joarth72 Arc User
hi there , everyone ,
hope youre enjoying DSC ,
i just have a question to ask , will there any chances of buying warp effects in c-stores just like you buying bridges etc.. coz in order to have all your ships to gain the DSC warp effects (zoom sound) you have to use your DSC character , from the starter pack , yet sad is from lobi store , exchange to DSC starter pack you bought from your other characters (walker class or crossfield class) both also dont have the warp effects not like you have in kelvin timeline constitution it has warp effect , but if you buy any ships from your DSC characters you will have the DSC warp effects , secondly , does anyone know when can we have access of our other rooms or transporter room in walker class and crossfield ? if both issues can be costomized in c-stores that will be good at least players can choose what effect they want for their ship , same as you buy bridges in c-stores , any news about it , , i would love to hear , happy huntings