issue right now: daily AD strictly for Random Queue. After playing the new mod for a while, I have to ask: Do devs hate new players so much? The random system must feel almost like bullying to anyone who is going through the campaigns. Then advanced players are tossed into something which varies in difficulty so much - from lazy walk to unbeatable. And finally, 16k people are running baby dungs...
I really, really think this did not turned up well.
Campaign Completion tokens currently have no effect in Neverwinter preview. A lot of boons currently have questionable effects related to deflection before and after the back-end changes to how deflection works.
This needs to be rectified so that further research can be done on a range of classes and abilities to rule out class mechanics from featuring in bugs.
(As a side note to where I'm taking this, if you play PvP either soloQ or as a smash party you've probably noticed that two players with all boons up until Chult make each other go into combat when in close proximity. If they have the negation enchantment sometimes stacks of that can be seen building up in their buff bar and as for DC's Avatar damage buff this has strange interaction where this issue can cause 100% up time for that damage buff. Myself and a friend are investigating further but neither of us have boons on enough characters to test it out. Being able to autocomplete certain campaigns on preview using the existing campaign completion tokens would go a long way to potentially discovering and fixing a lot of boon-related bugs.)
Please like or agree this post so that it may gain some recognition by developers.
-Paladins are immortal and make their party immortal. The reason is they are able to build action points during a daily like DIVINE PROTECTOR and just spam it over and over again. Temp HP are over the top too.
-Hunter ranger: we lost the focus on them being primary strikers. Archery and combat are used by no one in pvp and pve due to the strong lack of damage and survivability.
- Guardian fighter: Their burst damage is out of control. Causes: double marks , into the frey and sometimes knight challenge.
- Dungeon are too few and there is not going to be another one soon.
- DAMAGE IS TOO HIGH. Being oneshotted should not be a think.
- Drops do not exist hence no reason to farm them.
- Bring back ways to farm ADs.
- Feytouch is too strong. the bonus damage and debuff is multiplicative and has 100% uptime. Nerf it already
- Elven battle is too strong. it just negates totally an important component in everyone builds: control. Some classes like HR o Oppressor CW only do that.
- Soulforged should not be affected by healing depression
and more or less its all.
I agree with the paladin point of view. Having played one on both Live and Preview and can confirm that there is a fairly easy way to make your pally immortal versus 1-3 other players.
Hunter Ranger class I'm not so sure. Trapper is fairly worthless after the changes to stacking CC and has virtually no survivalist features if you want to provide the best CC measures. Combat however has some very good burst DPS and I find very good survivalist features (such as wilds medicine truly works wonders although should be given a slight buff as it is pointless in PvE and slightly underpowered in PvP after healing reduction).
I agree with your view on GF as well the ability for that class to mitigate a lot of damage from very HDPS classes and then convert that into power and damage buffs works a little too well especially vs classes with no dodging features like HR or GWF or SW.
Also cannot express enough how dumb the removal of all those dungeons was. At end game 16k item-level + you can solo most dungeons with almost all classes - but some can't because of 1shot. And you're quite right there's no point in farming any of those dungeons because better gear is found everywhere else, and the gear you may want from them has a 0.1% chance of dropping anyway.
I have commented on this before but mixing PVP with PVE almost always screws up a MMO. It comes down to trying to balance things that, frankly, should not be balanced for the sake of pitting one class against another for... reasons.
And it seems like the only viable classes of late are DPS ones, esp. with PVE. Frankly I have always suggest just allowing more than one companion so you can make your own "party" when solo'ing. Why should anyone else care what you are doing when you are running around alone? In fact I would go so far as saying increase companion numbers solo and remove them altogether for dun and skirms so that its only players relying on players. Improve the AIs and make them a bit more active.
I am still pretty noob, just getting into Epic as I have been playing just about all classes up to 70 to try them out. I like the play style of HR, its a mad house of switching and clicking through powers but man does he die a lot. Even my CW out lives him (and I kite and dodge all the non-melee). The OP is also enjoyable but once I got him to 70 his damaged just fell off a cliff and he takes FOREVER to get through anything. So far the SW as the right combo of enjoyable play style and livability due to maneuver speed and running a ton of life steal. And I run a soul puppet build even though I know it was nerf'ed but it gives me that "party" feel I mentioned above with him as my striker.
so what is with the nerf to the cw now could not kill Baphomet at all while he's minions for how my spells from Spellstorm Mage and Master of Flame had no effect on him so why do even do a Nerf to are class when you're not helping but just upsetting us for no reason where I just want my cw back
I like the idea of the companions rannxeroxx brought up.
Make a primary and 2 secondary companions travel with you on PVE. Primary gets the stat bonus, like bonding and such to the character, and the other two are for your play style. I like HR best but sometimes i wish my comp to aggro more ( i had the new allosaurus for a def and it sucked big time as a stat/defender so i went back to my fire archon ). So in this situation i would have my Fire archon primary (ranged striker ) and allosaur and raptor comps as secondary. This will split up the large groups of mobs so they go after my comps and not my HR giving me room to strike in my own fashion rather than dodging mulitple heavy strikes all the time. This will also give the players reason for getting the runestones that don't seem so needed (eldritch and bonding are the only one i ever use) so they can build a tough standalone comp that can actually damage foes. Since right now at upper 70 game level comp damage is so very miniscule. I already posted my thoughts on increasing DPS and def baseline of comps.
As far as dung and skirmishes go i want to keep my primary companion. But i agree that too many in there may be a bit much.
I would like to give a feedback regarding content design.
I haven't played the game for more than 1.5 year. And today after I logged into the game, I felt like there are so many quests I have to finish in order to be on par with other players. I also found that my VIP had been deactivated and I have to purchase it again in order to activate it (for the next 30 days). So it seems to me that players cannot stop playing the game otherwise they will have a hard time keeping up.
Maybe the content design can be re-evaluated so that new and returning players don't have to face such a challenge and become frustrated.
I would like to give a feedback regarding content design.
I haven't played the game for more than 1.5 year. And today after I logged into the game, I felt like there are so many quests I have to finish in order to be on par with other players. I also found that my VIP had been deactivated and I have to purchase it again in order to activate it (for the next 30 days). So it seems to me that players cannot stop playing the game otherwise they will have a hard time keeping up.
Maybe the content design can be re-evaluated so that new and returning players don't have to face such a challenge and become frustrated.
That's just how MMOs are. You can't both make new content and make it easily accessible to returning or new players.
I would like to give a feedback regarding content design.
I haven't played the game for more than 1.5 year. And today after I logged into the game, I felt like there are so many quests I have to finish in order to be on par with other players. I also found that my VIP had been deactivated and I have to purchase it again in order to activate it (for the next 30 days). So it seems to me that players cannot stop playing the game otherwise they will have a hard time keeping up.
Maybe the content design can be re-evaluated so that new and returning players don't have to face such a challenge and become frustrated.
Please let us know when you intend to stop playing again for a couple of years so we will all know to wait on you until you get back
I would like to give a feedback regarding content design.
I haven't played the game for more than 1.5 year. And today after I logged into the game, I felt like there are so many quests I have to finish in order to be on par with other players. I also found that my VIP had been deactivated and I have to purchase it again in order to activate it (for the next 30 days). So it seems to me that players cannot stop playing the game otherwise they will have a hard time keeping up.
Maybe the content design can be re-evaluated so that new and returning players don't have to face such a challenge and become frustrated.
VIP isn't permanent and if you haven't played for 18 months there's a pretty solid chance your VIP has expired, not been deactivated. Yes, the game is a grind fest and anyone who takes a significant break, generally more than 4 months, will have to take time to get caught up on things. While I can understand your frustration at having to do all sorts of things to get caught up, remember players that have been playing regularly had to do all that stuff without the benefits of things like campaign completion tokens for Storm Kings Thunder and Cloaked Ascendancy or Campaign Signets which reduce a specific campaign's costs by 50% for an alt.
HR: Vretzen GWF: Vretzina OP: Vee DC: Evee CW: nezterV
It happened to me a couple of times, when trying to "Identify all" I clicked on "sort all bags" by mistake. So... I'd suggest a confirmation pop up when you click on "sort all bags". It's quite a pain to have to rearrange all your bags due to a wrong click, while having to confirm an action that, I might be wrong, but don't think people use too often, is not that big of a deal.
Main outstanding issue: I have still been noticing severe connectivity issues. However, when I play anonymously, the connectivity issues immediately stop.
Secondary issue: Quitter-penalty versus still being grouped up with ignored (and hostile) players.
In one recent party, I had two very toxic players DEMANDING that my level 70 character quit the dungeon because they believed that my level 70 character was somehow hurting their low-level characters' progression. I refused to leave on account of the thirty-minute quitter-penalty. But in all seriousness, they JUST WOULDN'T SHUT UP! Eventually, one player disconnected refusing to reconnect until they knew I was gone. The other just stood there doing nothing but mouth off at me. At that point, I did not quit the dungeon, but completely turned the game off. The quitter-penalty is a very bad idea when faced with something like this. Mark my words, Neverwinter will lose players over this if it is not fixed. As for being grouped up with ignored players, I do not understand the whole point of ignoring a player if I still am forced to put up with them. That just does not make any practical sense.
If you want to prove it, you can try to mail it.
I happen to mail some Dread Ring currency to a guild mate so that he can use that to buy enough script to finish the campaign.
The currency I refer to are those in the bottom of the purse.
> I would love to see a list of several currencies that are not bound to character/account to see what is actually tradable and what is not. And I'm defining currencies by the NW wiki's list of currencies.
> You can check that easily by checking your purse. If it does not say bound, it is not bound.
> If you want to prove it, you can try to mail it.
> I happen to mail some Dread Ring currency to a guild mate so that he can use that to buy enough script to finish the campaign.
> The currency I refer to are those in the bottom of the purse.
Those are bounty items, not currency
Short solution: Burn it to the ground and make something good from it's ashes.
Long issues:
1, It's not fun. It's feels failing on every execution step to let the player have fun. And all those mistakes made the intention of a profession system to a robotic slave labor camp. You click and wait, there's no actual effort to be made. Even in-game, you are doing nothing, you buy "assets" to get the stuff done. You are just checking on them if it's done and then give more tasks to them. When I open the window it's like I'm stopped playing the game. And this is something that the player experiences really early. First, it's seems okay, because you expect the really high levels mean more than the first levels where you get your first pant and shirt. But actually, the pre-70 is the peak on the gear development (except Chultan weapon set and kits) and when you find out the other options, it really falls behind.
2, Leadership. The player is just unnecessary here. I see no reason why it shouldn't be automated. Yes, I'm online and can click several times to get something without any brain-cells having to take a breath, but only the inconvience of the system is the reason I'm here? And why it should stay like that? Bots are crapping on the redundant clickfest, it's only gets on the actual players nerve. This is the essence of what is wrong with this system. Jewelcrafting offered rings and jewels for my char, Tailoring offered pants and shirts for my CW. This lets me drain my own soul little by little for some minimal revenue. And a lot of souls have been drain on this task.
3, Very few of the tasks are actually good and you have to grind through the garbage to get them. Or you not, because you cannot see them and don't care enough to dig deep in the mass. Most of the task should be removed because it's just outdated or completely reworked.
4, The levels should be cut. 25 level with only (max.) 3 levels of useful stuff. Yes, pre-70 getting new and new gear from it seemed great, but now with the chultan pant+shirt I would feel really bad that I wasted my time on tailoring.
5, Cut on the way too much asset and reagent. As a baseline I would just drop craftsmen. They either a must on epic or unnecessity. And mostly a must on epic. Why can't the asset (the items) produce more quality stuff? They sometimes do, mostly on crates and MC (and on already forgotten blue gear tasks), but this is very little. It seems more reasonable that YOU are doing the tasks (no helper) and the quality of stuff you are using always defines the thing you get at the end.
Short solution: Burn it to the ground and make something good from it's ashes. Seriously, I cannot see it getting good without making it fully different.
That's still only a handful of currencies, out of about 100 different currencies listed in the wiki, that are tradable in the game. Most of them are not tradable to another player. And honestly, most people aren't trading Fomorian Concoctions (or any Other Currency) for items like they trade Gold.
Professions should have a button that just re-does the task again, and collects what we got. It's literally just shaving a minute off, but it's a quality of life thing.
Also, bring back old weapons as transmutes. A few months ago, dread limb fragments and stuff for those old professions was going for millions and millions for some reason, yet there is literally NO use for them.
And a few of my nitpicks, lack of content is my biggest one. I know it's hard to manage to pump out ridiculous amounts of content every few months, but what we all have been saying lately - we want the old dungeons back. They don't even have to reward something too special - just make them something in between Castle Never and Fangbreaker Island.
It's sometimes not even about the rewards, it's just that running same content over and over again gets tedious.
So I've used 500 keys at the very least, 750-800 is closer to reality. I bought 70 keys this black friday too.
Yet to this day, I haven't gotten a single effin purple reward, let alone orange. Now, I do not know the drop rates of the stuff from the lockboxes, but I ain't into S&M stuff, I don't like being mentally tortured by the HAMSTER RNG I have had with them.
While on the other hand, a friend of mine has gotten legendaries (yes, multiple. 2 if I remember correctly) with less keys than I have used. Now, the complaint isn't about "ooh he has better luck than me", the complaint is "what's going on, how is this sort of "luck" even possible?".
I think many a people can relate to that, and its frankly ridiculous that after so much time in this game (I started in early to mid 2015) I haven't gotten anythin' decent out of a LB. I guess Nostura's curse also affects RNG or something.
And guess what?
A little bit later i even got my second legendary drop (this time the legendary carpet mount) too.
At some point it even felt like they had increased the drop rate for those legendary rewards for a few days rewards messages popping up every second, and i'm not talking about the recent Black Friday sale time... but since i'm back to getting only junk from the lockboxes, it's probably all still the same.
Anyway, a change would be nice... something like every lockbox key spend will increase your chance of getting one of the top 3 rewards from a lockbox. And that counter would resett after winning, or before when you get one of those top 3 rewards on your own.
I would appreciate if you could just make the rewards better - make a box in which you can pick a specific transmute for my class for instance. Because, 1.785 mil exp for 1 aquamarine or something isn't exactly very enticing. Make experience post level 70 more valuable. Or alternatively, "Make experience great again".
EDIT: This is a bug instead - I just random queued, got into spellplague caverns, and the last boss thing (btw, wtf is that) bugged every time I hit it. I would get it down to like 50-60% health in a few seconds, and it just wouldn't come back. I tried not using any really hard-hitting encounters, but it still bugged. Then I completely avoided hitting it, and we finished it.
The whole reward would be randomly created of 3 parts, part 1 would be a few Rank 7 enchantments, part 2 would be some raw AD, and part 3 would be one Power Point until you have reached 100 points for your character.
But instead they placed the Power Points as single and as pack in the item shop, and the overflow XP rewards are worth less since the whole update of the Refinement Points system.
Would also make it easier / fast for the lower level players to keep up with those that don't care for the loot and run full tilt in a dungeon.
After playing the new mod for a while, I have to ask: Do devs hate new players so much? The random system must feel almost like bullying to anyone who is going through the campaigns.
Then advanced players are tossed into something which varies in difficulty so much - from lazy walk to unbeatable.
And finally, 16k people are running baby dungs...
I really, really think this did not turned up well.
This needs to be rectified so that further research can be done on a range of classes and abilities to rule out class mechanics from featuring in bugs.
(As a side note to where I'm taking this, if you play PvP either soloQ or as a smash party you've probably noticed that two players with all boons up until Chult make each other go into combat when in close proximity. If they have the negation enchantment sometimes stacks of that can be seen building up in their buff bar and as for DC's Avatar damage buff this has strange interaction where this issue can cause 100% up time for that damage buff. Myself and a friend are investigating further but neither of us have boons on enough characters to test it out. Being able to autocomplete certain campaigns on preview using the existing campaign completion tokens would go a long way to potentially discovering and fixing a lot of boon-related bugs.)
Please like or agree this post so that it may gain some recognition by developers.
Hunter Ranger class I'm not so sure. Trapper is fairly worthless after the changes to stacking CC and has virtually no survivalist features if you want to provide the best CC measures. Combat however has some very good burst DPS and I find very good survivalist features (such as wilds medicine truly works wonders although should be given a slight buff as it is pointless in PvE and slightly underpowered in PvP after healing reduction).
I agree with your view on GF as well the ability for that class to mitigate a lot of damage from very HDPS classes and then convert that into power and damage buffs works a little too well especially vs classes with no dodging features like HR or GWF or SW.
Also cannot express enough how dumb the removal of all those dungeons was.
At end game 16k item-level + you can solo most dungeons with almost all classes - but some can't because of 1shot. And you're quite right there's no point in farming any of those dungeons because better gear is found everywhere else, and the gear you may want from them has a 0.1% chance of dropping anyway.
And it seems like the only viable classes of late are DPS ones, esp. with PVE. Frankly I have always suggest just allowing more than one companion so you can make your own "party" when solo'ing. Why should anyone else care what you are doing when you are running around alone? In fact I would go so far as saying increase companion numbers solo and remove them altogether for dun and skirms so that its only players relying on players. Improve the AIs and make them a bit more active.
I am still pretty noob, just getting into Epic as I have been playing just about all classes up to 70 to try them out. I like the play style of HR, its a mad house of switching and clicking through powers but man does he die a lot. Even my CW out lives him (and I kite and dodge all the non-melee). The OP is also enjoyable but once I got him to 70 his damaged just fell off a cliff and he takes FOREVER to get through anything. So far the SW as the right combo of enjoyable play style and livability due to maneuver speed and running a ton of life steal. And I run a soul puppet build even though I know it was nerf'ed but it gives me that "party" feel I mentioned above with him as my striker.
Make a primary and 2 secondary companions travel with you on PVE. Primary gets the stat bonus, like bonding and such to the character, and the other two are for your play style. I like HR best but sometimes i wish my comp to aggro more ( i had the new allosaurus for a def and it sucked big time as a stat/defender so i went back to my fire archon ). So in this situation i would have my Fire archon primary (ranged striker
As far as dung and skirmishes go i want to keep my primary companion. But i agree that too many in there may be a bit much.
I haven't played the game for more than 1.5 year. And today after I logged into the game, I felt like there are so many quests I have to finish in order to be on par with other players. I also found that my VIP had been deactivated and I have to purchase it again in order to activate it (for the next 30 days). So it seems to me that players cannot stop playing the game otherwise they will have a hard time keeping up.
Maybe the content design can be re-evaluated so that new and returning players don't have to face such a challenge and become frustrated.
Thank You
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
Secondary issue: Quitter-penalty versus still being grouped up with ignored (and hostile) players.
In one recent party, I had two very toxic players DEMANDING that my level 70 character quit the dungeon because they believed that my level 70 character was somehow hurting their low-level characters' progression. I refused to leave on account of the thirty-minute quitter-penalty. But in all seriousness, they JUST WOULDN'T SHUT UP! Eventually, one player disconnected refusing to reconnect until they knew I was gone. The other just stood there doing nothing but mouth off at me. At that point, I did not quit the dungeon, but completely turned the game off. The quitter-penalty is a very bad idea when faced with something like this. Mark my words, Neverwinter will lose players over this if it is not fixed. As for being grouped up with ignored players, I do not understand the whole point of ignoring a player if I still am forced to put up with them. That just does not make any practical sense.