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Wasteland secret of nimbus start?
Beiträge: 8 Arc Nutzer
i would like to start the wasteland missions but i dont know how. i was at admiral quinn nothing. in paradise city horace jones isnt tell me anything. Looked at the available tab nothing. At the romulan fleet i couldnt talk to nadel to start.... .
What can i do?
Greets E5
i would like to start the wasteland missions but i dont know how. i was at admiral quinn nothing. in paradise city horace jones isnt tell me anything. Looked at the available tab nothing. At the romulan fleet i couldnt talk to nadel to start.... .
What can i do?
Greets E5
Mission Replay
This mission is not repeatable through Mission Replay.
KDF players can access this mission right after the Tutorial.
>>>>>> Federation players must have completed "The Galaxy At Large" to unlock this mission. <<<<<
google sto wasteland nimbushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcquOnbNTTc
you find many answers with gooogle ask behind STO in the text
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