Got around to trying it today and that was pretty much my experience. Players were doing their thing. Capping areas was not extraordinarily difficult, but them going straight from allied controlled to enemy controlled without a contested phase like the Undine BZ was annoying. After a little more than forever, we got the…
I know Cryptic hates doing split stories, but I so wish this is what happened when you aligned with the Klingons as a Romulan. I enjoyed the story so far and I anxiously await my next opportunity to serve the Empire.
I did the same thing. :) I suspect this will lead to some fireworks on the forums at launch from others doing the same. I also wonder how many and how quickly people will figure out 3 is the new 9, in that you only want 3 points in something that you really want to max out.
Well, things seem to be back to normal. Again. Got me a STF leaver penalty for getting kicked out of the game. How dare I! :grin: Edit: Ugh.... spoke too soon I guess.
That's fine that you do a lot of different things. I also do many of the things listed. The idea was not that you do one thing to the exclusion of the others, but just if you could identify one thing you tend to do more. I, like most I'm sure, do many different things, even from day to day, but I can identify Multiplayer…
Ships all look fine to me. Only thing is, the original Bortasqu is an amazing looking ship. Hard to top that. Still, some of those KDF Flagship images are pretty hot. There's a whole lot of Flagshippy goodness here. I'll probably grab the whole blasted megabundle at some point. I just have so many new ships right now, I…
For myself, it's PvE Multiplayer. While this is indeed what I prefer doing, I do wish the queues were more active. I would love to one day log in and see 1)Rewards that were tweaked for length and difficulty of each queue and 2)Queues packed with players!
Try HERE. Sadly, it hasn't been updated in a year, but it still has some pretty amazing missions. Relics by Kirkfat would be a good one to start with. Shows off some pretty cool Foundry tricks. The Omega event is also running now. You can play a mini-game until your wrists shatter and sanity becomes a thing of the past for…
I didn't care for ground combat either when I first started STO, but it's grown on me over the years. I've taken the time to get into it, with weapons I enjoy and suiting up the away team in uniforms. Speaking of your team, don't forget you have total control over them. Get them set up with good abilities and weapons and…
Taking my new Valiant for a test drive, I queued up for ISA. It pops, I engage and load up. If I would have been paying attention, I probably would have noticed I wasn't joining a new instance of ISA, but one already in progress. Upon entering, I see there are only two players still in the match and they're at the left…
But... this is anniversary. We celebrate. We celebrate the grind that was and the grind that is yet to come. We celebrate with grinding of the first kind, followed by grinding of the second kind. So grind! Grind little monkey! Grind! :grin:
Did it for 2 hours last night. My longest single run yet. By the time I threw in the towel, my wrist was not following my commands properly and my vision was starting to blur. I blame the hard day at work. I shall use the people in this thread as inspiration to push harder! It's probably a good thing my gaming sessions are…
That's the thing, right there. It's not even so much the time spent doing it, but that doing anything else feels like wasted time. Because.... This. And I don't spend cash on upgrading. I do spend it elsewhere, but upgrading, that's pure grind. And grind and grind and finally, "well, there's one beam. Back to grinding".…
Oh no, I went clear off the deep end. :) Crazy yes, but the queues sure would be hopping that month! Anyway, I got a little bit of time now. I best get in there and get to grinding.
If I just counted correctly, it would be 38 actually. There's so many I don't play, I didn't realize... hmm. Oh well. It was a thought. And no, it's not that the Omega thing is bad, but doing anything that much is going to suck eventually. "But you don't have to do it" Yeah and I don't "have" to go to work either, but with…
If I had more time, I'd post some pics of my Romulan Boffs. I dress them like clowns and give them names that would probably offend someone, so I'll spare the class. A simple solution would be Officer schools at the Fleet holdings. If you want a Romulan, great sign one up. If you don't, you send one of your Officers to…
To be fair, I can see how some people would assume it's just another symptom of the persistent "regular" lag issues. If there wasn't constantly latency issues with the game, people would probably be more apt to suspect something more is going on when this nonsense happens.
And we're still sifting through the fallout. I'm in a large fleet (fleets actually). We used to call for matches all the time and not just the old standbys. Used to be we'd run multiple matches as whenever something was called, so many people would X up, there would almost always be more than necessary. Pretty much…
I think people are greatly over estimating the effect this would have. You can actually get a preview of what it would be like, with the 2 piece bonus from the Counter Command Ordnance set. It raises the proc rate for Biomolecular Incubation (bonus radiation damage that ignores shields) up to 4.5%. I can tell you from…
20% Crit rate is easily achievable these days. 30+% for Romulans. As for power creep, my Sig may give some indication of my feelings towards run-away power creep. What I'm suggesting is more of power balance. Giving a little something to the weapons that, in my opinion at least, have been left behind. -Edit- And just FYI,…
Delta Rising, with it's Buff to NPC hit points and mission fail conditions proved that this would not be the case. Many (most?) players will not adapt, hence the eventual removal of fail conditions. The DPS crowd would, as always, continue without issue, pug queues would be in even worse shape than they already are. Save…
There was a time before carriers got screwed revamped, when pet AI was not an issue, for the simple reason of being able to launch new pets at your current location any time your hangers were off CD. When your pets fell behind, wondered off, got stuck, whatever it didn't matter. You relaunched them and got on with the…