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Ship Away Team

villainvile Beiträge: 811 Arc Nutzer
bearbeitet August 2019 in (PC) Feedback
Zum Thema eigene Schiffe ausrüsten und mit in Episoden nehmen (nur Episoden, keine TFOs):
VileVillain schrieb:
I hope in the near future we can use our buyed Ships in a Team for Episodes. Like the Away Team.
Not like the Carrier Pets oder Jem’Hadar Escort Pets.
We wish to equip them, like our Ships, and take them with us.
Xillahne schrieb:
Oh, that's a brilliant idea! Having a ship away team on space missions would make it easier for players to complete it. I'll forward your suggestion for their review. I also encourage you to post your idea on the official game forums below so you can discuss them with other members of the community.
VileVillain schrieb:
And the personal Traits, based on Teams, may be more usefull with Ship Away Teams.
Xillahne schrieb:
I'll definitely add that and pass it to the appropriate team that has control of the game design. If you have any other concerns or queries, please let me know and I'd gladly assist you with it.
VileVillain schrieb:
I (and i think most of the other players) use my ships as bank for Equipment or different builds/setups.
If we can use ship away teams, so the items and sets from episodes and reputations will be good used.
L40 Rear Admiral Lower Half = 1 ship on team
L45 Rear Admiral Upper Half = 2 ships on team
L50 Vice Admiral = 3 ships on team
L55 Admiral = 4 ships on team
L60 Fleet Admiral = captain abilty “fleet support” will be modified. Now one of our own (equipped) ships will warp in or one of our fleet members or friends.
Chroma schrieb:
We appreciate the clarification about your feedback and suggestion. We highly appreciate your enthusiasm with providing us such detailed feedback that may help improve the game. Rest assured as we will forward your concern to the developers so they can review if there is a possibility to consider this change in the future.
VileVillain schrieb:
One more Thing for the ship away Team: Is it possibly to get a 5th Bridge Officer as Captain?
He/She should be have an universal seat (5 traits) which can use every specialization at once, but no regular Traits (Sci, Tac, Eng).
Every ship with its own Equipment and Bridge Officers. A Dream.
Xillahne schrieb:
All of your suggestions and feedback will be passed to the developers for review. I do hope that they will consider them and include them in the future game updates.
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