The keyword there being <FREE> and for a FREE T6 ship its worth enduring a whole 2 mins of racing that you have to do 25 times. If you consider a 2 min race to be a grind then you are a fool.
My wallet is bolted shut wrapped in razor wire with a thick chain chocking it :D Once PW realizes they are not making a profit off STO they will pull the plug and guess what no more STO. At this point I could careless if the game sinks or swims. If people are dumb enough to give their money away to a game that has clearly…
As I've said on other post you (Cryptic) want to charge us (the players) for ships we already bought and you are charging us just to bring them up to T5-U not even bring them to T6 yet you want to charge us money well my wallet speaks louder then this post and my wallet says you are not getting any of my money :cool:…
If you dont like the game dont play it its as simple as that. Take your little whiny attitude and leave this game doesnt need more people like you :mad:
Having actually served on a real carrier I can say that not all fighters are designed to launch from carriers. An F-16 would be ripped in two from launching from the catapults. Now in space if there is a need to launch fighters you want to get those birds out as fast as possible which means you will need a launch system to…
I'm assuming you mean major lag but yeah I've heard alot of players talking about it when i was playing sto. People with high end gaming PC's are having lag issues (I stopped playing the game because what ever changes they made to the game my PC can barley handle it and its not worth the head ache anymore so I hung up my…
That is a very ignorant remark. You don't know anything about people in special ed your probably the person the picks on those poor kids. I was in special ed from 2nd grade to my junior year in high. I graduated high school with a 3.4 GPA and served in the US NAVY as a machinist mate (engineer) was got ribbons from being…
You can indeed I've done it with my fleet Dhalon warbird. To get the mirror skin you have to buy the mirror ship to unlock it but after you buy it you can discharge it and you will have the mirror skin unlocked :cool:
I was in the same boat as you guys but with the recent changes made on tribble i can log in now with out any problems but most of you peeps cant :( that's very odd :confused:
Those whom are doom sayers are not dev's they have no idea whats going on behind the doors of the cryptics office there fore they have no proof to back up their clams of how the rest of us who are not able to get in game will be left out for the rest of eternity. Dont listen to what other players say since they are in the…
I understand how it could be offensive i wear glasses that's like somebody calling me a four eyes or calling a klingon a romulan but if the powers that be don't want us using lepers because of the offensive nature of the word I can and will respect it for them and others with the disease :cool: