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So what's "good" parsed DPS now?

What is passing for good DPS these days in a PUG?

I don't know about everyone else, but with the new skill tree & specialization, I got quite a bit of a bump in the DPS department. If this change has happened across the board, well...I'm not sure what to think.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but pre 11.5, PUG DPS looked something like:

< 10k DPS, not a DPS build (i.e. you are going for something else)
> 10k DPS, acceptable DPS build for endgame content
> 30K DPS, really good DPS
> 50k DPS, excellent DPS
> 100k DPS, top DPS jockeys only

Is this still the case, or have the consensus numbers gone up?

P.S. Not criticizing anyone who doesn't chase DPS at all. One of the nice things about STO is that there are actually so many other ways to enjoy the game too.


  • timonicustimonicus Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Before the new skill system I was parsing around 24k, with the same ship after the system I hit 48k the other day
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Nothing has changed in terms of STFs so any DPS that will allow you to contribute and pull your own weight in the STFs you run is good enough DPS. Anything above that is just icing on the cake.
  • diemore83#4199 diemore83 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Downloading a game at a moment, but after reading a forums a little bit and got unsure feeling. No idea how ''hard'' and complicated this game was before, but i also hope that developers havent change a game towards dps smashing mmorpg as every single of them seems to go nowadays including towards more singleplayer as some very well known games. I dont mention game names because i am not sure is it allowed in a forum.
    So is multiplayer contents more dps race then trying to tactical advance over a opponents? I mean mostly in PVE aspect.
    I dislike when developers changes a games so it feels like they holding from a hand while take a player over a crosswalks, rather then challenge a players themselves.
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    Downloading a game at a moment, but after reading a forums a little bit and got unsure feeling. No idea how ''hard'' and complicated this game was before, but i also hope that developers havent change a game towards dps smashing mmorpg as every single of them seems to go nowadays including towards more singleplayer as some very well known games. I dont mention game names because i am not sure is it allowed in a forum.
    So is multiplayer contents more dps race then trying to tactical advance over a opponents? I mean mostly in PVE aspect.
    I dislike when developers changes a games so it feels like they holding from a hand while take a player over a crosswalks, rather then challenge a players themselves.

    Yes. This game is mostly a DPS race. In STO the general consensus is: no need to tank/heal/crowd-control/etc. if the enemy is dead.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • diemore83#4199 diemore83 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    > @kjwashington said:
    > diemore83 diemore83#4199
    > wrote: »
    > Hello!
    > Downloading a game at a moment, but after reading a forums a little bit and got unsure feeling. No idea how ''hard'' and complicated this game was before, but i also hope that developers havent change a game towards dps smashing mmorpg as every single of them seems to go nowadays including towards more singleplayer as some very well known games. I dont mention game names because i am not sure is it allowed in a forum.
    > So is multiplayer contents more dps race then trying to tactical advance over a opponents? I mean mostly in PVE aspect.
    > I dislike when developers changes a games so it feels like they holding from a hand while take a player over a crosswalks, rather then challenge a players themselves.
    > Yes. This game is mostly a DPS race. In STO the general consensus is: no need to tank/heal/crowd-control/etc. if the enemy is dead.

    Thank you for a reply.
    Okay then i better uninstall a game if your mentioned CC,tank or healing is not necessery required in a such instances/dungeons. Too bad a game otherwise would have been pretty good i believe.
    Thank you again for a ''honest'' anwser.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    I keep wondering if I am the only one who has no clue what my DPS is..
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    I keep wondering if I am the only one who has no clue what my DPS is..

    Do and ISA run...Most people run parsers there...Just ask if anyone is parsing before the start and then ask them to post the numbers.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    Thank you for a reply.
    Okay then i better uninstall a game if your mentioned CC,tank or healing is not necessery required in a such instances/dungeons. Too bad a game otherwise would have been pretty good i believe.
    Thank you again for a ''honest'' anwser.

    You should give the game a try and come to your own conclusion.

    Tanks are not generally used in pure DPS runs, but they have a place and if that's what you like to play then it's perfectly acceptable. You're going to get a lot of biased opinions on the forum, it's just the nature of things like this. The only way to know for sure if the game is right for you is to just try it.

    The game is free to download and play, you have nothing to lose. Draw your own conclusions and you might find that you actually like the game. There is a place for what you want to do.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    Downloading a game at a moment, but after reading a forums a little bit and got unsure feeling. No idea how ''hard'' and complicated this game was before, but i also hope that developers havent change a game towards dps smashing mmorpg as every single of them seems to go nowadays including towards more singleplayer as some very well known games. I dont mention game names because i am not sure is it allowed in a forum.
    So is multiplayer contents more dps race then trying to tactical advance over a opponents? I mean mostly in PVE aspect.
    I dislike when developers changes a games so it feels like they holding from a hand while take a player over a crosswalks, rather then challenge a players themselves.

    Some say CC has no place but I attain reasonably high dps with a CC built with lots of particle generator skill and torps which most ppl will say can't do dps. Also there are missions where good CC will help quite a bit for a succesfull missions.

    Also with the new skill tree and the new strategist specialisation tanking can be usefull and still do decent amount of damage. On the other hand, a built with high dps in a low dps team will need some tanking abilities or he'll grab all the agro and just go boom.
    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    I keep wondering if I am the only one who has no clue what my DPS is..

    Do and ISA run...Most people run parsers there...Just ask if anyone is parsing before the start and then ask them to post the numbers.

    I don't think you understand. I really don't care what my DPS is... It's somewhere down in the bottom of my list of what I care about.

    I beat Vad'vaur artillery ships in a few minutes (usually 1-2 minutes) on elite, and that's good enough for me.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I run a tank built on a Eclipse Intel cruiser and it's been amazingly good fun in the new red alert/que. I just let the rest of the team know I'm in Aggro Mode and will be flying around above the plane the transports on and get to work ("work" being pissing off everything with the integrity field leech and wanton BFAW). Pretty much every single plasma cone attack the Na'kuhl have gets fired upwards at me like searchlights looking for hostile aircraft. The transports don't take a single accidental splash hit and my teammates can murder them at leisure.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    pugging b4 skillrevamp:

    ~12K dps white MK X stuff lvl 50 toon with no tac consoles no rep done

    low geared toon < 30K

    main ~ 100K

    now everyth a bit higher

    115K was my top parse on a pug

  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    Pre skill revamp I was doing a little under 70k and now I'm doing a little under 90k. A fairly significant jump considering my poor pilot abilities.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Ignore the snobs. With practice, you can complete any content with a character and of any type, including teamed/queued missions, and enjoy doing so. Anyone who complains about you bringing something other than a DPS cookie cutter build into a queued mission needs to shut up, leave the PUG queues, and form a pre-made team for their precious DPS run.

  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Nothing has changed in terms of STFs so any DPS that will allow you to contribute and pull your own weight in the STFs you run is good enough DPS. Anything above that is just icing on the cake.

    Uber high DPS is nice but e30ernest is right don't get caught up in the numbers game, find a nice build that allows you to contribute and complete end game content and just enjoy playing.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    10k is borderline for doing the hardest content. 20k is probably the new "able to do everything in game without a massive struggle" norm. Sub 10k is either a brand new character /player or someone who just is not trying --- basic gear alone tends to net more than this if the player is trying at all (by trying I mean one damage type that matches the installed tac consoles sorts of things).

    a full group doing right at 10k can beat most of the stfs but would struggle hard to avoid a few deaths and might fail optionals. A full group at 20 should win without deaths and usually get the optionals. A full group of 10 is going to struggle in the elite tagged STFs unless they play together well and apply the actual strategies to the effort. 20ks can cowboy around and beat the elites without following most of the strategies, just brute force beat it.

    I have a bunch of toons and ships and tend to keep them in the 20-30k mark and can do anything in the game with that. I have a couple of just-got-60s that are barely above 10 and they die/struggle in advanced (I dont even try elite with them).

  • sonsofcainsonsofcain Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Nothing has really changed on what level of DPS is needed, only how much easier it is to raise your DPS.

    And as for tanks not being needed . . . I need tanks, when I'm not flying one. My Fleet Phantom will NOT survive without one. In 5 PuGs (where no tank was present) I died an average of 3 times per run. Sure, I could make some changes to the build, but that would defeat the purpose.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I have a vague idea what my DPS is but really don't care. My science ships can kill the enemies, my science ships can control the enemies, my science ships can even heal the teammates who are getting hammered most or just unlucky.
    So knowing or measuring my DPS doesn't mater. I know I'm effective and could t really care about what the numbers say.
    Any parsing is only helpful to weed out ineffective aspects of my build, those parts that aren't pulling their weight.

    The whole obsession with DPS is distracting really. I see all these posts on the forums throwing big numbers around (50k, 70k, 90k etc.) but those are probably from an ISA run so that's going to be the top end from an ideal run in a mission that is target rich and close together. It's not going to translate into other missions with travel times between fighting or non-combat aspects to them. So obsessing or getting x DPS in ISA really isn't going to help if when you come to fight in Counterpoint and can't get the same. I know it's a good measure of your potential but it's such a specific set of circumstances it doesn't always translate into better performance elsewhere.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Downloading a game at a moment, but after reading a forums a little bit and got unsure feeling. No idea how ''hard'' and complicated this game was before, but i also hope that developers havent change a game towards dps smashing mmorpg as every single of them seems to go nowadays including towards more singleplayer as some very well known games. I dont mention game names because i am not sure is it allowed in a forum.
    So is multiplayer contents more dps race then trying to tactical advance over a opponents? I mean mostly in PVE aspect.
    I dislike when developers changes a games so it feels like they holding from a hand while take a player over a crosswalks, rather then challenge a players themselves.

    Some say CC has no place but I attain reasonably high dps with a CC built with lots of particle generator skill and torps which most ppl will say can't do dps. Also there are missions where good CC will help quite a bit for a succesfull missions.

    Also with the new skill tree and the new strategist specialisation tanking can be usefull and still do decent amount of damage. On the other hand, a built with high dps in a low dps team will need some tanking abilities or he'll grab all the agro and just go boom.

    This is kind of a fun discussion. Because you can absolutely build an effective ship that uses CC powers ... and puts out good DPS.

    But the overall debate still exists, as Crowd Control itself has little value in the game. The game's just changed up enough that now you can build a ship around crowd control powers and empower them to pull high damage.

    Which isn't a bad thing. It's just the gameplay still focuses on DPS, and crowd control itself isn't very functional in the encounters.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    But the overall debate still exists, as Crowd Control itself has little value in the game. The game's just changed up enough that now you can build a ship around crowd control powers and empower them to pull high damage.

    I'm not sure if you are serious. Crowd control is a god-send in an STF. Even on DPS record runs you have crowd controllers because they are useful.

    The same goes for tanks. Runs (even DPS runs) go so much smoother when there is a tank around.

  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    e30ernest wrote: »
    But the overall debate still exists, as Crowd Control itself has little value in the game. The game's just changed up enough that now you can build a ship around crowd control powers and empower them to pull high damage.

    I'm not sure if you are serious. Crowd control is a god-send in an STF. Even on DPS record runs you have crowd controllers because they are useful.

    The same goes for tanks. Runs (even DPS runs) go so much smoother when there is a tank around.

    You mean Gravity Well to collect the spheres in one spot? That's not what I mean.

    I mean crowd control in STO's end-game isn't anywhere close to as useful as it was in say, Everquest's end-game 15 years ago. That was a DPS-race too, and yet it's end-game encounters had a lot of situations that required coordinated crowd control.

    I'm happy STO's evolved to the point where a lot more variety is capable in builds, but adding a secondary deflector that then adds radiation damage to a power like Viral Matrix doesn't actually make Viral Matrix more useful in that DPS focused encounter does it? In the context of crowd control?

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    There's a lot of potential DPS/CC crossover though. Things like grav well can both control the map and do heavy damage if used on a high partgen boat.
    And then you've got all the other things like particle emission torp, it does wicked damage if your spec'd for it plus it slows enemies to a dead stop and is an AOE to boot.
    It's true that full on CC may not break any DPS records but a well used grav well or tykens rift is worth a hundred poorly aimed and spammed BFAW attacks.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    While the skill tree in general is far more potent I'm willing to bet Long range Targeting sensors is the culprit behind this new power-leap. It grants far too much for a single skill.
  • squirrleytunicsquirrleytunic Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Haha I like the comments from people who are adamant non-parsers. They wear it like a badge of honor. That is like saying you drive your car without looking at the speedometer or tac. I mean, sure you can, but it doesn't make you any better off.
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
  • kostamojenxkostamojenx Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    < 25k DPS, not a DPS build (i.e. you are going for something else)
    > 25k DPS, acceptable DPS build for endgame content
    > 50K DPS, really good DPS
    > 100k DPS, excellent DPS
    > 150k DPS, top DPS jockeys only
    Here are your new numbers as requested.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    Pro tip: if your parser seems a little off, just press ALT+F4 to recalibrate it. It should clear up any inefficiencies right away.

    If you're still having trouble with it, delete the System 32 folder on your hard drive. It's just taking up space and has a tendency to slow down software.
  • semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    You sir are evil

  • catsmeatcatsmeat Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    Can't we all just get along?

    Why do things these days seemingly have to devolve into groups pissing in each others corn flakes?
  • semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    Because Yellow Snow Corn Flakes are the best Corn Flakes?

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