How do you expect to kill paladin, when you're undergeared? With bravery? JUST STACK SOME STONES!
Weapon enchant make biggest difference here. For example, Perfect Terror or better will help you more than any other other dps wise, but Terrror is worse against classes which dont have high defense.
How do you expect to kill paladin, when you're undergeared? With bravery? JUST STACK SOME STONES!
Weapon enchant make biggest difference here. For example, Perfect Terror or better will help you more than any other other dps wise, but Terrror is worse against classes which dont have high defense.
Doesn't mean squat with those with T.E.B.. As a matter of fact I'm now seeing more and more OPals moving over to TEB, since they usually already hit the 80% DR cap even without negation.
The current majority OPals and DCs with negation, these can be decisively dispatched of with timed CCs. The OPal/DCs with TEB?? Impossible. Nothing stops their constant, non-stop buff/heal spamming.
This is why we need real debuff specialists in this game. To directly counter those DCOPs.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
The problem is not the OPal himself is immortal. The problem is he makes all his teammates immortal as well, and the time is much too long. Just throw down all your biases or what class you play and please think from a balance perspective, in regards to the reality that is PvP now.
In most cases anyone who is at least geared to competent levels has his AP neck artifact upto Legendary. They gain full AP every 75 seconds even if they don't fire off a single power as long as within combat, and nowadays people with at least basic levels of combat setup can shorten the time required to full AP in under 30 seconds.
It's just a dumb, bland, make-believe-pretend fighting in the mid node when both sides are prepared with OP-DC combos where everybody floats the "0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0..." all day long, with both sides spamming the scene with dailies along the way every 30 sec intervals.
Is that really the PvP you people think "fun"?
Even it comes down to 1v1 situations, I've actually made the effort to create a total-CC centered build to CC OPals and DCs nonstop to help the rest of my team focus it down, with quite notable success. Now, after a few weeks, I'm actually seeing them ready with Transcendent Elven Battle... now, in this case, nothing works.
- You can't one-shot them
- You can't outdamage their heals.
- There's no way to neutralizes their buffs since the game's debuffs are so weak
- Now, with T.E.B., you can't even CC them.
The end result? Not only are they unkillable 1v1, they're now unkillable 5 v 1. In GG, if you have a DC-OP together, you can't kill them 6~7 v 2. Not only are the 2 unkillable, but those 2 make every player around them near unkillable as well. The only people who die are those with so insufficient and low IL (like fresh level 70s), and even these are tough to take down unless you 1-shot them.
Is this really the PvP you think is right? Dunno about you guys, but not me.
Let me put it in another way that any of you might understand.
Imagine a Sabo/MI TR, unkillable, undetectable, so long as it does not take any risks. Cool. It's unkillable. Now, imagine this Sabo/MI TR has an AOE STEALTH BUFF that it casts and makes everyone affected by it go into invisibility for 20 seconds.
Do you think something like this is tolerable? If the OPal makes his team gain a 20-sec immunity, and you think that's OK, then there's no reason why an unkillable TR should not be making his own teammates unkillable in much the same way, no?
Hats off to you best reply i've seen ina long time +1
1 - No, are not. OP are supposed to DIE MORE SLOW (or be able to run away) than other classes IF a striker class is facing you. No any class is suposed to be IMMORTAL vs anything for THAT long time.
Eum Dc Tr some defensive build GFs die 1-1 not likely the major differance is that they can kill you...
2 - Where did you have read "PvE" here? We are not asking for a nerf for PvE but for PvP.
Just happens to be the same in this game(some very few exeptions)
3 - That is the same lame "excuse" ('cry rivers of tears' is a better definition) that some OP players said about "DJ being fine"...
There is no differance between a good geared dc and Pal when it comes to holding nodes or keeping party members alive and the Tr are wastly supierior in 1-1 as he can stall (even kill the pal if right built) and kill of others while the Pal cant kill anything but somebody that is afk.
The problem isent pals ability to survive or the dcs ability to heal and survive or the Trs ability to go in hide it is the set up of the dominations pvp mode.
Either change the hole mechanics in pvp so that all classes can kill and be killed and make it a challange to hold nodes or change the maps.
Capture the flagg mode is 10 times more demanding but do require people to actualy die when focused .
There are way to much survivability in pvp atm and with right set up nobody really dies unless some bugs are used(sw+terror+lostmouth is a fun one).
Threads about Pals or Dcs immunity/heals wont change anything in the end all you might do is nerf them in pve whish with trash hitting as they are might not be a good idea....
Eum Dc Tr some defensive build GFs die 1-1 not likely the major differance is that they can kill you...
And i agree that Conq GF needs a tone down on its damage and fix the "stuntlock to dead" combo. Do not see your point here. I mean, Conq is meant to be an "striker class" and be able to kill other non-so-tanky classes (other GFs and OPs) if those classes do not kill them before. The problem with Conq is its burst damage, able to kill a lot of classes even on single rotation.
But the problem is the dev can't split the code to make it have two working ways for pve and pvp.
XDDDDD. Say this to "Takedown", in example.
Takedown is a good example but differs from pals daily (whish i do agree on together with some dc build are redicules in pvp even if the domination mode as it is set up is the major problem imho)
Conq GF is not the best solo node build for GF some reflective build with massive AP gain is considerable more dangerous overall not to mention the survivability of those build with right set up in gear/feats.
You might be able to kill a fully defencive build GF or Dc 1-1 but that is as likely as killing a Pal as you need the right class with the right build/gear to pull it off.
Gf and dc can go different builds in pvp to be of use Pals need full defencive as they can not pull of damage builds that is of any use what so ever that also limits the Pal its not like you fear to die against one simular geared ofc.
The discussion should be about how tanky should players be allowed to become in pvp and how can we change the maps to become more entertaining becaouse frankly the way they are set up and the lack of maps is the major fault here.
It cant be to hard to make 4-5 differnt type of domination maps with different functions on preview then let players test them out and implement at least the 2 most popular am sure this would make pvp alot more fun for everybody...
Paladin doesnt have stealth and nor ITC, so it's a lot easier to control it.
Palladin HAS CC breaking encounter.
PLEASE don't post unless you are not ignorant of the class.
THAT last part goes to everyone, please don't take it personally
yeees you break cc, and then get ccd again 0.326 seconds later, so now ? especially playing vs smth like HR. it does help, but its purely defensive/support you lose encounter slot for a meh ability that has cc break(at least for prot), it doesnt provide any cc resist after it. it fd up often you cant use it during cc, or at least it takes a second before you can use it after cc is applied(and with massive cc reduction from tenacity cc has usually ended by the time you can use it), it cant be used when prone and cc classes have so many cc that they will drop next one.
1 - So, paladin are immortal? on 1 vs 1? kind of, and we are not supposed to die on 1 vs 1.
2 - Any smart people will not ask to nerf that skill because its absolutly usefull in dungeon
3 - always the same sentences, does it make you feeling better? the mechanic isent broken, some people have learnt about how fighting a paladin, most people didnt.
1 - No, are not. OP are supposed to DIE MORE SLOW (or be able to run away) than other classes IF a striker class is facing you. No any class is suposed to be IMMORTAL vs anything for THAT long time.
Paladin cant run, cant kill against a smart oppoment, so, accorindg to you, they are supposed to just die slowly. Maybe you want paladin as strong as the puppet training?
2 - Where did you have read "PvE" here? We are not asking for a nerf for PvE but for PvP.
It could be a surprise for you, but i don't care about a nerf of divine protector in pvp, i'm not using it, or in very rare case, but nerfing it would means nerfing it on pve too.
3 - That is the same lame "excuse" ('cry rivers of tears' is a better definition) that some OP players said about "DJ being fine"...
yes, the nerf about Dj is insane, 66% nerf is too much, but, now, because of this paladins changed their build to be tank only, congratz
I died something like 70/80 time in 120/130 domination
I already died 1 vs 1, and i know why i died.
If paladin was that immortal, i would have die 0 time.
Icy asked for name of ppl who was able to kill a bis paladin in 1 vs 1 ? jon irenicus, PapaBigN, chieftain etc... ( they can, it doesnt mean they will, like the paladin will be able to kill them, but it doesnt mean that he will. )
I also saw that 5 ppl was unable to kill 1 paladin :
- if u fight anyone 5 v 1 on domination, you should change game, cause you didnt understood this one.
- if 5 people cant kill a single paladin, even the strongest one, it's because they didnt use the right skill, if you perma stun a paladin, he cant heal and can't generate shield
- if you need a lesson, i can teach you but it will cost you a lot
If someone disagree with what i said, i don't care, if you really want to understand a paladin, you first should make one and see his weakness, cause paladin's got a lot.
sure @teribad15.
i, paladin, will agree to tone down, if :
1. remove possibilty TR can 1 hit kill pally from full hp and reduce TR insane piercing damage to paladin ( paladin is tank class ), good geared TR can kill 1vs1 paladin in just less than 5 sec.
2. CW who can do perma CC to paladin. atleast immune 2 or 3 sec after the first CC. good CW can kill paladin 1vs1 atlest around 1 min.
3. return back our DJ to their original damage ( maybe for lvl 70 only). so we can get kill in PvP. so far now, paladin the most get only 0 kill to like 5 kill or max 10kill. with tons of assist.
4. doubled or triplle our atwill damage. now like mosquito bite to geared any other class. not to mention our DJ is also like 2k to 3k damage LOL the most 10k to 15k
5. reduce the casting time for burning light skilll. now is totally too long to cast. impossible to use efficiently this good skill in pvp.
6. paladin is not immortal in lvl 70 pvp. its relatively easy to kill paladin if u know what to do, even 1 vs 1.
( this reality base on lvl 70 pvp , with lots of geared player out there )
This morning a pug warlock sitting in base because they can't contend pallys and this was in 20 bracket before they become invincible. I suggest adjusting lay of hands (HR's forest meditation usto heal to full health and they fixed that so why create a new daily that does the same thing in less time and target of your choosing?), remove all those healing skills and that would be a good way to start.
We are also having games where no one can kill each other and it all depends on who has to go take a sh*t first. Pally is boring to play and just as boring to fight.
...whatever reasons some people are arguing OPals are not OP, it's scheduled to be null and void with the coming of that thing. That goes for any class that has exceptionally powerful/useful dailies.
Brace yourselves for under-20-seconds daily spamming without help from extrenal buffs.
Unless the devs are also queueing up some serious changes to how AP is gained in the future, it's gonna be the worst imbalanced HAMSTER once that thing hits the scene. Even with the current SigDiv artifact and AP cloak items it's ridiculously overpowered. Now, with that Legendary mount, PvP is going to be a joke, so will Paladins spamming their dailies in under 20 second intervals.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
so, if i well understand, you would like paladins become like training puppet.
We have no longer possiblity to kill somebody excepting the weakest one, which means against somebody who got same kind of gears unless he's not smart ( enjoy the triple kill )
only thing we can do is healing and tanking ( yes, like dc, but unlike dc, we doesnt have paragon tree to be dps )
Now you want us to not being able to heal ( btw as protector i only got 1 skill for heal ) which means we could only tank to the death, without any possibility to kill the oppoment, is that well balanced?
Or maybe you are talking about that daily which makes full heal recover?
So let me tell you 1 thing, only the poor weakest paladin use that daily on pvp, when i meet someone with brain i don't use my AP for that.
What you all are not understanding, is that if you wanna fight a paladin, you wil have to
- sacrifice to precious build ( in case of Tr, going to whisper knife and sacrifice your precious ITC )
- sacrifice some of your precious skill ( yes, i'm talking about your 3 encounter 2 dailys/at/will/passive ) and change for something that's more reflective )
- Or, you or one of your teammates will have to sacrifice your time and and your "fun" to tank the tank*. ( everyone, absolutly everyone can do that)
*to tank the tank = to troll him / to run over the node
Now, if you want something fair:
- ask to cryptic to make a real dps paragon tree for paladin ( se he would have no other choice than to choose being tank or dps )
- ask to cryptic to delete some defensive skill and add some offensive skill ( when i mean offensive, i mean something that deals more than 10k damage), so we would have to choose wisely our skills.
Actually, your only solution is nerf, nerf, nerf.
AN advise, never do politics, here in France some people lost their head 220 years ago because of that way of thinking.
What, you mean GWF can actually consistently kill BiS OP in 1 vs 1? Please name one GWF that can do that because I have not met any....
While in a match against 2 OP, 1DC, 1 GF, and 1 SW I designated the SW as my main target with my GWF. This 'expert' SW told me (after a barrage of cursing and insults) that any GWF could easily kill an OP without any difficulty at all and that I was simply picking on the SW. I am not the most skilled GWF but my personal experience is that I have zero chance at all against an OP, unless that OP stays afk for 5 minutes and none of his team members are around.
for those who often do summary or anilysis table, i would like to know the ratio game/death for all class ( and i'm talking about the top 40 players of each class, or at least top 200 player on leaderboard.
I'm sure some would be really surprise to see that paladins die as much as some other class
So let me get this straight. First our single most important offensive spell gets nerfed into the ground. Sweet, we can no longer kill anyone. Now you want to take away our ability to protect our party?? Please, for the love of Sune, STOP asking for nerfs to the classes you dont even play...
for those who often do summary or anilysis table, i would like to know the ratio game/death for all class ( and i'm talking about the top 40 players of each class, or at least top 200 player on leaderboard.
I'm sure some would be really surprise to see that paladins die as much as some other class
might do that if im bored, but it would suck to manually go over a
for those who often do summary or anilysis table, i would like to know the ratio game/death for all class ( and i'm talking about the top 40 players of each class, or at least top 200 player on leaderboard.
I'm sure some would be really surprise to see that paladins die as much as some other class
for those who often do summary or anilysis table, i would like to know the ratio game/death for all class ( and i'm talking about the top 40 players of each class, or at least top 200 player on leaderboard.
I'm sure some would be really surprise to see that paladins die as much as some other class
i did top100, paladins die 2x less but have 2x less kills
Well my BiS GF cant kill a BiS OP, not saying i should either. But the thing is he kills me instead. This class is just to much atm.
depends on build imho if u used fighters recovery u could get ur hp back maybe, i have fought some GFs where neither could kill the other one
but paladin is sustain type, while gf is facetank type, but with higher damage, burst and cc
for example as pala i cant kill rene cws(unless they are bad/badly geared) since they got more hp from rene capstone than i can deal, i doubt GF has same problem. its really hard to finish off any class since they can get away and i dont have cc to lock them up, thats a problem GF doesnt have
i did top100, paladins die 2x less but have 2x less kills
SO what does it show :
Tr still rule, got the best ratio kill/death and they are 1/4 on top 100
Gf ( defensive class) kills more than TR but dies a lot : this is deffinitly wrong
Hr are in mid of kill and assist while they are supposed to be pure striker
Gwf are where they have to be, they kill more, but they are in mid of survivability
Cw (1/4 on top 100 ) kills more than Hr, this is wrong, and they dies more too, so i guess we could say that it's alright
Sw only 1 on top 100 but this one prove that Sw can be as strong as Tr ( but with only one it's hard to say.. )
Dc dont kill, dont die, got more assist than anyone, hard to say for them so i'll say it's alright
Now, paladin : dies less than anyone ( not far from dc, not really far from Tr
but on the other hand, as you can see, they are the second worst killer BY FAR.
Last thing, there are 8 classes, but 50% of top 100 consists of 2 classes only ( Tr and Cw )
this is the most important thing, paladin are maybe OP, but are deffinitly behind those 2 classes.
Well my BiS GF cant kill a BiS OP, not saying i should either. But the thing is he kills me instead. This class is just to much atm.
depends on build imho if u used fighters recovery u could get ur hp back maybe, i have fought some GFs where neither could kill the other one
but paladin is sustain type, while gf is facetank type, but with higher damage, burst and cc
for example as pala i cant kill rene cws(unless they are bad/badly geared) since they got more hp from rene capstone than i can deal, i doubt GF has same problem. its really hard to finish off any class since they can get away and i dont have cc to lock them up, thats a problem GF doesnt have
Sry but that dnst help, and i am a class canon burst GF. I dont think u are able to understand how well a BiS OP is performing.
Who are you anyway? u are a pve player for sure. Just take a look at the LB since u refer to it so often. Look at the OPs on first page. NO class has that KD except TRs.
Weapon enchant make biggest difference here. For example, Perfect Terror or better will help you more than any other other dps wise, but Terrror is worse against classes which dont have high defense.
Doesn't mean squat with those with T.E.B.. As a matter of fact I'm now seeing more and more OPals moving over to TEB, since they usually already hit the 80% DR cap even without negation.
The current majority OPals and DCs with negation, these can be decisively dispatched of with timed CCs. The OPal/DCs with TEB?? Impossible. Nothing stops their constant, non-stop buff/heal spamming.
This is why we need real debuff specialists in this game. To directly counter those DCOPs.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Hats off to you best reply i've seen ina long time +1
as long as we arent able to kill anything why should anything be able to kill us ?
Takedown is a good example but differs from pals daily (whish i do agree on together with some dc build are redicules in pvp even if the domination mode as it is set up is the major problem imho)
Conq GF is not the best solo node build for GF some reflective build with massive AP gain is considerable more dangerous overall not to mention the survivability of those build with right set up in gear/feats.
You might be able to kill a fully defencive build GF or Dc 1-1 but that is as likely as killing a Pal as you need the right class with the right build/gear to pull it off.
Gf and dc can go different builds in pvp to be of use Pals need full defencive as they can not pull of damage builds that is of any use what so ever that also limits the Pal its not like you fear to die against one simular geared ofc.
The discussion should be about how tanky should players be allowed to become in pvp and how can we change the maps to become more entertaining becaouse frankly the way they are set up and the lack of maps is the major fault here.
It cant be to hard to make 4-5 differnt type of domination maps with different functions on preview then let players test them out and implement at least the 2 most popular am sure this would make pvp alot more fun for everybody...
Palladin HAS CC breaking encounter.
PLEASE don't post unless you are not ignorant of the class.
THAT last part goes to everyone, please don't take it personally
you should follow your own advice
yes, the nerf about Dj is insane, 66% nerf is too much, but, now, because of this paladins changed their build to be tank only, congratz
I died something like 70/80 time in 120/130 domination
I already died 1 vs 1, and i know why i died.
If paladin was that immortal, i would have die 0 time.
Icy asked for name of ppl who was able to kill a bis paladin in 1 vs 1 ? jon irenicus, PapaBigN, chieftain etc... ( they can, it doesnt mean they will, like the paladin will be able to kill them, but it doesnt mean that he will. )
I also saw that 5 ppl was unable to kill 1 paladin :
- if u fight anyone 5 v 1 on domination, you should change game, cause you didnt understood this one.
- if 5 people cant kill a single paladin, even the strongest one, it's because they didnt use the right skill, if you perma stun a paladin, he cant heal and can't generate shield
- if you need a lesson, i can teach you but it will cost you a lot
If someone disagree with what i said, i don't care, if you really want to understand a paladin, you first should make one and see his weakness, cause paladin's got a lot.
i, paladin, will agree to tone down, if :
1. remove possibilty TR can 1 hit kill pally from full hp and reduce TR insane piercing damage to paladin ( paladin is tank class ), good geared TR can kill 1vs1 paladin in just less than 5 sec.
2. CW who can do perma CC to paladin. atleast immune 2 or 3 sec after the first CC. good CW can kill paladin 1vs1 atlest around 1 min.
3. return back our DJ to their original damage ( maybe for lvl 70 only). so we can get kill in PvP. so far now, paladin the most get only 0 kill to like 5 kill or max 10kill. with tons of assist.
4. doubled or triplle our atwill damage. now like mosquito bite to geared any other class. not to mention our DJ is also like 2k to 3k damage LOL the most 10k to 15k
5. reduce the casting time for burning light skilll. now is totally too long to cast. impossible to use efficiently this good skill in pvp.
6. paladin is not immortal in lvl 70 pvp. its relatively easy to kill paladin if u know what to do, even 1 vs 1.
( this reality base on lvl 70 pvp , with lots of geared player out there )
We are also having games where no one can kill each other and it all depends on who has to go take a sh*t first. Pally is boring to play and just as boring to fight.
...whatever reasons some people are arguing OPals are not OP, it's scheduled to be null and void with the coming of that thing. That goes for any class that has exceptionally powerful/useful dailies.
Brace yourselves for under-20-seconds daily spamming without help from extrenal buffs.
Unless the devs are also queueing up some serious changes to how AP is gained in the future, it's gonna be the worst imbalanced HAMSTER once that thing hits the scene. Even with the current SigDiv artifact and AP cloak items it's ridiculously overpowered. Now, with that Legendary mount, PvP is going to be a joke, so will Paladins spamming their dailies in under 20 second intervals.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
We have no longer possiblity to kill somebody excepting the weakest one, which means against somebody who got same kind of gears unless he's not smart ( enjoy the triple kill
only thing we can do is healing and tanking ( yes, like dc, but unlike dc, we doesnt have paragon tree to be dps )
Now you want us to not being able to heal ( btw as protector i only got 1 skill for heal ) which means we could only tank to the death, without any possibility to kill the oppoment, is that well balanced?
Or maybe you are talking about that daily which makes full heal recover?
So let me tell you 1 thing, only the poor weakest paladin use that daily on pvp, when i meet someone with brain i don't use my AP for that.
What you all are not understanding, is that if you wanna fight a paladin, you wil have to
- sacrifice to precious build ( in case of Tr, going to whisper knife and sacrifice your precious ITC )
- sacrifice some of your precious skill ( yes, i'm talking about your 3 encounter 2 dailys/at/will/passive ) and change for something that's more reflective )
- Or, you or one of your teammates will have to sacrifice your time and and your "fun" to tank the tank*. ( everyone, absolutly everyone can do that)
*to tank the tank = to troll him / to run over the node
Now, if you want something fair:
- ask to cryptic to make a real dps paragon tree for paladin ( se he would have no other choice than to choose being tank or dps )
- ask to cryptic to delete some defensive skill and add some offensive skill ( when i mean offensive, i mean something that deals more than 10k damage), so we would have to choose wisely our skills.
Actually, your only solution is nerf, nerf, nerf.
AN advise, never do politics, here in France some people lost their head 220 years ago because of that way of thinking.
While in a match against 2 OP, 1DC, 1 GF, and 1 SW I designated the SW as my main target with my GWF. This 'expert' SW told me (after a barrage of cursing and insults) that any GWF could easily kill an OP without any difficulty at all and that I was simply picking on the SW. I am not the most skilled GWF but my personal experience is that I have zero chance at all against an OP, unless that OP stays afk for 5 minutes and none of his team members are around.
I'm sure some would be really surprise to see that paladins die as much as some other class
might do that if im bored, but it would suck to manually go over a
i did top100, paladins die 2x less but have 2x less kills
depends on build imho if u used fighters recovery u could get ur hp back maybe, i have fought some GFs where neither could kill the other one
but paladin is sustain type, while gf is facetank type, but with higher damage, burst and cc
for example as pala i cant kill rene cws(unless they are bad/badly geared) since they got more hp from rene capstone than i can deal, i doubt GF has same problem. its really hard to finish off any class since they can get away and i dont have cc to lock them up, thats a problem GF doesnt have
SO what does it show :
Tr still rule, got the best ratio kill/death and they are 1/4 on top 100
Gf ( defensive class) kills more than TR but dies a lot : this is deffinitly wrong
Hr are in mid of kill and assist while they are supposed to be pure striker
Gwf are where they have to be, they kill more, but they are in mid of survivability
Cw (1/4 on top 100 ) kills more than Hr, this is wrong, and they dies more too, so i guess we could say that it's alright
Sw only 1 on top 100 but this one prove that Sw can be as strong as Tr ( but with only one it's hard to say.. )
Dc dont kill, dont die, got more assist than anyone, hard to say for them so i'll say it's alright
Now, paladin : dies less than anyone ( not far from dc, not really far from Tr
but on the other hand, as you can see, they are the second worst killer BY FAR.
Last thing, there are 8 classes, but 50% of top 100 consists of 2 classes only ( Tr and Cw )
this is the most important thing, paladin are maybe OP, but are deffinitly behind those 2 classes.
Sry but that dnst help, and i am a class canon burst GF. I dont think u are able to understand how well a BiS OP is performing.
then roll a pala and try killing something 1v1
this sums it up nicely
That way, Divine Protector won't be a "Fire and Forget" skill and the Paladin has to actually be careful.
Great idea. Has my support.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Who are you anyway? u are a pve player for sure. Just take a look at the LB since u refer to it so often. Look at the OPs on first page. NO class has that KD except TRs.