You know, thats the problem right there. That quote nailed it. I, being a returning player, haven't leveled a character in a while -- and let me tell you, I couldn't WAIT to get into my D'deridex. When I dinged at 30 I slotted up, changed a few BOFF's around, and took 'er into combat with an "enemy contact" mission that…
Thanks for the screen shots. Anyone know what the (base) DPS is for the MKXII Borg Quantum Torpedoes? I'd like to see how different they are from one another.
Ugh. Hearing these reports is really hampering my spirits. I've been waiting for a long time for the Sovereign refit, and I was ecstatic when I heard it was coming this week. But, now that I'm hearing about the Metreon Gas, and the Torp Launcher, I'm sort of on the fence. I still want to buy it, but I don't know. One guy,…