I've got my mine and torps on my tray. Prior to season 6 I could fire them independently. Now if I fire torpedoes (photons btw), my tricobalt mine falls out of the back of my ship simultaneously, which is sort of premature when I'm several kilometers away from my target. I've tried reassigning the torps and the mine to no…
Invest in explosives experts (no stubborn) and just grind the abandoned mine field and assist demolition assignments for engineering cxp. Also some repeatable colony assignments. Your success rates will be better and the payoff for resources invested is too. I don't touch that assignment. It's a ripoff.
I'll admit I've never used them. Just made some and the description seemed less than stellar. So perhaps if it said "+100 structural integrity skill", that would be more appropriate. But still, with the Chag Grass, how is two and a half hit points even considered a buff? How many times have you managed to pop a hypo with…
I used to craft a lot, but I've been kinda avoiding memory alpha because I have hit this bug every time since season 6. I did have to go there yesterday and after logging in after the second hallway crash, my avatar was dead, but still standing! I was even able to run around in the main room a bit. Couldn't chat. All of my…
First thing I thought when I strolled into our base for the first time and saw that thing was, "This'll be a very expensive fleet logo special project down the road."
Something I have noticed, much to my dismay because it was sort of a selling point for me, is that I am reduced to a skeleton crew on my Tac Odyssey as fast if not faster than on my Sovereign - a ship with 1/3 the crew of the Odyssey. This is all things being equal in terms of consoles used. That to me seems like a bug.…
Paraphrasing the description for the 5XP/5XP/5XP 'special' projects: 'To ensure large fleets have the ability to generate fleet credits' Their only purpose is to give more of the members in larger fleets an opportunity to get fleet credits because the larger fleets will naturally fill up their main projects much faster…
I stand corrected. The result is the same however. I'm cruising along (full combat speed + max maneuvering skill + elusive) with max shield skills, EPtS II, a fully charged Ageis Covariant Shield and my semi-impressive Odyssey hull, and I don't even get the chance to register how may of these warheads it took to reduce my…
Yeah. My Tactical Odyssey tank isn't invincible by any means, but it'll take a licking from two or three Borg tactical cubes for several minutes, unlike these warheads that'll one-shot me with their point defense.
I'd like to see weapon holsters on belts or straps if you're showing your equipped weapon. There's something rather silly about these anti-gravity sidearms that stick to people like glue. It's the little things that make a world immersive.
Having spent my Zen on other things, an account bank I cannot use yet which continually pulsates at me like I should be able to only insures I spend zero time sitting at my desk pondering my Borg wall trophies. Before, if I sat there at least my desk monitor would behave itself. I do however have on average eight reasons…
My 0.2. Seeing as your fighters are your main weapons, it's only fair that it costs you weapon power to launch them. As for how the Atrox actually works, I'll leave that up to the canon police, but it is often a device for carriers to use some sort of catapult system to get their fighters off in a hurry. If the Atrox uses…
It doesn't work for me either way. Even if I'm very specific down to actual item name in the correct categories, I cannot buy anything, and haven't been able to since season 6 went live. It's been a real downer for my game, as a large part of it for me is the trading. :(
Yes. That is the right thing. The Prototype is used at your ship engineer to manufacture 20 satellites of the type the prototype is for. Before season 6, I used these. Now I hoard them. :P
Considering the 'leaderboard' I'm looking at ranges from 200,000 at the top to 500 at the bottom, I'm not so convinced. It's misnamed. It should be the GreedRBoard.
I see these missions as often as one sees 'rare' missions. They're in the espionage category, and are most likely to be found in Romulan and/or bordering Romulan space, though I have found them elsewhere too. I just got a Heavy Phaser Turret Prototype mission a few hours ago.
Since season 6, my mine-launcher has bound itself to the high-yield torpedo boff action. Very annoying, as I'm not particularly interested in laying mines 7km from my target.
I have been experiencing this as well since season 6. It happens in the second hallway in from the transporter. The first time I went ahead with the file check at the prompt. The other three times I just started the game again as normal. It has happened every time I've gone to Memory Alpha since season 6.