Neue Stats der Schiffe
Veteran der Sternenflotte Beiträge: 5 ✭
hier sind die neuen Stats aller Schiffe. Unter anderem wurde die Konsolenverteilung massiv verändert. Aber seht selbst...
Originally Posted by releasenotes
[*]Changed console and device slots on all of the following ships:
T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Fleet T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Was: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
Was: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
Dehlan Retrofit
Was: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Fleet Dehlan
Was: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Mogai Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Fleet Mogai Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 4 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Fleet Ha'apax
Was: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 4 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 4 Devices
[*]Altered the Boff Seating for all of the following ships:
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 2 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
Was: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science
Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Cmdr Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Dehlan Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Mogai Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet T'Varo
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Fleet Dehlan
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet Mogai
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet Ha'apax
Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
hier sind die neuen Stats aller Schiffe. Unter anderem wurde die Konsolenverteilung massiv verändert. Aber seht selbst...
Originally Posted by releasenotes
[*]Changed console and device slots on all of the following ships:
T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Fleet T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Was: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
Was: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
Dehlan Retrofit
Was: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Fleet Dehlan
Was: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Mogai Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Fleet Mogai Retrofit
Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 4 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
Fleet Ha'apax
Was: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 4 Devices
Now: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 4 Devices
[*]Altered the Boff Seating for all of the following ships:
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 2 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
Was: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science
Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science
Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Cmdr Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
T'Varo Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Dehlan Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Mogai Retrofit
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet T'Varo
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Fleet Dehlan
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet Mogai
Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
Fleet Ha'apax
Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
Post edited by zebulaan on
Fleet Dehlan
Was: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
Now: 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
Gef?llt mir
Obwohl wer wei?, ob dass so bestehen bleibt...0 -
hmmmm.... bin mir nich sicher, was ich davon halten soll.
spiele am liebsten wisschenschaftler und sehe nich unbedingt ein supi schiff dabei. aber gut noch is ja nix endgültig... vieleicht komme ich ja noch auf meine kosten^^0 -
Die Fleet Ha'apax haben sie versaut nur noch 3 Taktik konsolen
Warum nennen sie das Game nicht gleich Eskorten online, immer werden die Kreuzer zugrunde gerichtet0 -
Nett so hat mir Cryptic 20 Euro gespart. Wofür soll ich mir das Gründungspaket kaufen wenn der TVaro jetzt sowieso Mist ist.0
Gut das ich das nochmal gelesen hab: Jetzt bleibt es bei Klingonen
mfg"Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise."0
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