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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



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    xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    Raven, Sapph and Jerome are keeping a dangerous secret away from Valdez.

    "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
    How does pokemon and trek work together? No logic at all, my head hurts.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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      legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
      we;re talking about a series wherein a certain short-lived race can set things on fire with pure will...in a fantasy setting, that would be called pyromancy - you can make anything work with star trek if you bulls.hit it with enough pseudo-scientific treknobabble terms

      that's how i did it with my character in the RP i'm currently part of, who happens to be a werewolf​​
      Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


      A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
      An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
      A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
      A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

      "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
      "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
      Passion and Serenity are one.
      I gain power by understanding both.
      In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
      I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
      The Force is united within me.
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      theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
      edited August 2018
      I'm a 40K man, that works well with trek-
      Imperial Army is inspired by the Imperial Guard (or Astra Militarum according to the new codexs)
      Imperial Starfleet is trek's version of the Imperial Navy
      Pah Wraith are very chaos.
      The Terran Empire is very like the Imperium of Man
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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        xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
        edited August 2018
        Don't forget mythology (dragons, werewolves, etc) and Kingdom Hearts (Final Fantasy/Disney). I'm crossing them over as part of Sapph's story within this saga. Also, her mate (werewolf) has authorization to do whatever it takes to protect his family even if it's against Starfleet regulations. I'll also alter the Caitians/Ferasans to be based off the Lion King franchise instead of the Kzinti.


        "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
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        theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
        I.S.S. Dragon

        "How to slay the dragon?" wondered Petrofski as the Allied officers studied the U.S.S. Dragon's schematics. "That thing can tear a fleet to pieces" commented Naynta. "It has done, that ship needs to be neutralized" said Pelagia. "I say we capture it" replied Petrofski, "and the fleet while we're at it" he said afterwards. "That's insanity" replied Naynta. "We'll need to capture all command and control areas and lock them down, the auto-destruct could also be a problem" said Eraun. "Destroy the secondary command processors" suggested Kurn. "Our teams would have to be coordinated, fighting our way through the ship is not an ideal solution" replied Pelagia. "We need to transport directly into our targets" answered Naynta. "Getting the shield down first so our troops can transport in will present a challenge" replied Petrofski. "Not if we land assault units in via the shuttlebays, we use Bird of Preys as cloaked troop landers" suggested Kurn.

        "Troops fan out and assault their objectives" added Eraun. "Once objectives are secured and we have our target, we then secure and seal off our holdings from the rest of the ship" finished Pelagia. "That leaves the problem of the crew" said Petrofski. "It's not like someone can order them to stand down" replied Isabella Valdez (yellow), "why are you all looking at me?" she asked afterwards. "It's a good one, I saw it executed to perfection at one point. Your brother executed it to perfection" answered Naynta. "I know what happened next, that man was a monster. The one I feel sorry for the most is my niece" replied Isabella. "She's living with your brother's counterpart in the prime universe" answered Naynta. "At least she's out of this madness, I may have to contact my brother at some point, thank you" replied Isabella. "You're welcome" answered Naynta, "Captain, we may require you to play your counterpart once we've secured the bridge" she said afterwards. "It would save lives, the other alternative is to vent areas we don't hold" said Petrofski. "The honor is in victory" added Kurn. "It's something the Founders would admire" added Eraun. "You've got to pull it off spotlessly" finished Petrofski. "She even has to look the part" said Naynta. "Why do I get the feeling I've been drafted?" asked Isabella. "Because you just have" answered Pelagia. "You are all insane, insane in a good way" replied Isabella. "We do this for those murdered in cold blood, honor demands it" said Petrofski. "The Empress wants the false empress alive, I can't recall if she said anything about the crew though" replied Naynta. "Let's present our plan to the empress" said Petrofski. "Let's go" replied Naynta. The Allied officers left the room and transported aboard Los Lobos to brief Heath on the plan for slaying the Dragon.
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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          zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
          ISS Dragon
          Shades standing orders had been overridden by Heaths wish that Issabella be brought to her alive. As such, Shade now entered the briefing room of the USS Dragon offering her crews abilities and that of two other Shadow vessels to the cause.

          "I am to follow your orders as long as it remains in service to the Empire and the capture of our quary. "

          ISS Dragon, interrogation room
          "I wish to remind you Lord Regent, that we wouldn't have made it back without her help... she feels s31 has lost its way." Williams said to Petrofski as they approached the door to speak to Agent Blue.

          "Ill consider it."

          As the Regent opened the door Blue sat up in her chair and exhaled.

          "Blue- or may I call you Volara Regnal?"

          "Blue if you would... I've told you everything I can about my ship Terran- she's an improved model of the Dragon lost during the iconian war. They'll have changed my command codes so I'm useless to you now. For my time with section 31 I'm seem as a criminal in the Federation, I'm a traitor to my former compatriots, and you've no reason to keep me alive. I know what the Empire does to people like me and even if I escaped you I can't go home."

          "You stood up for what you felt to be right- correct?"

          "Yes I did. Why?"
          Why do I still play and put money into STO?
          The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
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          theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
          edited August 2018
          I.S.S. Dragon

          "Then there may be a way to restore your honor" answered Petrofski. "How?" asked Blue. "By helping us" answered Petrofski. "There must be a price" asked Blue. "Since you helped Imperial personnel escape the U.S.S. Dragon, I would bring your case to the Empress and suggest that you be given amnesty, a new identity and your record wiped, that's if you help us" answered Petrofski. "And if I don't?" asked Blue. "We put you on trial for violating our territory and you spend your days in an Imperial penal colony" answered Petrofski, "So what's it going to be, freedom or jail?" he asked afterwards. "What, no agony booths and torture?" asked Blue sarcastically. "The old Empire is gone, it has evolved into something more enlightened. If you don't believe me then maybe this will change your mind" answered Petrofski passing a copy of the Terran Constitution to Blue, "I'll leave you to read it while you decide if you want your freedom or the rest of your days in a penal colony, your call" he said afterwards. "Williams, contact me when our guest has decided. Keep an eye on her and get some food for her" ordered Petrofski before he left the room. "Yes Lord Regent" answered Williams.

          Post edited by theraven2378 on
            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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            galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
            The Empress listened to plan as they laid it out.
            Afterwards, she was silent as she tapped her nails on the table in thought.
            "Ma'am?" Petrofski asked.
            "I'm going to give you a piece of information about Federation ships," she said deliberately. "I was saving this for in case of a war with the Federation, but now this is more urgent."
            She tapped on the panel and the display changed.
            "All Federation ships have a program called The Omega protocol built in to them. Only captains know about it. They are forbidden to even talk about it with their crew. When Omega is detected, all of a starships command and operation functions are locked out. The ship is immoblized until the captain enters the unlock code. Here is the omega signature, once they detect it you'll only have about thirty seconds. After this, use it sparingly. If they catch on, they'll change it."
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            theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
            edited August 2018
            I.S.S. Los Lobos

            "Naynta, get Drake's codes. I don't care how you obtain them" said Petrofski. "Consider it done, Mr Drake will have the most uncomfortable time of his life" replied Naynta. "We're going to enjoy this" said Pelagia. "We're going to need someone for dealing with any computer based obstacles" said Eraun. "We know someone" answered Naynta. "We need to contact her, I hear she has a right violent streak in her" replied Petrofski. "Not someone to cross" answered Naynta. "Perfect" said Kurn. "Recruit her" suggested Naynta. "Next item on the agenda, we need our deception to be flawless. Captain Valdez, we need to get you measured out for your disguise" said Eraun passing Isabella (yellow) a picture of her counterpart. "Remember she also needs to act the part flawlessly" added Naynta. "Provide the video files of her counterpart for study" replied Petrofski. "What is to be the fate of the enemy crews?" asked Pelagia. "Kill them all, God will know his own" answered Petrofski.

            "Is that if they don't surrender?" asked Isabella. "Exactly, once the troops are aboard, mercy is thrown out of the airlock" answered Naynta. "What about the bounty?" asked Pelagia. "Let my counterpart's victims and their families have it" answered Isabella. "With that settled, we need to draw the U.S.S. Dragon's defense fleet away, suggestions" asked Petrofski. "Make our forces look smaller than they are, she'll think she's in control and send her defense fleet after our bait" answered Eraun. "As long as we keep out of range of the U.S.S. Dragon's weapons, those tear whole fleets apart" replied Pelagia. "Once we draw the fleet away, our assault troops move into attack position, we need to input the Omega protocol into all their ships at the same time, once the protocol is active, we transport our troops in and seize control of their ships" answered Naynta.
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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              theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
              Brea III (Prime)

              At the Valdez household, it was chaos. "Dad, there's a call for you" said Trianna (Prime). "This channel secure?" asked Valdez to Heath via subspace. "It is, this concerns your daughter" answered Heath. "I'll get her" replied Valdez before he said "Red, you're wanted" to Trianna (red). "Here dad" said Trianna (red), "Ma'am, it's not like you to make social calls" she said afterwards to Heath. "I'm recalling you for a job" replied Heath. "My evil aunt, I do watch INN" answered Trianna (red). "My officers will brief you when you arrive" said Heath, "who's that crying in the background?" she asked afterwards. "My aunt, today's the anniversary of the loss of her husband and little ones, they were taken by the Elachi three years ago today and have not been seen or heard from since" answered Trianna (red). "May I speak with her?" asked Heath. "I'll get her" answered Trianna (red), it was followed by "Aunt Izzie, someone wishes to speak with you" to Isabella (prime). "Ms Valdez, sorry to hear about your loss. It appears that your little ones' red counterparts are in a state orphanage after they were abandoned by their mother" said Heath to Isabella. "Thank you" answered Isabella. "Those little ones need their mother and technically, you are their mother. I'm offering you a second chance so you can be with your little ones" replied Heath.

              "I don't know what to say" answered Isabella as she wiped the tears. "The empress is kind, I'd take the offer" advised Trianna (red). "What was my red counterpart like with them?" asked Isabella to Heath. "She showed them no love when she abandoned them, their "crime" in her view was being half Bajoran" answered Heath. "I see, those boys will get their mother. I'll take them in and raise them" replied Isabella. "Thank you, Col Bray, pack your gear because you'll be transported over in ten minutes" said Heath. "I better warn Nathan that his nephews are coming to stay" said Isabella. "Ma'am, I'll be ready, Valdez house out" said Trianna (red) and the screen went blank. "Time to get changed" thought Trianna (red) to herself before she asked Valdez and Joanna Valdez if they could babysit. "Recalled?" asked Valdez. "I got drafted" replied Trianna (red). "We'll take care of him" answered Joanna. "Thanks Mom, thanks Dad" replied Trianna (red). Ten minutes later, Trianna (red) was transported to Brea III (red) and met up with Shade. Aboard the Enteri'ls, Shade just smirked and said "good to see you old friend" followed by "Helm, set course the flagship." When the Enteri'ls arrived at the Fleet's position, Trianna (red) and Shade transported aboard the Los Lobos and went to meet Heath. "Trianna, I've not seen you since you were a little girl. It's good to see you" said Isabella (yellow).

              Trianna (red) was briefed and her mood changed to anger, "not the first time, I've had to deal with troublesome family members. You want her alive or dead?" asked Trianna (red). "Alive, her crew however, have fun" answered Heath. "Copy that" replied Trianna (red).
                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                edited August 2018
                Valhalla Sector (MU red)

                The Rebels had been tracked to a remote system on the edge of the Valhalla Sector, the Allies immediately moved to intercept the fleeing rebels and eventually caught up with them over the world of Valhalla. Aboard the U.S.S. Dragon, the Allied fleet was detected, "only a small force, pathetic" commented Isabella (red). "It could be a trap" suggested her first officer. "Send the escort fleet after them" ordered Isabella (red). The Allies then feigned a retreat to lure the rebels in close as cloaked battle cruisers packed with troops hid themselves in the debris field around Valhalla, "wait" ordered Naynta aboard her flagship as she relayed the tactical data to the other Allied ships. "Pull them in further" ordered Pelagia to the fleet. Aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Petrofski gave the signal and the Allies ambushed and boarded the rebel ships. The rebel crews were all killed to a man as their ships came under Allied control.

                The Allies now turned their attention to the U.S.S. Dragon but kept out of weapons range as the signal to the troopships was sent, the troops readied themselves as Petrofski gave the order "plant the protocol" to Trianna (red). "Signal away, we have 30 seconds" answered Trianna (red) as the troops led by their officers mass transported aboard the U.S.S. Dragon. No mercy was shown as the Allies took control of the secondary command processors and main engineering, Petrofski led the Allied troops as Naynta and Pelagia's Ask'kaar troops took the battle bridge and killed the crew mercilessly. The sudden shock of the assault took the rebels by surprise as panic soon turned into rout, for the rebels, there was nowhere to go as the Allies cleared the ship section by section. Trianna and Naynta even having a contest of who could kill the most before she got to work on the computers. On the bridge, Isabella (red) tried to activate the auto-destruct but she had been locked out by the Omega Protocol as Allied troops advanced on the bridge. "Defend the bridge, nothing gets through" ordered Isabella (red) as the scale of the Allied attack eventually became apparent, her hopes were crushed when Elena Morellov and her team beamed in and rapidly disposed the bridge crew before signalling that the bridge had been secured and the target had been captured, now the Allies played their ace card when Isabella (yellow) transported aboard and in front of her counterpart gave the order for the rebel crew to stand down. The attack was said and done in less than an hour as the rebel survivors were detained and the computers cleaned up.

                Back aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Petrofski gave the order "set course for the flagship." When the Allies arrived at the royal fleet's position, the troops cheered and the Allied officers and former Imperial hostages transported aboard Los Lobos. When Heath saw that the operation was a success, she smiled as Isabella (red) was brought in by her counterpart (who had changed back into her yellow empire uniform before transporting to Los Lobos). "This is the Empress to all Allied ships, set course for Betazed" ordered Heath before the Allied ships and the captured ships jumped to transwarp. "Make sure her "highness" is kept uncomfortable" ordered Thay. "You sold Imperial troops into slavery, you even ordered their murders when your empire fell. You made a fatal mistake, I hope what's left of your life is not pleasant" said Heath. "I hope your people die out, I should have exterminated Bajor when I had the chance just to hurt you. I hope your little girl had a blast, I hear her grandmother did. Shame the Sitos picked the wrong person for the job" answered Isabella (red). "You're no Aunt of mine" said Trianna before she punched Isabella (red) and broke her arm. "Have you heard the story of Marcus Lucinius Crassus?" asked Petrofski to Isabella. "Is this an attempt to scare me?" asked Isabella (red) as she tried to chomp down on a capsule. "You mean this?" asked Naynta holding up a cyanide capsule extracted from Isabella's (red) mouth, "you are not going to cheat the executioner, Mario, I want to hear the rest of the story" she said afterwards.

                "Marcus Lucinius Crassus was the richest man in Rome, so wealthy he bought his own private army and invaded Parthia. He was defeated and executed by having molten gold poured down his throat and his head used as a prop in a play, you love gold and you will have all the gold you can swallow" finished Petrofski. "I can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, maybe even make you emperor" said Isabella (red) to Petrofski. "Bribing a public official, that will be added to the charges of slavery, murder and attacking medical ships who were on a mission of mercy, I'm quite content being Lord-Regent of my people. I won't kill you, these ladies who your men bought and abused have kindly volunteered to pour the gold" replied Petrofski point to Morellov and her group, "I'll be melting it down" he said afterwards. "I hope those mongrels that are my children suffer in that orphanage" said Isabella (red). "Your prime counterpart will be taking care of them and raising them, you are an unfit mother" replied Heath. "Go to hell" answered Isabella (red). "That's where you are going" replied Heath, "get this thing out of my sight" she ordered afterwards as Isabella (red) was dragged away and roughed up by Morellov and her group.
                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                  theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                  edited August 2018
                  I.S.S. Los Lobos

                  "What an unpleasant piece of work" commented Petrofski. "My Targ has more honor" added Kurn. "Lucky Targ" joked Naynta. That lightened the mood. "Ma'am, can we have a Roman Triumph before we kill her?" asked Petrofski. "Those who surrendered or defect will be spared, they showed some intelligence, the ones who fought to the bitter end, put them in your gulags after you parade them and sentence them" answered Heath. "Thanks, the people need to see justice being carried out" replied Petrofski. "A quick execution is too good for her "highness" added Eraun. "Not going to disagree there" replied Trianna. "I don't want to see it" answered Isabella (yellow), "that said, may her pah burn in hell" she said afterwards. "Who's the executioner?" asked Pelagia. "Lady-Regent Iodokar, she'll take the condemned's head" answered Heath. "I hear Hamlet is being performed tomorrow, they may need a prop" replied Naynta. "We could always stick it on a pike afterwards" answered Petrofski. "What's a pike?" asked Pelagia. "It's a 12 to 15 foot spear with a iron or steel point with a bronze counterweight on the other end" answered Petrofski. "Time to hit the bar, let's celebrate our victory" said Naynta. "The troops are already there, they claim to have liberated it" replied Petrofski. "I really hope my boys are being gentlemen" said Captain Joanna Dawson.

                  "Let's go" said Naynta before the Allied officers left the briefing room. When they arrived at the bar, it was packed full of troops talking with the Los Lobos crew. At one table were sat the Dawson brothers and their squad, "Rick, have you been to Betazed before?" asked Oreada. "Can't say I have" answered Medic Dawson, "Brookes, you seem bewitched" he said afterwards. "A ship full of smoking hot women, what's not to like? Those raven haired Trills, are they identical triplets and more importantly, are they single?" countered Brookes. "Way above our league" answered Medic Dawson, "besides, I'm already taken" he said afterwards with a smile on his face. "I'm going to try anyways, wish me luck" replied Brookes. "They're going to shoot him down" commented Luke Dawson. When Private Brookes walked up to the three Paris', he tried his chat up routine and all he got was "Sorry mister but we're beyond your league, cute attempt though" answered Paris (red). "Told you" joked Luke Dawson which caused a laugh. "Luke, your missus is here" said Medic Dawson. "Lanara" said Luke Dawson as he gave her a kiss. "Luke, glad to see that you made it back safe, why is Oreada sat on your brother's lap with her arms on his shoulder?" she asked afterwards. "No comment" chorused Medic Dawson and Oreada. "Red headed beauty at 12 o'clock" said Greaves. "That's Captain Valdez's niece, no go I'm afraid" replied Luke, "Trust me, you're not her type" said Naynta walking past. "Ma'am?" questioned Greaves. "She's a married woman, that's why" answered Naynta.

                  When Naynta got to the officer's table, the Allied officers celebrated along with the troops who took part. "Isabella, for someone who is opposed to violence, not bad" said Petrofski. "The look on the false empress's face was priceless, made our day totally" replied Naynta. "It was a good fight and an honorable victory" answered Kurn. "Klingons and Jem'Hadar, an excellent team" said Eraun smiling. "Why does killing rebel scum feel so satisfying?" asked Pelagia. "Honor has been restored" said Isabella smiling. "To victory" said Petrofski as a toast. "To victory" chorused the officers. "I may stick around in the red empire for a while, my husband and my little ones have just moved house to Terra red, it will be nice to see them after three years" said Isabella. "I've been away from Jasmine and Pel for too long, once my business on Betazed is done, I'm heading home. I want to be there when our baby is born, which could be scarier than the battlefield, Pel will be getting a little brother or sister. Jasmine has been very tight lipped on if our baby is a boy or a girl" replied Petrofski. "First one?" asked Isabella. "Our first one" answered Petrofski. "Congratulations" replied Isabella. "Thanks" answered Petrofski. "Tomorrow will be a good day" said Pelagia. "Triumph then execution as the main event, should be an eventful day" said Naynta.
                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                    edited August 2018
                    Imperial detention facility, Betazed (red)

                    Isabella (red) was protesting at the treatment she was receiving, "I am an empress, I demand respect" she yelled at the guards. "The Empress has something special planned for you" said the guard sliding a tray of food in. Isabella just poured the food on the floor and refused to eat anything. "Fine, you die hungry" said the guard showing no sympathy. The guard got a call and just walked over to the door the guards stood to attention as Heath walked in with three boys, Trianna (red) and Isabella (yellow). "Get those things out of my sight" said Isabella (red). "It's not just us you've got to explain to but also to three more people and trust me, we're not holding back" replied Isabella (yellow), "permission to contact the prime universe?" she asked Heath afterwards. "Granted, Trianna, input the channel" asked Heath. "Channel open" replied Trianna (red). "Red, not like you to call unannounced" said Valdez. "Dad, we're putting that thing in the cell under trial by family" answered Trianna (red) as Heath sat down with her guards listening, she had been invited.

                    "Andreas, you're the eldest, you go first" said Isabella (yellow). "Why abandon us?" asked Andreas. "And then block every adoption attempt?" added Marius. "Answers now, Isabella" demanded Julius. "You're all abominations" yelled Isabella (red). "Nice not knowing you, Isabella" chorused the boys. "Hey Isabella, news flash, I'm half Betazoid, you are a hateful, spiteful and selfish thing who only cared about herself. You're lucky there's a forcefield between us" replied Trianna (red). "Red, cool it" said Valdez. "Yes Dad" answered Trianna (red). "Red, deep breath then exhale, you feeling calmer?" asked Valdez. "Thanks Dad" answered Trianna (red) as she calmed down. "You're welcome" replied Valdez, "Isabella, you are not worthy of the family name, why?" he asked Isabella (red) afterwards. "You try growing being told you're nothing, I got somewhere eventually" answered Isabella (red). "Slavery, our late parents would be disappointed with you. You're nothing but a disgrace" replied Isabella (yellow). "Have a nice last day, as of now, we all wash our hands of you. Empress, strip her of her identity, that's a family request" added Isabella (prime). "Have a nice life, Inmate 54973" said the whole Valdez family and the screens went off as the family members present just turned their backs on Isabella (red). "Put her into her finest clothing" ordered Heath to the female guards. "Ma'am" answered the guards before Heath and her guards left the room.

                    Outside, the boys asked where they were going, "All three of you are going to the prime universe, my prime counterpart has said she will take you boys in" answered Isabella (yellow). "Family always looks out for each other, I'll warn you boys that we can be quite crazy at times" added Trianna (red). "It's better than the orphanage, there's someone we need to say thank you to first" answered Andreas. "How old are you?" asked Trianna (red). "14, I'm the big brother. Marius is 12 and Julius 9" answered Andreas. "Andreas, due to your age, your brothers look up to you, my advise is set a positive example" replied Trianna (red). "I will try to be a good example" answered Andreas. "You won't try, you will set a good example" replied Isabella (yellow). "I will" answered Andreas, all three boys then said "thank you" to Heath. "You're welcome boys" answered Heath. Meanwhile at the plaza, Petrofski and some of troops were setting up a cauldron on the stage. "How are we getting the gold?" asked Medic Dawson. "gold pressed latinum bricks, the Grand Nagus sent them to us for this very purpose" answered Petrofski. "We need to heat this up to 1500 degrees Celsius to get it molten" said Greaves. "Solved that problem, we have a low tech solution" answered Luke Dawson showing everyone his home made oxygen pump, "the idea is that if you keep pumping oxygen onto an open fire, you increase the heat. This however is labor intensive so we have to take it in shifts on the pump" he said afterwards. "Worth the aching afterwards" said Larrson. The rest just nodded in agreement as Naynta and Pelagia walked up and took one look at the contraption being built. "That's a bit low tech, explain how that works" asked Pelagia.

                    "We've set up a cauldron over an open fire pit, we've got a couple on keeping the fire topped up. Most of us will be operating this" answered Luke showing Naynta and Pelagia the process. "How are you going to move the cauldron afterwards?, it's going to be very hot" asked Naynta. "That's why the condemned will be brought to the cauldron, we want her to see the cost of her greed" answered Petrofski. "Nice set up here boys" said Elena Morrelov as she smiled at the creativity of the troops. "There's some blast shields and heat proof gloves, we made sure they went up to your upper arm" answered Petrofski. "Thank you boys, who melting that pile of latinum?" asked Lt Denvers. "I am along with the Dawson boys" answered Petrofski. "Not without us you're not" chorused Oreada and Lanara. "This is going to be a great day" said Medic Dawson. "That it is bro, that it is" finished Luke.
                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                      theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                      edited August 2018
                      Betazed (MU red)

                      All the prisoners were put into a column with Isabella (red) being at the head flanked by armed troops, they were then marched through the streets and brought to a stage. The charges were read out by Jodi (red) as the crowds jeered at the prisoners, "Inmate 54973, you have been found guilty of slavery, murder and bringing war. The sentence is death. Any last words?" asked Jodi. "Nothing to say to you, you half breed mongrel abomination" answered Isabella (red). "Lord-Regent, put another brick into the cauldron" ordered Jodi. "With pleasure" answered Petrofski as the fire got hotter. Isabella (red) was brought over and she tried to resist. "End of the line" said Petrofski, "more air to the fire" he ordered to his troops. INN then turned their cameras off as the sentence was carried out, "You attacked my home, say hello to mother on the other" said Jodi to Isabella (red) before she gave the signal. Next up for sentencing were Isabella's (red) troops who fought to the end, "You will all repay your debt to society by working down the mines, you will all be separated and sent to different work camps throughout the empire" said Jodi after the INN crews turned their cameras back on.

                      After the proceedings, Petrofski and his troops made sure all remaining gold was accounted for and it was reforged into bars for transport back to the Grand Nagus with a thank you letter. Afterwards, Petrofski and his troops left Betazed and returned home to Terra after linking up with the I.S.S. Tikal. Once they were at Terra, Isabella (yellow) sorted out the paperwork as Trianna (red) helped her cousins pack up what few belongings they had. "Let's get you all home, I've contacted Nathan and he's agreed to pick you all up at the Federation border" said Isabella (yellow). "Let's just get out of this place" said Andreas. "Thank you mom" added Marius. "Thanks" finished Julius. "Boys, keep in contact. I will be checking up every so often" asked Isabella (yellow) before they all left for the Tikal, "We will do" answered Trianna (red). 24 hours later, the Tikal linked up with the Harbinger at the Federation border. Aboard the Harbinger, Valdez and Trianna (yellow) were there to meet Trianna (red) and the boys when their shuttle landed. "Let's get you all home" said Valdez before he gave the order to his helm officer. "Red, how was it?" asked Trianna (yellow). "Anna, it got crazy" answered Trianna (red). "We'll be home in under a day, girls, can you both make sure your cousins are comfortable?" asked Valdez. "Yes Dad" answered both Triannas. When the Harbinger arrived at Brea III, the boys were awed by their new home as they walked through the city with Valdez and the girls.

                      "It's so big" commented Julius. "Takes some getting used to" answered Valdez. "Which house is ours?" asked Marius. "This one" answered Trianna (red). "That's a big house" replied Andreas. "It is" answered Trianna (yellow). When they got to the Valdez house, Isabella (prime) took one look and broke down into tears of joy as she gave each one a hug, "boys, I've not seen you in three years" said Isabella, "boys, you don't need permission to sit down" she said afterwards. "At the orphanage we had to stick to military type rules, we were told when we could eat, when we could sleep and when we could sit down" said Andreas. "Since you all are under your uncle's roof, he'll explain the house rules" answered Isabella (prime). "I have one rule, keep out of trouble. Other than that, it's no foul language" said Valdez. "Little ones, they repeat things" added Trianna (prime) as she and Ablim Snr were sorting out their two little ones. "How's little man been?" asked Trianna (red) to Isoisa (red). "He's been a little angel" answered Isoisa (red) as she passed Ablim Jnr (red) over to his mother. "Rick, Luke. Can you both help get the boys' bags to their rooms?" asked Isabella (prime). "We will Aunt Izzie" answered the Dawson brothers. "Boys, if you need any help or advice, just ask one of the adults" said Isabella (prime). "Thanks Mom" chorused the boys.

                      Back on Terra, Petrofski got home to the regent palace and gave his wife a kiss. "It's good to see you home" said Jasmine, "there's someone who wants to see you" she said afterwards. "Papa" said Pel as she ran in and was picked up by Petrofski. "It's good to see you all" answered Petrofski smiling. "Missed you papa" replied Pel. "Well, I'm home and I have your full undivided attention" answered Petrofski. "My school report" said Pel passing over a PADD. Petrofski read it and answered "good girl, keep it up." "I will" replied Pel. "I'm just taking a few days off work, family time" said Petrofski. "You've got a meeting with the deceased soldiers' families, the families of those rescued also want to extend their thanks" answered Jasmine. "Thanks" replied Petrofski. "The deceased will have a state funeral and their names put into the hall of heroes, it's at the families' request" answered Jasmine. "I'll ask the troops if they can volunteer for honor guard duties" replied Petrofski. "Thanks Mario, time to put INN on" answered Jasmine.

                      Post edited by theraven2378 on
                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                        theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                        edited August 2018
                        Bajor (MU red)

                        Two of Riazna Wren's researchers were out in the field mapping the spread of the plague. "*****" said Orderly Reed after his EV suit tore. "Field team to Doctor Wren, we have an emergency" reported Orderly Richards after he tapped his combadge. "Nature of emergency?" asked Doctor Wren. "My suit's torn" answered Orderly Reed. "Both of you back to base, Mr Reed, you will have to be quarantined" ordered Doctor Wren. "Ma'am" answered the two Terran medics. Once they got back to base, both were decontaminated before Reed was put into a isolation room before a blood sample was taken by EMH. Doctor Wren now started asking questions, "Are you feeling nauseous, dehydrated and any other symptoms?" "I feel fine, nothing out of the ordinary" answered Reed. "Any heart palpitations, shortness of breath and coughing?" asked Doctor Wren. "No ma'am" answered Reed. "Compare the sample from Mr Reed and a sample from one of the patients" asked Doctor Wren to her assistant. "Ma'am" answered her assistant. After an hour, the results came back and it caused amazement, "No sign of the plague in Mr Reed's blood" noted Doctor Wren as she compared the sample to several others, "I need all Terrans in this hospital to provide a blood sample each, one anomaly is not a breakthrough" she ordered afterwards.

                        After several hours, all the blood samples were taken and analyzed after being injected with the plague, "no sign of the plague, even at a genetic level. Ladies and gentlemen, we may have found our breakthrough" she said to her team afterwards. "Can we synthesize a treatment from this?" asked Orderly Richards. "Put me in contact with the Empress, she will want to hear of this" ordered Doctor Wren. "Yes ma'am" answered her assistant. "Contact the Dominion too, this will be of interest to them" ordered Doctor Wren afterwards. "Yes ma'am" answered her assistant smiling. Doctor Wren for the first time in three months smiled at the breakthrough. "All of you, well done" she said to her team afterwards.

                        (This is my in game T6 Vesta, she's such a pretty ship)

                        Post edited by theraven2378 on
                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                          xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
                          edited August 2018
                          (PLV Avalon) *Raven, I plan to have Sapph interrogate Franklin in this part.*

                          My ship is in the mirror universe after a S31 prisoner was "convinced" to spill Franklin Drake's location to me. I arrive at the system in question and hail the Imperial fleet. I say, "This is Admiral Ketchum-Chew of the Pridelander vessel Avalon. I want to speak to your commander about interrogating Franklin Drake."

                          "Admiral, perfect timing. Drake's in the middle of an 'interview', but I can arrange for him to be beamed to your brig if you want."

                          "Thank you Captain. Drake will give me the answers I seek one way or another. Sapph out." I close the channel and order my transporter chief to transport him to the brig for questioning. Moments later, Franklin materializes in my brig in handcuffs and a few injuries from the Terrans. I enter the room and go to his cell with my mate and Betazoid interrogators. I treat his injuries so he will be inclined to answer my questions. I ask,"That was actually a pretty good plan, Drake, had it succeeded."

                          "Oh yeah, I think that would have worked like this..." He describes his plans for our little one in sickening detail. He even gloats about his plan to take over my homeworld and set up a puppet state. When he gets to his favorite part, I stop him and send, "Drake, you'll be shipped to an Alliance court for trial. Jerome, get this thing out of my sight."

                          "Yes dear. Dacia, beam Drake to the ship's brig and me and Amy to the throne room." He, Drake, and Amy disappear in a stream of blue particles as our officers set a course for Earth to drop off our "friend". I enter my throne room and spend some time with my family as I wait for the verdict.
                          Post edited by xungnguyen on

                          "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
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                          theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                          A few things,
                          Drake is someone that a captain has no clearance to transfer, he would need permission from the Terran Empire's ruler (Empress in this case). Two, the Empire would not hand a dangerous prisoner to a race they have never seen before. Three, the Federation president would have to ask the Empire for Drake to be extradited (providing he knows where Drake is). Last thing, you characters technically should not know about events as they are happening and Drake is still in Imperial custody in a secure location that no one apart from the Imperial leadership knows about (I have plans for Drake)
                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                            xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
                            Sapphire and Jerome are still hunting Drake since he ordered the assassination of their kid. Also, Simba and Nala will have to ask the UFP President for permission to let Sapph interrogate him. Don't forget that Sapph and her family are ex Federation officers.

                            "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
                          • Options
                            theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                            The UFP president would just contact the Empire directly to do the transfer, Drake's location is a very closely guard secret and that's only known to the Empress (even the Regents don't a have a clue where Drake is being held because it's above their pay grade).
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                              thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
                              Let's try something different ...

                              You're your prime self ... you've been captured by the Terran Empire, your ship and crew are safe but you (the captain) have been brought to Admiral Thay for a conversation / interrogation.

                              Thay has sat down opposite you ... what do you do?

                              (I'll try to respond to these as I see them.)
                              Typhoon Class please!
                            • Options
                              marty123#3757 marty123 Member Posts: 674 Arc User
                              edited August 2018
                              I would blast Admiral Thay with the Micro-Torpedo Launcher hidden on my wrist then use my Visual Dampening Field to escape
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                              marty123#3757 marty123 Member Posts: 674 Arc User
                              edited August 2018
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                              theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                              Talk business commander to commander, I'd kindly and respectfully remind Thay of the regulations considering POWs and discuss parole terms (The parolee cannot fight against the side that issued the parole) in exchange for safe passage home for me, my crew and ship.
                              Fighting my way out is not really an option given the situation, talking my way out of it would be the ideal solution.
                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                              • Options
                                xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
                                edited August 2018
                                Sapph would use her SERE training to her advantage since she's not allowed to reveal any secrets to Admiral Thay.
                                Post edited by xungnguyen on

                                "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
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                                galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
                                Smile and ask so what happens now?
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                                xungnguyenxungnguyen Member Posts: 233 Arc User
                                May I write a story based on this prompt Thay?

                                "Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
                              • Options
                                theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                                edited August 2018
                                Dawson household, Terra (MU red)

                                "Mom, you're panicking. This should be the biggest day of your career and you're worried" said Rick Dawson (red). "It's a commendation ceremony, that's all we've been told" added Luke Dawson (red). "Joanna, you should listen to the boys. You've done us proud" finished Edward Dawson. "Dad, why are you in you old dress blues?" asked Rick. "Even retired, the soldier remains. Your stepfather is a retired Sgt. Major" answered Joanna Dawson (red). "The invitation said immediate family as well" said Rick reading the invitation. "That's why we must look our best, and be on your best behavior" said Joanna to both her boys. "Yes mom" chorused the boys. "Boys, go and get changed into your dress blues" ordered Edward Dawson. "Yes dad" answered the boys before they left. "Still an old soldier at heart" said Joanna. "Some things never leave" answered Edward. "Very true" replied Joanna as she finished sorting her hair out. An hour later, they were ready and out of the door, when they arrived at the Regent's palace to a gathering of Battle Fleet Omega's crews.

                                "Lord Regent, Lady Regent" said Joanna to the Petrofskis. "Good to see you, you handled the fleet well" replied Petrofski. "Nice move on Helsreach" countered Joanna smiling. "It was loud" joked Petrofski. "Joanna, I see service is traditional in your family. You should be proud" said Smith-Petrofski. "We are" replied Joanna, "This is my husband, Edward" she said introducing the Petrofskis to her family. "What rank?" asked Petrofski. "Sgt. Major (ret)" answered Edward smiling. "To serve is a great honor, Mr Dawson" replied Petrofski. "It is sir" replied Edward. "Our sons, Richard and Lukas" said Joanna introducing the boys. "Gentlemen, the Empire thanks you both for your service" said Smith-Petrofski to the boys. "Ma'am" answered the boys. "Lads, good to see you both" said Petrofski to the boys. "Sir" chorused the boys. "Mr Dawson, I'm the lads' commanding officer. Both are exemplary soldiers. I've seen Medic Dawson get to a patient, stabilize him and literally carry the man to the nearest aid post before going back to help the others. Private Dawson is one of my best runners" said Petrofski to Edward. "Very dangerous work" replied Edward. "It is" answered Rick. "But crazy" finished Luke. "Joanna, meet our daughter, Pel" said Petrofski. "Pleased to meet you" asked Pel. "Good girl, I see you've been paying attention to your etiquette lessons" said Smith-Petrofski. "Being polite goes a long way, good girl" added Petrofski.

                                Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow) and her crew soon arrived and was greeted by the Petrofskis. "All we were told was be here, invitation" said Isabella. "Captain, my wife Jasmine and our daughter Pel" said Petrofski to Isabella. "You walk in the prophet's light, pleased to meet you Captain" said Pel. "A very polite little girl, you are a credit to your family" replied Isabella. "The way we're raising her, be polite and respectful to others as well as just letting her be herself" answered Smith-Petrofski. "Best way, I have three boys myself" replied Isabella, "congratulations to you and your husband" answered Isabella. "You're welcome" replied Smith-Petrofski. "I'm still trying to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl" joked Petrofski. "Wait and see mister, you'll get your answer then" replied Smith-Petrofski. "To business, the rest of the team is here, all we've been told is two surprise guests for the proceedings" replied Petrofski. Everyone soon took to their seats and wondered who the final two guests were.
                                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                  theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,991 Arc User
                                  edited August 2018
                                  Terra (MU red)

                                  "All rise" ordered Regent Petrofski as the last two guests arrived, it was Heath and Regent Jodi Iodokar. Everyone stood to attention and saluted before sitting back down. "Captain Isabella Valdez and the crew of the Tikal, please rise" ordered Jodi. The crew of the Tikal stood to attention as the citation was read out, "Captain Valdez, Betazed owes you and your crew a great debt. I am awarding you and your crew the Regents' Unit citation and the Star of Terra for your quick thinking in destroying the swarm" said Jodi as she presented the crew of the Tikal with their commendations. "Thank you Lady-Regent, we're honored to accept" said Isabella (yellow) on behalf of her crew. "Well done" replied Jodi smiling. Captain Valdez and her crew returned to their seats after saluting Jodi.

                                  Empress Heath now presented the veterans of the Vostroyan War with their campaign commendations, both Joanna and Edward Dawson watched proudly as their sons were presented with service stars followed by a "keep up the good work" from Heath to the Dawson Brothers. "Ma'am" answered the boys before they gave Heath a military salute. After the veterans were decorated, Heath called up Captain Joanna Dawson. "Ma'am" said Captain Dawson to Heath when she got onto the stage. "Captain Dawson, you command of Battle Fleet Omega has been exemplary. In reward for your command talents in independent operations and supporting our allies, I'm ordering you to remove your Captain's chevrons" replied Heath. Captain Dawson obeyed the order, "I hereby promote you to the rank of Rear Admiral with all the privileges of that rank. You've earned this" said Heath pinning Admiral Dawson's new rank chevrons onto her uniform. "Thank you ma'am" replied Admiral Dawson shaking Heath's hand. "You've earned it, well done" answered Heath, "introduce me to your family" asked Heath afterwards.

                                  "My husband, Edward" said Admiral Dawson introducing Heath to Mr Dawson. "What rank, Mr Dawson?" asked Heath. "Sgt. Major retired" answered Edward Dawson. "It is an honor to serve the Empire, I see service is a tradition in the Dawson family" replied Heath. "A proud tradition ma'am" answered Edward smiling. "You've met our sons, Richard and Lukas" said Joanna to Heath. "Boys, your service to the Empire won't be forgotten. Honor the Empire and your family with your service" said Heath to the boys. "We do ma'am" answered Rick Dawson. "We were crazy enough to volunteer together" added Luke Dawson. "You boys have served with distinction, your parents must be proud" said Heath. "They are" answered Rick. "Family honor" added Luke. "Your commanding officer has described you both as eccentric and totally crazy" said Heath to the boys. "My job is medic, I have to stabilize the wounded and move them to the nearest field hospital" replied Rick, "and repeat, all under enemy fire" he said afterwards. "I'm a runner, my job to get messages relayed from field headquarters to the front and back, all done by memory" said Luke, "having things shot at you makes it a bit more interesting" he said afterwards. "Well done boys" replied Heath shaking each brother's hand. "Ma'am" answered the boys before they returned to their seats with their family. "Mom, you've earned it" said Rick to Joanna. "Congratulations mom" added Luke. "Joanna, well done" finished Edward.

                                  After the commendation ceremony, everyone relaxed. After Heath left, everyone returned to their ships and homes for some well deserved time off. Smith-Petrofski put Pel to bed and put her feet up in the private lounge and relaxed with Petrofski for a evening of Gotham.
                                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
                                    xungnguyen wrote: »
                                    May I write a story based on this prompt Thay?


                                    Typhoon Class please!
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