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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



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    galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
    I like it!
    Where do you get the Dabo girl outfit from?
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
    It's in the foundry costume tabs.
    Typhoon Class please!
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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
    Should be interesting
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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      theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
      Who's the cast?
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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        galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
        > @thay8472 said:
        > It's in the foundry costume tabs.

        Can we buy it anywhere?
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        theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
        edited January 2018
        Unknown Location

        "The cowards" yelled Prime Sito. Both Heaths were planning something but they kept it very quiet, "Thay she's responsible and that Fedrat captain" yelled Red Sito. "Find that captain's family and kill them all but make sure that captains see's it before she dies" suggested Prime Sito. "They're not on Earth, it seemed they were moved in secret out of our reach" answered Red Sito. "That means you cannot kill us, you do and your family goes to jail for the rest of their lives" said Empress Heath. "Shut up!!!" yelled Prime Sito given Empress Heath a kick. "Your family shame is now common knowledge, your family home gone, your land and your family reduced to begging on the streets with a life sentence hanging over them. Your achievements struck from the record, you have nothing left and all because of your actions" said Admiral Heath. "Shut up!!!" yelled Red Sito jolting Admiral Heath.

        "Call them off!!!" demanded Prime Sito. "No" answered Empress Heath. "Call them off or Bajor pays the price" demanded Red Sito. "No" answered Admiral Heath. "We're getting a communication, it's from them" reported the Section 31 operative. "Put them through, you will call them off" ordered Red Sito. "Thay, we're alive and well at the moment though the Sitos may see to that" said Empress Heath. "Release my family or I execute this Bajoran officer" demanded Red Sito holding a phaser to a Bajoran officer's head. "You really want to do that, you've cornered yourselves and there is no way you are getting out of this" asked Ford. "Micheal, she'll kill her" said Admiral Heath. "I've got the order ready to sign, any of them does anything stupid, her family go to the worse prison on Bajor and we make sure the warden, guards and inmates know their crimes" answered Ford. "You wouldn't" replied prime Sito. "You want to test that?" asked Ford.

        "Fine" answered Prime Sito throwing the officer down. "Release your hostages to us alive and well or I sign the sentence warrant" said Ford sending the Sitos an ultimatum before cutting the channel. On the Cairo, Trianna (yellow was tracking the signal and she sent Thay and Captain Valdez an updated map, the Allies changed to a position closer to the signal delivery point. While the Sitos were distracted with each other, both Heaths quietly agreed on a plan, they would hold out out until help got to them.
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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          theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
          U.S.S. Cairo

          Thay had come aboard with her guard to speak with Captain Valdez. "Captain, thank you for helping me. You've proven someone I can trust" said Thay. "Just doing the right thing" answered Captain Valdez. "You know when to turn a blind eye and have been most accommodating in regards to my people" replied Thay. "Anna has been most helpful, she explained how the empire works and advised me to work around our differences" answered Captain Valdez. "She once served under me, she was very troubled when I met her and her temper always got her into trouble" replied Thay. "She flares up sometimes but her adoptive father has managed to find her a way of controlling that temper" answered Captain Valdez. "Oh?" asked Thay.

          "I'll let Anna explain" answered Captain Valdez as Trianna (yellow) walked up with a pile of PADDs, "Anna, why have you got those PADDs?" she asked afterwards. "Homework on tracking signals and signatures" answered Trianna (yellow). "What are your findings?" asked Thay. "The two versions of Heath have the same quantum signature, I'm thinking we can track those" answered Trianna (yellow). "My Lazy has a unique temporal signature, that will make her easier to track. Ensign, can you add this signature to your search?" asked Thay. "Yes ma'am" answered Trianna (yellow). "Judging by the look on your face, you have something to say" replied Thay. "If we are too late then they have won, I spoke with your Borg officer Bareil and he has a solution" answered Trianna (yellow). "Go on" replied Thay. "He has been thinking about modifying his nanoprobes to repair any damage, we may also be able to dampen your Heath's temporal signature by reprogramming the repair nanoprobes to emit a constant temporal shield that hides your Heath's signature from any temporal searches" answered Trianna (yellow). "Anna, you are talking about using Borg technology as a tool for healing" said Captain Valdez.

          "It's extreme I know but from reading Voyager's records it is possible" answered Trianna (yellow). "It's risky" commented Thay. "It's a worse case scenario back up" answered Trianna (yellow). "Creative" commented Thay. "Indeed" answered Trianna (yellow). "Anna, work on those nanoprobes with Mr Bareil. Good thinking on the quantum signature" replied Captain Valdez. "Yes mom, sorry ma'am" answered Trianna (yellow). "Anna, I need you to talk with Thay. You've lost parents, you can understand exactly what Thay is going through at the moment. Speak with her and take as much time as you both need" said Captain Valdez. "I'll try but I cannot promise anything" answered Trianna (yellow). "Thanks Anna" replied Captain Valdez. "Dad has taught me to put others before myself" answered Trianna (yellow). "I'll leave you two to it, Anna, it's mom off duty and ma'am on duty" replied Captain Valdez. "Yes ma'am" answered Trianna (yellow). Captain Valdez left and Trianna (yellow) and Thay had a really good talk and Thay began to feel better and smiled when Trianna (yellow) said "don't get mad, get even." "You've changed for the better" said Thay. "I have good teachers, mom and dad teach me well and yes I have to resist the urge to punch my idiot stepbrother" answered Trianna (yellow).

          "I met your adoptive father and he's always been reasonable despite what happened" replied Thay. "Dad has given me a chance at a new life, he's nothing like my real father" answered Trianna (yellow). "My advise is listen to what he's teaching you, what was your greatest failing under me?" asked Thay. "Not listening and letting my temper get the better of me" answered Trianna (yellow). "Look at you now, you look happier and is prepared to listen but remember you are still Terran so you have to act with necessity" replied Thay. "As long as others are not put at risk" answered Trianna (yellow). "Ensign, start work on those nanoprobes and you are dismissed" replied Thay. "Yes ma'am" answered Trianna (yellow) saluting her former commanding officer.
            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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            galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
            This takes time to write as @thay8472 and I go back and forth working on this

            “Have you seen some of the creatures Naynta uses in her experiments on the Ask'kaar, First Lady?” Sito prime asked. “Brutal, some of them.”
            The screen behind them switched on.
            “In the room, there is Tela Kalor,” Mirror explained. “She's nothing special, Bajoran Militia, assigned to one of the moons of Bajor. Also there three doors marked "A" , "B" and "C" ... pick a door.”
            “And if I don't choose?” the First Lady asked.
            “Then I will.”
            “I won't play your sick game.”
            “No? What about now?”
            The image changed, revealing a Trill prisoner.
            “See that Trill? She had an encounter with an Endoparasitoid, she's currently in agony from her encounter ...”
            “An endoparasitoid is a creature that lives in another during the early developmental stage,” prime explained.”
            “The 'Endo' did this by latching on their face by using their mandibles, and shoving its inner jaw down a woman's throat. With the jaw down, it implanted it's young into her. I do not want to be around when she pops.”
            “If she pops ...” prime laughed.
            “Yes...” mirror chuckled. “'If.' She may have to, heh, push them out, I can never tell what will happen.”
            “No wonder Thay sent you away,” the Empress said. “Even by mirror standards you're twisted.”
            “I'd love to do it to you two, but that would end our fun too quickly,” prime pouted
            “We can use some of the smaller ones,” mirror suggested.
            “That'll work. Best of both worlds.”
            Mirror leaned over the Empress.
            “You see Terra has there insects called botflies (they do exist). And they reproduce by embedding their larvae in to the flesh of other animals. They then grow inside just below the skin. And while the grow, they eat. Yes the continue to eat the surrounding flesh until they hatch bursting out of the skin.”
            Prime grabbed the First Lady’s bust
            “So how many do you think we can fit in these beach balls of theirs?”
            “Oh... A good hundred in each one. Maybe more,” mirror replied licking her lips.
            “I'll go tell the lab to get them ready. Might take a day or so.”
            Mirror kissed her briefly.
            “We have time. Now while you’re doing that, I have to come up with something else to send to our counterpart, that'll go with her hair. Something comforting but horrific…”
            “You have a real issue will my chest,” the first Lady wheezed. “Is it because you don't have anything up there yourself?”
            Prime put her agonizer on her chest and turned it on.
            “In a few days you'll be begging me to do that instead of what's coming. Now, how am I going to keep myself entertained while waiting... I really don't care about you Empress, you are her chew toy. You first lady are mine. And... Oh my look at those nails. Those are not regulation, far too long. I'll have to fix that. Be right back... ”
            They left the room after reactivating the field.
            The first lady sat tied in her chair while the Empress lay on the floor.
            “Sorry about your hair.”
            “Thay kept wanting me to cut it short, wonder what she'll think about it?”
            “We have to get out of here.”
            “I don't see how.”
            “They left the scissors...”
            “Tried... Too slow. I...”
            She stopped as an idea occurred to her.
            “What? I know that look, what?”
            The Empress took off one of her shoes. She used her teeth to pull the rubber tip off the heel. Using the exposed metal, she began scratching on the scissors
            “Those are tough shoes.”
            “Titanium heels.”
            “Don’t ask.”
            She finished scratching on the scissors then hid them in the braid.
            “What was that?”
            “A desperate hope.”
            A few minutes late prime Sito stood at the doorway smiling.
            "I'm back. You know I was thinking. I picked up the scissors, and I thought 'what I'm just going to cut her nails off? That's not much of a inconvenience'. Then I saw the pliers and thought 'thats more like it. I'll Pull her nails off completely'. But I promised her I wouldn't do anything permanent to you. So I finally realized, that I can split the difference."
            She opened the door keeping her phaser on the Empress as she walked across the room. She held up the pliers.
            "I'm gonna bend your nails back until they break off. Best of both worlds. But first…"
            She stroked the first lady’s head.
            “Is it really fair that she had to cut off her hair to save you, but you still have all this?”
            She gathered up the First Lady’s waist length hair at the back of her head in her hand.
            “I don’t think so.”
            She fired her phaser and burned the gathered hair off.
            “There. Now you match.”
            She knelt down next to the restrained figure.
            "Now which finger first?"
            "What did I ever do to you?"
            "I DIDN'T KNOW!"
            "YOU... How did you do it?"
            "How did you get her to release you? We all know it wasn't sex."
            "She... Didn't understand about the Prophets."
            "The Prophets?"
            "I mentioned them, she saw my earring... She wanted to understand what it all meant."
            "So we went to Bajor, their Bajor. And I showed her the temple and one of the orbs..."
            "They spoke to us."
            "Who spoke to you?"
            "The Prophets did..."
            "The Prophets spoke to you? I was on my knees, praying, begging, pleading to them for some kind of help and they spoke to you?"
            "They will speak in their ways..."
            "What did they say? What did they tell you?"
            "That each of us wasn't what the other thought they were. We were more alike than different. After that, when we got back she let us go."
            "That's it? You did that and she let you go?"
            "I'm sorry."
            "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know you were there. I'm sorry that you had to suffer through all that. If I had known I would have insisted that you come back with us. I'm sorry."
            Thay looked up at her.
            "The Federation officer in me believes you and accepts your apology. But the me that went through all that says 'too little, too late'. You know, forget to pliers. I'll use my teeth. I want to feel them breaking and splintering."
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            theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
            "To the Prime Sito, your actions have condemned your family" said Ford as he recorded signing the sentence warrants and made sure Prime Sito saw her family being tried and found guilty of collaboration with the Cardassians. Sentence was life in the most violent prison on Bajor, the warden was informed as the Sitos were processed and humiliated as the guards and the inmates all heard what the Sitos had done. Mr Sito was assaulted and beaten by the inmates to the point that he was hospitalized and Mrs Sito was set on by the female inmates in sight of Callie. Callie was left alone with her beaten mother as the guards turned a blind eye. Prime Sito's reaction was not good as she screamed with anger, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!" she yelled after murdering one of the prisoners.

            What the Sitos did not know was that Thay and her allies were closing in and a shadow team was being prepared. On the Cairo, Trianna (yellow) had detected a faint chroniton signal, after showing Captain Valdez and Thay, Thay knew what it meant. "A temporal shield" she commented. "You have a location?" asked Captain Valdez. "Not exactly but I noticed a ship coming through this sector, we're in deep space well away from shipping routes" answered Trianna (yellow). "That's our way in, we're going to intercept that ship and use it to find where our people are being held and infiltrate" said Thay. "Time to lay an ambush" answered Captain Valdez. "Keep an eye on any ship movements" ordered Thay to Trianna (yellow). "Ma'am" answered Trianna (yellow). "Put us on that ship's route" ordered Captain Valdez. Thay also ordered her forces to move and intercept. The Section 31 ships jumped out of warp and was set on by Alliance and Terran ships before they had time to report.

            After securing the vessels, the computers were downloaded and sent to the Cairo and Los Lobos-A. Shadow teams now commandeered the ships and prepared to make their move. "Phase one, complete" said Thay. "Now we need a way of getting a message to the Heaths" replied Captain Valdez. "How are those nanoprobes doing?" asked Thay. "They're good to go" reported Trianna (yellow). "Good work" answered Thay.
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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              theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
              Terra (MU red)

              The shadows had been out hunting, using a combination of speed, surprise and aggression they had been cleaning house. Each target had to be approached differently and the shadows adapted to each target accordingly. Some were taken down by stealth while others were taken down by dawn raids. The haul of prisoners was large and after interrogation, Trianna (red) executed them on masse with firing squads and the grim tally continued as more prisoners were put in front of firing squads. After an hour, over 300 prisoners had been shot and dumped into mass graves which were then filled in and covered by the other prisoners leaving the pit a unmarked mass grave. They were forced to dig their mass grave before they too were shot, "400 executions in a day, 400 less traitors" said Trianna smiling.

              "Got a another batch, deal with them" ordered Shade. Trianna got to work but this time she shot each prisoner individually herself, "please I have a wife and children" begged one former captain. "Then they will see you in the afterlife" answered Trianna before shooting him. How many?" asked Shade. "500, we may need to dig out deeper grave pits" answered Trianna. "Let the prisoners do it, if they refuse to work then hurt them" replied Shade. "Ma'am" answered Trianna, "Dig like your life depends on it" ordered Trianna as her firing squad leveled their rifles. Once the pit was dug, the prisoners were all shot in the back of the head and put face down before more prisoners filled in the hole. They were next and were executed in the same manner, by the end of the day, over 900 traitors had been executed and left in unmarked graves so no one could find them and the site was grassed over to how it was.

              For the corrupt politicians and admirals, their fate was far worse as they were publicly hung, drawn and quartered live on INN. The purges continued throughout the empire as more executions took place empire wide and the bomber responsible for Betazed was brought up and dissected alive and Trianna made the infamous Norse Blood Eagle in front of the INN cameras as the captured bomber screamed in agony. He was kept alive and his torment was extended to hours as he begged for a quick death. Trianna and Shade were having none of it so they carried on torturing him until he eventually died four hours later. The crowd clapped their hands as captured Section 31 operatives were now executed by firing squads. Now the purge was extended to the yellow empire as traitors were caught and executed after questioning. Their deaths were also broadcast on INN as the message was made clear, treason and espionage was punishable by a painful and long death.

              Mirror Sito's supporters were now brought in and their fate was something special, they were taken to labor camps and worked to death. Prime Sito's supporters were also rounded up and in front of the cameras were beheaded in public as the public cheered, the bodies were then incinerated leaving no clue that they had existed. The die hards who were kept alive suffered the worst fate, they were sterilized and sentenced to life in a labor camp. Their families would not have to share the shame, they had disowned their relatives to save their own skins.
                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                edited January 2018
                U.S.S. Cairo

                The Cairo had been dispatched to stop another Section 31 ship but what Captain Valdez did not know was the Sitos had set a trap for her. As the Cairo came out of warp, she was brought under effective fire. "Status?" asked Captain Valdez. "Shields down to 60% from that first hit, six enemy ships have surrounded us" answered the Cairo ops officer. "Location of allies?" asked Captain Valdez. "Not in range, we're on our own" reported the Cairo's ops officer. "Then we fight our way out and report back, helm I need you to duck and weave your way through, don't stop until we're out of the combat zone. Tactical, destroy their engines" ordered Captain Valdez as another hit struck the ship.

                "Shields down to 40%, they cannot take much more" reported the ops officer. "Send out a distress call and prepare to run for our forces, this is a fight we cannot win" ordered Captain Valdez. "Channel open" reported the ops officer. "This Captain Joanna Valdez of the Federation starship Cairo to any allied forces, we've been ambushed by a superior force and need cover so we can withdraw" said Captain Valdez as she sized up the gravity of the situation. "No response" answered the ops officer. "Tactical, you may fire at will but focus on the ships blocking our retreat, engineering I need as much power to the shields, take it from non-essential systems if you have to" ordered Captain Valdez. "Incoming" reported the ops officer as a photon torpedo slammed into the ship. The crew were thrown out of their seats as the ship lurched from the hit, the Cairo's shields were at point of failure as Captain Valdez attempted to warp out.

                "Casualties on decks six, seven and nine sections 22 alpha through 21 bravo. We have a hull breach on deck twelve section three gamma" reported the ops officer. "Evacuate those sections and seal them off" ordered Cmdr Greene. "Can we jump to warp?" asked Captain Valdez. "Warp engines are down, we stuck here" reported the helm officer. "We are not going to surrender, everyone understood?" asked Captain Valdez as sparks were flying all over the ship. "Distress call still broadcasting, we have movement at two light years" reported the helm officer. It was a combined Terran and Federation wing and they burst onto the battlefield and created a defensive perimeter around the Cairo. It was already too late for the Cairo as her core began to breach, aboard the Los Lobos, Thay ordered "beam the crew off and prepare for wounded." The Cairo crew were evacuated as the ship tore itself apart. The Allied wing seeing it was unfair fight withdrew back to the blockade position to avoid being faced by superior numbers.

                When Prime Sito saw the destruction of the Cairo, she taunted Prime Heath. Red Sito however was concerned, the Cairo's crew had been defeated but they were still alive. "Got something on INN" reported Prime Sito. "This is INN, today a purge was carried out across both empires. Over 2,000 disloyal traitors were executed. The coward who murdered our former empress and 36 others was executed along with the supporters of Fedrat Sito, Traitor Sito's supporters were sentenced to execution by being worked and starved to death" reported the news anchor. On the Los Lobos-A, Captain Valdez made sure her wounded were treated before her. Trianna (yellow) had a broken arm retrieving her data but was thankful to be alive, Captain Valdez had taken shrapnel wounds to the legs and arms as well as a concussion from hitting her head on the bridge floor. For now, Thay decided to let the Cairo crew stay aboard until the crisis was over. Trianna (yellow) had managed to save part of her data but the rest had been lost. It would be a while but eventually some useful data had been recovered but it was not enough, the quantum and chroniton scans would have to be redone. For Captain Valdez and Trianna (yellow), they were evacuated to Brea III.

                In a letter to the president, Captain Valdez resigned in protest at the Federation's hypocrisy and the Valdez family all moved to Brea III out of the Federation in a dual-citizenship.
                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                  galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
                  Pain, doctor visits and having to find a place to move to prevents me adding anything right now. Be back in a day or so.
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                  theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                  edited February 2018
                  This'll be my last post for a while

                  General Smith and his senior officer had all decided to retire away from the Empire and the Federation's issues. Trianna passed on her home, security clearances and intel network to Shade before she left.
                  They had all tendered their retirements to the empress and renounced their citizenship before they had left, they wanted nothing more to do with the Empire and the Federation. On Brea III, Trianna, Isoisa and their little one moved in with the Valdez family while Smith and his former officers all settled down on Brea III. The former Terran officers all settled down and breathed the air the freedom.
                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                    edited February 2018
                    Brea III (Prime)

                    Dexter Smith and his former crew had all settled in on Brea III having signed an agreement with the Romulans to stay neutral in any conflict involving the empire and the Federation. This suited them fine as they wanted nothing but peace as some of them had families to raise. The Valdez triplets had opened a family run bar and they named it "The Universe", also written on a sign outside the bar was "Politics and bigotry have no place here, leave it at the door." Trianna (Prime) ran the books and was manager while Trianna (yellow) worked behind the bar serving customers and Trianna (red) was running the doors and throwing out anyone disturbing the neutrality of the bar. Smith had formed his own haulage company specializing in delivering luxury goods to Romulan and Federation worlds.

                    Nathan Valdez, Joanna Valdez and the Dawson boys built a family home and started their own farming business. Both Isoisas went to work for Smith as pilots while Mereu started up her own Doctor's surgery to help everyone. Life was good as everyone would gather at the bar, it had become a social hub where everyone was welcome and it was profitable to say the least. When asked if he would ever return to the empire, Smith answered "Don't want to know and don't want to care." The bar also became home of the Dominion War Veteran's association where stories were shared and friendships formed. Smith and Valdez understood each other clearly and both became good friends. Valdez did however say to Smith "Thank you for looking out for my daughter." Smith smiled and answered "it's good to see her happy, she's like a little sister to me." "There's something missing" noted Joanna to the Triplets. The triplets had the photos of their respective mothers framed and put above the bar. Valdez smiled and everyone raised a toast to the fallen and let the past stay in the past.

                    So ends the tales of the Valdez family and of Smith and his crew
                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                      thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
                      Made by @galatt

                      And this is how the 'Terran War of 2413' started.


                      [ Link ]
                      Typhoon Class please!
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                      theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                      edited February 2018
                      Brea III (Prime)

                      Battle Group Scythe had returned to Brea, in a public meeting it was decided that Brea would declare neutrality. This suited the inhabitants fine as the Romulan Star Union was advised to stay neutral. In a statement broadcast throughout the quadrant, Brea declared "We the people of Brea III have chosen neutrality, we will assist the wounded on both sides and protect civilian shipping. We will not fire unless fired upon. To any warring party, your conflicts have no place here so keep your wars away from us. We wish to be left alone so if you don't bother us then we won't bother you." The message was sent to both prime and mirror universes as the crew of the Cairo all arrived and handed in their resignations. The Brea III community was to be a mixture of Terran martial culture with democratic functions of the Federation and Romulan Star Union.
                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                        galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
                        After talking with @thay8472 we figured out that The mirror and prime universes are set up like this:
                        Red and Prime are connected. All the gateways lead between the two.
                        Yellow is not connected to Prime, all of it's gateways are closed due to it being temporally shifted out of place by Red. Yellow can only be accessed through gateway satellites from Red.
                        It is not possible to go from Prime to Yellow directly.
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                        thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
                        edited February 2018
                        Not unless you for the mirror gateway generating device thing on your ships.

                        but yearh, for the bulk of the fleet it's ..

                        Yellow - Red - Prime
                        Typhoon Class please!
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                        galattgalatt Member Posts: 707 Arc User
                        I keep forgetting about that on those ships.
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                        theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                        edited February 2018
                        Something like the supergate from SG-1?
                        Post edited by theraven2378 on
                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                          theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                          edited February 2018
                          Valdez family home, Brea III (Prime)

                          Nathan Valdez was called in when Trianna (yellow) was watching INN, "Dad, you better see this" said Trianna (yellow). Valdez took a seat when news of the death of Papela Lot was announced, he was speechless. When Trianna (Prime) heard the news, she was shocked because an infant was injured but at the same time she felt that her mother and crew mates had been avenged, "Trianna, don't speak ill of the dead, I brought you up better than that" said Valdez calmly. "But dad, she murdered mom and the people we cared about" answered Trianna (prime). "I know but some things are left buried in the past, Teanna would want it that way" replied Valdez. "I'll bury the hatchet, no point in holding a grudge" answered Trianna (Prime). "I would never wish death onto even my worst enemies, no matter how much they've hurt me" replied Valdez.

                          "Yes dad" answered Trianna (prime) as Trianna (red) and Joanna Valdez got back with the little ones from their ingredient shopping. "How have the terrors been?" asked Trianna (yellow). "Little angels" answered Joanna as the Dawson boys entered the room and got their gear ready for repairing a skimmer. "Off to work for us, the bar won't run itself" said Trianna (yellow) as Joanna and Valdez prepared breakfast. "When's Isoisa back?" asked Trianna (red). "They docked this morning at the orbital station, they said they would meet you both at the bar" answered Valdez. "Thanks dad" chorused both red and Yellow Trianna. "And Ablim has said he can help out at the bar" said Trianna (prime). "He runs that bar front efficiently" answered Trianna (red). "Dexter called, he's planning on holding a memorial service for Papela, whole community invited to pay their last respects" said Trianna (yellow). "Let us remember the Papela who led her people to victory and survival, no negativity" replied Valdez. "Agreed" chorused the triplets. "What's this I heard about you making an example?" asked Valdez.

                          "Creep deserved it" answered Trianna (red). "A blood eagle, really?" asked Trianna (yellow). "Different universe, different rules" replied Valdez. "You see, dad understands" said Trianna (yellow) smiling. "Different rules here" answered Valdez"I fought along side dad during our Dominion war, he earned my respect" replied Trianna (red). "I'm proud of all my girls as I am with the boys" answered Valdez just as everyone sat down to breakfast after putting the little ones in their high chairs and making sure they were fed first.
                          Post edited by theraven2378 on
                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                            theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                            edited February 2018
                            Brea III (Prime)

                            Dexter Smith was sat at the bar working out some details, "Trianna, need some assistance here?" he requested to Trianna (red). "What do you need me to look at?" asked Trianna (red) before Smith showed her the PADD with suggestions for the memorial service. "Something quiet and respectable" answered Trianna (red). "Thanks, I was thinking a wake but something quiet will be more appropriate" replied Smith a he ordered a coffee. "You look shattered" said Trianna (yellow). "Try dealing with a hormonal Orion, I can't keep up" answered Smith. "Could be worse, you're lucky she's not telepathic" said Ablim Snr. "That is an experience" added Isoisa (red). "You are all finding this amusing" said Smith smiling. "Yes" answered Trianna (red). "First little one?" asked Ablim Snr. "Yeah, the worst part is that doctors make the worst patients" answered Smith. "It'll get harder, trust me on that" replied Ablim Snr. "Thanks for the vote of confidence" answered Smith. "What are friends for?" asked Trianna (red) sarcastically. "Any news from the empire about Jas and Mario?" asked Isoisa (red). "From what the letter says, Mario has been made Admiral and commander of Battle Fleet Omega and Jasmine has become his first officer. They recently eloped and got married so I wish them all the luck in the world" answered Smith. "I knew it" joked Trianna (red) to smiles.

                            Later at the Valdez home, Trianna (prime) was not in a good mood. the death of Papela had brought back painful memories. She ended up yelling at Valdez "I miss mom, why did you not stand up to her and tell her no?" "I tried, you know how persistent your mother was. I could not get a word in edge ways with her, I ask myself everyday if I should have told her no and stuck to it. That is something I have to live with" answered Valdez. "I know, we both messed up in not telling mom no" replied Trianna (prime). "Yeah, at least we're talking about where we went wrong and not fighting" answered Valdez. "Hopefully, others may not make the same mistake" replied Trianna (prime). "If you're feeling uncomfortable about going to the memorial service, you don't have to go if it brings up old wounds. No one will think any worse of you" answered Valdez. "You going?" asked Trianna (prime). "I am, I owe Papela that because she expressed remorse for what happened and that it was a tragedy that should not have happened. She lost most of her race to genocide during the Empire's war with the Dominion and she gave her life protecting her grand daughter. Your sisters are going, they knew her and had their differences with her. Trianna considered her to be like a mother after the death of her Teanna" answered Valdez.

                            "Does not change what she did, I cannot forgive her" replied Trianna (prime). "I know but holding onto that anger and hatred will get you nowhere" answered Valdez. "I cannot let go of the anger, pain and hatred" replied Trianna (prime). "Repressing those emotions is only harming yourself, at some point you'll have to let go in your own time. That is something you have to do yourself but if you are unsure, ask for help" advised Valdez. "Thanks for the talk, could you help out me and Trianna with the little ones?" asked Trianna (prime). "You've drafted me" answered Valdez. "Too right" added Trianna (red) as soon as she and Isoisa (red) got home. When Joanna got back, Valdez made her a cup of coffee and advised her to sit down and relax. The boys were back a few minutes later and they went and raided the snacks. Last home were Ablim Snr, Trianna (yellow) and Isoisa (prime), they hit the replicator and just relaxed to some music before Ablim Snr was up on parent duty. That evening, as the triplets played with the little ones, Ablim Snr said "tough day, I worry about Tri considered what's happened but she soldiers on." "She's a tough one, I'll say that" answered Valdez. "She's a mother, that's why" added Joanna. "She's like her mother, stubborn" answered Valdez.

                            Post edited by theraven2378 on
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                              theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                              edited February 2018
                              Brea III (Prime)

                              It was the day of the service as everyone got ready. In front of a waterfall outside of town, the community gathered and had a two minute silence to remember Papela (red). Dexter Smith started the service with "we are all here today to remember Regent Papela Lot, the Iron Lady of Betazed. No matter how much she was hurt, she never let it get the better of her and was like a mother to the billions in their darkest times. She gave me a chance to be a better person and stopped me from going back to a life of crime, when faced with the near extinction of her people, she never bent or buckled, instead she stood tall and never backed down. She will be sorely missed by those she helped" as he broke down. His former crew all contemplated on how Papela turned them around.

                              Trianna (red) was next to say something, "when my mother died, I was alone. She took me in and gave me a second chance, as a mother she was strict but that was for a reason. As a leader, she was tough, unbreakable and she kept us fighting when hope was running out. Our thoughts go out for her family in this dark time. I miss her" as she started crying and sat down. "Let it out, it's not soft to show emotion" advised Valdez to Trianna (red). Valdez stood up and said "Despite our history, Papela knew when to bury a grudge. She understood the citizenry and was a champion for them, losing most of her people was tough for her but she turned that anger and grief into a iron resolve never to give in. She was taken before her time protecting an innocent, that act is honorable and she should be remembered as a wise leader. A leader the empire should be proud of. I also forgive her for some of her actions, rest in peace Papela" The Dominion War veterans all agreed. Trianna (yellow) then stood up and said "I had my differences with Papela, she tried to show me that a disciplined life was more productive given my temper issues. I shall follow her example of being calm and not letting my temper get the better of me, I owe her that." Trianna (prime) then said something, "When I was a prisoner, I thought of only anger and hatred. Having learned from my sister that she was manipulated means she was not in full control of her actions. They say forgiveness is something hard to give so out of respect for her actions during a time of darkness and her sacrifice to protect an innocent, I forgive her. It's time to bury the hatchet and let the dead rest." Over the next two hours, people who knew Papela told stories of her courage when faced with adversity and turning what seemed like defeat into victory.

                              At sunset, everyone stood up to attention as light of the day began to darken and saluted Papela one last time. Later at home, Valdez heard Trianna (red) sobbing. "Want to talk?" asked Valdez. "You would not understand" answered Trianna (red). "I was much younger than you when I lost my parents, I've been in your position" replied Valdez. "I miss the talks we had and her advice on not being so quick to take a life. She was like a mother to me" answered Trianna (red). "You have to be strong now, if you need time to recover, you have it but we're worried about you" said Isoisa (red). "Listen to her, don't be afraid to ask for help" advised Valdez. "My father considered that as weak" answered Trianna (red). "I'm not him" replied Valdez. "True, I just need time" answered Trianna (red). "I know, don't think you're alone, ask us" replied Isoisa (red). "I'm not going to win this" sighed Trianna (red). "Nope, afraid not" answered Isoisa (red). "I'll leave you two to it, dinner will be ready in one hour" replied Valdez as he went to make dinner for the family.

                              In the kitchen, Valdez said to Trianna (prime), "it takes a lot to forgive, it's a sign of strength." "Mom would want it that way" answered Trianna (prime) as the Dawson boys came in, "Nathan, Tri" said Rick. "Don't think about raiding those snacks mister" answered Trianna (prime). "She's quick" commented Rick. "She's a telepath, no fooling her" answered Luke. "Wait, all three of our sisters are telepaths?" asked Rick. "Yes we are" answered Trianna (prime). "Ha, took him long enough" commented Luke. "I'm not used to sisters" said Rick. "It's alright, we're not used to brothers either so let's learn to get along and Rick, learn to think before you say something. You keep putting your foot in it" answered Trianna (prime). "Thanks Tri" replied Rick. "Not a problem, one more thing. Watch your language around the little ones because me and Trianna do not want them swearing" answered Trianna (prime). "You've been told" joked Luke to his brother. "Boys, it's a formal dinner tonight so best behavior and no vulgarity" said Valdez.

                              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User

                                Typhoon Class please!
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                                theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                                edited March 2018
                                Empok Nor, Delta Quadrant (MU red)

                                Admiral Solat was sat in her office overlooking operations, "news from the Empire?" asked Solat. "Indeed, a bomb went off on the yellow Betazed killing the former empress and injuring one of the princesses" reported Cmdr T'Pamne. "Who's the new regent for Betazed?" asked Solat. "Regent Jodi Iodokar, she's taken over her mother's post as leader of her people" answered T'Pamne. "Call a halt to any more expansion and consolidate our forces, until we get more intelligence we're holding position here at Empok Nor" ordered Solat. "Yes Admiral" reported T'Pamne before she saluted and carried out Solat's order. "Most illogical, I need to return to Vulcan" though Solat to herself. After appointing Rear Admiral Varik as successor, Solat took half the fleet and set a course for Vulcan.

                                When Solat arrived at Vulcan three days later, it was total anarchy. Vulcan was divided and a Vulcan civil war was going to happen, on one side were the Independence movement and on the other, loyalists to the Empire. Solat and her fleet arriving in orbit only served to heighten tensions as Independence militants attacked Imperial troops, Solat responded by deploying her veteran troops to the surface as peacekeepers but the militants opened fire on them in a crowded place. Solat's troops unable to fire back because of civilians had to withdraw to Mount Seleya as Solat set up her forward command post there. For Solat, her day was about to get tougher as reports of civilians being killed in the streets reached her. The Independence militants had effectively declared war on the Empire. Solat did not rest on her laurels, she reacted swiftly and sealed off any settlement in rebellion.

                                In a meeting with the Vulcan priests, Solat asked them for their advice on how to deal with the rebels without putting anymore lives at risk. After listening to their advice, Solat deployed Vulcan troops to replace the Terrans on Vulcan's surface. Next she put up a blockade of the system to stop any war supplies getting through to the rebels, Solat's initial goal was containment and her troops took up position. Until she could get more reinforcements, Solat and her forces were the only thing stopping Vulcan from seceding from the Empire. Later that day, Solat received news, a sect of Vulcans were found to be living in the Forge. "Admiral, have you heard the story of the Kir'Shara?" asked T'Pamne. "It contains the teachings of Surak" answered Solat. "We need to find it before the rebels do" replied T'Pamne. "Your logic is sound, uniting our people is our first goal. Second goal to bring about reunification of the Vulcan and and Romulan peoples within the Empire" answered Solat. "Is that logical?" asked T'Pamne. "The Vulcans and Romulans have been divided since the Sundering 2 millennia ago. Logically, the Empire is stronger with the Vulcans and Romulans reunited" answered Solat. "Our first goal is to stop this civil war" replied T'Pamne. "Agreed Cmdr, increase aerial patrols and start anti-partisan sweeps. You will command Imperial forces and put down this rebellion without harming our people. I'll lead a team into the Forge and find the Kir'Shara" ordered Solat. "Yes Admiral, I may have to call on Admiral Petrofski to assist suppressing this rebellion" answered T'Pamne. "Use what ever resources you feel is necessary but keep civilian losses down" ordered Solat. "Yes Admiral" answered T'Pamne.

                                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                  thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,107 Arc User
                                  Typhoon Class please!
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                                  theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                                  Mount Seleya, Vulcan (MU red)

                                  Battle Fleet Omega had arrived and began troop deployment to the surface, Admiral Petrofski had received T'Pamne's request and diverted Omega to Vulcan. On the surface, anti partisan sweeps had begun and civilians evacuated out of any potential war zones as Imperial troops tightened the noose around Shir'Kahr city and other rebel held settlements as air patrols flew over having taken control of Vulcan's skies. On Seleya, T'Pamne was sticking to her orders from Solat as more Imperial troops landed on Vulcan. In orbit, Omega and Solat's forces had taken full control of the space around Vulcan and were now mapping rebel positions for the troops on the ground.

                                  Meanwhile, Solat and a small team were preparing to enter the Forge. Jasmine Petrofski had volunteered to join the expedition as had a medical team from the Moskva and a detachment of MACOs. Since technology did not work in the Forge, the team would have to go in on foot. The journey took three days as the team led by Solat sighted the Forge, it was an arid, hot and inhospitable waste stretching for thousands of kilometers. Solat knew the prize was somewhere in those wastes and that they were in a race against time to find it before the rebels did. After a day long rest, the team entered the Forge, as they entered a gorge, they were approached by a dying Vulcan who immediately grabbed Solat and melded with her before he died. "Admiral, you OK?" asked Jasmine. "There's someone else in there" noted the team's Betazoid doctor, Riazna Wren. After getting Solat into a cave to recover, the team took stock as Solat eventually came too. "We need to move" ordered Solat, Doctor Wren protested and told Solat that she need to rest. "We need to move" replied Solat.

                                  After a tense debate, it was decided that the team would rest until the temperatures cooled down. That night, they set off and sticking to cover, they avoided the worst of the heat. At the hottest part of the day, the team rested and moved at night to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. The walk took another four days but eventually, their communications to the outside world cut out and soon the aerial patrols had to turn back or face getting lost over the Forge, Solat's team were now on their own as they made more progress through increasingly tougher terrain. Solat led as if she was following a set direction, that afternoon as the team rested, Solat woke up in a room overlooking a valley as an old man watched a nuclear explosion. "Where am I?" asked Solat. "Vulcan at the time of the Sundering, our people are divided. Emotions have led to the doom of our race, look outside, what do you see?" asked the old man. "Death, destruction and no logic to this slaughter" answered Solat. "There is a future for our race, a future where logic overcomes emotion. It's a future I'll never see, I'm dying" replied the old man.

                                  "Who are you?" asked Solat. "I am Surak, you are carrying my katra" answered the old man. "I'm looking for the Kir'Shara, the Vulcan race is divided. It's a civil war between those who want Vulcan independence from the Terran empire and those who are loyal to the empire" replied Solat. "What does logic teach us this matter?" asked Surak. "Logic dictates that if Vulcan declares independence, the empire will make an example of our people. To unify our people, we need to find a middle ground where logic and emotion can be in harmony" answered Solat. "But what happens if emotion takes over from logic?" asked Surak. "That is why we need to be on that neutral ground where both points of view can be debated and studied" answered Solat. "A most logical course of action, the Kir'Shara is within reach but you must retrieve it and spread my teachings to our race in order for our race's survival. Find the Kir'Shara and lead our people, you are my chosen to lead the Vulcan race" replied Surak as he brought Solat back to the real world. "I know what we must do, the Kir'Shara is within reach but in order to find it, we must pass the tests of the wastes to get there" said Solat to her team.

                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                                    edited March 2018
                                    Vulcan (MU red)

                                    In the Forge, Solat and her team were pushing on ahead through the sun baked canyons. They were about to face their first test as the paths forked out in two directions, one path led to a safe route through the caves of the Forge while the other led to dead end with long drop. Solat chose to take the left path and the team moved forward as caves through the Forge provided cover from the heat of the Vulcan sun. For the Terrans and Betazoids in the group, the heat and thin air was proving to be a difficult enemy as minor disagreements could turn hostile. Jasmine made sure that order was maintained as she glared at the MACOs and told them to "Get your **** together and move, any problems you have are now settled. This environment will kill you so we work as a team and work towards our objective." "Yes ma'am" answered the MACOs.

                                    On Mount Seleya, T'Pamne had received a call from Betazed (red), the new Regent had arrived in system and she beamed down to the command post after she deployed troops to bolster the Imperial troop presence on Vulcan. "Cmdr, where is Admiral Solat?" asked Jodi. "In the Forge, she left with a team five days ago" answered T'Pamne. "So she's going after the Kir'Shara" noted Jodi. "How do you know about the Kir'Shara?" asked T'Pamne. "Learning about other cultures and races was part of my education growing up" answered Jodi. "It's up to Solat and her team to retrieve it, they're on their own" replied T'Pamne. "What's the strategy for dealing with these rebels?" asked Jodi. "Containment for now, I've ordered all non-combatants evacuated from war zones. Once civilians have been evacuated, the troops move in and take up siege positions" answered T'Pamne. "I've deployed my elite Betazoid commandos to secure the space port and orbital stations, Cmdr I'm taking charge of the operation" replied Jodi. "Same strategy?" asked T'Pamne. "Containment first and then we'll begin offensive operations once the rest of my divisions arrive" answered Jodi. "Ma'am" answered T'Pamne. "Cmdr, you are my acting executive officer so make sure these deployments happen on schedule" ordered Jodi. "As you command" answered T'Pamne.

                                    "The empress has ordered this rebellion put down without harming any innocent lives" replied Jodi. "That will be difficult but we've been through worse" answered T'Pamne. "Cmdr, you have your orders" replied Jodi. "Yes ma'am, I know this sounds strange coming from a Vulcan but sorry to hear about your mother" answered T'Pamne. "Thank you Cmdr but now is a time not to be emotional" replied Jodi. "Ma'am" answered T'Pamne. Back in the Forge, Solat's team had come across an obstacle. An artificial electromagnetic field was blocking the path as the Betazoids all scanned the cliff tops as a feeling went round that they were being watched. The team moved inch by inch throwing stones to find clear routes through and after two days, they were through. When they cleared the passage, they were ambushed by Vulcans who leveled their lirpas at the team. Solat told her team to lower weapons and they were disarmed and led into a sanctuary under guard. The sanctuary leader melded with all the team to make sure their intentions were honest, after trying to extract Surak's katra from Solat the priests stopped because Surak had decided to stay in Solat's mind.

                                    Getting to the sanctuary was the easy part, finding the Kir'Shara would be a test of mental strength and fortitude. The team took stock of what was ahead of them and rested for until the early morning. It would a very long day as Solat worked out how to proceed.

                                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                      theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                                      edited March 2018
                                      Brea III (Prime)

                                      Dexter Smith had been given a job. Because of the threat of war between the Empire and the Federation, The Wray family had chosen to move to a world far beyond the potential front lines, Smith had a ship readied and gave Trianna (red) command of the Aurora, an old Walker Class. She had been updated and rearmed for dealing with any pirates and other trouble makers. On the command deck, Captain Trianna Bray set a course for Betazed (prime). Trianna's (red) style of command was fair but firm and the crew who signed up knew that. After two week journey to Betazed at Warp 8, the Aurora arrived and docked at the orbital station in orbit of Betazed. The Wrays boarded the ship and made sure their possessions where safely locked up in the hold before going to their guest quarters.

                                      On the Command deck, Trianna (red) now set a course back to Brea III and settled down for the long trip back. As she checked the course, she admired the Betazed star and turned for Brea III. The journey was uneventful as the Aurora dropped out of warp and prepared to land at the Brea III spaceport. The Wrays disembarked along with their possessions and took up residence in a house that was bought for them not far from the triplet's bar. Valdez sighed relief because his extended family were safely away from the potential war zone. At the Valdez family home, the entire family all settled down as Joanna Valdez got back from her medical. She notified everyone that there would be a new member to the family because she was pregnant, the triplets all laughed when Valdez fainted and the boys both found it hilarious. After Valdez managed to finally process the news, he was congratulated by his brother and sister in law.

                                      Vulcan (MU red)

                                      Imperial troops were in position to make their advance, after evacuating civilians, the troops had occupied the evacuated areas and began their bombardment of rebel positions. The bombardment lasted for six hours then the infantry supported by air elements opened the advance following a creeping barrage. The first rebel positions around ShiKahr were isolated by Imperial storm troops as the Imperial line marched behind them mopping up resistance. After 48 hours of hard fighting, the Imperials were through the first line as armor was moved up to support the street battles. As the infantry moved into the city, all hell broke loose as fire came in from buildings above street level. The Vulcan rebels made the Imperials pay for every inch of ground as more troops were fed into the battle, Regent Iodokar now deployed her air assets to land troops onto rooftops and fight their way into the labyrinth of corridors and rooms. The fighting for ShiKahr would be the bloodiest of the war for Vulcan as for day after day, Imperial troops faced stiff resistance from street level and above.

                                      After three bloody weeks, ShiKahr had fallen with heavy losses to both sides. In the Forge, Solat and her team were closing in on the Kir'Shara as the path became clearer in Solat's mind. After getting through a tunnel, they found their prize as Solat picked up the Kir'Shara and carefully wrapped it up. Solat and her team now left the sanctuary and were guided out of the Forge by the priests. On Mount Seleya five days later, Solat presented the Kir'Shara to the priests and after getting news of the bloody battle for ShiKahr, Solat had all monitors taken over and broadcast the teachings of Surak. All over Vulcan, rebels lay down their arms and surrendered to Imperial troops. Regent Iodokar handed control of Vulcan to Solat and after Solat was declared Regent of Vulcan, a treaty of trade and mutual support was signed with Betazed (red). "Congratulations Regent Solat, may Betazed be aligned in alliance with Vulcan" said Jodi. "This is only the beginning, it's time to start reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples within the Empire" answered Solat. "From one Regent to another, I wish you luck" replied Jodi before she left for her ship and re-embarked her troops before returning to Betazed.

                                      For Solat, her first act as Regent was to increase security and rebuild the areas destroyed in the fighting. Her troops now took up peace keeping duties as civilians started to rebuild their lives. Vulcan had been secured for the Empire, now Solat had to find S'harien's Swords. "Send a report to Terra, Vulcan has been secured" ordered Solat. "As you command Regent" answered T'Pamne.
                                      Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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                                        theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,992 Arc User
                                        edited March 2018
                                        Bajor System (Prime)

                                        A lone ship decloaked and fired a spread of photon torpedoes at Bajor, in an instant, Haton and Kendra provinces were aflame as acres and acres of Bajoran farmland burned after they abducted over 400 people to be handed over to Doctor Crell Moset. On the bridge of the ship, a Terran commander smiled and laughed as Bajor's population burned below before cloaking and leaving like they were never there. When help arrived for Bajor, it was too late. There was nothing but a burnt out world and it's people gone. Starfleet now began a manhunt as news filtered around the alliance of the attack, on the Federation news network, the attack was condemned by the Federation and the rest of the alliance. This was only the beginning as more deaths were to follow and in greater numbers.

                                        The ship that carried out the attack was long gone as they crossed into the Terran Empire, red Bajor met the same fate as her prime counterpart and soon the attackers crossed into the Yellow empire and soon Yellow Bajor was also purged of life. On the bridge of the attacking ship, her commander revealed who she was, it was Cmdr Krasnova (yellow). Since Solat (yellow) wanted no part in this, she had been murdered along with the none Terrans. They were now the most hunted rogue crew in three realities as grief turned into anger, Krasnova just laughed as she sent a video package to the red empire, yellow empire and Federation claiming responsibility for the attacks on all three Bajors and that the longer a non Terran remained on the throne, more worlds would be cleansed before leaving Imperial space and laying low in the lawless regions where no Imperial starship dared to go. On INN, news of the attacks spread fast as Krasnova and her followers were now the most wanted traitors and mass murderers in three realities.

                                        On the bridge of the I.S.S. Astute, Krasnova was finding all this hilarious, "Poor Sito and poor Empress, I hope they are suffering now we have some of their people as test subjects" said Krasnova smiling. "The Bajors in the empire have also been punished, teaches them for being part of the Klingon/Cardassion Alliance. We could wipe out Qo'nos and make it look like the Empire did it and do the same to Cardassia" proposed Townsend (yellow). "The thought has crossed my mind but we keep a low profile for now, we're public enemy number one in three realities" answered Krasnova. "This is for our former commander, this is revenge on those who cheated us" replied Townsend. "Revenge is a dish best served cold but in Bajor's case, it's a barbeque" joked Krasnova laughing. "Extra crispy" answered Townsend finding all this funny. "If the Federation catches us, it's prison but if we are caught by the empire, we're dead. It spices up the game" replied Krasnova. "There's an Imperial colony not far from here, we could sell it's population to the Orions as slaves" suggested Townsend. "When things cool down, until then we wait but until then, give the Orion syndicate the locations, census data and defense data for Imperial colonies, we need unwilling test subjects for when we restart Dr Moset's experiments but make sure only non Terrans are abducted, the Orions can have the rest" answered Krasnova. "How good is an empress if she cannot protect her people?" joked Townsend. "A weak one" answered Krasnova as she checked the Imperial database for the most infectious diseases for experimenting on live subjects. "Doctor Moset is looking forward to this" commented Townsend noting Crell Moset's (yellow) smile at the thought of more tests.
                                        Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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