Hope dies last, but it took the devs more than two years to fix the Dyson ship reclaim, so there's that too. It should be working next week because the flak will be exponentially growing with every patch this is not fixed. :)
Well, that IS tragic, if you want to go through Horga'hn Hunt with more than 1-2 alts. Also the amount of players who give up waiting after 1-2 minutes should be great. I don't think it is caused by the scavenger hunt overlay. Check the instances. HUGE amount of players online. Cryptic may have bitten more than they can…
Ok, so is anyone going to do anything about the map loading time on risa, or this thread is just considered as an outlet for our frustration, and cryptic is not even aware of it's existence?
It is comforting for me to know that this is called a "console UI". That is a definite distinction. However, maybe it is optional for pc players, I hope you get what you want.
uhh, I am perfectly aware of the idea behind the unlocks. It's not going to happen though. It would be like opening Pandora's box. Again, It's never going to happen.
I don't agree with account unlocks for an event that is held several times per year. I am doing the event on 9 characters because the dil comes in handy, and it pays marks for every rep. It won't be an account unlock IMHO. Get over it.
Does that really matter though?? Laying blame on any of the parties involved will not change the fact. Even then I wouldn't care since I will never play STO on the xbox 1 I happen to own. That's all there is to it. The majority of current players who would rather play this game on a console will not do so if what they…
I strongly disagree with that. It is a relatively hard game to master but that is what makes it a very-very good one too. It is not a console game. I do fear that STO will be dumbed down to accommodate your kind of perspective on UI playability.
Wow, that's some seriously sharp thinking there. How did you come up with that theory? No wonder there is no official info on the official forum. Every time new content is introduced, the whining starts, and the spitting follows. It's disgusting.
How exactly are you screwed? Any event tokens you earn you can contribute later - presumably even today - when they fixed the 2015 slotted projects to accept this year's tokens. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/434k28/2015_anniversary_reward_project_can_it_be/ So, again, what is it that you do not grasp?