Please use this thread for feedback and issues found with the new playable species Cardassians.
Playable Cardassians:
- Cardassians are now a playable species for both Starfleet and Klingon factions.
- After becoming a shadow of their former selves after the Dominion War, many Cardassians have decided to align with Starfleet and the Klingon Empire in the hopes it will better protect their world from the re-emergence of the Dominion and the threat of the True Way terrorists.
- This is still a work in progress.
- For Tribble only, Cardassians will be free to create and play.
- For more details, please visit the Cardassian blog at:!
Question: Should the Cardassian 7 Hairstyle (Intricate Rear Braid) be available to Male Cardassians?
Question: Is the Cardassian 3 Hairstyle a Man-Bun or a Female Top-Knot?
Bug: Enterprise M.A.C.O. Belt. Adjusting the Second Colour Square of the Fiberweave Option (Only one there) Changes the Colour of your HeadSpoon (Head Attach Organic)
We have some female hairstyles coming for Cardassians!
My only suggestion so far is PLEASE add Cardassian military uniforms as a tailor option for them. Free, Zen Store: Doesn't matter to me as long as we get them.
Also, shouldn't Cardassians have the Soldier ground trait as an option?
- Thot Gar - Commanding Officer of the Braaktak Kaan
Nice! Thank you! On a side note... the Klingon Ambush from the tutorial doesn't want to let you go to ESD, which is too bad ;P
There are currently Three options, but they don't have any real textures.... Just Base Models.
Number 1:
Number 2:
Number 3:
One one thing?
Where are my Mutton Chops?
Gul Macet doesn't Approve
1) Cardassian head attach organic options aren't in order:
In addition, I'd prefer to order them by size, so if you go ASC, it would be 3 (smallest), 1, 2 (largest), then adjust their names to match.
Also, can we get an option for no color (transparent) on the headspoon? Trying to find a color that matches the skin perfectly is not easy.
2) I'd reorder the ears so they are in ascending order by size as well.
So this order: 2 (smallest), 3, 1(largest) (then change the names to match the new order)
3) Please, please, please, PLEASE... Cardassian military uniforms (yeah I know, probably C-Store).
Klingon Ambush Point worked again for me, could hail Starfleet and all good.
Soo.. will we be able to duplicate these looks on a player character?
My character Tsin'xing
Oh yes we do need those Cardassian uniforms. Especially after we've seen the new ones you showed us the other day.
Coldsnapped hope those aren't the only hairstyles you have for female Cardassians. Crossing my fingers that there is a lot more than the three placeholders primar13 showed. None of them are long or resemble/inspired by the ones on the show/art. Sorry if I seem impulsive, just really excited to see them in-game and want to get them with most options possible.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
This isn't influenced by the (lack of) hairstyles either.
Why not ask for those select things instead of you know the above? ಠ_ಠ
Like the Gul etc titles to be included. It won't be ranked. But you can still show it in-game above your head and insert into the name, middle, surname. It will show up. And there is always the chance of getting to visit Cardassia Prime in some form in the future. The uniforms too. Hopefully the uniforms and weapons will come along with it in the final release if not sooner.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
If they are a C-Store purchase species like the others that have gone before, then it would have been nice to see them added prior to Victory is Life, with the delta recruitment event having been a good option. Future Cardassian me is telling past Cardassian me that my activities in the KDF or Federation will help understand a threat to the Cardassian people. A nice way to slot in and its not like I can argue with me about whether or not this enemy is real or what threat they pose, clearly I think it is a threat and traveled through time to deal with it. It seems a little pointless tying a level 1 Cardassian introduction to a Jem'Hadar level 60+ expansion if there is no tie in to the Cardassian people.
On the other hand if it is part of the Victory is Life Expansion and there is a tie in, it would be nice to see some species specific dialogue, encounters, locations etc. Even if its something as simple Garak meeting with the newly created Cardassian on the homeworld before the tutorial starts explaining the importance of being able to raise in the ranks of said faction to help steer them to a pro Cardassian mindset. While also being given a more pragmatic and less either idealistic or honour based option in some conversations or missions. So there is something that marks the Victory is life expansion as having some tie into playable Cardassians as opposed to a C-Store species that simply got delayed till the expansion is launched though with sadly nothing to do with the expansion and treated solely as a purchasable unlock that would have benefited from an early launch to allow those captains to be in a good position come the new expansion instead of being 60 levels away from it.
So either launch early to allow them to get ready for the expansion, or have the expansion bring more than a c-store species unlock that then has nothing to do with anything that happens in Victory is life.
Not yet. I was running through a cardie mission. Saw that one of the enemy npcs had one. I know the uniforms have been updated... well if the image is correct that is.
Side note: Took another pic. Noticed that one of the npcs had long hair tied back behind her neck like Ziyal. Even something like that with long pony tail trailing down the back would be great. And maybe version with it over the shoulders. I'd be content with that.
the update version/art. Not seen that in-game yet.
& a few other ones but not sure where those cardies are in-game.
Even has the Cardassian phaser pistol ^
Edit: Also saw a female Cardassian enemy npc with the same hairdo as Mirror Leeta. Couldn't get a picture of it though. she got vaporized.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Those two different styles I have shown look infinitely better than the horrible placeholders they are using for testing. Just have to wait and see what happens on June.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
> Hmm looks like alot of work is going into the ncp cardies. I do hope that carrys over to the ones we make.
Hopefully the new uniforms they have mean we will get cardassian uniforms
Throw it in the C-store for 550 zen, easy money for them.
It isn't finished yet hence the feedback thread sole existence & the words: "This is still a work in progress.". % that it will get added last minute. AOY had last minute items added on just before release.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
I think we will get the updated outfits the truewave has for free and the DS9 outfit will be on the C-store.