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Question/Suggestion: Terran Avenger-Variant

Beiträge: 13 Arc Nutzer
Hello dear Sirs and Madams,
I'd like to ask if a terran themed Avenger-Variant is planed? If not I'd like to suggest one
I'm playing STO since around 9 years now and when the first Avenger-class came out, I started using this ship as my main flagship. I really like it and would be happy to see a terran variant of it and since it is a full on warship it would fit pretty well to the terran empire. It's not much I'm asking for.. I would also be happy if there would only be a skin/hull for the existing Avenger.
I edited some screenshots of my Avenger (without any Hull Tattoos or anything to not obstruct the Livery) and to be honest.. I'm not an Artist, I tried to merge the mirror Lexington Livery on the Avenger so sorry for some Eye Tumors which could emerge..

Best regards,
I'd like to ask if a terran themed Avenger-Variant is planed? If not I'd like to suggest one

I'm playing STO since around 9 years now and when the first Avenger-class came out, I started using this ship as my main flagship. I really like it and would be happy to see a terran variant of it and since it is a full on warship it would fit pretty well to the terran empire. It's not much I'm asking for.. I would also be happy if there would only be a skin/hull for the existing Avenger.

I edited some screenshots of my Avenger (without any Hull Tattoos or anything to not obstruct the Livery) and to be honest.. I'm not an Artist, I tried to merge the mirror Lexington Livery on the Avenger so sorry for some Eye Tumors which could emerge..

Best regards,
I have some thoughts about the terran Avenger. These are not final. The Bridge Officers where chosen to be this versatile for different build styles
Mirror Avenger Command Destroyer
Hull 65: 57,500
Hull modifier: 1.0
Shield modifier: 1.3
Turn rate: 15
Impulse modifier: 0.22
Inertia rating 80
Bridge Officers:
Tac/Command: Commander Tactical
Sci: Lieutenant
Universal/Command: Lieutenant Commander
Universal: Lieutenant Commander, Ensign
Bonus Power:
+15 Weapons power
+ 5 Engines Power
5 Tac
3 Sci
3 Eng
For: 5
Aft: 2
Can equip dual Cannons
Type-specific Experimental weapon
Device slots: 3
For the experimental weapon maybe a forward facing argonic railgun warhead. Uppon impact it deactivates engines for 5 sec and releases an agony cloud around the enemy (maybe 3km in diameter) which deals moderate constant phaser dmg through shields for as long as 10 sec every 1 sec. This could also has the ability to deactivate the engines again (40% maybe?)
Ship trait:
Wrath of the Empire
Everytime when a command ability or a energy fire mode is used the fire cycle haste of energy weapons is increased by up to 17.5% depending on weapons power for 15 Seconds. Every Phaser Weapon also now has the ability to deal phaser damage over time (like the agony phasers). This trait does not stack, it only refreshs the up time.Post edited by fighter3356 on0
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