You might wanna go over the new S31 command ship as well. The deflector doors were suposedly fixed last patch but now they float below the ship in combat. Makes me wonder if such changes get Q&A tested at all. This is especially frustrating since both ships are anything but cheap to aquire...
This is unacceptable. Forcing people to use a new feature - linking steam and arc accounts wich causes such a severe issue as an account wipe. You'd think stuff as critical as account data would be kept safe & secure no mater what. You guys better make an official post about that issue, if those account wipe reports turn…
That new landing page is pretty harassing. I dunno why you didn't test this Landing page on tribble. (I may be wrong.. but I didn't saw it in tribble). Please stop using Holodeck for bug testing and maybe fix stuff that has been broken for 2 years... No offence. I want this game to be great! And you devs are capable of…